You can consciously choose to reduce food waste with some cooking tips and essential leaf-to-root recipes that put all the parts of the veggies to complete use. Here we have compiled some smart ways to include Root Vegetables with Edible Greens in your diet!
Check out the Best Root Vegetables For Containers here
Root Vegetables with Edible Greens
1. Daikon
Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus var. Longipinnatus
The ‘big root’ or Daikon is also called the Japanese Radish and is considered to be a versatile winter vegetable. Wash the root with rice water while cooking to remove any bitterness.
Daikon green is loved raw for the crunchy flavor. You can add sliced green to salads, noodles, and sandwiches for a unique flavor.
8. Arracacha
Botanical Name: Arracacia xanthorrhiza
2. Leek Tops
Botanical Name: Allium porrum
Most cooking channels or magazines would suggest discarding the dark green leek tops but they taste pretty delicious. The leek tops are also rich in fructans, a prebiotic fiber that ensures a healthy gut.
You can choose to sautee the leek tops with peanuts and sesame oil, caramelize into onion jam, roast them, or stir-fry with pork, chicken, celery, and cashew.
Botanical Name: Beta vulgaris
Beet can be eaten entirely from root to stem and leaves, both raw and cooked. Sautee the leaves and stems in olive oil and garlic to add as a topping to sandwiches.
You can also toss the greens into a salad along with the cooked beets, or add them to borscht.
Check out How to Grow Beet in Pots here
4. Turnips
Botanical Name: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
Turnip greens are edible and surprisingly delicious, too. Like the beets, the turnip greens are richly packed with minerals and vitamins compared to the root.
The greens might have a bit of bitter edge that could be moderated by cooking with powerful flavors from onions, bacon, stock, or vinegar.
Learn Growing Turnips in Pot here
5. Turnip Rooted Celery
Botanical Name: Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
If you can find celery roots with the tops attached, get them. In fact, the stems and greens are more powerful in taste and contain more vitamins and minerals, too.
You can use the stalks and greens in making risotto, stocks, and soups, or pair them with beans for a healthy side dish.
Learn How to Grow Celery in Water here
6. Carrot Tops
7. Radish Tops
Botanical Name: Daucus carota
Carrot tops are a rich source of vitamin C and are loaded with potassium and calcium. Preserve the greens separately in a cool and dry place as they have a tendency to attract moisture and rot easily.
You can cook carrot greens into sauces like chimichurri, fry them to make crispy toppings, add them to salads, and toss in with oranges, red onions, and parsley.
Are Carrot Leaves Edible? Learn here
Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus
The tender radish greens offer a surprisingly powerful kick of peppery flavor that you can enjoy both raw or cooked. The taste may remind you of the strong-flavored arugula.
Eat the greens with salads, pasta, bread, soft cheese, or cooked radishes. You can use add them to pickles, fresh tuna, and wasabi dressing, cook with rice vinegar and mint or make a snack with radishes, greens, and chives tossed in creamy cheese.
Are Radish Leaves Edible? Learn here
This root vegetable tastes bitter and is a cross between celery and carrot. Arracacha resembles a chubby, short carrot with purple or yellow flesh.
The greens are purplish-blue or dark green in color that looks like parsley. You can add them to meat dishes, stews, soups, salads, purees, or cheese.
9. Sweet Potato Greens
Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas
The leaves are loaded with minerals and vitamins and are quite delicious. They are a bit bitter but can be washed with rice water to remove the bitterness.
Sweet Potato greens could be cooked in a similar way as turnip greens or spinach.
Put these things in the potato planting holes for the best harvest
10. Ginger
Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale
Ginger greens are great while making a cup of refreshing tea. You can also chop them finely and use in beverages. They taste peppery sweet after steaming, sautéing, and boiling, especially in non-veg dishes and soup.
Learn the Best Ginger Growing Tips here
11. Onion Greens
Botanical Name: Allium fistulosum
These greens are loved for their mild onion flavor and can be used as an alternative to scallion. Add onion greens to stews, soups, salads, and omelets.
12. Rutabaga
Botanical Name: Brassica napus Napobrassica Group
You can consume rutabaga greens throughout the growing season, they taste sweeter than turnips and add a peppery, mustard-like flavor. After being cooked, the leaves turn tender and less bitter. Add the greens to stews or soup for a mellowed spicy touch.
13. Turmeric
Botanical Name: Curcuma longa
Turmeric is known for its roots but all parts of this medicinal spice are edible and have great health benefits. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and boost digestion. Add the greens to soups, curries, and pickles.
Learn How to Grow Turmeric in Pots here
14. Taro
Botanical Name: Colocasia esculenta
The leafy greens have several health benefits and taste great as well. Just ensure you cook or saute them before eating as it is not recommended to consume them raw.
You can make a dish named alu wadi, lau lau, and cook them with coconut milk and aromatic spices for preparing Laing.
15. Chicory
Botanical Name: Cichorium intybus
The colorful greens are an excellent source of vitamin K. They have a spicy, bitter taste that mellows after cooking. Chicory leaves can be consumed like celery.
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