1. Oprah Winfrey – Roses and Vegetables

“I don’t think of flowers as something material, Flowers come, and then they go back to where they came from. You can’t hold them for long.”

Oprah needs no introduction! She is fond of roses, and her garden has lots of them. She especially loves growing Brass Band and Marilyn Monroe roses. Apart from the roses, Oprah Winfrey also devotes her time in farming and has an organic vegetable farm in Maui, Hawaii.

2. Julia Roberts

“We had an abundance of kale in our garden last year, so I got my kids hooked on crispy kale snacks.”

We all know and love Juia Roberts from her heart winning performance in the movie Pretty Woman. While most of us know about her acting skills, only a few of us are aware of the fact that she is also a great fan of organic gardening and her never-ending love for Kale.

3. Zooey Deschanel

“I have a garden of Edibles, Tangerines, Oranges, Lemons, Plums, and Peaches.”

Zooey Deschanel is a famous American Actress, Model, Songwriter, and singer. She has started The Farm Project, where she is growing organic vegetables along with Jacob Pechenik, who is also a well-known celebrity. Their vision is to connect people to food and encourage them to grow their own.

4. Betsy Brandt

“I grab rosemary and put it in my piecrust or whatever I’m doing.”

Betsy Brandt is best known for her role as Marie Schrader, in the AMC drama series–Breaking Bad. Betsy loves gardening, and her home is a reflection of what she loves, surrounded by different species of plants and trees. She likes to grow herbs in her garden, especially Rosemary and devotes a lot of her spare time growing it.

5. Jessica Alba

“I teach my children to honor nature and how to cook with what we grow in the garden.”

Sin City’s actress’s home is a place to be where you will be astounded by the selection of indoor plants that she has. She loves growing a variety of succulents, along with several other varieties of indoor plants. She is an avid environmentalist as well, owning a company that sells natural and eco-friendly home and baby products.

Also Read: Most Essential Indoor Gardening Tips

6. Jake Gyllenhaal

“I grew up around gardens, growing my food. My family did that a lot, and it was a real source of community growing up.”

Jake Gyllenhaal believes that we need to reshape the way we eat and grow our own food to come closer to nature. The Brokeback Mountain’s star is very much fond of home gardening, and you will find him getting his hands dirty in the mud often. He is also a brand ambassador and spokesperson of The Edible Schoolyard Project. This program teaches children how to grow and cook their food and live a healthy lifestyle.

7. Suzanne Somers

“I love walking through my garden every morning to choose fresh produce for my recipes.”

If you ever stumble to Suzanne Somersto’s Instagram, you will know about her love for plants. A famous health spokesperson, her talks often reflect the importance of organic gardening and food. She insists on growing fresh veggies like Lettuce, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and believes that growing vegetables offers a connection with nature.

8. Sienna Miller – Fruits and Vegetable Plants

“I’ve got a cottage garden at home in London, where I’m growing vegetables for the first time in my life. It’s all about my vegetables!”

The American Movie star loves growing her veggies and fruits at her London home. Sienna Miller has confessed to having found solace in gardening from her very demanding lifestyle and spends a lot of time in her garden growing different varieties of plants and vegetables.

9. Martha Stewart

“On being asked in an interview-Is diamond your best friend? She replied – NO! Garden is!”

How could we miss Martha Stewart? She’s an avid gardener and grows a wide variety of plants. She also spreads her gardening knowledge and tips through books, blogs, TV shows, and YouTube channel. Check out some of her gardening ideas here.

10. Lauren Conrad

“Gardening is a favorite hobby of mine, whether it’s flowers or planting fresh fruits and veggies. It’s very therapeutic for me.”

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