Anthuriums have been getting a lot of attention, and for good reason. This exciting, diverse family includes not only hugely popular flowering houseplants but also tropical exotics with some of the most stunning foliage in the world. Whether you’re starting with your first Anthurium or want to expand your collection, here are 42 top Anthurium varieties to check out.

Anthurium Varieties

There are upwards of 1000 Anthurium species. They are members of the Araceae family, informally known as aroids, a fascinating group that includes other favorites like Philodendrons, Alocasias, and Monsteras.

Many Anthuriums are epiphytes but grow as terrestrial plants for at least part of their life. Most require bright indirect light, loose and well-draining soil, warmth, and high humidity.

The list is ordered from the most widely available and affordable Anthurium varieties to the rarest.

We focus on natural species in this list but also include favorite hybrids. More demanding species are noted along with specific care recommendations.

1. Anthurium Andraeanum

Almost every flowering plant sold as an Anthurium is from one species: the ubiquitous Andraeanum. Common names include Flamingo Flower or Laceleaf, but this massively popular species become simply “Anthuriums” to retailers and home gardeners worldwide. They are easy to care for and capable of almost continuous bloom.

The flowers are actually large, colored leaves. They often appear lacquered. Most blooms are long-lasting, staying fresh-looking for at least several months. They have a center spike, or spadix, which holds tiny flowers; the colorful part we consider the flower is actually a modified leaf called a bract or spathe.

Andraeanums come in different colors, sizes, and bloom shapes, including ribbon-, tulip-, and cup-shaped flowers. Even if you only grow this species, it can be a diverse collection.

Here are special hybrids in high demand:

  • Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Oaxaca’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Champion’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Zizou’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Livium’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Purple Miss June’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Simba’Anthurium Andraeanum ‘Black Beauty’

2. Anthurium Scherzerianum

This enormously popular species looks a lot like an Andraeanum, with one outstanding difference you can spot across the room: it has a decorative, curly spadix. The leaves are also more elongated and lance-like, tapering to a narrow point.

The Scherzerianum, or Pigtail Anthurium, was popularized even earlier than the Andraeanum. It is especially well known in Asia and parts of Europe, but they’re a little more elusive in North America. Overall, its care needs are similar to the hardy Andraeanum.

An amazing assortment of cultivars exist with flowers of red, orange, pink, purple cream, or green – some have a combination on each bract! The coiled spike can be a matching or contrasting color.

With so many cultivars being bred, the retail names are not always strictly applied. This makes it challenging to find a specific variation, but the abundance means you’re sure to find one to love.

3. Anthurium Amnicola (Tulip Anthuriums)

Tulip Anthuriums are smaller and more compact than Andraeanums. They make excellent indoor specimens and are just as hardy and easy to care for as their larger relatives. They exhibit resistance to aroid blight, too.

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Here are some of the most popular Tulip anthurium varieties:

  • Anthurium Amnicola ‘White Lady’

This elegant variety has slender, pure white flowers that look like a brilliant Peace lily with upright bracts forming a charming background to their white spadix. Their spathes are especially long-lasting. Smaller than most Anthuriums, the White Lady graces any bright corner.

  • Anthurium Amnicola ‘Lumina’

This beautiful variation on a white scheme features prominent, intricate longitudinal colored veining over snowy bracts. The flowers display a subtle gradient, too.

The Lumina’s leaf shape is wavy, as if it were rippling in the wind. The long, narrow spadix stands out in hues of purple or maroon.

  • Anthurium Amnicola ‘Lilli’

One of the most tulip-like varieties, the Lilli has vibrant, pink-colored flower bracts nestled in lush green foliage. Both the flowers and leaves are narrow and ribbon-shaped and point upward. It looks wonderful in a pot and even more amazing in mass plantings.

4. Anthurium Superbum

Now we step from flowering Anthuriums into exotic foliage Anthurium varieties, and the Superbum is a great species to start with. The plant has broad, rounded, textured green leaves with sepia-toned undersides that grow to about 18 inches long. Arranged in a centralized, upright growth pattern, the foliage has a sculptured, prehistoric look.

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Typically living as an epiphyte in the wild, the Superbum’s leaves form a bowl that invites nesting birds – or, at least, collects dead foliage and other forest matter. The plant’s strategy is to capture nutrients from the decomposing material.

Birds-nest Anthurium varieties are among the more resilient options but don’t use heavy soil or let the mix get soggy. Some growers recommend giving birds-nest Anthuriums a short dry period during the year.

This plant used to be a high-dollar find, but its popularity has led to higher production and a lower price tag. The Superbum has a lot of character and makes an interesting but low-drama houseplant.

5. Anthurium Hookeri

The next size up in birdnest Anthuriums, the Hookeri is a dramatic statement plant that exemplifies the jungle look. Its elongated, dark green leaves grow to about two feet long indoors.

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The Hookeri isn’t too fussy and offers resistance to Anthurium blight. It will need space, though. The plant’s natural behavior is to start life as a tree-bound epiphyte and grow so large that its weight causes it to fall from its branch and resume life on the ground. It’s not a long-term desk plant.

It is actually rare to find the original Hookeri – breeders haven’t been able to resist crowding the market with an abundance of cultivars. This isn’t necessarily a problem: from the dark-leaved ‘Marie-Black Star,’ to red-stemmed ‘Pink’ and a host of variegated or wavy-leaved variants, hybrids can offer something extra.

If you want to ensure you have the natural Hookeri, check out the ornamental berries it produces. The original species bears white fruit; hybrids have red.

6. Anthurium Radicans

This is a tabletop creeping Anthurium with deeply grooved leaves that have a stylish “pebble” surface. It’s a gateway into collecting.

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The Radicans isn’t difficult to keep and thrives with normal Anthurium care. The plant can handle lower light and prefers humidity, but it doesn’t require a greenhouse. Keep them away from drafts and avoid overwatering.

A particularly popular hybrid is one crossed with a larger-leaved variety, Dressleri. It has larger foliage, more fungal resistance, and better cold tolerance than the Radicans.

7. Anthurium Pedatoradiatum

Anthurium pedatoradiatum shows off the marked diversity that exists among Anthurium varieties. New leaves on this plant emerge heart-shaped and gradually subdivide into long lobes as they mature. Adult leaves can have up to thirteen fingers! It’s a continuously changing plant.

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Unlike many Anthuriums, the Pedatoradiatum is a terrestrial species happy in a potting soil and peat mix. The plant thrives in a range of moderate light conditions and doesn’t complain about medium humidity if properly watered.

Though rather new to the market, Pedatoradiatum isn’t hard to find. Prices have not yet escalated. Young specimens have generic heart-shaped leaves that are easy to overlook.

8. Anthurium Coriaceum

This handsome Brazilian birds-nest variety features subtly patterned, dark green, paddle-shaped leaves that rise in a circle on medium-sized petioles. Each blade can reach up to four feet long.

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The foliage has a distinct center vein. The velvety leaves are stiff and cardboard-like. The large, upright paddle leaves create a strong sculptural element.

Birds-nest Anthuriums adapt well to average humidity. They thrive on moderate lighting and light fertilization during the summer months.

Coriaceums are accessible pricewise, but they aren’t everywhere.

9. Anthurium Clarinervium

This prized Anthurium is a Mexican epipetric (rock-growing) species with a show-stopping vein pattern on thick, fuzzy foliage. The leaves have a stiff, cardboard feel and a suede-like surface. The silvery veins glow against a pale-green background.

Mature leaves can be eight to ten inches long, but the plant stays compact, typically remaining under two feet high. New leaves have an attractive red tint.

The Clarinervium’s need for high humidity makes them excellent candidates for a terrarium. The plant favors bright indirect light and chunky soil.

No matter how large your collection becomes, the Clarinervium will surely be a highlight. The plant’s popularity has made it one of the few widely available exotic aroids. Read my guide to Anthurium clarinervium care for more info.

10. Anthurium Crystallinum

The Crystallinum is a gorgeous cousin of the Clarinervium. The background of each suede-like oval leaf is a deep, textured green color. Both Anthurium varieties share a beautiful pattern of bright veins – the Crystallinum’s may be shinier.

Young leaves emerge with pale colors that deepen as they mature. Some growers claim the plant will tolerate medium humidity of 55%.

This is an oldtime collector’s favorite that was being grown in European hothouses back in the late 1800s. The Crystallinum is a special species that fortunately isn’t hard to find.

11. Anthurium Faustomirandae (Faustino’s Giant)

This Mexican newcomer has been billed as the “Largest Anthurium in the World.” It may technically take second place to the Regale, but Faustino’s Giant still has broad leaves that can reach four feet tall and wide.

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The leaves are rich green with a bluish cast. They can vary slightly in form, but each leaf has distinct lobes and a stiff and cardboard-like feel; they perch on thin upright stalks. New leaves have a red coppery hue and a glossy sheen that matures into a matte finish.

Faustino’s Giant is easy to grow … it even makes a good, deer-resistant landscape plant in warm climates. An up-and-comer still making a name for itself, this aroid beast isn’t too pricey but is only sporadically available.

12. Anthurium Gracile

This Anthurium is one of the few species whose fruit is part of its appeal. It is commonly called the Red Pearls Anthurium for the bright red berries it produces along its spadix. The fruit adds a bold dash of color to the paddle-shaped leaves splaying out on their petioles.

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Even though their actual roots are short and chubby, the plant’s aerial roots can hang down three feet or more. These roots and sprawling stalks give the Gracile a messy, wild look as it matures.

This is one the easier rare Anthurium varieties to maintain: they thrive in a range of light levels and adapt to average humidity. It’s a true epiphyte that thrives in soil suitable for orchids.

The Gracile is an uncomplicated variety with a unique twist. They aren’t common and may require a search, but they are (currently) reasonable.

13. Anthurium Bonplandii

This is a friendly, compact birds-nest epiphyte with thick, almost rubbery leaves. It grows from a fetching desktop specimen to a full-on statement plant. New leaves emerge a dark purplish color and turn green as they mature.

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Though it’s not the fastest grower, Bonplandii’s resilience and tolerance of average humidity make it an easy-to-keep houseplant. It likes moderate indirect light and to dry out slightly between waterings.

Some nice Bonplandii hybrids have come out, including variegated types. The cup-leaved ‘Cobra’ is especially popular. Double-check before buying: the Bonplandii is often confused with the Jenmanii because they look alike when young.

14. Anthurium Salgarense

This species projects aroid power with its huge, emerald heart-leaf shaped leaves. The leaves have a clean, defined texture and open sinus.

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The plant is a showoff too: the leaves perch on long thin stalks displaying its vein-quilted texture. Its black, alien-looking spadix could scare children.

For all this, the plant isn’t hard to keep happy. It likes normal Anthurium care but can forgive missteps.

Often confused with the rougher-textured Decipens, the Salgarense plays a bit of hide-and-seek on the market. If you’re not prepared for a challenging search, perhaps avoid seeing a mature specimen … you may find the plant difficult to resist once you’ve glimpsed its potential.

15. Anthurium Schlechtendalii

This extra-large birds-nest Anthurium is also called a Pheasant’s Tail Anthurium for their long, plume-like ruffled leaves. The foliage can grow to mammoth proportions; it has the feel of thin cardboard. New leaves emerge with a mirror-like surface that reflects light, but the leaf loses this shininess with maturity.

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The Schlechtendalii can tolerate lower humidity and a range of moderate indirect light. The plant grows naturally as an epiphyte or terrestrial plant at normal room temperatures; it’s happy in a soiless mix.

This is a particularly variable aroid – besides a natural variance between specimens, every leaf can look unique. It’s a popular plant with a big presence once it grows large, but they can be tricky to identify accurately … be sure to buy from a reputable source.

16. Anthurium Bullatus

This trending variety is so new it hasn’t even been officially defined (its tentative name is Bullatus). Young leaves start out oval and elongated and mature into a bizarre hourglass shape with prominent lobes.

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Whatever their shape, the bright green leaves have character. They grow large, over two feet long, and develop a ribbed, rippling texture.

There isn’t a lot of information on this up-and-coming Anthurium. It originates from tropical Equador, however: you can bet that it likes humidity, moisture, well-aerated soil, and indirect light.

Despite its recent appearance, this quirky Anthurium is already climbing the charts. They’re often available and their price hasn’t quite skyrocketed yet.

17. Anthurium Magnificum

This is a large species with prominent veining. The white veins aren’t the most intricate or defined, but the Magnificum’s thick, velvety leaves can grow over two feet long! That’s a lot of vein exposure.

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The underside of the foliage is outlined by a thin dark margin. New leaves emerge in a glowing reddish brown that gradually transforms into green.

The Magnificum is a bit more tolerant than its smaller cousins. They don’t mind brief semi-drying out periods.

This plant isn’t too hard to find, and it typically ships well. Be aware that many undefined hybrids and undocumented species are sold as Magnificums. Of course, some hybrids are excellent, like the crystallinum x magnificum cross that produces huge leaves and brighter veining. Just know what you’re getting.

18. Anthurium Jenmanii

This birds-nest species caused a craze in Indonesia in 2007-2008: prices soared and modestly priced plants were suddenly being auctioned off for hundreds of dollars. Many of the wonderful and affordable hybrids you see today are a product of that interest.

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The attraction is clear: the large upright leaves have a tropical presence that instantly bestows a jungle vibe to any scene. It’s also called the Cardboard Plant for its thick, stiff foliage.

The Jenmanii does well with typical Anthurium treatment. Their leaves grow large – well over two feet – but the plant remains tractable.

Jenmanii is related to Superbum, another birds-nest Anthurium that was added to the Indonesian frenzy and extensively hybridized into trendy cultivars. Prices have somewhat normalized … but seek out a variegated species if you have too much money.

19. Anthurium Clavigerum

This climbing variety is one of largest and most desirable of the fingerlike-foliage species. Each of the green, highly variable leaves has undulating edges and splays out from a central stem. The rippling texture increases as the leaf grows.

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With support, a mature plant can tower above your collection with stems reaching over twelve feet high – individual leaves may be three feet long! You can create a home jungle with a single specimen.

The Clavigerum is a somewhat hidden gem that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It’s fairly tolerant of average humidity and not generally fussy.

It isn’t too difficult to source, either, and is reasonably priced for a rare aroid. And it grows more magnificent over time.

20. Anthurium Pendulifolium

This spectacular plant has slender, long, belt-like leaves that drape down from centralized petioles. The impressive leaves can grow over six feet long. It produces an attractive long purple spike.

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The plant is not too delicate if its needs are met, but its care requires diligent effort. Be extra careful not to overwater.

A mature Pendulifolium is a real showpiece, but it’s not a beginner’s aroid. Pricey, but not too hard to find in North America.

21. Anthurium Luxurians

This prized species features unforgettable, quilt-like corrugation. The textured leaves are shiny and appear lacquered … they are very stiff and cardboard-like and stand high on sturdy, square petioles.

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The plant is a slow grower that stays compact. New leaves emerge with a rich chocolate color and gradually deepen into their adult green. The deep ridges on the leaves refract light at different angles, giving the foliage a gem-like quality.

This touchy Anthurium is best reserved for a more experienced grower. The plant requires warmth and high humidity and is intolerant with less. It’s a good candidate for terrariums.

The Luxurians enjoys prized status among collectors of textured varieties. It is under tissue cultivation and becoming more available. It’s been confused with the Splendidum in the past and there’s a lot of variation between individual specimens, so be sure your seller is reliable.

22. Anthurium Vittarifolium

This popular strap-leaved epiphyte has dark-green, draping foliage that can grow over six feet long and just three inches wide. It produces small red flowers and pink berries as a nice touch.

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Though not particularly fussy, the Vittarifolium is a tree-dweller that needs high humidity. It can handle filtered sunlight and grows briskly with regular light fertilization.

The Vittarifolium is less costly and more obtainable than other highly-sought pendant-leaved varieties, like the rare Pallidiflorum. Prices seem to be softening as production ramps up to meet demand. There’s a spectacular variegated version, too.

23. Anthurium Crystallinum ‘Doroyaki’

This is a high-end Crystallinum hybrid with its parent’s spellbinding veining pattern but substantially wider markings. The soft, velvety leaves are thicker, more rounded, and have a silvery sheen.

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The Doroyaki grows closer to the ground than the Crystallinum. It needs the same attention to humidity and other care.

Information is still a little sparse, but the Doroyaki’s gemlike beauty has put it in the spotlight … and it’s priced accordingly. Specimens aren’t too hard to source and costs are starting to come down.

24. Anthurium Splendidum

This gorgeous example of bullated foliage has leaves that look finely bubbled. Each leaf is bright green and has an unusually rounded, heart-shaped form. They have a velvety texture and can grow almost four feet wide in the right conditions.

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Optimal conditions aren’t easy to provide, however: the plant needs high humidity and cool temperatures (especially at night); they are frost tender. The trick is to provide sufficient humidity without encouraging rot, so their soil should be extremely fast-draining.

The Splendidum is a climber that does best with some support. It does well in a terrarium when small.

The name Splendidum was formerly given to what is now the Luxurians. There is still some confusion, so take care when purchasing. This special plant varies in wildly in price and availability, and it isn’t common anywhere.

25. Anthurium Corrugatum

This outstanding texture-collector’s species has heavily veined leaves with a deeply bubbled texture that looks like corrugation. The leaves are paler underneath and covered with powdery hair; they grow to almost 2 feet long and nearly that wide.

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The Corrugatum prefers humidity of 70% or more. They do best in moderate lighting as their bullate texture helps conserve lumens.

The plant hasn’t been available for long. While it’s already becoming popular, it’s not always easy to find … but the price hasn’t become exorbitant (yet).

26. Anthurium Rotundistigmatum

This large epiphytic species features thin, triangular leaves with extra-wide lobes. Its upright petioles may have purple hues near the base. The light green leaves grow to two feet long by a foot wide.

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The Rotundistigmatum requires standard Anthurium treatment – you know the drill: high humidity and open soil that stays slightly moist. It does better in a pot that’s too small rather than too large.

It’s a plant that turns heads, but you don’t see this variety very often. It’s worth a look, especially if you favor broad-leaved Anthurium varieties.

27. Anthurium Forgetii

This charming, round-leaved variety features a ring of electric white veins over a velvety green surface.  The green spathe has purple edging and a yellow spike that reddens and produces purple berries.

The plant stays small enough to remain a table-top specimen. Its foliage looks adorably oversized. The leaves can reach a foot or more in length, even though most retail pics show a small specimen.

The Forgetii is often sold as being easy to keep, but there are serious caveats. They need 80% or more humidity to thrive, along with proper light, soil and watering. They may be easy for experts, but not for beginners.

Though it resembles a Clarinervium, each leaf of the Forgetii is different and has varying degrees of silvery-white veining. Some growers divide the species into two forms with either faint or bright veins.

It’s not hard to locate a Forgetii; rather, it’s not hard to find a plant being SOLD as one. The distinguishing characteristic is the closed top sinus. This species has been around for decades and is heavily hybridized, so getting a pureblooded specimen takes extra effort.

28. Anthurium Friedrichsthalii

This clean, simple variety has attractive strap-like leaves that stay small and won’t outgrow your space. It has thick, narrow, almost bluish-green leaves with a raised central vein. The pendant foliage hangs from mid-sized petioles – the whole leaf, including the petiole, seldom grows over a foot in length.

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Care is straightforward, but this is a total epiphyte that needs chunky, loose soil which doesn’t dry out completely. It’s not too fussy about humidity and likes moderate to bright indirect light. It does well mounted or in a hanging basket.

The Friedrichsthalii isn’t exactly rare, but it is oddly overlooked in favor of larger strap-leaved Anthurium. Finding one may require a search. It’s sometimes confused with the Gracile, so double-check before buying.

29. Anthurium Villenoarum

This Peruvian newcomer to the market has large, light-green leaves with striking white veins. The foliage splays outward from its central stem; it has a stiff, velvety texture and unusual triangle-shaped petioles.

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The Villenoarum is one of the easiest velvet leaved varieties to maintain. It requires moderate humidity and moderate to bright indirect light, but it’s not overly fussy. It keeps its compact profile and grows at a moderate rate in good conditions.

Like the rest of the bright-vein varieties, the Villenoarum is in high demand. It’s still entering production and isn’t always available; its price reflects the situation.

30. Anthurium Podophyllum

This variety has unusual and intriguing foliage even for an Anthurium. Its blue-green leaves emerge slightly webbed and become more divided as they mature … a grown specimen has a glorious structure of lacy, fingerlike leaves over three feet long. It even develops bright orange seed pods for color highlights.

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As a Mexican native the Podophyllum appreciates more light than other Anthuriums – you might experiment with a little dappled or even mild direct sun.

Depending upon your locality, this one can be a bit scarce. It’s becoming rare in the wild, too. Perhaps tissue culture will be developed to satisfy demand of the many growers who “need” it once they see it.

31. Anthurium Metallicum

This broad-leafed rare variety has shield-shaped, velvety leaves that grow up to four feet long. The veining is bright and intricate; the surface has a glowing sheen.

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As a high-elevation tropical, the Metallicum needs humid and relatively cool conditions of about 60-70°F (16-21°C). A greenhouse will probably be too hot during the warm months.

Most reported indoor successes are specimens kept in a terrarium. Growers in sufficiently humid climates can maintain the plant by summering it outdoors and moving it inside to avoid weather extremes.

Expensive when available, this impressive variety brings prestige and variety to any collection that can offer the right conditions.

32. Anthurium Rugulosum

This rare, “red-line” endangered Ecuadorian epiphyte is in demand with growers who prize highly textured leaves. The rich, deep green foliage is heavily lined with myriad creases that create a living, leather-like surface.

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The Rugulosum isn’t easy to maintain, unfortunately. It needs high humidity and cool temperatures that match its elevated ancestry. The plant will slowly expire in warmer temperatures.

Despite its care requirements and its rarity – sometimes Rugulosum isn’t available at any price – the plant is highly sought after for its textured character.

33. Anthurium Wendlingeri

Many Anthuriums have a big personality – here’s one of the biggest. The Wendlingeri is loved for its dramatic pendant leaves and famously long corkscrew spadix that looks like party streamers. The plant does its own thing.

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There are many Wendlingeri cultivars with foliage: fat to skinny, long- or short-leaved, textured or uniform. The leaves are varied too, even leaves on the same plant. No two plants are exactly alike.

This is a wish list plant for many enthusiasts. Though they aren’t impossibly rare, it will probably take some searching to land one. There is a price of admission to the Wendlingeri party, but it has quite a dedicated following.

There are many hybrids, too. One highly-regarded cultivar is the Wendlingeri x Scherzerianum.

34. Anthurium Regale

This is a spectacular bright-veined Anthurium. Its mammoth heart-shaped leaves are brilliant green and have stunning white veins radiating outward from the central line. One of the largest Anthuriums in existence, their foliage grows four feet long or more in ideal conditions.

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The Regale’s requirements are up for contention. Some growers say they need cool temperatures to thrive, others claim they grow at 70ºF (21ºC) and above – all agree high humidity and moisture are important. It’s definitely a plant for more experienced collectors.

This Peruvian species isn’t a fast grower, but it responds to the right environment. Each leaf increases size between four to six inches as the plant grows. They become truly breath-taking over time.

35. Anthurium Marmoratum

This tropical beauty combines narrow, elongated lance-shaped leaves with the classic broad heartleaf. The rich, velvety foliage is a glowing green and has faint, distinct and attractively patterned veins.

This variety looks similar to the vaunted Queen (Warocqueanum), but it’s larger and never stops growing. It doesn’t have quite the same finicky reputation. Marmoratums need cool temperatures, moderate-to-low indirect light, and high humidity. It also needs climbing support.

The variety can be difficult to locate and isn’t cheap. There is naming controversy whether this is actually the older Angamarcanum, since both specimens are similar and highly variable. A cross between the Marmoratum and Rugulosum called the “Quechua Queen” is in demand.

36. Anthurium Balaoanum

This beautiful climbing Anthurium has leathery, heartleaf-shaped foliage with an arcing space between its lobes. The paper-thin, light-green leaves hang upright on splayed stems and ripple subtly down their length. The plant can grow large, reaching over six feet indoors and higher outdoors.

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Despite its emerald aura, this is one of the easier rare Anthuriums to maintain. The Balaoanum is an ephiphyte that needs chunky, soil and good airflow. It can adapt to 50% humidity and a range of moderate light.

The Balaoanum has been cultivated for decades. It doesn’t get quite the credit it deserves and is still a bit rare. It has been called a Guildingii, and also a Dussii – sometimes the plant is still sold under those names.

37. Anthurium ‘Ace of Spades’

This hybrid is a poster plant for collector insanity. It’s not hard to understand why: the heart-shaped, velvety leaves emerge red and change to vibrant bronze before maturing to a very dark green or black.

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The plant looks more stunning the larger it gets: its leaves grow over two feet long and almost as wide. The foliage is variable and may have overlapping top lobes.

The plant doesn’t need to be treated like a diva, though. It is easy to keep and grows steadily in humidity above 60%. The dark color of foliage stays more consistent if conditions aren’t bright.

The exact parentage of this cultivar isn’t known, and no one seems to mind: the Ace of Spades is one of the Anthurium varieties in the highest current demand.

38. Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen)

This phenomenally beautiful variety has been dubbed the “Queen” Anthurium. Its elongated, lance-shaped leaves display stunning, silvery white veins that radiate in a brilliant splay pattern. The foliage is velvety and thick, hanging pendent-like from the petiole.

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The leaves of this regal plant grow to four feet long. The veins can glow brighter as the plant matures.

Now for the bad news. Unfortunately, the Queen doesn’t make an easy houseplant. She can grow steadily if you give her warmth, high humidity (90% is not too much). The plant lives mainly as a rainforest epiphyte and needs loose soil and doesn’t like intense light.

The Warocqueanum does best hanging from a basket or high shelf from where she can gracefully drape her long leaves. Older specimens produce long, trailing aerial roots that allow the plant to absorb extra water … a situation when misting may benefit the plant.

It’s not too hard to find this sought-after species, but the price is daunting enough to encourage experience with other fussy Anthuriums before purchase. There is a lot of variability within the species, and retailers offer a dark form as an alternative. There’s also a Waterburyanum hybrid that’s more resilient, though its veining is not so stunning.

39. Anthurium Veitchii (King)

A good match for the Queen in size and contrast, the Veitchii is pretty much the last word in draping leaf texture. The elongated, lance-shaped glossy leaves have decorative horizontal ridges that arc from either side of the prominent central vein running down their length.

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Young plants have little texturing and don’t stand out, but their ridges increase as they grow. The narrow leaves splay on thin petioles and reach from three to six feet long in proper conditions. New leaves emerge with a maroon tint and mature into green adulthood.

The King Anthurium shares the diktat of the Queen: high humidity! 90% is a good ballpark. Unless you live in a tropical climate, it’s difficult to keep Anthurium’s power couple happy outside a terrarium or greenhouse.

Try to source your King from a reputable seller. This is one of the “It” Anthuriums on the hot list, but they are available if you have the budget.

40. Anthurium Papillilaminum

This is Panama’s top entry into the gorgeously veined, heart-shaped-leaf category. It has classic foliage with a dramatic grey-green color and an occasional reddish tinge. Each highly variable leaf can reach to just over a foot in length.

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New foliage emerges in a brilliant violet-red hue and matures to a color ranging between dark olive to nearly black. The leaves have an iridescent quality that gives Papillilaminum their common name: Butterfly Anthurium.

The plant tends to produce aberrant leaves: some are round, others are more elongated. Leaf color and width can vary. The edges may be ruffled.

This isn’t a difficult Anthurium in humidity over 80%. It’s terrestrial and can live in soil. It doesn’t like having its roots disturbed, however, and doesn’t acclimate quickly.

Papillilaminum are quite rare, so this entry is smiting the gardener with elusive beauty. Its popular hybrid ‘Dark Mama’ is generally more attainable.

41. Anthurium Ovatifolium

This super-rare variety offers a different interpretation on texture, featuring a tasteful, finely incised vein pattern on its foliage. The oval leaves are a rich, dark green and offer a stylish contrast to other broad-leaved Anthuriums.

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The plant lives the Anthurium diva lifestyle of high humidity and meticulous care. Room temperatures are fine; ensure good air flow.

When an Ovatifolium is available, it’s usually a small specimen … but don’t be misled. This variety grows large, with splayed leaves of almost two feet long each. If you live in a terrarium or climate equivalent, the Ovatifolium can make a fantastic centerpiece.

42. Anthurium Cutucuense

The Cutucuense is about as unique and rare as a plant can be. It combines features from several categories: narrow straplike foliage, a bubbled bullate texture, fingerlike trisected shape, and a pendant growth habit. It adds reddish petioles to be original.

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This is a tricky Anthurium, and one you should be sure you can accommodate before acquiring. It’s a native of mountainous Ecuadorian cloud forests and needs sky-high humidity and cool temperatures with daytime highs near 70ºF (21ºC) and 50ºF (10ºC) at night.

We’re well off the beaten path now, and you may never encounter this species … but it exposes a growing moral issue. The Cutucuense is one of those in-demand plants that are so heavily harvested they are threatened with extinction in the wild.

On the one hand, desirable plants may find preservation in human cultivation … but reckless purchases add fuel to the poaching fire. There’s no simple answer, but growers can confirm the history of a plant before buying. This plant is on the firing line, so proceed knowingly.

Collecting Anthuriums

Enthusiasts usually come to favor certain plant types. Keep in mind that Anthuriums are highly variable; even the leaves on the same plant may look different.

These qualities are especially sought-after:

  • Size. Some Anthuriums stay compact; others can grow into tree-sized plants with leaves over five feet long.Bullate-leaved specimens with bubbly, corrugated textures.Darker foliage color, and also brightly hued young foliage.Prominent vein patterning.Hanging pendant leaves.Leaf shapes including the classic heartleaf with various lobe configurations, oval or paddle-shaped leaves, fingerlike leaf sets, and narrow, strap-like foliage.Birds-nest aroids have a growth pattern that creates a circle of centrally joined leaves that forms a bowl.

Anthuriums can be easily hybridized to strengthen the plant’s resilience or other features. Anthuriums were first popularized in the late 19th century, so some of today’s varieties may be older hybrids instead of a natural species.

Easy hybridization has sparked an industry that breeds for a specific attribute and reproduces the result through tissue culture. These cultivars won’t breed true but are distributed as exact, cloned copies.

Prices And Availability Depend Upon Your Area.

Popular Anthurium varieties go for outrageous sums, but it’s a strange market. Plants skyrocket in price due to popularity, but not necessarily because of rarity or horticultural superiority.

Plants that have been reasonably priced for years can suddenly experience an updraft in fame and cost, and it’s impossible to predict. It’s part of the fun: You can pick up an inexpensively priced newer-to-market plant like Faustino Giant before it’s “discovered” … or wait for prices to drop on a market darling as production catches up with demand.

Some Anthurium Varieties Are Difficult

Many Anthurium varieties are tolerant of suboptimal conditions, but some of the spectacular foliage species are not so easily satisfied. Many of these amazing rainforest Anthuriums need very high humidity; cloud forest epiphytes need cool temperatures and perish in warm conditions.

Do research before buying. Experienced enthusiasts will tell you: These rainforest plants come from another world!

Anthurium Care

  • Anthuriums can often tolerate low light – a few prefer it – but most species like brighter conditions. Their foliage scorches easily in intense light.

  • Epiphytic Anthuriums do best in a chunky, open mix similar to an orchid’s. Adjust the mix to your location: if your climate is dry, consider adding peat; in humid conditions use more perlite and bark. Some growers add sphagnum moss as a top dressing to help create a humid microclimate around the plant: it’s time to water when the top gets crispy.

  • Keep the soil slightly moist. Some Anthuriums do well if the soil dries slightly between waterings, but don’t stress the plant with underwatering: the leaves quickly turn brown and crispy to conserve water. (If this happens, the plant may regrow from just a stump with proper care.)

  • Water less over the cool winter months and keep the soil a bit drier.

  • In general, apply a quarter- or half-diluted fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season. Organic formulas are beneficial.

  • Provide good air circulation.

  • Anthuriums need time to acclimate to a new location. Be patient!

  • The Anthurium’s thick leaves discourage chewing pests, but they are afflicted by sucking insects like aphids, scale, thrips, etc. Normal treatments apply, but test an area of a leaf first if it’s a prized foliage specimen.

  • Healthy Anthuriums aren’t prone to disease, but struggling specimens can contract bacterial infections. Aroid blight is a serious infection, so check carefully before buying: its symptoms are a yellowed halo on leaves and eventual foliage loss.