Haworthia is a beautiful succulent with thick fleshy leaves that can be see-through or translucent, depending on the cultivar. As there are more than 80 Haworthia species, we are going to help you with some of the best Types of Haworthia!

Best Types of Haworthia

1. Haworthia transiens

As other Haworthia cultivars, it’s also stemless and comprises of fleshy, light green leaves. When placed under full sun, the leaves turn brownish-red, with translucent areas.

2. Haworthia truncata

Commonly known as the Horse’s teeth, it’s one of the most bizarre Haworthia. The tip of the greyish-green leaves appears stumped and rectangular in cross-section.

3. Haworthia Chocolate

Although it might sound mouthwatering, don’t let the name fool you as it’s also not edible. It gets the name due to the striking dark chocolaty color of foliage.

Check out our article on chocolate scented flowers here! 

4. Haworthia reticulata

Grows up to 6-8 cm in diameter, it’s somewhat large compared to other Haworthias. The numerous offsets it produces helps it to spread and cover the surrounding area with ease.

5. Haworthia Tropical Night

Short and stout leaves of this type of haworthia succulent, grow out in clumps and appear as if they are fused. As the leaves are almost transparent, they enhance its beauty further!

6. Haworthia bayeri

The spectacular markings on the foliage make it desirable for gardeners. It’s somewhat darker in the shade, having a semi-transparent face of the leaf, with longitudinal lines.

7. Haworthia cooperi picturata

The leaves round towards the center of the rosette and can form large clumps. With pale,  yellow-green leaves, it is a great contrasting plant with a dark backdrop.

8. Haworthia springbokvlakensis

The face of its translucent leaves, with purple-brown stripes on the surface, is curved outwards, give this plant an illusion that it’s swollen.

9. Haworthia Jade Star

It’s a type of haworthia hybrid variety, prized for the star-like arrangement of leaves, growing outwards from the center. It forms a beautiful rosette of solid green color.

10. Haworthia koelmaniorum

It is a slow-growing variety with dark brown, thick, and leathery green leaves having nodules and warts. The leaves grow outwards, forming a rosette of green and brown color.

11. Haworthiopsis limifolia

Also known as fairies washboard, it grows fast but remains short. The foliage is characterized by a rosette of triangular leaves with diverse edges.

12. Haworthia fasciata

Also known as the zebra plant, it is a very popular type of haworthia indoor plant. It features pointed green leaves with white horizontal stripes on the backside.

13. Haworthia bolusii

Haworthia bolusii features fleshy leaves. It is a stemless succulent, having curved, pale green leaves with transparent, thin white hair on the edges that look like a web pattern.

14. Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana

One of the most sought after varieties, it features a clump of leaves with smooth ends. The plant also has pronounced white veins in the foliage which makes it more attractive.

15. Haworthia limifolia var. striata

With thick silver-green leaves and intricate patterns of white bands on the foliage, this compact haworthia is a head-turner. The plant also grows cute white flowers.

16. Haworthia coarctata var. adelaidensis

Another striking specimen, it has pointed leaves tightly clumped together with a dotted white outer layer. Stays compact and grows well in low light too.

17. Haworthia arachnoidea


The dark green leaves of the plant are pointy at the end, which forms a protective outer layer covered with fine hair. It does well in shaded areas too.

18. Haworthia retusa

The thick and triangular leaves. of this stubby succulent come in a bright shade of light green. The plant also grows white tubular flowers.

19. Haworthia herbacea

This spiky haworthia may look harmful but it completely safe to touch. The leaves are covered with white threads of fine hair and have white dots at the edges.

20. Haworthia mantellii

The plant will give you an appearance like green or dark green rocks in pots! The leaves take a deep bronze tint when exposed to sunlight.

  • Richard Ward
  • September 9, 2022 At 6:29 am
  • Haworthia truncata – the leaves are distichus
  • Look it up
  • Reply

Haworthia truncata – the leaves are distichus

Look it up

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