If you are a laid-back gardener who’s not interested to spend a lot of time caring for plants, then we have some Easy-Peasy Houseplants for you, and Growing Them is a Cinch!
Here are the easiest to grow philodendron varieties
Best Easy-Peasy Houseplants
1. Chinese Money Plant
Botanical Name: Pilea peperomioides
Also popular as a good luck plant, the coin-shaped round green leaves are the main attraction of this easy to maintain houseplant. Keep it where it can bask in the glory of dappled light and it will continue to thrive for years!
This cheerful plant grows fast! Learn its growing details here
2. Cast-Iron Plant
Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior
This indestructible houseplant is a boon for newbie gardeners, as it survives on neglect and grows well in shade. The stunning lance-shaped leaves have deep green and glossy hue and can grow upto 2 feet long!
Learn how to grow cast-iron plants here
3. Dumb Cane
Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia
The large leaves of the dumb cane, with beautiful patterns and colors, look great with every decor. It is really easy to care for – just keep it away from pets and children.
Here’s everything you need to know about growing dumb cane
4. Lucky Bamboo
Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana
Lucky bamboo is just not only popular for attracting good fortune but as long as you change the water, it is quite indestructible! The best thing about this plant is you can grow it in any room whether it’s the kitchen counter, office desk, or table centerpiece – it rocks everywhere!
Check out our article on growing lucky bamboo here
5. Jade Plant
Botanical Name: Crassula ovata
Not only the plant is easy to maintain and looks awesome, but it also offers tonnes of benefits. It also comes in different varieties that you can check out here.
6. Wandering Jew
Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
The cheerful, variegated leaves offer a pop of color to your plant collection! It is very low maintenance and looks great in hanging planters and mini baskets.
Find out the best wandering jew varieties and care tips here
7. Arrowhead Plant
Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum
If you are looking for a beautiful houseplant with variegated leaves that’s easy to grow and maintain, then Arrowhead Plant is an apt choice for you. It performs well in shade and looks gorgeous year-round.
Check the best Arrowhead vine varieties here
8. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata
Snake plant is the most easy-peasy plant and growing and caring it is as simple as cutting a piece of cake. Can’t believe it? Read this article about growing snake plants indoors and take advantage of its low-maintenance nature, air-purifying abilities, and unique appearance.
9. Aloe
Botanical Name: Aloe
The plants in the aloe genus are all easy to grow, low-maintainance, and air-purifying, but it is the aloe vera that offers the most medicinal benefits. Follow these aloe vera indoor decor ideas and stylize your space.
Here are the best aloe varieties you can grow
10. Golden Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
A great choice for a forgetful or new gardener, golden pothos grows fast with striking variegated leaves in low-light conditions and thrives well with irregular watering schedules. Grow this trailing vine over shelves or furniture and purify the indoor air as a bonus from this NASA-approved plant.
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