If you are looking for exotic plants to amp up your interior decor, check out the Sexiest Burgundy Houseplants we have sorted out for you. They are easy-growing and thrive in little care.
Check out the best purple varieties here!
Sexiest Burgundy Houseplants
1. Columbian Peperomia
Botanical Name: Peperomia metallica var. columbiana
This perennial shows off dark green to black leaves that are burgundy to dark red beneath. The leaves also have a metallic silver stripe at the center.
2. Ti Plant
Botanical Name: Cordyline fruticosa
This sexy houseplant displays dark burgundy-red leaves, variegated with red-pink streaks. The new growth develops in a pink shade.
3. Cranberry Hibiscus
Botanical Name: Hibiscus acetosella
This plant is loved for both yellow and red blossoms. Its pretty foliage in burgundy-copper hues resembles the shade of maple trees.
4. Kiwi Fern
Botanical Name: Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Kiwi Fern’
This pretty coleus showcases burgundy leaves with yellow-pink edges. It prefers partial shade, well-draining soil, and a warm climate.
5. Ruby’s Necklace
Botanical Name: Othonna capensis ‘Ruby’s Necklace’
‘Ruby’s Necklace’ offer bean-like, narrow, long burgundy to purple and green leaves on purple stems.
6. Philodendron Black Cardinal
Botanical Name: Philodendron Black Cardinal
This exquisite Philo variety features deep burgundy leaves on red stems, making it a perfect choice for dark houseplant lovers.
7. Black Beauty
Botanical Name: Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’
When planted in full sunlight, the burgundy and green foliage turn almost black. The plant can grow up to 4-5 feet tall.
8. Abidjan Ficus
Botanical Name: Ficus elastica ‘Abidjan’
This rubber plant cultivar has large shiny leaves flushed in a burgundy-bronze hue. See more ficus elastica varieties here.
9. Harmony Black Beauty
Botanical Name: Begonia rex’ Harmony Black Beauty’
‘Harmony Black Beauty’ is a small-leaf begonia variety; it displays black foliage with burgundy margins and has a compact growth habit.
10. Red Sensation
Botanical Name: Cordyline australis’ Red Sensation’
This ‘cordyline’ features sword-like narrow burgundy-red leaves; it looks excellent in light-shaded planters.
11. Firerose Aeonium
Botanical Name: Aeonium garnet ‘firerose’
This lovely aeonium showcases a deep burgundy-bronze rosette with a yellow-green center. During spring, old rosettes form conical and erect yellow blossoms.
12. Jungle Velvet Calathea
Botanical Name: Calathea warscewiczii
‘Jungle Velvet’ calathea offers dark green leaves with burgundy undersides; the foliage has a beautiful velvety texture.
13. Mardi Gras
Botanical Name: Aeonium’ Mardi Gras’
‘Mardi Gras’ boasts rosettes of yellow and green variegation that turn burgundy when grown in bright light.
14. Echeveria ‘Hanaikada’
Botanical Name: Echeveria’ Hanaikada’
‘Hanaikada’ is a lovely hybrid; it forms rosettes of green leaves flushed in burgundy hue, the color intensifies in sunlight.
15. Loropetalum chinense Red Diamond
Botanical Name: Loropetalum chinense
‘Loropetalum chinense’ displays ovate, hairy leaves variegated in burgundy and green. The flower petals shape loosely attached fringes in magenta to burgundy hue.
16. Coral Bells ‘Cherry Cola’
Botanical Name: Heuchera ‘Cherry Cola’
An utter delight to eyes, this beautiful houseplant shows rusty-red to burgundy leaves and cherry red flowers. Display the plant as a tabletop centerpiece to enjoy its beauty.
18. Dyckia Cherry Cola
Botanical Name: Dyckia platyphylla
It looks like the dark purple version of aloe; it displays narrow, upright, thick leaves with sharp teeth and blooms exotic orange flowers under full sun.
19. Obsession Nandina Shrub
Botanical Name: Nandina domestica ‘Seika’
This compact plant produces lance-shaped leaves in burgundy to greenish-maroon shades and needs filtered sunlight to thrive.
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