1. Lemongrass

Botanical name: Cymbopogon

Both varieties of Lemongrass–Cymbopogon nardus and Cymbopogon winterianus are used in the formulation of anti-mosquito repellents. The compounds present in them, like geraniol and citronellol, repel the mosquitoes.

Tip To Use: Squeeze the oil by crushing the leaves and applying it to your skin to repel the mosquitoes.

Also Read: How to Grow Lemon Grass from Seeds

2. Horsemint

Botanical name: Monarda punctata

Horsemint belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is easy to grow and has properties similar to the repellent citronella. Further, it has an intense smell that confuses mosquitoes.

Tip To Use: You can apply the crushed residue of its leaves on your skin to keep the mosquitoes away.

3. Pot Marigold

Botanical name: Calendula officinalis

Calendula emits a musky scent, which makes mosquitoes deter away from the surroundings. It contains a pyrethrum compound, which is used as an anti-mosquito repellent. According to a study, its essential oil can give you 2.15 hours of protection from these insects, making it one of the Mosquito Repelling Plants.

Tip To Use: Place potted marigold at the entrance point of your home.

4. Floss Flower

Botanical name: Ageratum houstonianum

Belonging to the ageratum genus, its flower consists of mosquito repellent compounds known as coumarin, used in making pesticides as well. Furthermore, apart from repelling mosquitoes, these fluffy flowers also look great as groundcovers.

Tip To Use: Plant these flowers in hedges or grow them in containers on your balcony or patio to keep the mosquitoes away naturally.

5. Catnip

Botanical name: Nepeta cataria

Catnip is among the best mosquito repelling plants; it contains a nepetalactone chemical compound, which drives cockroaches away from it as well. The odor of catnip is 10-times more effective for repelling mosquitoes than DEET.

Tip To Use: Fill a jar with olive oil and chopped catnip leaves and shake well. Keep it in the dark and cool place for around 6-weeks, and then use it as a mosquito repellant spray.

Also Read: How to Grow Catnip Indoors

6. Rosemary

Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Fragrant rosemary leaves and flowers are good at repelling mosquitoes. This herb not only finds usage in cuisines but also in getting rid of pesky insects, thanks to its intense scent.

Tip To Use: Burn dried rosemary in your yard, and the smoke will make your home free from mosquitoes.

Also Read: Learn How to Grow Rosemary in Pots

7. Lemon Verbena

Botanical name: Aloysia citrodora

Pointed leaves of lemon verbena emit a lemony scent when crushed, which is enough to ward off mosquitoes and bugs. Moreover, you can grow lemon verbena in pots along with other herbs from this list to make it more potent.

Tip To Use: Crush and rub the leaves of lemon verbena on your hands and neck, and other exposed areas to get protection from mosquitoes.

8. Lavender

Botanical name: Lavandula

The fragrance of lavender due to the chemical compound linalool works both ways. Uniquely, this smell is very pleasing to humans but is disliked by mosquitoes, hence helpful in warding them off.

Tip To Use: Mix lavender essential oil with coconut or olive oil and apply it to your skin; it will keep you safe from mosquitoes and will also moisturize your body.

9. Citronella Geraniums

Botanical name: Pelargonium citrosum

The foliage of Citronella geraniums releases a pleasing aroma, detested by flies and mosquitoes. According to a study, one hybrid geranium’s gene was replaced with citronella-producing species. It repelled mosquitoes around a 10-square feet area, proving that it is one of the best Mosquito Repelling Plants.

Tip To Use: You can crumple its leaves and apply its paste/oil on the body parts.

Also Read: Learn to Grow Geraniums Indoor Year-Round

10. Garlic

Botanical name: Allium sativum

Garlic is the most natural way to eliminate mosquitoes from the surroundings. Moreover, due to its strong pungent and spicy scent, garlic works as a natural insect repellent. If you don’t believe it, check out these garlic uses in the garden.

Tip To Use: Put a few crumbled garlic cloves into a carrier oil and let them there for one day. Remove them and mix a cup of water and a few drops of lemon in it. Use it as a mosquito-repelling spray.

Also Read: 11 Surprising Uses of Garlic in the Garden

11. Lantana

Botanical name: Lantana camara

According to a study published on NCBI, the pungent smell of lantana flowers has a repellent effect on Aedes mosquitoes. Growing it in homes will attract butterflies and, at the same time, will eliminate the mosquitoes from the surrounding!

Tip To Use: Burn the leaves of Lantana Camara as its smoke helps deter female Anopheles mosquitoes, which causes malaria.

Also Read: How to Grow Lantana

12. Neem Tree

Botanical name: Azadirachta indica

Neem has been popularly used for ages in the Indian subcontinent to get protection from mosquitoes. A large neem tree in the yard can help in eliminating mosquitoes from the surroundings. Moreover, using burned leaves and oil formulations of neem have been practiced for repellency purposes from ancient times. Don’t miss checking out these Neem Oil Uses in the garden.

Tip To Use: Use 2-parts of neem oil with 98-parts of coconut oil and apply it to the body. Or burn the dried leaves of neem to eliminate pesky insects like mosquitoes, flies, and critters.

Also Read: Neem Oil Uses for Garden Benefits

13. Pennyroyal

Botanical name: Mentha pulegium

Pennyroyal leaves are very effective in getting rid of mosquitoes and gnats. Its spearmint-like smell is disliked by mosquitoes, hence used in the formulation of pest repellent as well.

Tip To Use: You can use crushed stems of pennyroyal in your house or keep them in your pocket to repel mosquitoes, read more here.

Also Read: 20 Types of Mint You Should Grow

14. Eucalyptus

Botanical name: Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus, especially Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus citriodora, work as a barrier against mosquitoes, aphids, flies, and beetles. The cool mint and the pine-like scent of this tree help in deterring them away from your surroundings.

Tip To Use: Plant this tree to repel mosquitoes, or you can even use the eucalyptus oil to repel bugs and aphids.

15. Stone Root

Botanical name: Collinsonia canadensis

This herb, which is also known as richweed, has a strong citrusy smell that helps in repelling mosquitoes. You can grow this herb in moist environmental conditions.

Tip To Use: You can extract its oil or rub its leaves directly on your skin to avoid mosquitoes.

Also Read: 12 Homemade DIY Mosquitoes Repellant Candles

16. Lime Basil

Botanical name: Ocimum americanum

The pungent and citrus fragrance of lime basil not only adds flavors to many dishes and salads but also drives mosquitoes away. Alternatively, you can also grow holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) for this purpose.

Tip To Use: Burning some sprigs of lime basil will be helpful to make your space free from mosquitoes. Also, according to Ayurveda, chewing holy basil leaves every day helps in deterring mosquitoes from your body.

Also Read: 9 Tips to Grow Basil 

17. Carnivorous Plant

Carnivorous plants trap and consume insects and arthropods. You can grow Venus flytrap and Drosera as houseplants. They will consume and eliminate mosquitoes from space.

Note: These carnivorous plants may not repel mosquitoes to a large extent, but they are fun to grow indoors. Learn the name of some of the most popular ones here.

  • Chandra S Giri
  • August 24, 2020 At 5:59 am
  • Best collection, I have ever received !
  • Reply
  • Florence Anderson
  • August 25, 2020 At 2:26 am
  • WOW!! Very interesting and I will certainly be trying some of these🤗
  • Reply
  • Tanyia
  • March 8, 2021 At 8:43 pm
  • Lantana is deadly to dogs. Many people don’t know this. Please note it in your remarks.
  • Reply
  • toptoark
  • March 4, 2022 At 6:15 pm
  • WOW!! Very fascinating, and I’ll be trying a few of these out.
  • Reply

Best collection, I have ever received !

WOW!! Very interesting and I will certainly be trying some of these🤗

Lantana is deadly to dogs. Many people don’t know this. Please note it in your remarks.

WOW!! Very fascinating, and I’ll be trying a few of these out.

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