Plants are an excellent way to be close to nature. If you have a fragrant plant at your home, they not only help to uplift the mood, but also make the atmosphere truly wonderful! In this article, we have combined a list of some of the best fragrant indoor plants that you can grow! Let’s have a look!

1. Scented Geraniums

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

Geraniums are one of the best-looking plants because of their flower spikes! This plant has scented foliage, making it quite different from the other fragrant indoor plants in this list. They come in many fragrance categories like rose, citrus, mint, apple, lemon, orange, and coconut!

If you want to grow geraniums indoors, then do check out our article! 

2. Tea Rose Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum

Tea Rose Begonia is a perfect indoor plant, thanks to its light, sweet fragrance. It does well in a humid environment and grows beautiful, light pink flowers. If you want a plant that gives out a subtle, pleasing smell, this is one of the best smelling indoor plants you must go for.

3. Lavender

Botanical Name: Lavandula

If you want a houseplant that gives out a soothing and relaxing smell, then lavender must be your pick! Crushing and squeezing its flowers does the trick to get the most of its smell! As the plant prefers full sun, keep it in sunlight for 4-5 hours a day. Though, it generally does best as an outdoor plant.

Tip: Water only when the topsoil gets dry.

4. Orchids

Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

With so many colors and varieties to choose from, the orchids are one of the best Fragrant Indoor Plants. If you are fond of lemony scent pick Cymbidium (Golden Elf) and if you’re someone who loves a rose’s fragrance, then Miltoniopsis santanaei should be your pick!

5. Lily of the Valley

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Lily of the Valley looks truly amazing, thanks to its unique, bell-shaped flowers. Its sweetish, jasmine-like fragrance also makes it the top choice of perfume makers across the world! Pick lily of the valley, for a pleasing smell throughout the day!

6. Gardenia

Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia has beautiful, rose-like, cream flowers with an intense and seductive fragrance to match. The plant does well in acidic soil and needs at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily, so keep them near a sunny window.

Do check out our article for growing gardenia effortlessly in containers here!  

7. Indoor Citrus

Botanical Name: Citrus

You can grow any indoor citrus to enjoy the lemony scent. With a white flower coupled with cute little fruits, this plant can be a living room freshener for your house! Keep it near a sunny window as it requires 6-8 hours of sunlight daily.

7. Passionflower

Botanical Name: Passiflora

Passionflower has star-shaped flowers that differentiate it from the bunch. It is also quite popular for its mild and earthy fragrance. As they are fast growers, plant them in containers in a patio. They need sturdy support like a trellis to climb.

8. Lemon Balm

Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis

The fresh-smelling lemon balm is the best herb to have in your room on a tabletop, near a window. The air coming through the windows will ensure that its lemony scent is distributed evenly around the room.

Love lemon-scented flowers? Then do check out the exclusive lists of plants here!

9. Tasmanian Blue Gum

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus

Tasmanian Blue Gum has a minty fragrance with subtle hints of honey. It can be easily grown in containers; however, as it is a fast grower, you can grow them as annuals.  Transplant it to the garden once it outgrows the pot.

10. Hoya Plant

Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa

Hoya Plant has green waxy foliage, with a cluster of umbrella-shaped flowers. It is famous for its sweet fragrance, especially in the evening. This plant is also gaining huge popularity among indoor gardeners, because of its delightful aroma.

11. Tuberose

Botanical Name: Polianthes tuberosa

As it is a tropical plant, place it at a spot that receives direct sunlight like the south or east-facing window. Tuberose’s waxy flowers on a tall stem produce a strong sweet scent that matches with the striking appearance of the plant. Expose the plant to a lot of sunlight, so keeping one near a west-facing window is an apt choice.

12. Bee Balm

Botanical Name: Monarda didyma

With distinctive pink flowers, the bee balm smells like a mix of oregano, mint, and thyme. As its flowers also attract butterflies and bees, you can grow the plant in a balcony or patio.

Do check out our article on growing bee balm here! 

13. Rosemary

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis

With attractive needle-like foliage, rosemary looks wonderful as a houseplant. It has a citrus-like, herbaceous scent. Grow this herb at a location that receives 4-5 hours of direct sunlight. However, growing it can be tricky, so do check out our article on how to properly grow and care for rosemary here.

Not only for its aroma, but the rosemary is also known for its health benefits. Check here 

14. Sweet Osmanthus

Botanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans

For aroma-loving gardeners, Sweet Olive is a must-have plant to grow indoors. Its white flowers have a sweet, apricot-like fragrance. Its easy to grow and drought-tolerant nature makes it one of the top fragrant plants to grow indoors.

15. Orange Jasmine

Botanical Name: Murraya paniculata

Also known as satinwood, orange jasmine produces sweet, the orange-like aroma from its flowers. This easy to grow compact evergreen shrub is one of the best fragrant indoor plants for offices and homes alike!

16. Plumeria

Botanical Name: Plumeria rubra

Plumeria comes in a variety of colors and fragrances, like citrus, rose, honeysuckle, raspberry, apricot, and peach. With so many options to choose from, you will always have a Plumeria that fits right into your needs and requirements! As it is a shrub, it needs a large spot and direct sunlight to grow indoors.

17. Angel’s Trumpet

Botanical Name: Brugmansia

Angel’s trumpet has spectacular trumpet-shaped flowers, with a sweet fragrance to match! Though it does not produces as many flowers indoors, but they’ll be enough to keep your room smelling good all the time!

18. Myrtus

Botanical Name: Myrtus communis

An award-winning plant, Myrtus has an intense, herbal-like fragrance. With a striking set of white flowers, it creates an earthy vibe in the atmosphere of the house. Keep the plant at a sunny spot as it requires 5-6 hours of direct sunlight daily.

19. Cuban Oregano

Botanical Name: Plectranthus amboinicus

Not only can you have this herb for uses in the kitchen, but it will also keep your home fragrant with its warm, camphor-like scent. This combination makes it one of the top fragrant indoor plants to grow.

Learn more about how to grow oregano in our detailed article here! 

20. Miniature Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa

You can grow roses in your balcony or in a place that gets a sufficient amount of sunlight.  With beautiful flowers having thick and velvety petals, rose also comes in a variety of colors. Some of the best types to grow are Jude, the obscure, Charles de Gaulle, Evelyn, perfume delight, and lovely lady.

You must check out our article on growing roses here! 

21. Mint

Botanical Name: Mentha

If you love the aroma of fresh herbs, you must be growing mint in one of your herb garden containers. Growing it indoors is very easy and will also ensure a fresh supply of its refreshing leaves for culinary purposes.

You must check out the article on growing mint indoors here!

22. Jasmine

Botanical Name: Jasminum polyanthum

Known for its exotic fragrance, Jasminum polyanthum is not challenging to grow in pots as long as you are keeping it near a sunny spot. You can also pick yellow star jasmine if you want an intense smelling plant. Jasmine’s fragrance also helps in relieving fatigue and stress. For more fragrant plants, click here.

23. Lemongrass

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon

Lemongrass is a fantastic herb with a strong citrus scent. Its distinctive lemon flavor also has a variety of uses in the kitchen. Moreover, growing one indoors will save you from your trips to the grocery store! mosquito repellent link

Learn how to grow lemongrass easily in pots here!

24. Spider Lily

Botanical Name: Hymenocallis littoralis

The arching foliage of beach spider lily is enough to add appeal to any room, and its pristine white flowers with intense vanilla scent is the icing on the cake. To grow, keep it near a window as the plant thrives in part sun spot.

Check out more flowers that smell like vanilla here! 

  • December 31, 2019 At 11:09 am
  • Parents and pet owners beware that some of these plants can be mildly towildly toxic such as the Brugmansia or Angel’s Trumpet. Consult your local horticulturalist or other reputable sources.
  • Reply
  • October 9, 2020 At 6:34 pm
  • very good but how much?
  • Reply

Parents and pet owners beware that some of these plants can be mildly towildly toxic such as the Brugmansia or Angel’s Trumpet. Consult your local horticulturalist or other reputable sources.

very good but how much?

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