Apart from its uses in the kitchen, there are some interesting Cinnamon Uses in the Garden that you should know about! Have a look!

Here are some awesome Epsom Salt uses in the garden 

Cinnamon Uses in the Garden

1. Repel Squirrels and Rabbits

You can use cinnamon to repel squirrels, rabbits, and moles from your garden. Dust cinnamon on the ground—it irritates the mucous membrane in their nose and mouth without persistent harm.

Check out some fantastic grass clipping uses in the garden here

2. Propagate Cuttings

Use cinnamon to propagate the cuttings if you don’t have access to a rooting hormone. Just wet the cutting in clean water and roll it in cinnamon powder before planting. It will prevent diseases and infections during the process when your cutting starts to root. It can also be used when grafting.

3. Deter Flying Bugs

Cinnamon oil is popular for repelling flying bugs like mosquitoes. You can have the same results by dusting the cinnamon powder in your garden to get rid of the pesky bugs.

Learn about the most common houseplant bugs and remedies to clear them here

4. Kill Mushrooms

Tired of pulling wild mushrooms from your garden? Call cinnamon to the rescue! Sprinkle cinnamon around the places mushrooms pop up. It will definitely keep them in check.

Want to grow magic mushrooms? Click here

5. Deter Ants

If you want to get rid of ants from your garden, use cinnamon. Sprinkle cinnamon on ants’ tracks or where you don’t want ants. They hate the smell of cinnamon and will start to avoid those places where you sprinkled it.

6. Protect Seedlings from Diseases

Several fungal and other diseases could cause seedlings to die. Sprinkle the cinnamon powder in the soil to safeguard your seedlings from various diseases.

7. Get Rid of Fungal Diseases

Plants suffering from fungal diseases? Mix some cinnamon into warm water and let it steep overnight. Strain, and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray your plants with this solution. It’ll work!

Learn the best tobacco uses in the garden here

8. Heal Plant’s Wounds

Cinnamon is great for plants suffering from wounds. Sprinkle cinnamon on the affected area to help promote fast healing.

9. Block Rust with Cinnamon

Rust is a common fungal problem in garden plants such as calendula. It spreads fast and affects all parts of the plant. You can get rid of rust by sprinkling cinnamon powder in the soil while planting; this easy hack will deter rust from the garden.

Learn how rusty nails can save your plants here

10. Heal Bug Bite Instantly

During gardening chores, bugs or insects bite gardeners. You can treat it by mixing a paste of cinnamon and honey to ease itching.

11. Use on Indoor Plants and Germinating Seeds

Houseplants can also benefit from cinnamon; you can use it in greenhouses to kill whiteflies, spider mites, and other pests. Simply sprinkle the cinnamon powder around your plants and on the affected area. It will help you to get rid of the pests easily.

Also, you can use cinnamon to prevent mildew and mold on houseplants.

12. Get Rid of Pests

Pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs do not like the smell of cinnamon and stay away from it. If you spot their infestation, sprinkle some cinnamon powder on the soil around the plants and also on the leaves.

Also, you can use cinnamon oil mixed with coconut oil in a ratio of 1:4 and wipe the undersides of the leaves. Keep it there for 5 mins, and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Grow these plants to get rid of aphids from your garden

13. Eliminate Unwanted Mold and Mushrooms

If you are tired of removing unwanted mushrooms in your garden, cinnamon will come to your rescue. Add a few teaspoons of its powder to the mulch and suppress the mushrooms. They won’t pop back up!

Find out the best Vicks Vaporub uses in the garden here

  • Alie
  • March 21, 2017 At 5:25 pm
  • Dog? Wire cages sunk into ground at least 12 inches?
  • Reply
  • Pat
  • April 17, 2017 At 12:47 pm
  • Put bread and jam for them away from your plants. I remember that from SGAP days but it doesn’t sound the most healthy for possies.
  • Reply
  • Debbie
  • March 6, 2018 At 6:45 pm
  • Opposum mostly eat grubs, etc.., meat.
  • Are you mixing any table scraps near your plants? They also love cat food, so if a cat used the plant area for a potty, well…
  • Reply

What is the best way to prevent the possum from eating my plants at night?

Dog? Wire cages sunk into ground at least 12 inches?

Put bread and jam for them away from your plants. I remember that from SGAP days but it doesn’t sound the most healthy for possies.

Opposum mostly eat grubs, etc.., meat. Are you mixing any table scraps near your plants? They also love cat food, so if a cat used the plant area for a potty, well…

Solar lights in the garden definitely deter possums.


  • D
  • June 25, 2017 At 5:33 am
  • Voles eat grubs. You can get beneficial insects to target the grubs. Hope this helps.
  • Reply
  • Arline Gidion
  • August 24, 2017 At 8:03 pm
  • Hello, D,
  • Moles eat grubs. They make tunnels. Voles eat the roots of your plants, they make very small holes all over and when you put your finger down the hole you will feel the depth and a tunnel. Ask your local garden centers, what to do about it as it is not pretty. Just thought I would let you know as I have too many voles this year. Arline
  • Reply
  • November 22, 2018 At 10:45 am
  • Get a good mouser. Harley is mine, hem will catch anything that moves.
  • Reply

voles are killing my hosta plants. HELP!!!

  • Arline Gidion
  • August 24, 2017 At 8:03 pm
  • Hello, D,
  • Moles eat grubs. They make tunnels. Voles eat the roots of your plants, they make very small holes all over and when you put your finger down the hole you will feel the depth and a tunnel. Ask your local garden centers, what to do about it as it is not pretty. Just thought I would let you know as I have too many voles this year. Arline
  • Reply
  • November 22, 2018 At 10:45 am
  • Get a good mouser. Harley is mine, hem will catch anything that moves.
  • Reply

Voles eat grubs. You can get beneficial insects to target the grubs. Hope this helps.

  • November 22, 2018 At 10:45 am
  • Get a good mouser. Harley is mine, hem will catch anything that moves.
  • Reply

Hello, D, Moles eat grubs. They make tunnels. Voles eat the roots of your plants, they make very small holes all over and when you put your finger down the hole you will feel the depth and a tunnel. Ask your local garden centers, what to do about it as it is not pretty. Just thought I would let you know as I have too many voles this year. Arline

Get a good mouser. Harley is mine, hem will catch anything that moves.

I have really bad ants issues above and under ground. Also neighborhood cats crapping in my garden beds. I haven’t started gardening cuz they will not stop coming into my beds. I clean them out and take out the surrounding soil the crap touched and this happens every year….Help…. How do I stop these two Pests?

  • Madonna
  • June 15, 2017 At 9:32 pm
  • Cats do like mint….catnip is in the mint family. My cat chews on my mint plants.
  • Reply
  • mary
  • August 13, 2017 At 4:16 pm
  • Cayenne pepper where the cats walk. Cats lick their paws and get tongue burns! The cayenne pepper won’t hurt cat tummies nor the plants.😀
  • Reply
  • Beverly Wheeler
  • September 1, 2017 At 7:20 pm
  • use cinnamon and citus peel will deter them and not inure their tongues.
  • Reply

Cats don’t like Mint. Plant mint somewhere close to your beds, but be warned, it can tend to grow a bit wild!

Cats do like mint….catnip is in the mint family. My cat chews on my mint plants.

  • Beverly Wheeler
  • September 1, 2017 At 7:20 pm
  • use cinnamon and citus peel will deter them and not inure their tongues.
  • Reply

Cayenne pepper where the cats walk. Cats lick their paws and get tongue burns! The cayenne pepper won’t hurt cat tummies nor the plants.😀

use cinnamon and citus peel will deter them and not inure their tongues.

  • Shannon
  • June 17, 2017 At 5:54 pm
  • Vinegar also works, I use it at 100% and put a perimeter around my beds, not in the beds. It does work!!
  • Reply

Coffee grounds did the trick for me.

Vinegar also works, I use it at 100% and put a perimeter around my beds, not in the beds. It does work!!

Cayenne Pepper sprinkled around perimeter or use the leftover red pepper flakes packets that come with delivery pizza. They learn real fast to find somewhere ELSE to go … work for other animals too! Re-apply after rain. It doesn’t take much!

Cinnamon will help with your ants and will not hurt the plants

  • Beverly Wheeler
  • September 1, 2017 At 7:22 pm
  • sprinkle cinnamon gets rid of both and not harmful to pets.
  • Reply
  • Sandy
  • November 17, 2017 At 12:22 am
  • I also heard some people spread pine cones in the plant beds, cats won’t walk on them.
  • Reply

I have ant issues and Cat issues in my garden. The ants or nesting within the soil and on top traveling around. How do I get rid of those and cats are crapping in my garden beds from around the neighborhood and I have to clean it out every day and remove the soil that it touched. How can I stop this help please

sprinkle cinnamon gets rid of both and not harmful to pets.

I also heard some people spread pine cones in the plant beds, cats won’t walk on them.

Rose or hawthorn cuttings, on the bare earth, will keep the cats away. When the seeds emerge and the plants are big enough, mulch them. Cats want bare soil for their toilet. If you cover it, they will look elsewhere. A motion sensor sprinkler would work too.

  • Nutsy Fagin
  • May 31, 2017 At 2:00 am
  • Pallets have been treated with God knows what in the countries where they are made. Do you really want that crap leaching all over your vegetables?
  • Reply
  • ikoz
  • June 25, 2017 At 10:25 pm
  • just look for the HT stamp, this means they have been heat treated, and is safe, if you find a MB stamp this means it has been treated with methyl bromide, which is harmful when handled so don’t use, theses are banned in europe and canada, but still used in asia and oceana, MB was outlawed in 2005 not harmful to plants used in the us to fumigate soil but bad for humans
  • Reply

Use pallets to grow vegs. Saw on Pinterest. On their sides.

  • ikoz
  • June 25, 2017 At 10:25 pm
  • just look for the HT stamp, this means they have been heat treated, and is safe, if you find a MB stamp this means it has been treated with methyl bromide, which is harmful when handled so don’t use, theses are banned in europe and canada, but still used in asia and oceana, MB was outlawed in 2005 not harmful to plants used in the us to fumigate soil but bad for humans
  • Reply

Pallets have been treated with God knows what in the countries where they are made. Do you really want that crap leaching all over your vegetables?

just look for the HT stamp, this means they have been heat treated, and is safe, if you find a MB stamp this means it has been treated with methyl bromide, which is harmful when handled so don’t use, theses are banned in europe and canada, but still used in asia and oceana, MB was outlawed in 2005 not harmful to plants used in the us to fumigate soil but bad for humans

Thanks! I will try.

These are all great ideas. I can’t wait to try.

I used the rose cutting with the thorns on it and laid it criss cross on all the bare soil no cats ever came back after that

I used the barberry bush cuttings to keep out cat side affect…kept out the teen boys that thought them would peek in my daughter’s window one night. Bushes stuck I their legs no cats allowed.


Red pepper flakes worked well for me , sprinkle a bit around the perimeter of your garden and the spot they use , only need to do it a couple of times a season . Have done this for several years

  • Dennis M
  • July 27, 2017 At 12:55 am
  • You might not have what you think you have. Most apple tree owners are unaware of two very important bits of trivia. The first one may or may not be something you can do anything about. There is a rust that shares its lifecycle with the cedar family and inter-infects apple trees. Usually it’s just easier to cut down all of the cedars and pray. Or hose both species down spring and fall with commercial fungicide. The other is easier to deal with, and that’s that apple trees need a small amount of boron. Without it, both leaves and fruit will brown-spot. The problem will get continually worse as the tree leaches boron from the soil. Dissolve a quarter cup of 20 mule-team borax in 5 gallons of water, use a sprinkling can, and distribute around the dripline. Preferably in the fall, but any time. The treatment should be good for several years.
  • Reply

My apple tree has a blight. Will apples be ok if we wait to spray after they are ripe? It has tons of apples on tree

You might not have what you think you have. Most apple tree owners are unaware of two very important bits of trivia. The first one may or may not be something you can do anything about. There is a rust that shares its lifecycle with the cedar family and inter-infects apple trees. Usually it’s just easier to cut down all of the cedars and pray. Or hose both species down spring and fall with commercial fungicide. The other is easier to deal with, and that’s that apple trees need a small amount of boron. Without it, both leaves and fruit will brown-spot. The problem will get continually worse as the tree leaches boron from the soil. Dissolve a quarter cup of 20 mule-team borax in 5 gallons of water, use a sprinkling can, and distribute around the dripline. Preferably in the fall, but any time. The treatment should be good for several years.

I have a meter lemon tree that the black birds love and ruin my fruit. How canI keep them out of the tree?

Would the borax work on a bush that has root rot?

Hello, Moles eat grubs in your soil, they make mounds. Voles make small holes and eat the roots of your plants. One day there, next day gone.. Sorry. Ask your garden centers what to do to get rid of them. I would tell you, but I rather your find out from your local garden centers.

Good luck..better hurry as there soon will be nothing left of your garden

  • Dilnaz Upadhyay
  • February 7, 2018 At 4:49 am
  • Hi, we have a problem with mice in our garden & last night one even ventured into the house. I have both cats & dogs at home that run free inside & out in the yard. If I use this mix, you sure it won’t harm them in any way right, even if they lick it or something
  • Reply

I have a good way to take care of the ants or mice, Mix equal arts of baking soda and POWDERED SUGAR the ants, and mice love it and they die because they can not pass gas you also don’t have to worry if your pets get in it.

Hi, we have a problem with mice in our garden & last night one even ventured into the house. I have both cats & dogs at home that run free inside & out in the yard. If I use this mix, you sure it won’t harm them in any way right, even if they lick it or something

thank you for your help i now can save my hastas and enjoy them indoors aswell as outdoors love this info

Good information!

How can I keep my cat from digging in my indoor plants?

Black birds eat my green onion tops what can I do I have tried scare crows !

does not deter ants or any other insect in fact draws more ……i did not see any benefits from the cinnamon. ….in fact all plants that had the cinnamon near them, died

  • Julie Laflamme
  • August 17, 2018 At 10:04 am
  • Reply

I have deer problems..eating my roses and okra plants. Any suggestions? Norma jean


Possums are beneficial in some ways here in Missouri like eating ticks that are plentiful in our area. I’ve had them for about 7 years I cannot beat them but the last 4 years I’ve planted them their own tomato plant out by the compost I do not stake it up I let it randomly grow on the ground they’ve migrated to eating their own tomatoes and leaving mine in tomato cages alone. I clip my plants up so there’s no fruit lower than 18 in. If you can’t beat them join them LOL I hope this helps.

Cinnamon and water don’t mix. Makes me wonder how good these other ideas are.

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