If you want to have an uninterrupted supply of fresh greens in your home, then here are the best Container Vegetables that Magically Regrow Themselves you can grow.

Have a look at kitchen scraps that can become future houseplants here

Container Vegetables that Magically Regrow Themselves

1. Garlic Greens

Botanical Name: Allium sativum

Garlic greens offer more amazing and mild flavor than garlic. They can be grown in containers and you can start to harvest when they are 8-15 inches tall.

Pro Tip: Trim the greens above one inch of shoots above the soil line for continuous harvest.

Check out our article on growing garlic greens  here

2. Scallions

Botanical Name: Allium fistulosum

Scallions taste great in grilled meat, soups, eggs, stews, and dips. You can grow them in limited space for uninterrupted supply in pots. Pick the green onions when they are 6-8 inches tall and follow the cut and come again method for a regular harvest.

Here’s all you need to know about growing green onions

3. Kale

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica

You can grow kale in pots and harvest in 65-80 days after sowing seeds when the plant grows up to 10-12 inches tall. Cut the individual leaves as needed or harvest the entire plant leaving 2-3 inches at the bottom, and it will grow again.

Learn growing kale in containers here

4. Lettuce

Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa

Lettuce can be grown in containers for continuous harvest. When the leaves grow up to 4-6 inches pick the outer ones individually or harvest them by cutting them 1 inch from above the base or crown.

Note: Don’t cut below the crown as it can kill your plant.

Check out our article for growing lettuce here

5. Spinach

Botanical Name: Spinacia oleracea

Growing spinach is very easy and it will be ready for harvest 37-50 days after germination, depending on the cultivar and growing conditions. Remember to pick the outer leaves first. You can also cut the whole plant at the base with a knife and the plant will magically regrow again.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing spinach

6. Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

Basil is quite a popular aromatic and medicinal herb that can be grown easily for use in food and beverages. Start harvesting when you see 3-5 sets of leaves by picking them from the top, leaving the second set of leaves. Repeat this process every 10-14 days for new shoots.

Learn how to grow basil indoors year-round here

7. Parsley

Botanical Name: Petroselinum crispum

Parsley can be harvested 2-3 months after planting. Look for stems having three or more clusters of leaves and pick them as required. The plant regrows magically across the entire season, even after harvest.

Check out our article for growing parley in pots here

8. Beet Greens

Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris

Beets can be harvested from 6-8 weeks after germination and you can pick beet greens when they are a few inches long by snipping the outer leaves. Leave the small inner foliage so that it grows and gets ready for harvest later.

Here’s all you need to know about growing beets 

9. Broccoli

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. italica

You can harvest broccoli in 60-80 days after transplantation in containers. Harvest the light green buds, leaving the outer foliage intact as they will boost the new growth and you’ll soon have new buds again!

Read our article for growing broccoli in pots here

10. Arugula

Botanical Name: Eruca vesicaria ssp. sativa

Grow arugula in pots in well-draining soil under the bright sun. You can harvest it when seedlings are 3-4 inches long. Only remove the outer leaves by cutting them near the base and leave the crown undamaged and it will regrow itself soon.

Note: You can also harvest by cutting the leaves just above the soil, and the plant magically regrow if the weather is cool. Also, keep it away from the harsh afternoon sun. 

11. Bok Choy

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis

Bok Choy’s tender leaves can be harvested after 3-4 weeks. Just snip the outer foliage carefully and allow the inner leaves to re-grow.

Check out our article on growing bok choy here.

12. Turnip Greens

Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa

Growing turnip in pots is fun and you can harvest the greens when they grow up to 10-12 inches tall, leaving the roots intact. Allow them to fill back in and you will have a plentiful harvest soon!

Here’s all you need to know about growing turnips

  • Kathy
  • May 8, 2021 At 12:54 am
  • This was such a helpful article! I am just now starting to grow potted vegetables for the first time in my life… so exciting. Thank you for sharing!
  • Reply

This was such a helpful article! I am just now starting to grow potted vegetables for the first time in my life… so exciting. Thank you for sharing!

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