Whenever a plant looks quite dead to you, there is a slight chance that it still has a chance at life and may miraculously start living again with the kind of right care. Read on to learn about Hacks That Will Bring Back Any Dying Plant to Life!

Learn everything about how to revive a dying orchid here

Hacks That Will Bring Back Any Dying Plant to Life

1. Trim Back Dead Bits

Take pruning shears or a pair of sharp scissors and cut back all the dying parts of the plants. Trim away dead and yellow leaves along with the stems and the flowers and buds if it has any. This way, the plant will start focusing its energy on the remaining parts that are doing well.

2. Add a Bit of Compost and Aerate the Soil

Over time, the soil becomes compact and hard in the pot, and it would be a great idea to aerate the growing medium now and then.

While doing so, make sure that you are adding a layer of compost to it—all this will help the roots to breathe better, making the plant healthy.

Here’s all you need to know about composting

3. Change the Container

If any of your container plants need frequent watering and look too big for a pot and dying, there could be a chance that the pot is getting smaller for the plant—re-pot that in one size bigger pot with a fresh growing medium to rejuvenate it.

Just like your plant in a too-small container, notice if any of your plants are not in an overly large pot. If so, shift it into an appropriate size planter. Houseplants planted in a very big pot grow slowly and die due to overwatering.

Check out our article on how to re-pot the plants in the right way here

4. Use Filter Water for Your Plants!

Fluoride, chlorine, and minerals like calcium are rich in tap water. For example, bamboo plants could die because of the chlorine in the water.

Use RO, Well, Spring, or Rainwater. And if you are using tap water, allow it to sit overnight for the salts to settle down at the bottom of the container.

Here are the best watering rules you need to follow

5. The Right Location

When you notice some changes in your plant health and feel it is starting to die, observe the light conditions. It may be possible that the plant might be receiving more or less than it needs, causing it to wilt.

Move the plant to a brighter location if it is struggling for the sunlight or shift it to a shaded place if there is too much heat and direct light.

Confused about which plant for which room? Find it here

6. Check if your Plant Needs a Good Shower

If the plants show signs like yellowing and browning of the leaves or foliage curling up with some brittleness, it could be because of underwatering. You may need to give your thirsty plant a good shower.

Also, move the plant to a location that receives a good amount of humidity, such as the bathroom. The plant will start absorbing moisture via its leaves.

7. Leave Parts of the Stem Intact

Even if the stems look dead to you, you should avoid trimming all of them down to the roots. Leave about 5-7 centimeters of the stem intact above the soil. You might notice new growth spurting after a few days.

8. Save Cold Damaged Plants

Are your plants suffering from the harsh winters? The cold spells can cause severe damage to your plants that are not very tolerant toward frost, such as Jasmine vines.

It is a great idea to use a frost blanket or shift it to a protected place until the weather gets warmer in such situations. It is most likely that the plant will grow back again in spring.

9. Repot Overwatered Plants

Is your plant wilting away? Leaves are brown, soft, and mushy? Poke your index finger in the soil–is it soggy? If so, it must be due to overwatering. In such a case, it is a good idea to take the plant out of the pot and inspect the roots. Trim away the rotten ones.

Once done, re-plant it in a new pot using a fresh potting mix but do not water it soon. It will not only revive your plant but also give it a fresh start for a healthier life and look pretty in a beautiful planter! Make sure you are never overwatering it again!

10. Go Easy with the Fertilizer

Whenever plants look sick or dead, the fertilizer may end up causing more harm than good. So, it is best to put a pause on the feeding plan even though it looks very tempting to you.

Always feed the plant once in 2-8 weeks, depending upon its growth, plant type, and potency of fertilizer. Also, avoid fertilizing them in winters.

11. Remove Pests

Pests can surely kill healthy plants, and you need to be careful. Look for signs such as curling up of leaves, abnormal growth, discolored and deformed foliage, and holes in the leaves. A mild insecticidal soap solution is capable of solving most pest problems.

Have a look at the best natural pesticide here

12. Check Disease and Fungus Problems Immediately

Most plants are prone to diseases, and each one has its specific symptoms and treatment. If you think the plants have caught some disease, it is best to search for the specific symptoms on the web or speak with an expert and follow the instructions to treat the plants. Also, remember to isolate the plant immediately to prevent further spread to other plants.

In most cases, not wetting the foliage, using sterilized soil, clean tools, and pots can prevent these!

In the end, if you’re sure about the ultimate demise of your plant friend, it’s best to take some cuttings from it for propagation as most of the houseplants regrow well from stem or leaf cuttings.

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