Fall has a certain charm that never seems to fade away. If you want to welcome it in your garden with fabulous shades of color every year, then here are the best Best Fall Flowers you can grow!

Here are the best flowers for a balcony garden

Best Fall Flowers

Botanical Name: Dahlia

1. Pansy

Botanical Name: Viola tricolor var. hortensis

Grow beautiful, colorful, and resilient Pansies in late summer so that it continues to flower during fall and winters!

2. Dahlia

9. Black-Eyed Susan

These perennials could live for over two years provided you offer them a strong support system. Dahlias do not tolerate frost well and prefer warmer climates.

  1. Goldenrod

Botanical Name: Solidago

This vibrant flowering plant can add charm to your fall garden. Goldenrod is also popular for its anti-inflammatory healing values.

4. Sweet Alyssum

Botanical Name: Lobularia maritima

Check out more varieties of kale here

5. Flowering Kale

Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea

6. Viola

Botanical Name: Viola

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum

Mums define fall like no other flower! Though each type differs in its own way, most mums continue to flower for anywhere between 4-8 weeks.

Learn everything about growing Chrysanthemums here

Botanical Name: Celosia

Here’s all you need to know about growing Celosia

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia hirta

Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

This hardy flowering plant is mostly planted as garden borders, in balcony boxes or containers, and is popular for its ‘spicy’ aroma. It usually blooms from May to November.

11. Aster

Botanical Name: Asteraceae

Cosmoses are another excellent choice for a fall garden as they continue to flower for several months into the fall in shades of crimson, white, yellow, and pink.

Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus

Check out our article on growing Sunflowers here

15. Canna

Botanical Name: Canna indica

Canna can liven up the garden during autumn with its spotted variations of the red-orange, yellow, pink, or scarlet flowers.

16. Verbena

Botanical Name: Verbena

With sweet-smelling, tiny flowers in saucer-shaped clusters, Verbena comes in shades of red, pink, white, coral, purple, bicolored varieties, and blue-violet.

17. Sneezeweeds

Botanical Name: Helenium

With beautiful, daisy-like flowers, it can cover your garden with vibrant yellow, red, or orange shades during the dull months of autumn.

18. Japanese Anemone

Botanical Name: Anemone hupehensis

Also called Japanese Thimbleweed, this tall perennial bears shiny foliage and flowers in shades of pure white to creamy pink with a green-colored button in the center.

19. Autumn Crocus

Botanical Name: Colchicum autumnale

It is not a true crocus. The plant comes in shades of pink, lilac, white, and violet. It produces a bouquet of flowers in early fall.

20. Marigold

Botanical Name: Tagetes

The flowers are either double or single borne. Marigolds are available in mahogany red, orange, and yellow in color and can make your garden look pretty hot during autumn!

21. Million Bells

Botanical Name: Calibrachoa

Million Bells bears mounds of interesting foliage that can grow up to 3-9 inches in height. The flowers come in shades of pink, violet, blue, yellow, bronze, magenta, and white.

22. Sweet Autumn Clematis

Botanical Name: Clematis terniflora

It showcases fragrant heads and tiny flowers in shades of pure white from August to fall when it turns into a fluffy-headed silvery mass.

23. Hibiscus

Botanical Name: Hibiscus

Varieties like; Rose of Sharon, Giant Rose Mallow, Rose Mallow, Confederate Rose, Blue River II, and Lord Baltimore flower beautifully in fall months. Check the best hibiscus cultivars here.

24. Shrub Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa

Also known as landscape roses, you can include cultivars like; Lambert Closse, Felicia, Linda Campbell, and Knock Out in your garden for a colorful display of blooms during fall.

25. Hardy Fuchsia

Botanical Name: Fuchsia magellanica

Have a burst of shades in the fall months with colorful blooms of hardy fuchsia. Make sure to provide it right soil which is not too dry, hot, or moist is the main factor for this flower.

26. Pigweed

Botanical Name: Amaranthus

This herbaceous annual, flowers in summer, fall, and early winter with burgundy, red, orange, pink, and green blooms. It grows up to 2-5 feet tall in full sun to partial shade.

27. Gomphrena

Botanical Name: Gomphrena globosa

The bright magenta bracts organized in globose with papery texture and clover-like flowerheads shine in a long summer to frost blossom. Though true flowers are trivial while looking closely you can see white to yellow trumpets.

28. Witch Hazel

Botanical Name: Hamamelis virginiana

Witch hazel blooms with yellow flowers tinged in red or orange in fall and winter when other bushes and trees drop their foliage. It prefers full sun to partial shade.

29. Perennial Sage

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

It flowers from summer to fall, grow during spring, these fragrant drought-tolerant beauties are ideal for cutting and loves by butterflies and bees.

30. Turtlehead

Botanical Name: Chelone obliqua

This clump-forming perennial, flowers during fall with purple, pink, and white blossoms that resemble turtle’s beak. It prefers full sun to partial shade and rich moist soil.

31. Autumn Monkshood

Botanical Name: Aconitum carmichaelii

This herbaceous perennial has an upright towering form, it showcases bold spikes of violet hooded blooms with blue undertones topping above the leaves during mid-fall.

32. Heather

Botanical Name: Calluna vulgaris

This evergreen shrub is a must-have in an autumn garden where it blooms in beautiful purple or mauve shades. There are also other colors available.

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