Here are some potent Home Remedies to Kill Mosquito Larvae in Water to ensure you stop their breeding on time and keep them away from your home and gardens!

Check out the Best Mosquito Repelling Herbs here

What are Mosquito Larvae?

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing, stagnant water. They later hatch and develop into larvae. If you’re unable to control their population, they will soon become adult mosquitoes and wreak havoc in your home and garden.

Common Places Where Mosquito Larvae Reside

They can be found in birdbaths, ponds, tarps, gutters, puddles, pools, spas, planters, playsets, and buckets.

Check out some Homemade Mosquitoe Repellent Ideas here

Home Remedies to Kill Mosquito Larvae in Water

1. Say No to Stagnant Water


The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the stagnant water. It can be in a bucket, a small pool at the corner of your yard, or even a mini artificial pond.

2. Olive and Vegetable Oil

Mix olive and vegetable oil in equal quantities and pour it into the water where you spot larvae. This solution will kill them instantly. Avoid using it in a pond where you have kept fish or on birdbaths, as it can be harmful to wildlife.

Learn How to Use Olive Oil to Kill Mosquitoes here

3. Get Fishes

Fishes love to feed on mosquito larvae, so you can add them to the pond. They will ensure that the water stays free from them. This trick is environment-friendly and cost-effective as well

4. Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon oil can also be a good option for killing mosquito larvae as it has anti-parasitic properties and is safe for the atmosphere as well. Pour 5-6 drops directly into the water where you spot larvae, and it will kill them instantly.

Check out some Unbelievable Cinnamon Uses in the Garden here

5. Dish Soap

Make a liquid dish soap and water solution in a 1:1 ratio, mix well, and spray it directly on the larva population. It will kill them in no time.

Make sure that you are not spraying it near plants as it can harm them.

Here are some Excellent Soap Uses in the Garden

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

This natural ingredient is safe for use and kills mosquito larvae instantly. Get pure apple cider vinegar and pour a cup or two on the larvae population.

Check out some Incredible Apple Cider Vinegar Uses in the Garden here

7. Chlorine

It can kill the mosquito larvae, but this approach is harmful to the environment. You can try this method to treat the water not meant to be used by animals or humans.

Pour some chlorine directly into the water where you spot larvae, and it will take care of them.

8. Garlic

Crushed garlic cloves work really well when it comes to controlling the mosquito population. Make a garlic paste and mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Add a little more water to make a watery consistency and pour it into the area where you spot larvae.

Learn How to Make Garlic Pesticide for Plants here

9. Kerosene

Kerosene is one of the best ways to take care of mosquito larvae, but do remember that it will contaminate the water. Pour pure kerosene where you spot larvae and when they are dead, dispose of the water completely.

Note: Wash the pond or other places where you have used kerosene with a soap solution to ensure none of its traces remain

10. Use Gasolene

Like kerosene, you can also use petrol and diesel to kill larvae. Just pour a small amount and watch them die!

Note: Wash the pond or other places where you have used petrol/diesel with a soap solution to ensure none of its traces remain.

11. Bleach

Bleach is as effective as chlorine when it comes to taking care of mosquito larvae. Use it directly where you spot them. However, it can pose a danger to wildlife so ensure you are not using it in ponds or near plants.

12. Grow Mosquito Repellent Plants

Growing herbs and mosquito repellent plants in the garden will keep these pesky insects away, which will automatically keep their population under control.

Basil, marigold, lemongrass, horsemint, catnip, and rosemary are some of the best options.

Check out the Best Mosquito Repelling Plants here

13. Neem Oil

Neem oil is another potent larvae killer and is also environment-friendly. Mix a few drops in the water, and it will kill them in no time.

If you have a large infestation, then mix neem oil with soap, add a bit of water, pour the solution into a spray bottle, and use it directly on the larvae.

Check out some Amazing Neem Oil Uses in the Garden here

14. Get a Pond Aerator

When the water is moving, mosquitoes cannot breed in it. A pond aerator or a submersible pump will make sure the surface of the water keeps moving and vibrating, which will keep these insects away.

15. Keep Changing the Water

Last but not the least, keep changing the water where it gets accumulated. It can be a mini pond, plants in vases, or a birdbath. Change it once in 5-7 days to eliminate the larvae.

Steps to Prevent Mosquito Larvae In Water

  • The first thing you need to do is to avoid stagnant water in your home and garden.
  • Get rid of weeds and wet areas in and around the garden. They serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Keep an eye on the mulch and ensure it stays dry.

Bring Home these Mosquito Repellent Candles today

  • Ameera Bellen
  • April 9, 2022 At 7:46 pm
  • Thank you for your article. This is very helpful.
  • Reply

Thank you for your article. This is very helpful.

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