You will be surprised to know about the seeds of fruits and veggies in your fridge that you can grow easily! Growing them is fun and this will allow you to enjoy the taste of homegrown fruits and vegetables! So, from now on, don’t throw the unused seeds that you can find in your fridge or pantry for free as waste and utilize them by planting in your garden.

Check out our article on fast growing herbs you can grow from seeds here

Seeds from Fridge/Pantry

1. Tomato

Nothing like eating a fresh tomato from your garden! Once you start planting them, you will never go back to the supermarket ones! Growing tomatoes is easy and as they are warm-season crops, start planting the seeds indoors, around six weeks before your average last frost date.

  • Start the process by scooping out the seeds from the fresh tomatoes.
  • Wash the seeds with water to remove the flesh around them. Plant them within seven days of removal, as the seeds become a less viable post that.
  • Plant them in 1/4 inch seed tray using a potting mix and provide every individual seed a section. Cover the tray with plastic for 5-7 days.
  • When seeds begin to sprout, remove the plastic wrap, and expose the tomato plant to the sun for 3 hours daily.
  • Transfer the tomato plants to pots when they reach 2 inches above the soil.

Also Read: Growing Tomato Indoors

2. Lemon

Growing lemon from seed can be a fun experience, resulting in a fragrant lemon tree. The first step involves the selection of luscious lemons. Remove the seeds and rinse them thoroughly with water to prevent any fungal disease. Plant the seeds immediately and don’t allow them to dry out, as it can reduce the chances of germination.

  • Fill a pot with the potting mix; half peat moss and half perlite or sand. Plant several lemon seeds about 1/2 inch deep, to increase the chances of propagation.
  • Damp the soil lightly and cover the pot with a plastic wrap to encourage water retention.
  • Place your growing lemon tree in an area with a temperature of 70 F (21 C). Once you notice the germination of seeds, remove the wrap and move the plant in bright light.
  • When the plant grows a few sets of true leaves, transplant it to a pot that is 25% bigger than the root ball of the plant.

3. Avocado

You can grow avocado from its seeds and have a constant supply of this superfood. Firstly, rinse the seeds to remove the extra flesh. Then insert toothpicks into the seeds and suspend it from the edge of a glass jar or bowl of water.

  • Place the glass jar in a warm place with indirect sunlight.
  • It will take about six weeks for the roots to emerge.
  • Transplant the plant to the soil, in a pot or garden, when the leaves begin to appear.

4. Pumpkin

Growing pumpkin from seeds requires only a few steps. All you need to do is:

  • Plant the pumpkin seeds one inch in the ground. If you are growing more than one, then keep at least 60 inches of space between seeds.
  • The seeds will germinate in 7-8 days.
  • When the plant reaches up to 2-3 inches in length, discard the unhealthy plants without interrupting the roots of the remaining ones.

5. Cherry

Cherry is one of those free seeds that you can find in your fridge or pantry. You can plant your cherry tree from its seed, though it requires some time to become a full-grown tree.

  • Wash the seeds and dry them for a day, wrapping them in a cotton cloth.
  • Sow them in pots outside in fall. As cherry seeds have a low germination rate, you have to plant multiple seeds, two inches deep, ensuring a minimum of 12 inches of space between them, if you are planting them in the garden.
  • The seeds will germinate in spring. Once the plants attain a height of 10-12 inches, you can transplant them in the garden from pots.

6. Peach

The next time you eat peaches, do not throw the free seeds away; instead, save them for planting. Though you’ve to wait for several years to get any fruit from your peach tree. Also, before planting the seeds, dry them very well.

  • Plant the seeds in fall, in nutrient-rich soil, 3-4 inches deep.
  • Water only when the soil appears dry and the seeds will germinate by Spring.
  • Transplant the plant to a permanent location.

7. Bean Sprout

You can use beans from your pantry and sprout them yourself. For sprouting, you need to soak beans in a jar with shallow water and leave overnight.

  • Drain the water next morning and cover the beans with a thick cotton cloth or towel. Put them back in a container for 8-12 hours. Repeat the process till you notice the sprouts appearing.
  • Place the container in the temperature of 64-75 F (18-24 C) for speedy germination.

8. Pepper

Growing sizzling hot peppers from the seeds is simple. Collect the seeds from the pepper that you find in your pantry. Peppers grow fast and as the same as tomatoes. After harvesting new crops, save some seeds for replanting again!

  • Plant peppers in moist, fertile soil, 1/4-1/2 inches deep, in direct sunlight.
  • Water them after planting and then regularly throughout their growing period.

9. Apple

The process of growing apples from seeds is a bit difficult but rewarding.

  • Before planting, you need to dry the seeds and store them in a fridge for 6 weeks. Use a zip lock pouch with moist, peat moss, sterile potting soil.
  • Take the seeds out from the fridge for sowing.
  • Always plant more than one seed to increase your chances of germination.

10. Peas

You will never go back to the frozen peas once you start to grow them fresh! Plant the peas in well-drained soil. You can also improve the soil quality by mixing it with well-rotted manure or garden compost. Also, choose a sunny spot as peas shy away from wet and soggy soil.

  • Dig a shallow trench in the garden, approximately once inch deep and 9 inches wide. Sow the seeds, 8 inches apart, in two parallel lines. If you are sowing them in pots, sow them an inch deep.
  • Pack the seeds with soil and water them properly; you will notice sprouting in 10-14 days.

Do check out our article on growing peas here!

11. Sesame

Sesames are an excellent source of fiber, protein, and vitamin B. You can grow these flat seeds from your pantry and have them in your dishes all-year-round!

  • Sow seeds indoors, 4-6 weeks before the last frost.
  • Keep the seeds well moist while ensuring they’re not too wet.
  • Once the seeds germinate, place them outside when the frost is gone.
  • The plant will develop seed pods around summer or early fall.

12. Cilantro

Cilantro is quite a popular ingredient in Asian and Mexican cuisines; you can grow it fresh by using free cilantro seeds from your kitchen shelf. Before planting it, crush the seeds lightly.

  • Sow the dry seeds in rows in a seedling bed and cover them with a layer of soil.
  • The seeds will germinate in 1-2 weeks.
  • Harvest the plant as per your needs and use it in soups, stews and the dishes of your choice.
  • Cilantro doesn’t like the harsh sun, so protect it from the direct, afternoon sunlight.

13. Fennel Seeds

You can grow these aromatic seeds from your pantry; you need to soak the seeds for 24 hours, as it helps in better germination.

  • Keep the area moist during the germination phase and select a sunny spot for planting.
  • The seeds will germinate in 7-10 days.
  • In 10-12 weeks, the plant will be ready for harvesting. Harvest and dry the seeds when the top of the flower fades away.

14. Papaya

Papayas are fast-growing plants with many benefits on offer. You can easily grow papayas from seeds, so don’t throw them away the next time you’ve eaten one!

  • Wash the seeds to remove the gelatinous coating before sowing them.
  • Soak them for two days and collect the seeds that get settled in the pan, throwing away the ones that float.
  • Keep the seeds in a moist cotton cloth for 1-2 days.
  • You can then directly sow the seeds in the ground or a pot. They will germinate in 2-3 weeks.

15. Mustard Greens

Growing leafy and nutritious mustard green is very easy. They’re best suited for your kitchen garden, as they’re perfect for salads and sandwiches.

  • Sow mustard seeds half an inch deep into the potting mix.

  • Water the seeds well and they’ll sprout in 7-8 days.

  • Once the plant grows, you can harvest the leaves as per your needs.


  • December 24, 2019 At 11:13 am

  • Articles like this are very receptive and present misinformation.

  • Most produce from a grocery store are hybridised mass produced varieties that will not produce true versions of themselves if they sprout at all. Even if they do so once they will generally not do so ever again.

  • Reply

  • kkk

  • November 21, 2020 At 3:37 am

  • iiiii

  • Reply

  • EC

  • May 13, 2021 At 11:02 am

  • Would using organic work?

  • Reply

  • Anupama H

  • July 12, 2021 At 12:22 pm

  • Grocery store mustard, pepper, cilantro from coriander seeds, mango , dry peas, fennel seeds, garlic, spring onion, fenugreek seeds, chilly worked for me. Avocado, few more mango seeds are on progress. Trying with beans from green beans and pumpkin seeds too. Black pepper and watermelon seeds sowed were eaten by rats or birds , should have put them containers. Cloves dint work for me.

  • Soak the seeds overnight and sow them next day.

  • Indian store will have plenty of seeds from spice section which are viable.

  • Reply

  • kkk

  • November 21, 2020 At 3:37 am

  • iiiii

  • Reply

  • EC

  • May 13, 2021 At 11:02 am

  • Would using organic work?

  • Reply

Articles like this are very receptive and present misinformation.

Most produce from a grocery store are hybridised mass produced varieties that will not produce true versions of themselves if they sprout at all. Even if they do so once they will generally not do so ever again.


Would using organic work?

Grocery store mustard, pepper, cilantro from coriander seeds, mango , dry peas, fennel seeds, garlic, spring onion, fenugreek seeds, chilly worked for me. Avocado, few more mango seeds are on progress. Trying with beans from green beans and pumpkin seeds too. Black pepper and watermelon seeds sowed were eaten by rats or birds , should have put them containers. Cloves dint work for me. Soak the seeds overnight and sow them next day.

Indian store will have plenty of seeds from spice section which are viable.

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