If you are looking for some striking and colorful addition to your vegetable garden, here are the best Types of Ornamental Pepper Varieties for you to grow!

Check out the Best Ornamental Onion Varieties here

Types of Ornamental Pepper Varieties

1. NuMex Twilight Pepper

Numex Twilight peppers are extremely hot varieties that undergo a color transition from purple to yellow, orange, and finally red as they age.

Learn about Growing Black Pepper Plant here

2. Medusa Pepper

Unlike other ornamental species, Medusa peppers bear a mild taste and change their color from yellow to orange and eventually red when matured.

3. Purple Flash Pepper

This herbaceous ornamental variety features dark purple leaves that take a darker hue on maturity. The plant needs 5-6 hours of bright direct sunlight to produce tiny black fruits.

4. Black Pearl Pepper

Black Pearl Peppers are noted for their unique black-purple fruits that turn red with age. The purple foliage gives a striking contrast to the vibrant fruits.

5. Sangria Pepper

This capsicum cultivar produces abundant fruits in the shades of purple that mature to orange and then to red. The plant reaches a height of 1 foot, making it perfect for small pots.

Check out the Different Pepper Varieties here

6. Pretty in Purple Pepper

True to its name, Pretty in Purple pepper displays ornamental stems, foliage, and fruits in the shades of purple and green. The berry-like fruits have a mild peppery flavor.

7. Calico Pepper

The plant features ornamental foliage variegated in green, purple, and white, while the round, conical fruits are black in color that matures to red.

8. Chilly Chilli Pepper

This capsicum cultivar produces pointed conical ivory fruits that take a reddish hue on maturity. Grow the plant in the sunniest spot in your yard.

9. Masquerade Pepper

This ornamental specimen bears purple fruits with an orangish tint on dark green pointy foliage. The Masquerade peppers bear a medium heat of 70,000 Scoville Units with mild peppery flavor.

10. Tangerine Dream Pepper

Adhering to its name, the short green pods bear a sweet, citrusy flavor and take an orangish hue on maturity. Provide the plant with ample sunlight for an abundant harvest.

Want to Make Bell Peppers Hotter? Click here

11. Chinese 5-Color Pepper

Chinese 5 Color pepper got its name from the colors it transits from purple to cream to yellow, orange, and eventually red over time. The Scoville units of 30,000-50,000 add a  mild taste to cuisines.

12. Aurora Pepper

The Aurora peppers have a medium hot flavor with 30,000-50,000 Scoville units. The attractive fruits change their colors from green to lavender, then orange to red on ripening.

13. Cajun Belle Pepper

The tiny capsicum cultivar produces green fruits that turn scarlet red and take a darker tone over time. The sweet and spicy flavor makes it perfect for culinary purposes.

14. Fish Pepper

Fish peppers are noted for their variegated foliage that changes from lime and green stripes to orange-brown and finally red. It also grows vivid peppers!

15. Jigsaw Pepper

This ornamental pepper variety displays striking green foliage with splashes of white and purple undertones. The purple fruits ripen to red, brown, and finally to a darker shade.

Want to Make the Pepper Plants Hotter? Click here

Can you Eat Ornamental Peppers? 

The straight answer to this question is — Yes, you can eat ornamental peppers. However, these specimens are majorly grown for their striking fruits and foliage. Some cultivars such as ‘Masquerade’ are extremely hot and unsuitable to consume.

Other mild varieties such as ‘Medusa’ and ‘NuMex’ with a Scoville range of 1000-50,000 are used for sauces, curries, and other culinary purposes.

Put these things in the Pepper Planting Hole for the Best Growth

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