Being a plant parent is not an easy job, and no matter how careful you are, there might be some plants in your collection not getting enough care and attention from your side, which may lead to their untimely demise. Worry not–with some of these Quick Hacks for Dying Plants, and you will be able to bring them back from the ICU!

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Quick Hacks for Dying Plants

1. Checking Signs of Survival

Inspect carefully whether the stems and roots have signs of life or not. If the roots are pliant and firm with green stems, you can still revive the plant. But if you notice mushy,  brittle roots and stems, it implies the plant is either dead or can’t be saved.

2. Identify the Problem

Find out why your plant is dying and consider all the prospects–fertilizer, sunlight exposure, amount of water, pests and diseases. Different plants have different requirements, and going by ‘one rule fits all’ is something you must avoid when it comes to taking care of them.

Check out our article on the quick checklist to revive your dying houseplants here

3. Prune the Dead Parts

Remove all dead parts of the plant, so its energy is used to save those parts, which still have life. Begin by pruning the dead foliage first and then trimming the dead stems, one third at a time, until you notice green growth. New stems will emerge from trimmed ones. Also, get rid of flowers or fruits as well, if there are any.

4. Water them Right

Brown, curled-up leaves if they are dry and brittle, and dry roots are a sign of a thirsty plant. But if you have plants like cacti and succulents, then avoid watering them every now and then. Water them only when the topsoil goes completely dry.

Plants like ferns and alocasias love water, and you have to be careful, never let the soil dry out completely in their pots. It all depends on the types of plants you have when it comes to maintaining the right watering schedule.

5. Transfer the Plant to a Humid Area

If you have humidity loving houseplants, move them to a humid spot, away from harsh direct sunlight, air vents, and other dry air sources. Keep the fact in mind that not all plants enjoy humidity. For example, placing succulents in a humid spot will harm them.

6. Use Non-Chlorinated Water

Some plants like bamboos are sensitive towards chlorinated water. Using filtered, pond, well, rain, spring, fish tank, or rain water for them instead of using tap water will be beneficial. If you want your plants to be lush green, always go for non-chlorinated water.

7. Stop Using Fertilizer for a While

When your plant is struggling, and you see it in critical condition, hold the use of fertilizer at this time as it can do more harm than good. Resume fertilization only when the plant recovers and shows some signs of growth. Also, avoid feeding your plants in the extreme winter or hotter months if you live in a cold or hot region.

8. Place the Plant at the Right Spot

Sunlight is necessary for some plants, and lack of sufficient light can result in stunted growth, weak stems, pale and small foliage, resulting in plants being prone to pests and diseases. Move your sun-loving plants to the sunniest possible spot.

When it comes to shade-loving plants, do not expose them to too much direct sunlight as it will burn their foliage.

9. Take Sensitive Plants Indoors

Some plant varieties don’t perform well in direct sun. If you notice dry, bleached, and patchy foliage. It’s a sign of too much sun exposure; in that kind of situation, move your plant to a shaded spot or indoors. Also, it’s important to move sensitive plants indoors in winters.

10. Safeguard Winter Damaged Plants

If your plants are damaged due to cold drafts, cover them with a frost blanket or a bubble wrap until the weather changes; the plants will grow again in spring.

11. Accommodate Plants in a Bigger Pot

Sometimes, plants die due to inappropriate pot size and living in a root-bound state for a long time. Replanting them in a bigger pot using fresh, fertile, and well-drained soil will provide sufficient space for roots to grow and flourish.

12. Fertilize Plants at Right Time in Right Proportion

Incorrect quantity and type of fertilizer can harm your plants. Always follow the instructions on the label and feed accordingly. As a general rule of thumb, fertilize the plants during spring to fall when they’re in the growth phase.

13. Get Rid of Pests & Diseases

Discoloration of foliage, curled or folded leaves are the basic signs of pests and diseases. Find out the reason for the pest invasion and disease outbreak and go for a solution according to the need. If you’re into organic gardening, you can try neem oil or a mild water soap solution for some time regularly to get the result.

Also Read: How Rusty Nails Can Save Your Dying Plants

  • Ann
  • October 16, 2020 At 1:28 am
  • Hm
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  • Elena carolasan
  • October 16, 2020 At 4:03 am
  • Thankbyou for shring i kj earned a lot
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  • Uma prabhakaran
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  • Lola
  • May 30, 2022 At 2:23 am
  • Great article… Thanks for sharing😘
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Thankbyou for shring i kj earned a lot

Your nots bignners guide is no way helping seeing your post, I planted brinjal, ladies finger, chilly, marrygold, bean nothing has come ,

Great article… Thanks for sharing😘

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