Discover the name of 26 Perennial Herbs You Can Plant Once and Enjoy for Years! Plant them today and enjoy a fresh, flavorful harvest for a long time to come.

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Perennial Herbs You Can Plant Once and Enjoy for Years

1. Lavender

Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia

This Mediterranean perennial herb displays pretty flowers as well, with a distinct fragrance that comes back every spring if nurtured well.

Learn how to grow lavenders in pots here

2. Rosemary

Botanical Name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Another Mediterranean herb, which is a perennial and can easily be grown from cuttings. Keep it where it gets plenty of bright, indirect light.

Read about rosemary plant care here

3. Thyme

Botanical Name: Thymus vulgaris

Thyme is an easy-growing evergreen perennial with a distinct smell that’ll give you a good harvest for years to come if grown in a sunny spot.

Learn about growing this herb in containers here

4. Tarragon

Botanical Name: Artemisia dracunculus

This perennial culinary herb has strong fragrant leaves and thrives in sheltered, sunny areas in a fertile well-draining medium.

5. Lemon Verbena

Botanical Name: Aloysia citrodora

A flowering perennial features tiny purple-white blooms in the summer and emits a strong lemony flavor. Grow the shrub in a well-draining medium for fruitful results.

6. Lemon Balm

Botanical Name: Melissa officinalis

Lemon balm has a lemony aroma and flavor that attracts bees and beneficial insects to the garden. Grow it in well-draining, sandy, loamy soil under the full sun for the best harvest.

7. Chives

Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

Chives give a delicate onion-like flavor and are also helpful in preventing pests in the garden. You can also grow it in window boxes.

Learn all about growing chives indoors here

8. Sorrel

Botanical Name: Rumex scutatus

Sorrel is a perennial herb that gives a tangy, lemon-like sourness. Sow the seeds in spring in rich, well-draining soil under full sun.

9. Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

Sage is a popular perennial herb that’ll reward you with a good harvest every year. Grow the herb in a well-draining medium for the best growth.

Learn growing sage in pots here

10. Lovage

Botanical Name: Levisticum officinale

Lovage is a tall perennial plant that flowers in summer and grows in a range of soil and environmental settings.

11. Bay Laurel

Botanical Name: Laurus nobilis

This Mediterranean herb is a hardy perennial that thrives in almost any condition if grown in well-draining soil.

Read more about the growing bay laurel here

12. Winter Savory

Botanical Name: Satureja montana

This aromatic perennial herb shows glossy dark green leaves on woody stems that thrive in full sun all year round. Plant this herb after the last frost to ensure proper growth.

13. Roman Chamomile

Botanical Name: Chamaemelum nobile

Roman chamomile features hairy stems that appear as semi-hardy ground covers and thrive in full sun.

Learn growing chamomile in pots here

14. Salad Burnet

Botanical Name: Sanguisorba minor

Salad Burnet is a leafy herb that adds the cucumbery flavor to salads, which gets milder if grown in chalky soil. Grow Salad Burnet under full sun in medium-moist, well-draining soil for a year-long harvest.

15. Curry Leaves

Botanical Name: Murraya koenigii

The curry leaves are a powerhouse of minerals and anti-bacterial properties and are a much hardy variety that survives for years if nourished well.

16. Mint

Botanical Name: Mentha

One of the easiest growing perennial herbs that offer small, toothed leaves throughout the year in warmer climates.

Learn growing mint in the water here

17. Greek Oregano

Botanical Name: Origanum vulgare

It is more of an ornamental herb with a bushy appearance. Grow it at a location that gets bright and sunlight.

18. Peppermint

Botanical Name: Mentha × piperita

One of the easiest herbs to grow, you can keep it in small pots and enjoy it fresh in beverages and cuisines. It can also grow well on a windowsill.

19. Sweet Cicely

Botanical Name: Myrrhis odorata

This herb grows up to 2 to 3 feet in height. The foliage gives out an anise-like fragrance when crushed. You can grow it for its fern-like foliage.

20. Sweet Basil


Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

This herb is admired for its fragrant leaves; the glossy oval-shaped foliage is full of flavor and has many culinary uses. You can learn more about growing it here!

21. Holy Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum tenuiflorum

This medicinal herb from the Indian subcontinent is known for its spicy, refreshing fragrance, it grows as a perennial plant in frost-free regions with mild winters. Read more details here.

22. Betel Leaf Plant

Botanical Name: Piper betel

The waxy green, heart-shaped leaves have many medicinal and culinary uses. When crushed, leaves emit a cool peppery scent. Learn more about growing betel leaf plant here.

23. Lemongrass

Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass grows up to 1-2 meters in height, it doesn’t ask for much care once established. Grow this herb in warm and humid conditions in the first week after germination.

24. Wasabi

Botanical Name: Eutrema japonicum

This Japanese herb is served with sushi, it tastes like hot mustard or horseradish. Read more about growing wasabi in pots here.

25. Mexican Mint

Botanical Name: Coleus amboinicus

Also known as Cuban oregano, this herb comes from the coleus family and has an intense aromatic flavor. It is most suitable for warm, frost-free climates (USDA Zones 9-12).

26. Thai Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora

When the leaves are crushed, it gives out a  fragrance like licorice. You can grow it for its beautiful purple stems and flowers.

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