No garden is complete without a lush green lawn. If maintained greatly, it gives a soft velvety touch to a garden, plus a favorite site to leap and lie down for pets and children. To help you out, here are the best Lawn Care Tips!

Here are Expert Bonsai Tree Care Tips for Beginners

Lawn Maintenance Care Tips

1. Go Native

Don’t go for fancy stuff, always plant grass that is native, local, and perfectly adapted to your climate. Examine sunshine, temperature, growing conditions, and soil type to choose a grass type you should grow. All this will play a crucial role in long term lawn maintenance.

This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

2. Check the Soil pH

What’s your soil pH? For best lawn maintenance, a pH level of around 6 to 7.2 is required. Test your soil pH using a meter, and if it’s not around the required level, amend your soil type.

Do you Know Gardening can Make You Money? Learn here 

3. Take Care of the Sunshine!

Don’t plan lawns in a completely shady area. For good grass quality and growth, it is important that they get a minimum of 3-5 hours of sunlight. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

4. Be Careful with Watering

Morning time is right for watering, as the water evaporates less. You can also water the lawn late in the evening. Always avoid moistening the grass on a daily basis and do it only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch.

Also, if you can get a sprinkler installed, nothing like it for good long-term lawn maintenance!

Find out some Homemade Fertilizer Recipes here 

5. Keep Mowing

Mow your lawn before the grass grows too tall, as it can shock its roots and dull the blades of the mower, too.

For example, you should cut buffalo grass when it grows to about 2-3 inches tall and hybrid Bermudagrass when it reaches around 1-2 inches tall. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

6. Take Care of the Weeds

If you want effective weed control in your lawn, plant a variety of tall grass – it’ll cover up the space for weeds and cut off their sunlight.

Keep a close track of the grass and remove the weeds if you spot any. This is the most basic lawn maintenance tip you have to follow.

Here are Native Weeds with Thistles

7. Make Edgings

Edgings restrict grasses from out bounding the lawn and give it a clean look. You can use plastic edging or timber, concrete, or brick edging. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

8. Aerate to Ensure it Stays in the Best Shape

Aerate your lawn twice a year in both spring and fall. Aerating helps the root system and soil by providing air and water. It also improves nutrient penetration.

Find out some Fantastic Gardening Hacks here 

9. Fertilize to Keep it Thriving

The best time to fertilize your lawn is in its growing season, every 6-8 weeks, using a balanced fertilizer. Do refer to the label for dosage and instructions. You can also go for a 22-23-4 blend.

You can also use compost or manure, as they are rich in nitrogen and a better organic option than chemical fertilizers. Cow manure is also a great option. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

10. Train Pets

Train your pets in a way that they don’t run the entire length of the lawn. Reserve a small part of the lawn and allow them in that specific area to ensure they don’t end up damaging the entire lawn by running all over. This will keep lawn maintenance in check for a long time.

Here are Plants that Dogs Love to Eat

11. Reseed Thin Areas

If some parts of the lawn are looking patchy, then it is time to reseed the area in order to get the grass growing again. Always go for the grass variety that grows best in your zone. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

12. Keep Cleaning Dead and Decaying Matter

Make sure you take care of the dead grass from time to time. If you have a tree nearby, ensure to clean up the fallen leaves.

A cleaned lawn looks not only great but also gets proper sunlight and moisture, which keeps it healthy and safe from potential diseases and issues. This is one of the most important Lawn Care Tips you need to follow.

13. Keep the Pests Away

Lawn grubs, aphids, and other common pests can be a problem and it would be a good idea to keep a keen eye on them. If you spot an infestation, use the necessary measures to keep your lawn safe from pest attacks.

Here are DIY Insecticidal Soap Recipes for the Garden to Kill Pests

  • Merna

  • March 27, 2016 At 12:54 am

  • We have had a mushroom problem. Any tips on how to get rid of this.

  • Reply

  • admin

  • March 30, 2016 At 3:56 am

  • The mushrooms in your lawn do not harm it. Moreover, it shows your soil is rich in organic matter. Mushroom spores usually spread through the air so the best option is to remove them as soon as you see them. A few more things can be done to get rid of lawn mushrooms are:

    1. Aerate the soil, it will solve the drainage issues.
    1. If you keep the lawn moist and water more often, reduce it.
    1. If there is organic matter decomposing, either buried or somewhere near the lawn, remove it. You can also wait and once the decomposition process will complete, the fungus will disappear.
  • Reply

  • Matilda Feest

  • August 23, 2021 At 5:51 pm

  • I had the same problem with my garden. But after solving drainage issues my problem has been solved.

  • Reply

  • Kyler Brown

  • April 1, 2016 At 5:08 pm

  • My wife and I are trying to improve the look of our lawn a little better. I really appreciated these tips, especially number seven. I never quite know when the best time to cut is, so I liked your rule to cut when it reaches the one third or more of the suggested mowing height. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply

  • Sarah Anderson

  • April 15, 2016 At 2:19 pm

  • Lawn care can indeed be difficult, but getting a grass meant to be in your area is a good way to make it easier. If you get grass that isn’t native to where you live, then you are just asking for your lawn to die. Each grass has different needs as well as to how much water and such, so research that before you get any.

  • Reply

  • Jorge McMillan

  • April 15, 2016 At 7:55 pm

  • This is the first spring that my wife and I will have a yard on our own. Neither of us know how to properly take care of a lawn though, so we are trying to get an idea of how to get started in this process. This helped a ton and we will start with the mowing process and keep it at the right height.

  • Reply

  • James Bergman

  • May 20, 2016 At 2:59 pm

  • Thanks for the tips. I think that the best thing I have done for my lawn is to aerate it and make sure it gets fertilized often. However, I do tend to let it grow too long. I didn’t know that grass could get sunburned, and heard that longer grass is healthier and takes less water. I guess that wasn’t true.

  • Reply

  • Faylinn

  • May 21, 2016 At 3:20 pm

  • My lawn gets a lot of weeds, but I had no idea that it could be because of the lack of calcium. I know that calcium comes from milk and so I just never thought about it. However, I really appreciate your tips about spreading lime so that the grass can have that nutrient. But is there a way to make my lawn naturally obtain calcium?

  • Reply

  • Daelin

  • June 27, 2016 At 6:00 pm

  • I didn’t even know that half of these problems existed, but the solutions seem very simple and easy. Having grown up in a very hot climate, maintaining our lawn was not easy; we might also have become too lax. It is impressive that places with large and beautiful landscapes are able to maintain lawns, flower beds and even trees all year long.

  • Reply

  • Lillian Schaeffer

  • July 11, 2016 At 4:57 pm

  • These are some great tips, and I appreciate your advice to grow grass that is native to your climate. My husband and I just moved into a new house, and the yard is just dirt right now, so we want to start growing a lawn. We’ll definitely look into growing a type that is native to the climate here so it doesn’t take as much to keep it healthy. Thanks for the great post!

  • Reply

  • Hazel Adams

  • July 11, 2016 At 7:16 pm

  • I think that it is important to be able to take care of your lawn. That way your yard is healthier. Keeping your lawn maintained is really important.

  • Reply

  • Braden Bills

  • July 13, 2016 At 12:23 pm

  • I’ve been trying to come up with a good way to keep my lawn healthy. I’ve got kids with friends and a dog, so I don’t want to have it get trampled. I’ll see what I can do to get it to aerate! Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply

  • Jac

  • July 19, 2016 At 7:17 pm

  • I have been looking for some good tips to get my lawn nice and green. I really liked what you said about not going for fancy stuff. I think that a good lawn needs sun and water and a little bit of extra fertilizer. After that it’s up to your lawn to flourish. Thank you for these tips!

  • Reply

  • Gregory Willard

  • July 20, 2016 At 4:59 pm

  • I had no idea that you should water your lawn in the mornings. I usually will water my grass at night, before I go to bed. I will have to change the schedule so that it can be as healthy as possible.

  • Reply

  • Justin Knox

  • July 26, 2016 At 2:54 pm

  • Thank you for the help. I bought a house recently for the first time and am trying to learn about landscape maintenance. I had not realized that I need to find the right mix of fertilizer with nitrogen and water and things like that. It sounds complicated. Would it be wise for me to hire a maintenance service until I can learn more?

  • Reply

  • rob

  • August 14, 2016 At 2:51 pm

  • The tips plotted here are wonderful , i am pleased thanks

  • Reply

  • Kendall Ryder

  • August 19, 2016 At 2:56 pm

  • I always water my lawn at night. I didn’t realize that the morning time was the best time to water. I will have to make that change. I want to make sure I am doing everything I need to in order to keep my lawn looking as best it can!

  • Reply

  • Tommy

  • September 11, 2016 At 8:28 pm

  • These tips are spot on. Over the years watering the lawn in the mornings and using fertilizer always produces the best results. Thanks!

  • Reply

  • Henry

  • September 15, 2016 At 7:03 am

  • Great tips. I enjoy taking care of my lawn and garden and do a little bit here and there, a bit more on weekends so that the maintenance never amounts to a HUGE job.

  • Reply

  • judy wilson

  • September 30, 2016 At 6:56 pm

  • I’ve been pretty good about watering my lawn every morning, but I never know how much water it really needs. It helps that you answered by question by saying that it needs 5-6 inches of water and to let it dry before the next time I water my lawn. I don’t have a rod or a stick to measure this, so I’ll make sure to get one to know if my grass has been watered enough.

  • Reply

  • Brian

  • October 25, 2016 At 4:50 pm

  • Great advice! I have been looking at getting an edger, it makes the yard look so much cleaner and nicer. Thanks for putting this list together!

  • Reply

  • Maggie

  • November 18, 2016 At 12:15 am

  • Wow, I had no idea that there is so much to keeping a healthy lawn. To be honest, I don’t have the time to fertilize the lawn every 6 weeks and stuff like that. I’d rather let a professional do this kind of stuff instead.

  • Reply

  • john Mahoney

  • November 21, 2016 At 10:54 pm

  • I love to see my lawn taken care of, but sometimes I just have no time to take care of it. I didn’t know that a healthy growing lawn would keep the weeds from growing. I would be awesome if I could take care of my own lawn but I think I need to find someone that does it professionally.

  • Reply

  • Derek Mcdoogle

  • December 13, 2016 At 11:52 pm

  • You stated that grass in shady part of your lawn requires less watering and fertilizer as it doesn’t receive full sun, you can’t perk up its growth by over watering and over fertilizing. My wife has been very frustrated that our lawn has been really struggling over this summer. Are there certain fertilizers that might be better for certain types of grass?

  • Reply

  • Vincent

  • December 15, 2016 At 7:00 am

  • Hey Derek, like the way you have shared an effective guidance about watering the lawn for more maintenance of it. Aerating by scheduled time is great way to keep your lawn healthy and green. Most important phase is the soil, I agree. Appreciate your efforts to mention about this. Keep updating an useful stuff with us like this.

  • Reply

  • Vivian

  • December 31, 2016 At 7:10 pm

  • My neighbors young children abuse my front lawn as if it were their own. I’ve asked them to keep them off the grass as much as possible, but the kids continue to run and ride their bikes on it, tamping it down and killing off most of the grass. Will aerating it bring it back even if it continues to be abused?

  • Reply

  • Sharon Elleen

  • January 12, 2017 At 9:04 am

  • I really appreciate the insight here in this post and confident it’s going to be helpful to me and many others. Thanks for sharing all the information and useful tips.

  • Reply

  • Mark

  • February 13, 2017 At 12:51 pm

  • There is a lot to take in there but all relevant. Our lawn does have a minor moss problem and I tried to get rid of it, which succeeded to some extent but at the same time it wasn’t that unsightly. With spring arriving it looks Like I need a new lawn mower anyway, not big enough for ride-on but borderline big enough to prefer one. Thanks again for the article very useful.

  • Reply

  • Chance Zander

  • February 16, 2017 At 12:19 pm

  • Great content, very useful information. Thank you for sharing.

  • Reply

  • Scott

  • March 10, 2017 At 3:58 pm

  • I appreciate that you suggest to water in the morning. My parents would always water around 2 or 3 in the morning. They always said that it helped the grass be more healthy and green because it can absorb the water more. I’ll have to set our system to water this early as well so that we can healthy grass.

  • Reply

  • Jason Veneri

  • April 19, 2017 At 7:29 am

  • Great article and very well explained. I believe in professionals so this is a very useful article for everyone. Many thanks for your share.

  • Reply

  • Burt Silver

  • April 27, 2017 At 5:26 pm

  • I like that you mentioned that edgings can stop the grass from out boudning the lawn. I have been trying to help my lawn look the bets in the neighborhood for a while, but I am having a hard time. Any tips help, so I will give this a try, thanks!

  • Reply

  • Fiona A

  • April 28, 2017 At 4:05 pm

  • Thanks for telling us the best time to water the lawn. I never even thought about the difference it might make until i read your website. Thankyou!

  • Reply

  • Heather

  • August 8, 2017 At 3:55 pm

  • Great tips! I always set my sprinkler to start watering in the morning so it gets the best amount of absorption. Taking care of your lawn requires some steps, but it’s well worth it to see how green it is in the summer. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply

  • Alexandria Martinez

  • August 11, 2017 At 11:40 pm

  • My brother wants to take better care of his lawn. He is a little clueless about lawn maintenance. I will share your advice to know the mowing height of the grass you are growing and mow accordingly.

  • Reply

  • Violette Lebrac

  • August 19, 2017 At 2:07 am

  • Thanks for the suggestion to use plastic or concrete edgings on the lawn to keep it from growing places you don’t want it to grow. My husband and I just moved into a house with an extensive yard, and we’re not sure what to do to maintain it. Maybe we’ll put in edgings to make the lawn look cleaner and contact a maintenance service to help us take care of it.

  • Reply

  • Ernest London

  • September 22, 2017 At 7:20 pm

  • Thanks for the lawn care tips. I want to make my landscaping more beautiful, so I have been looking for ways to work on it. I like that you mentioned to make sure you aerate your lawn so it can help the roots get air and water. I will make sure to start doing this regularly!

  • Reply

  • Peter

  • October 4, 2017 At 4:03 am

  • Thank you for sharing these great tips! I agree, planting grass, and other plants, shrubs, and trees, that are native to your region is your best bet at having a great looking yard all the time. As the fall season quickly approaches, it is important to care for your lawn before the winter cold hits and you lose all of your hard work. For example, watch your mowing and watering schedules, cover delicate plants to protect them form the cold and snow, and don’t forget to plan for some fun fall activities in your backyard as well. Thanks again for sharing!

  • Reply

  • Bobby Saint

  • October 5, 2017 At 3:04 am

  • Interesting thing you mentioned about mornings being the right time for watering as it seems to be more beneficial to the overall growth of the plants. I typically water my plants in the afternoon only because I just got used to that kind of routine. I’ll definitely take heed of your advice regarding this. Thanks for sharing.

  • Reply

  • Elsa Anderson

  • November 17, 2017 At 7:35 am

  • It’s interesting to learn that healthy tall grass can have their use aside from just being aesthetic since they can kill out the weeds and even take their space and sunlight. It’s like they’re bullying the weeds away which is perfect. I’ll keep that in mind and drive to get some seeds at the ready. We’ve been having this weed issue on our lawn so it’s nice to learn that it’s simple to do a fix. I’ll have some professional to maintain our lawn first and maybe have them plant the tall grasses too. Thanks!

  • Reply

  • Tracie

  • July 10, 2018 At 3:37 am

  • I like the idea of growing longer grass as a way of controlling weeds on the lawn. Quite brilliant. I’m definitely going to start growing a slightly longer grass in my yard.

  • Reply

  • Diana Terry

  • November 12, 2018 At 1:57 pm

  • I’m planning on giving a complete makeover to our yard and this kind of article was exactly what I was looking for to get information. I think I’m going to pay for landscape maintenance services as well, but I want to find out about everything before I do so. You shared some very good tips on when and how much to water and fertilize the lawn which I’ll definitely start using. Thank you for this post!

  • Reply

  • Dominic MacKillop

  • February 8, 2019 At 10:26 am

  • Thank you for pointing out that you should be properly recycling your trim. My husband and I don’t have time to take care of our lawn and want to hire a company to do it for us. I’ll have to do some research and find the best one in the area.

  • Reply

  • Deborah Adams

  • March 8, 2019 At 11:20 pm

  • It was helpful to know that you must consider fertilizing your plants every 6 weeks. As you said, you can achieve a lush lawn if you will consider using nitrogen-rich fertilizer. With that in mind, we’ll be sure to shop for natural fertilizer in the market. My husband and I want to make our lawn as green as possible. We have plants there that are withering for some reasons. Our goal is to make our lawn the most relaxing place in our property.

  • Reply

  • Caroline Samson

  • May 18, 2019 At 7:32 am

  • I like that you said that your lawn must be fertilized every 6 weeks during the growing season. My husband and I want to achieve a healthy lawn. We want our plants to grow fully. Since we can’t find the time to care and fertilize our lawn due to the demands of our job, we’ll find a lawn service provider that we can hire.

  • Reply

  • Brendan Shelton

  • August 27, 2019 At 7:13 pm

  • My lawn is pretty large and I am trying to find new and easier ways to take care of it. I never knew that allowing your grass to get longer and then cutting it is actually pretty bad for the plant and should be avoided. I’ll keep your article in mind as I probably decide to hire some professionals to take care of it for me.

  • Reply

  • Devin Scott

  • October 7, 2019 At 11:31 pm

  • It’s great to know that healthy growth of grass doesn’t let weeds grow in your lawn. My wife and I are looking to make our yards look good. I’ll be trying to maintain a healthy growth of grass so no weeds grow in our lawn.

  • Reply

  • Jerry Woods

  • October 16, 2019 At 11:34 pm

  • It’s great to learn that watering your lawn in the morning is the best time to water it. My wife and I are looking to improve the look of our yard. I’ll be sure to set our sprinklers to water our lawn in the morning.

  • Reply

  • Tyler Johnson

  • October 30, 2019 At 8:23 pm

  • That’s a good idea to aerate the soil. I would think that would make the grass grow better. I’ll have to consider getting someone to do that for me.

  • Reply

  • Adam Frey

  • December 26, 2019 At 12:27 pm

  • I appreciate you mentioning some amazing maintenance tips about lawn care that I don’t know about outside

  • of mowing and trimming the yard. Thanks for sharing wonderful information.

  • Reply

  • Claire Masters

  • June 24, 2021 At 7:28 pm

  • I didn’t previously know that I’m only supposed to water the grass on shady spots with half of the amount I’m giving to the ones in the sunny spots. My grass has been looking a little dull lately since I haven’t had the time to take care of them. Maybe it would be good to hire a landscape service to maintain my yard for me so I’ll look into that this week.

  • Reply

  • Claire Masters

  • July 12, 2021 At 9:17 pm

  • I didn’t know that the soil in a lawn needs to have a specific pH level. I recently just bought a house in the suburbs with a beautiful lawn and I want it to be really nice before I move in. I’m thinking it might be beneficial for me to hire a professional to help landscape my lawn this week.

  • Reply

  • Taylor Hansen

  • September 30, 2021 At 9:04 pm

  • Thanks for the great lawn care tips. The idea of having a lush lawn next year is appealing to me. I’ll be sure to hire a professional to help my lawn out.

  • Reply

  • Jeff Carbine

  • October 26, 2021 At 8:48 pm

  • I like how you mentioned examining your place perfectly to find out the hours of sunshine, temperature, growing conditions, and soil type to choose a grass type you should grow. It’s time for our lawn to look good, but I don’t have the knowledge and time to do it myself. Looking for landscape services is the first thing I want to do. It will save me time and laborious efforts.

  • Reply

  • Jonathan

  • November 7, 2021 At 9:14 pm

  • Thanks for your valuable lawn care tips

  • Reply

  • Shammy

  • November 26, 2021 At 1:37 am

  • I found it helpful when you said that the lawn must be mowed before the grass reaches high. As you said, this is to avoid sunburnt lawn. My husband and I will then consider purchasing lawn mowing and other supplies. We want to achieve a green and manicured lawn, so we will take note of your tips to find the best lawn supplies.

  • Reply

  • Jeff Carbine

  • February 26, 2022 At 8:44 pm

  • It’s awesome that this article talked about walking on the lawn and trampling it for years compacts the soil and depletes the air supply, which is why you need aerate your grass twice a year, in the spring and fall. I’m glad that you explain it thoroughly and now it makes more sense. You did a great job of explaining lawn care.

  • Reply

  • Mats Wolff

  • March 21, 2022 At 9:21 am

  • My uncle owns a farm and wants to hire a service next week to mow his lawn. Its helpful when you said that its best to water lawn in the morning as evaporation is less. Thanks for the lawn care tips and I will send this article to my uncle!

  • Reply

  • Mats Wolff

  • March 23, 2022 At 6:47 pm

  • My uncle owns a farm and wants to hire a service to mow his lawn this week. I agree when you said that weeds should not thrive when grass is growing well. Thanks for the lawn care tips and I will send this article to my uncle as I believe it will be helpful to him!

  • Reply

  • Mat

  • April 27, 2022 At 11:17 am

  • My uncle has a farm and would want to employ a lawn-mowing service this week. I agree that weeds should not thrive in areas where grass is growing well. Thank you for the lawn care advice. I’ll forward this information to my uncle because I think he’ll find it useful!

  • Reply

  • Olivia Smart

  • June 17, 2022 At 11:44 pm

  • Thank you for explaining that you should water your lawn in the morning. I’ve been wondering what the best time is to water our lawn. I never thought about how it would be more effective in the morning, but I’ll start trying this out tomorrow.

  • Reply

  • Mats Wolff

  • July 5, 2022 At 8:38 pm

  • This week, my uncle, who owns a farm, wants to employ a service to cut his lawn. I concur that weeds shouldn’t proliferate when grass is growing healthily. I appreciate the lawn care advice, and I’ll forward this to my uncle because I think he’ll find it useful.

  • Reply

  • Ava Murphy

  • July 18, 2022 At 2:15 am

  • I liked that you said that you could give your lawn a sheer look when you consider using edgings on your lawn. This is something that I will consider because I am planning to order turf for our lawn to be finally completed next Friday. It is important for me to have everything look neat and appealing, so your tips make sense to me.

  • Reply

  • Michaela Hemsley

  • September 27, 2022 At 12:09 am

  • Thanks for pointing out that you should plant grass that is local and native to your climate. My husband and I just moved into a new house, and we want the yard to look better since right now it’s just dirt. I think that hiring a professional landscaping company would help make sure we’d plant the right kind of grass and that it would be well taken care of.

  • Reply

  • Olivia Smart

  • September 28, 2022 At 11:17 pm

  • Thank you for explaining that aerating can help the root system. I’ve been wondering why people have been aerating their lawns recently. I had no idea that it would help to keep the impacted soil from affecting the lawn too much. We’ll be sure to contact someone soon to see if we can have this service done for us.

  • Reply

  • admin

  • March 30, 2016 At 3:56 am

  • The mushrooms in your lawn do not harm it. Moreover, it shows your soil is rich in organic matter. Mushroom spores usually spread through the air so the best option is to remove them as soon as you see them. A few more things can be done to get rid of lawn mushrooms are:

    1. Aerate the soil, it will solve the drainage issues.
    1. If you keep the lawn moist and water more often, reduce it.
    1. If there is organic matter decomposing, either buried or somewhere near the lawn, remove it. You can also wait and once the decomposition process will complete, the fungus will disappear.
  • Reply

  • Matilda Feest

  • August 23, 2021 At 5:51 pm

  • I had the same problem with my garden. But after solving drainage issues my problem has been solved.

  • Reply

We have had a mushroom problem. Any tips on how to get rid of this.

The mushrooms in your lawn do not harm it. Moreover, it shows your soil is rich in organic matter. Mushroom spores usually spread through the air so the best option is to remove them as soon as you see them. A few more things can be done to get rid of lawn mushrooms are:

  1. Aerate the soil, it will solve the drainage issues.
  2. If you keep the lawn moist and water more often, reduce it.
  3. If there is organic matter decomposing, either buried or somewhere near the lawn, remove it. You can also wait and once the decomposition process will complete, the fungus will disappear.

I had the same problem with my garden. But after solving drainage issues my problem has been solved.

My wife and I are trying to improve the look of our lawn a little better. I really appreciated these tips, especially number seven. I never quite know when the best time to cut is, so I liked your rule to cut when it reaches the one third or more of the suggested mowing height. Thanks for sharing.

Lawn care can indeed be difficult, but getting a grass meant to be in your area is a good way to make it easier. If you get grass that isn’t native to where you live, then you are just asking for your lawn to die. Each grass has different needs as well as to how much water and such, so research that before you get any.

This is the first spring that my wife and I will have a yard on our own. Neither of us know how to properly take care of a lawn though, so we are trying to get an idea of how to get started in this process. This helped a ton and we will start with the mowing process and keep it at the right height.

Thanks for the tips. I think that the best thing I have done for my lawn is to aerate it and make sure it gets fertilized often. However, I do tend to let it grow too long. I didn’t know that grass could get sunburned, and heard that longer grass is healthier and takes less water. I guess that wasn’t true.

My lawn gets a lot of weeds, but I had no idea that it could be because of the lack of calcium. I know that calcium comes from milk and so I just never thought about it. However, I really appreciate your tips about spreading lime so that the grass can have that nutrient. But is there a way to make my lawn naturally obtain calcium?

I didn’t even know that half of these problems existed, but the solutions seem very simple and easy. Having grown up in a very hot climate, maintaining our lawn was not easy; we might also have become too lax. It is impressive that places with large and beautiful landscapes are able to maintain lawns, flower beds and even trees all year long.

These are some great tips, and I appreciate your advice to grow grass that is native to your climate. My husband and I just moved into a new house, and the yard is just dirt right now, so we want to start growing a lawn. We’ll definitely look into growing a type that is native to the climate here so it doesn’t take as much to keep it healthy. Thanks for the great post!

I think that it is important to be able to take care of your lawn. That way your yard is healthier. Keeping your lawn maintained is really important.

I’ve been trying to come up with a good way to keep my lawn healthy. I’ve got kids with friends and a dog, so I don’t want to have it get trampled. I’ll see what I can do to get it to aerate! Thanks for sharing.

I have been looking for some good tips to get my lawn nice and green. I really liked what you said about not going for fancy stuff. I think that a good lawn needs sun and water and a little bit of extra fertilizer. After that it’s up to your lawn to flourish. Thank you for these tips!

I had no idea that you should water your lawn in the mornings. I usually will water my grass at night, before I go to bed. I will have to change the schedule so that it can be as healthy as possible.

Thank you for the help. I bought a house recently for the first time and am trying to learn about landscape maintenance. I had not realized that I need to find the right mix of fertilizer with nitrogen and water and things like that. It sounds complicated. Would it be wise for me to hire a maintenance service until I can learn more?

The tips plotted here are wonderful , i am pleased thanks

I always water my lawn at night. I didn’t realize that the morning time was the best time to water. I will have to make that change. I want to make sure I am doing everything I need to in order to keep my lawn looking as best it can!

These tips are spot on. Over the years watering the lawn in the mornings and using fertilizer always produces the best results. Thanks!

Great tips. I enjoy taking care of my lawn and garden and do a little bit here and there, a bit more on weekends so that the maintenance never amounts to a HUGE job.

I’ve been pretty good about watering my lawn every morning, but I never know how much water it really needs. It helps that you answered by question by saying that it needs 5-6 inches of water and to let it dry before the next time I water my lawn. I don’t have a rod or a stick to measure this, so I’ll make sure to get one to know if my grass has been watered enough.

Great advice! I have been looking at getting an edger, it makes the yard look so much cleaner and nicer. Thanks for putting this list together!

Wow, I had no idea that there is so much to keeping a healthy lawn. To be honest, I don’t have the time to fertilize the lawn every 6 weeks and stuff like that. I’d rather let a professional do this kind of stuff instead.

I love to see my lawn taken care of, but sometimes I just have no time to take care of it. I didn’t know that a healthy growing lawn would keep the weeds from growing. I would be awesome if I could take care of my own lawn but I think I need to find someone that does it professionally.

You stated that grass in shady part of your lawn requires less watering and fertilizer as it doesn’t receive full sun, you can’t perk up its growth by over watering and over fertilizing. My wife has been very frustrated that our lawn has been really struggling over this summer. Are there certain fertilizers that might be better for certain types of grass?

Hey Derek, like the way you have shared an effective guidance about watering the lawn for more maintenance of it. Aerating by scheduled time is great way to keep your lawn healthy and green. Most important phase is the soil, I agree. Appreciate your efforts to mention about this. Keep updating an useful stuff with us like this.

My neighbors young children abuse my front lawn as if it were their own. I’ve asked them to keep them off the grass as much as possible, but the kids continue to run and ride their bikes on it, tamping it down and killing off most of the grass. Will aerating it bring it back even if it continues to be abused?

I really appreciate the insight here in this post and confident it’s going to be helpful to me and many others. Thanks for sharing all the information and useful tips.

There is a lot to take in there but all relevant. Our lawn does have a minor moss problem and I tried to get rid of it, which succeeded to some extent but at the same time it wasn’t that unsightly. With spring arriving it looks Like I need a new lawn mower anyway, not big enough for ride-on but borderline big enough to prefer one. Thanks again for the article very useful.

Great content, very useful information. Thank you for sharing.

I appreciate that you suggest to water in the morning. My parents would always water around 2 or 3 in the morning. They always said that it helped the grass be more healthy and green because it can absorb the water more. I’ll have to set our system to water this early as well so that we can healthy grass.

Great article and very well explained. I believe in professionals so this is a very useful article for everyone. Many thanks for your share.

I like that you mentioned that edgings can stop the grass from out boudning the lawn. I have been trying to help my lawn look the bets in the neighborhood for a while, but I am having a hard time. Any tips help, so I will give this a try, thanks!

Thanks for telling us the best time to water the lawn. I never even thought about the difference it might make until i read your website. Thankyou!

Great tips! I always set my sprinkler to start watering in the morning so it gets the best amount of absorption. Taking care of your lawn requires some steps, but it’s well worth it to see how green it is in the summer. Thanks for sharing!

My brother wants to take better care of his lawn. He is a little clueless about lawn maintenance. I will share your advice to know the mowing height of the grass you are growing and mow accordingly.

Thanks for the suggestion to use plastic or concrete edgings on the lawn to keep it from growing places you don’t want it to grow. My husband and I just moved into a house with an extensive yard, and we’re not sure what to do to maintain it. Maybe we’ll put in edgings to make the lawn look cleaner and contact a maintenance service to help us take care of it.

Thanks for the lawn care tips. I want to make my landscaping more beautiful, so I have been looking for ways to work on it. I like that you mentioned to make sure you aerate your lawn so it can help the roots get air and water. I will make sure to start doing this regularly!

Thank you for sharing these great tips! I agree, planting grass, and other plants, shrubs, and trees, that are native to your region is your best bet at having a great looking yard all the time. As the fall season quickly approaches, it is important to care for your lawn before the winter cold hits and you lose all of your hard work. For example, watch your mowing and watering schedules, cover delicate plants to protect them form the cold and snow, and don’t forget to plan for some fun fall activities in your backyard as well. Thanks again for sharing!

Interesting thing you mentioned about mornings being the right time for watering as it seems to be more beneficial to the overall growth of the plants. I typically water my plants in the afternoon only because I just got used to that kind of routine. I’ll definitely take heed of your advice regarding this. Thanks for sharing.

It’s interesting to learn that healthy tall grass can have their use aside from just being aesthetic since they can kill out the weeds and even take their space and sunlight. It’s like they’re bullying the weeds away which is perfect. I’ll keep that in mind and drive to get some seeds at the ready. We’ve been having this weed issue on our lawn so it’s nice to learn that it’s simple to do a fix. I’ll have some professional to maintain our lawn first and maybe have them plant the tall grasses too. Thanks!

I like the idea of growing longer grass as a way of controlling weeds on the lawn. Quite brilliant. I’m definitely going to start growing a slightly longer grass in my yard.

I’m planning on giving a complete makeover to our yard and this kind of article was exactly what I was looking for to get information. I think I’m going to pay for landscape maintenance services as well, but I want to find out about everything before I do so. You shared some very good tips on when and how much to water and fertilize the lawn which I’ll definitely start using. Thank you for this post!

Thank you for pointing out that you should be properly recycling your trim. My husband and I don’t have time to take care of our lawn and want to hire a company to do it for us. I’ll have to do some research and find the best one in the area.

It was helpful to know that you must consider fertilizing your plants every 6 weeks. As you said, you can achieve a lush lawn if you will consider using nitrogen-rich fertilizer. With that in mind, we’ll be sure to shop for natural fertilizer in the market. My husband and I want to make our lawn as green as possible. We have plants there that are withering for some reasons. Our goal is to make our lawn the most relaxing place in our property.

I like that you said that your lawn must be fertilized every 6 weeks during the growing season. My husband and I want to achieve a healthy lawn. We want our plants to grow fully. Since we can’t find the time to care and fertilize our lawn due to the demands of our job, we’ll find a lawn service provider that we can hire.

My lawn is pretty large and I am trying to find new and easier ways to take care of it. I never knew that allowing your grass to get longer and then cutting it is actually pretty bad for the plant and should be avoided. I’ll keep your article in mind as I probably decide to hire some professionals to take care of it for me.

It’s great to know that healthy growth of grass doesn’t let weeds grow in your lawn. My wife and I are looking to make our yards look good. I’ll be trying to maintain a healthy growth of grass so no weeds grow in our lawn.

It’s great to learn that watering your lawn in the morning is the best time to water it. My wife and I are looking to improve the look of our yard. I’ll be sure to set our sprinklers to water our lawn in the morning.

That’s a good idea to aerate the soil. I would think that would make the grass grow better. I’ll have to consider getting someone to do that for me.

I appreciate you mentioning some amazing maintenance tips about lawn care that I don’t know about outside of mowing and trimming the yard. Thanks for sharing wonderful information.

I didn’t previously know that I’m only supposed to water the grass on shady spots with half of the amount I’m giving to the ones in the sunny spots. My grass has been looking a little dull lately since I haven’t had the time to take care of them. Maybe it would be good to hire a landscape service to maintain my yard for me so I’ll look into that this week.

I didn’t know that the soil in a lawn needs to have a specific pH level. I recently just bought a house in the suburbs with a beautiful lawn and I want it to be really nice before I move in. I’m thinking it might be beneficial for me to hire a professional to help landscape my lawn this week.

Thanks for the great lawn care tips. The idea of having a lush lawn next year is appealing to me. I’ll be sure to hire a professional to help my lawn out.

I like how you mentioned examining your place perfectly to find out the hours of sunshine, temperature, growing conditions, and soil type to choose a grass type you should grow. It’s time for our lawn to look good, but I don’t have the knowledge and time to do it myself. Looking for landscape services is the first thing I want to do. It will save me time and laborious efforts.

Thanks for your valuable lawn care tips

I found it helpful when you said that the lawn must be mowed before the grass reaches high. As you said, this is to avoid sunburnt lawn. My husband and I will then consider purchasing lawn mowing and other supplies. We want to achieve a green and manicured lawn, so we will take note of your tips to find the best lawn supplies.

It’s awesome that this article talked about walking on the lawn and trampling it for years compacts the soil and depletes the air supply, which is why you need aerate your grass twice a year, in the spring and fall. I’m glad that you explain it thoroughly and now it makes more sense. You did a great job of explaining lawn care.

My uncle owns a farm and wants to hire a service next week to mow his lawn. Its helpful when you said that its best to water lawn in the morning as evaporation is less. Thanks for the lawn care tips and I will send this article to my uncle!

My uncle owns a farm and wants to hire a service to mow his lawn this week. I agree when you said that weeds should not thrive when grass is growing well. Thanks for the lawn care tips and I will send this article to my uncle as I believe it will be helpful to him!

My uncle has a farm and would want to employ a lawn-mowing service this week. I agree that weeds should not thrive in areas where grass is growing well. Thank you for the lawn care advice. I’ll forward this information to my uncle because I think he’ll find it useful!

Thank you for explaining that you should water your lawn in the morning. I’ve been wondering what the best time is to water our lawn. I never thought about how it would be more effective in the morning, but I’ll start trying this out tomorrow.

This week, my uncle, who owns a farm, wants to employ a service to cut his lawn. I concur that weeds shouldn’t proliferate when grass is growing healthily. I appreciate the lawn care advice, and I’ll forward this to my uncle because I think he’ll find it useful.

I liked that you said that you could give your lawn a sheer look when you consider using edgings on your lawn. This is something that I will consider because I am planning to order turf for our lawn to be finally completed next Friday. It is important for me to have everything look neat and appealing, so your tips make sense to me.

Thanks for pointing out that you should plant grass that is local and native to your climate. My husband and I just moved into a new house, and we want the yard to look better since right now it’s just dirt. I think that hiring a professional landscaping company would help make sure we’d plant the right kind of grass and that it would be well taken care of.

Thank you for explaining that aerating can help the root system. I’ve been wondering why people have been aerating their lawns recently. I had no idea that it would help to keep the impacted soil from affecting the lawn too much. We’ll be sure to contact someone soon to see if we can have this service done for us.

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