If you want a plant for your home that doesn’t grow wide and takes a little space, then you must try Straight Growing Houseplants. They are perfect for urban homes and add color to the decor without asking for too much room.
Here are the best tall tree-like houseplants you can grow
Straight Growing Houseplants
1. Pickle Plant
Botanical Name: Kleinia stapeliiformis
Also known as ‘Senecio stapeliiformis,’ it is quite an attractive specimen that grows straight and produces purple-green, patterned pencil-like stems and soft spines along the sides.
Check out some lovely senecio varieties here
2. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata
The straight, sword-like foliage has a thick texture and an upright growing pattern. It can survive in low light and less water too! Learn how to grow snake plants indoors here.
Have a look at the best snake plant varieties here
3. African Milk Tree
Botanical Name: Euphorbia trigona
This slow-growing, tall, and evergreen spiny succulent can attain a height of 3-7 feet indoors. It enjoys bright light but not direct sun and is easy to care for.
Here are the best trees you can grow indoors
4. Bamboo
Botanical Name: Bambusoideae
This fast-growing straight houseplant is easy to maintain indoors as long as you provide it the right position and care. Looks great in every room!
Learn growing bamboo in pots here
5. Madagascar Dragon Tree
Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata
Dracaena marginata offers stiff, red-purple foliage on straight slim stems. The plant is popular for its less demanding nature, but it cannot tolerate low light.
Check out more dracaena varieties here
6. Coarctata Haworthia
Botanical Name: Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis
This striking specimen has an upright growth pattern and shows off pointed leaves tightly clumped together with a speckled white outer layer.
Have a look at some stunning Haworthia varieties here
7. Vriesea Flaming Sword
Botanical Name: Vriesea splendens
This vriesea bromeliad looks spectacular with its red sword-like flower head that can grow up to 2-3 feet tall! Keep in mind that only the flower of the plant grows in an upright fashion.
Check out more bromeliad types here
8. Yucca
Botanical Name: Yucca elephantipes
Yucca looks like a miniature palm tree. This dwarf tree grows slowly and takes years to take up your space. Grows best when exposed to 2-3 hours of direct morning sunlight.
9. Kentia Palm
Botanical Name: Howea forsteriana
This popular Victorian-era houseplant is a slow-grower and can attain a maximum height of 10 feet. The plant grows straight, but its fronds have a bit of a spread.
Explore beautiful indoor palm varieties here
10. Victoria
Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans ‘Victoria’
The stem of Victoria grows straight with slender leaves patterned in yellow stripes. A great plant to keep near a study desk or couch for an elegant look.
11. Narrow Leaf Bird of Paradise
Botanical Name: Strelitzia juncea
This variety has reed-shaped foliage, which isn’t like banana leaves. It grows straight and makes for a great choice for corners in mid to large size containers.
Have a look at more bird of paradise varieties here
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