These Best Ways to Propagate Crotons will guide you into growing these colorful specimens easily for your garden or friends!

For all the methods mentioned in this post, Spring and Summer is the best time to propagate this plant. If the temperatures drops below 40–50 degrees Fahrenheit in your area then avoid growing it. If you live in a warmer zone, you can grow it at any time of the year.

Do you Want to Know How to Grow Big Croton Like a Tree? Read here

Propagate Croton Via Stem Cutting

One of the essential factors in the propagation method is to pick out healthy, mature croton.

Take 5-7 inches long cuttings using a sharp blade or knife. Cut at a 45-degree angle and ensure each cutting has 3-4 sets of leaves at the top. Get rid of all the leaves at the bottom. 

Dip the cutting’s end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Cover the cutting with a plastic bottle or a clear plastic bag to replicate a greenhouse-like atmosphere, where the temperature is at 68-78°F or 20-27°C.

Water well and keep the pot where it gets plenty of bright but indirect light. The cutting will form roots in 3-4 weeks.

Learn a few unknown secrets of colorful croton plants here

Propagate Croton in Water

Follow the same procedure as above to take the cuttings, only this time you have to root them in a vase or jar of nonchlorinated water. Keep the cutting at a place where it gets filtered light and change the water once in 3-5 days.

It will form roots in 3-4 weeks, and then you can transplant it in the garden or a pot filled with a well-draining growing medium.

Know everything about growing croton as a houseplant here

Propagate Croton via Air Layering

Pick a branch from a mature, healthy plant growing in indirect sunlight. Use a sharp blade to make a diagonal cut through half the diameter of the branch. Then, insert a toothpick into the fresh cut to keep it open.

Use sphagnum moss to cover the cut portion, mist it with water, and then wrap a clear polythene bag to trap the moisture inside. After 3-4 weeks, the branch will start to grow roots. At this stage, you can snip the stem out and plant it in a pot or garden.

Have a look at the best types of crotons to grow here

Propagate a Croton via Petiole Rooting

Remove a healthy leaf from a plant along with the petiole. Now place the leaf in a glass of water, as shown in the picture. Wait for 4-6 weeks for new root growth.

Once you notice root development from the leaves, transplant it in a pot filled with ground coir or perlite and peat mixed in equal quantities.

Note: The only caveat is you have to take a leaf with a node for it to form roots, unlike the one in the picture, which has no node to it.  

See some stunning pictures of croton landscaping here

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