The indoor trees in this list can make your home or office lively and dramatic with their stature and grandeur. No other expensive accent pieces can match them!

Check out our article on the best plants to grow indoors here

Trees You Can Grow Indoors

1. Giant Bird of Paradise

Botanical Name: Strelitzia nicolai

Growing up to 6-8 feet tall indoors, this can bring the tropics indoors with its large banana-like leaves and crane-shaped flowers in magnificent orange hues!

2. Newzealand Laurel

Botanical Name: Corynocarpus laevigatus

With its oval-shaped, glossy leaves, it looks great in living rooms with big windows. This tree is tolerant of a variety of soil types as well.

3. Dragon Tree

Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata

This tree makes quite an impression with its slender, thin fronds having red edges. Give it the right amount of sun and watch it thrive!

4. Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Botanical Name: Schefflera arboricola

This handsome houseplant has bright green and glossy leaflets that grow in the shape of a spiral wheel. Place the plant where it gets bright filtered light.

5. Norfolk Island Pine

Botanical Name: Araucaria heterophylla

Norfolk Island Pine resembles a lot to the Christmas tree with its pines and soft needles. A south or west-facing window will be a great place to help it grow best.

6. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus lyrata

One of the most popular indoor trees, its broad, fiddle-shaped leaves, never fails to make a factual statement! You can also check our article on fiddle leaf indoor decor ideas here!

Want to grow Fiddle leaf fig? Click here

7. Fishtail Palm

Botanical Name: Caryota

If you are a fan of bright, lush foliage, then this should be your pick! Its leaves also have jagged-edges, which gives it a unique look.

Check out our article on the best indoor palms here

 8. Banana Tree

Botanical Name: Musa spp

The giant leaves of the banana tree can make any space look livelier! You can grow its dwarf varieties in pots.

Here’s all you need to know about growing banana

9. European Olive

Botanical Name: Olea europea

You can grow it in containers indoors for a short period of time, as you have to take the plant outside during summer months.

10. Panama Orange

Botanical Name: Citrus mitis

You can also grow a lemon tree. For citrus trees, it’s better if you can provide a sunny window.

Check out our article on growing an Orange tree in a container here

11. Triangle Ficus

Botanical Name: Ficus triangularis

Coming from the same genus as the Rubber Tree, this specimen has a gorgeous looking triangular leaves. Plus, it is fuss-free and easy to maintain!

12. Majesty Palm

Botanical Name: Ravenea rivularis

Yes! You can grow it indoors and enjoy the beauty of its regal fronds! Just give it the right care, light, and humidity, and it’ll keep on complementing your decor.

13. Corn Plant

Botanical Name: Dracaena Fragrans

This easy to grow tree has a strong upright form, which makes it perfect for any room in the house! Go for “Massangeana” as it looks the best and grows 6-7 feet tall.

14. Bamboo Tree

Botanical Name: Bambusoideae

Growing bamboo indoors is possible if they get a large pot, receive plenty of indirect light and proper air circulation.

15. Parlor Palm

Botanical Name: Chamaedorea seifrizii & Dypsis lutescens

Both the reed palm and areca palm are known as the bamboo palm. These plants go well with colonial-style decoration.

16. Weeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina

Weeping figs are the favorite of many due to their lush foliage and fuss-free nature. Just keep the plants near a bright source of light, and they’ll continue to amaze you!

Here are the best Indoor Ficus trees you can grow

17. Yucca

Botanical Name: Yucca elephantipes

You can grow it in low light. So, try it only if you have got a bright source. Apart from that, it’s a low maintenance plant.

18. Guiana Chestnut

Botanical Name: Pachira aquatica

This one is a slow-growing indoor plant known for its power to bring prosperity and money. You can learn how to grow it here.

19. Candelabra Cactus

Botanical Name: Euphorbia ingens

There are many other tall cactus plants you can grow indoors. Find the list here.

20. Ponytail Palm

Botanical Name: Beaucarnea recurvata

Looks different and attractive with its bulbous trunk and set of strappy leaves! It tolerates low light and great for urban apartments.

21. Australian Tree Fern

Botanical Name: Cyathea cooperi

Reaching impressive heights, these ferns have always been popular ornamental plants. The serrated foliage atop a furry/woody ‘trunk’ makes them stand out!

22. Rubber Tree 

Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

If you’re looking for a low maintenance indoor tree, this is the one for you.

Want to grow Rubber Tree? Click here

23. Lady Palm

Botanical Name: Rhapis excelsa

Also popular as finger palm, thanks to its finger-shaped leaves, the fanned branches of this plant brings a rich vibe indoors.

24. Natal Mahogany

Botanical Name: Trichilia emetica

With deep green foliage and feather-shaped leaves, Natal Mahogany can be an attractive addition to your home. Use a large pot and expose it to a lot of bright light.

25. Lacy Leaf Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron bipinnatifidum

The plant can be a talking point in your living room, thanks to its huge glossy leaves. Give it a lot of room as its foliage can spread to as much as 4-6 feet!

Check out our article on growing Philodendron indoors here

26. Egyptian Papyrus

Botanical Name: Cyperus papyrus

Not exactly a tree but a grass, it makes it to the list as it grows to an impressive height of 6-7 feet indoors. The plant does great in partial sunlight!

  • Anjaneya Prasad Nandam
  • July 27, 2022 At 9:33 am
  • I want a noxvomica tree to kept in my house as well as eagle marmolos tree
  • Reply

I want a noxvomica tree to kept in my house as well as eagle marmolos tree

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