Are you looking for the best flowers that even flourish in the heat waves and can even tolerate the temperature range of 100 F (38 C)? Well, here they are–the Best Flowers for Full Sun, and some of these flowers are very drought tolerant as well.
Here are the best flowering ground cover plants
Best Flowers for Full Sun
1. Pentas
Botanical Name: Pentas lanceolata
USDA Zones: 8-11
Beautiful pentas attract pollinators like bees, hummingbirds, and sunbirds due to the nectar. This is a tough, heat-tolerant plant that you can grow in containers.
2. Lantana
Botanical Name: Lantana camara
Lantana is a common tropical and arid climate flower that blooms year-round in bright colors like red, yellow, orange, white, or pink and thrives in neglect and heat.
Check out the best types of lantana here.
3. Plumbago
Botanical Name: Plumbago auriculata
USDA Zones: 8-12
Plumbago is a beautiful vine-like African native shrub that thrives with minimal care in the subtropical or tropical heat. Its sky-blue flowers appear almost year-long in the right climate.
4. Moonflower
Botanical Name: Ipomoea alba
The spectacular display of large and fragrant pure white flowers resembles morning glory and opens in the evening. It flowers year-round in subtropics but if you live in a temperate region, grow it as annual.
5. Hibiscus
Botanical Name: Hibiscus
USDA Zones: 9-11
Hibiscus is low maintenance, can be grown in pots easily, and is available in myriads of colors and for both temperate and warm climates!
Discover the Different Varieties of Hibiscus here.
6. Moss Rose
Botanical Name: Portulaca grandiflora
USDA Zones: 2 to 11 (as an annual)
With amazing needle-like foliage and bright and colorful small flowers, Portulaca plants are worth a place in your container garden, in hanging baskets, or in window boxes whether you live in the tropic or in the temperate zone!
7. Blanket Flower
Botanical Name: Gaillardia
USDA Zones: 7-11
Also known as the blanket flower, gaillardia is a heat-resistant and drought-tolerant plant that belongs to the sunflower family. The blooms look so attractive and become excellent cut flowers.
8. Powder Puff
Botanical Name: Calliandra
Basically, a small tree that is famous for its puffy flowers that attract wildlife, you can also grow Calliandra in a large pot, especially in the colder zones, below 9, to overwinter it indoors as this magnificent plant can’t survive harsh freezing winters.
9. Verbena
Botanical Name: Verbena
USDA Zones: 4-11
There are more than 250 species of verbenas that can be grown in a variety of climates. Almost all varieties require the sun to thrive and bloom prolifically.
10. King’s Mantle
Botanical Name: Thunbergia erecta
Also called bush clock vine, it is a shrub that is native to Africa. This prolific year-round bloomer comes in shades of violet, purple and yellow.
11. Brazilian Jasmine
Botanical Name: Mandevilla sanderi
USDA Zones: 6-12
Grow Mandevilla as annual in cooler climates; it is a fast-growing and heat-resistant tropical climber that blooms heavily: flowers are pink, white, or red in color.
12. Bottlebrush
Botanical Name: Callistemon
With its brush-like puffy flowers that appear throughout the year, the bottlebrush is without a doubt one of the best large flowering shrubs. If grown in a cooler zone, bring the bottle brush plant indoors before the first frost to overwinter it.
13. Marigold
Botanical Name: Tagetes
USDA Zones: 2-11 (as an annual)
Marigolds love the sun and heat, so keep them in a spot that receives full sun, and they’ll bloom heavily. With the choices available, you can grow marigolds either as annual or perennial.
Find out types of marigolds and how to grow them in pots here
14. Angelonia
Botanical Name: Angelonia angustifolia
Due to the shape of the flowers, it is often called summer snapdragon. This lovely heat-resistant plant is usually grown as an annual, and the flowers are available in blue, green, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow colors.
15. Geranium
Botanical Name: Pelargonium
USDA Zones: 5-12
You can not exclude geraniums from the list of heat-tolerant flowers. Geraniums are perennial in the tropics and bloom a lot! Grow these old traditional flowers in containers, borders, and beds.
Have a look at the 24 Fanciest Types of Geraniums here
16. Canna Lily
Botanical Name: Canna indica
Cannas require warmth, full sun, and moist soil to thrive. Depending on the variety, cannas can grow between 1 to 8 feet tall and comes in the shade of red, orange, and yellow colors.
Check out the best canna lily here
17. False Heather
Botanical Name: Cuphea hyssopifolia
We usually grow them as annuals, but in frost-free climates, they are suitable plants for the warmer regions.
18. Desert Rose
Botanical Name: Adenium obesum
USDA Zones: 9-12
You can also grow adenium for quick bonsai, it can be planted outside in frost-free zones. Once established, this magnificent plant covers itself with beautiful tubular flowers. In temperate zones, you can grow adenium as a houseplant.
19. Ixora
Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea
Ixora is a perennial tropical shrub that bears flame-like flowers in clusters. You can also grow Ixora in containers providing it full sun and heat.
20. Cock’s Comb
Botanical Name: Celosia argentea
Celosias are generally grown as annual, but they are one of the best flowers for full sun. Growing celosia in containers is a great way to have this unusual flower, grow celosia in your patio or balcony garden.
21. Petunia
Botanical Name: Petunia × atkinsiana
USDA Zones: 5-10
Petunias love sun and heat, they are one the most beautiful and popular annual flowers. However, this frost-tender plant is perennial in warmer climates.
22. Texas Bluebonnets
Botanical Name: Lupinus texensis
USDA Zones: 4-9
Bluebonnets is a state flower of Texas, and it is one of the best flowers for full sun. You can grow it in your container garden too.
23. Princess Flower
Botanical Name: Tibouchina urvilleana
‘Princess Flower’ can be grown as perennial and annuals, both. It looks beautiful with silver and downy flower buds that open in deep purple blossoms atop contrasting velvety green foliage.
24. Salvia
Botanical Name: Salvia
The salvia genus has both annual and perennial species, but annuals are more suitable for container gardening. It comes in deep purple, blue, orange, and red blooms.
25. Ground Orchids
Botanical Name: Spathoglottis plicata
USDA Zones: 10-12
Ground orchid offers colorful clusters of blooms ranging from deep pink to yellow on arching foliage – it can be grown as annuals.
26. Diamond Frost Euphorbia
Botanical Name: Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
It grows best in the sun but also flowers in partial shade. This tender perennial is planted as an annual in most regions. It has a mounding habit and upright stems and produces white blooms all season long.
27. Bolivian Begonia
Botanical Name: Begonia boliviensis
Bronze foliage species are best for the full sun. The unique serrated foliage and bright fiery red flowers look great in containers and hanging baskets.
28. Scaevola
Botanical Name: Scaevola aemula
This heat-tolerant annual plant is an apt choice for growing in containers during summer. It flowers in blue, pink, white, and purple shades.
29. Million Bells
Botanical Name: Calibrachoa
USDA Zones: 5-11
Million Bells can be grown as an annual in all zones. It grows best in full sun to part shade in moist, rich, well-draining soil. The plant flowers continuously in a rainbow of shades.
30. Bidens
Botanical Name: Bidens
USDA Zones: 6-11
The stunning red and gold blooms of ‘Beedance Painted Red‘ grab attention in containers. ‘Suntory Lobelia Trailing White‘ and ‘Surfinia Deep Red‘ are also great picks!
31. SunPatiens
Botanical Name: Sunpatiens
Sunpatiens grow very well in containers, even in full sun and partial shade as well. You can grow bright orange flowers of vigorous Clear Orange SunPatiens for natural sunshine in your outdoor spaces.
32. Sweet Alyssum
Botanical Name: Lobularia maritima
USDA Zones: 4-10
‘Snow Princess’ is a heat and sun-tolerant variety and blooms non-stop all summer long. You can grow it as a sun-tolerant plant in containers.
33. Sunflower
Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus
Sunflowers thrive best in places with full sun and flowers during summer or early fall. Varieties like Lemon Queen and Solsation Flame are the best choice for containers.
34. Globe Amaranth
Botanical Name: Gomphrena globosa
USDA Zones: 2-11
The lollipop-like flowers of Gomphrena are loved by butterflies and come in a range of shades from purple, pink, and red.
35. Spider Flower
Botanical Name: Cleome spinosa
Senorita Rosalita cleome a thornless version and looks great in containers. This beautiful annual is easy to grow in a warm location and under full sun.
36. Rose
Botanical Name: Rosa
USDA Zones: 3-11
Roses do well in containers, and you can grow them easily on patio, decks, balconies, and entranceways. The plant prefers 5-6 hours of full sun each day with good air circulation.
37. Bougainvillea
Botanical Name: Bougainvillea
Bougainvillea flowers across the year and you can grow them in pots easily. Place the container where it receives at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight and water when the soil is dry.
38. Yellow Bell Flower
Botanical Name: Tecoma
Tecoma grows best in warm, frost-free climates, under full sunlight. The tubular, pink, red-orange, yellow blooms look beautiful as a climbing vine or as a border plant in containers.
39. Dwarf Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera xylosteum
USDA Zones: 3-10
Dwarf honeysuckle thrives well in full sun and produces yellow-tinged blooms from early spring to late summer. It’s pretty easy to grow in containers.
40. Bleeding Heart Vine
Botanical Name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae
The plant requires direct sun to flower well. It flowers during spring and summer and produces clusters of star-shaped flowers.
41. Oleander
Botanical Name: Nerium Oleander
USDA Zones: 8b-12
This tough ornamental shrub produces large clusters of pink, red, yellow, or white, single or double bloom all year round. It is drought tolerant and can easily live happily in temperatures over 100 F (38 C).
Note: Though oleander blooms are quite pretty and some varieties even fragrant but keep in mind that all parts of the plant are quite toxic to humans and pets due to two strong cardiac glycosides: neriine and oleandrin. Even a small amount of consumption can be fatal.
42. Arabian Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac
Arabian Jasmine, which is also the state flower of the Philippines, is loved for really fragrant white blossoms that fade to pink with age and contrasting glossy, deep green oval foliage. The flowers occur all summer long and proceed to bloom year-round in warm climates.
43. Vinca
Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus
Also known as Madagascar Periwinkle, this is undoubtedly one of the most productive bloomers on this list. It tolerates heat and scorching summer sun and doesn’t mind if you miss watering it occasionally.
June 18, 2017 At 11:53 pm
Cannas! My favorite, and they thrive in the hot desert southwest, with very little work. Yet, I rarely see them for sale with other plants. In fact, here in Las Cruces, NM, I’ve seen a lot of “hostas” in the stores, which is unimaginable to me that they would survive here.
March 12, 2020 At 10:47 am
I’m from El Paso. They will thrive in the shade. I keep mine in a pot on the porch that gets only morning sun.
March 20, 2018 At 12:01 am
GREAT INFO! I was searching for heat-tolerant plants that can survive the brutal Houston, Texas climate. Any other suggestions out there from you H-Town folk>
Kyle Goodman
April 8, 2019 At 5:31 am
Try red Malva spinach
Kyle Goodman
April 8, 2019 At 5:32 am
Malbar spinach
September 3, 2019 At 11:20 pm
- Ice Plant. 2. Sedum — many flowering varieties (I especially like Sedum “Autumn Joy” and Monarch Butterflies go crazy over it). 3. Purslane (aka Portulaca oleracea). This is not the double-flowered variety with the needle like leaves on this list. It is the single-flowered variety with rounded leaves. I actually think it is prettier than the variety on this list, and it comes in a variety of vibrant colors. We have it in window boxes in full sun and horrible heat in southern Louisiana. Nothing else would do well in those window boxes, but we barely do anything at all to this purslane and it thrives. We water it about once a week. Here are photos of just some of the colors it comes in.
April 9, 2018 At 3:43 pm
When I libed in Houston I had TONS of the light green leaded begonias. Of course i had them in full shade, but they really thrived in their pots. Red, pink and white. Unfortunately, someone came up the apartment stairs and stole them all!!!!
Be Yeo-Bradshaw
September 2, 2018 At 10:27 am
Most of these plants are weeds here in Australia’s harsh climate. Can’t we have a website with Australian HEAT tolerant plants. Y is it always American plants that pop up?
Maggie Bartle
September 30, 2019 At 6:55 pm
Hi Be Yeo-Bradshaw,
You were asking about websites with Australian HEAT tolerant plants. I found you some. Here they are › tubestockplants › fullsun › uses › full-sun › plant-guide-heat-tolerant-flowers-9454 › plant-guide › plants-for-hot-overhead-sun › blogs › gardening › drought-tolerant-plants.
I hope these help you find what you’re looking for. good luck and happy plant finding.
June 2, 2020 At 1:09 pm
Maggie for the win
Dani Donofrio
February 14, 2019 At 2:45 pm
I find the Bottlebrush plant looks like it is having a bad hair day.
Maggie King
April 3, 2019 At 10:13 pm
We live on a brackish bayou on GuCoast MS, and bottlebrush thrives here, even when we flood with the saltwater….we do prune back after blooms…the only thing that did kill off 1 was a very hard freak freeze. ^ months of coastal heat, floods and storms have not killed off this beautiful shrub.
Joel Magogwe
July 24, 2019 At 11:26 pm
Thank you for the information you have shared with us.
I love gardening very much and i hooe to learn a lot from you.
However, my biggst challenge in Botswana, Africa, is the harsh climatic conditiins. Our summers are extremely hot. I wish i could plant a beautiful garden of flowering plants that can stand aot of heat.
Unfortunately our suppliers here only supply flowers tbat need intensive care.
Would you be in a position to supply the plants you have suggested to Africa?
Marilyn Kay Johnson
July 18, 2020 At 3:48 pm
Zombies are great. Love the heat. I live a little north if Houston and you can even plant the seeds in the blazing month if July. If you keep th watered they grow well. I have some beautiful Magellan zinnia hybrid only supposed to grow 2 feet tall but mine are 3 to 4 feet tall. Zinnias will fall over eventually in whatever direction they get the most sun.
Donna M McCallum
October 31, 2020 At 7:07 am
Moon Flower (morning glory) is a terrible weed in Washington state. Be careful with that one.
March 27, 2021 At 10:58 pm
Lavender is renowned for its healing properties; simply smelling this flower is said to calm one’s nerves. Lavender smells strong, but pleasant. I highly recommend adding this flower to your patio to learn about its benefits and pleasant scent. It needs full sun and well drained soil. Lavender thrives in zones 5-9, but from personal experience, it also thrives (as a perennial) in zone 4. Humidity is not a friend of lavender, but it can be grown in more humid climates. Keep in mind that it won’t grow as well in high humidity as it does in arid climates.
June 11, 2021 At 4:10 am
Since I moved to Texas, and am not great at gardening, I’ve done a ton of research and trial and error over the years…great flowers for Houston; Lantana, Verbena, Angelonia, Torenia, Cannas, knock-out roses, begonia of any kind, caladiums, vinca, pentas- all of these continue to flower in high heat and make excellent, low maintenance garden containers and beds. (Ferns, too! Especially Kimberly Fern, asparagus fern).
Gwendolyn Floccari
February 1, 2022 At 12:18 pm
Zinnia are great for heat. It gets 100 to 115 here mid to late summer
April 24, 2022 At 9:21 pm
Faleminderit për informacionin e dobishëm.Por mundë të na informonit,dhe si duhen uijtur.Faleminderit.
March 12, 2020 At 10:47 am
I’m from El Paso. They will thrive in the shade. I keep mine in a pot on the porch that gets only morning sun.
Cannas! My favorite, and they thrive in the hot desert southwest, with very little work. Yet, I rarely see them for sale with other plants. In fact, here in Las Cruces, NM, I’ve seen a lot of “hostas” in the stores, which is unimaginable to me that they would survive here.
I’m from El Paso. They will thrive in the shade. I keep mine in a pot on the porch that gets only morning sun.
- Kyle Goodman
- April 8, 2019 At 5:31 am
- Try red Malva spinach
- Reply
- Kyle Goodman
- April 8, 2019 At 5:32 am
- Malbar spinach
- Reply
- Deborah
- September 3, 2019 At 11:20 pm
- Ice Plant. 2. Sedum — many flowering varieties (I especially like Sedum “Autumn Joy” and Monarch Butterflies go crazy over it). 3. Purslane (aka Portulaca oleracea). This is not the double-flowered variety with the needle like leaves on this list. It is the single-flowered variety with rounded leaves. I actually think it is prettier than the variety on this list, and it comes in a variety of vibrant colors. We have it in window boxes in full sun and horrible heat in southern Louisiana. Nothing else would do well in those window boxes, but we barely do anything at all to this purslane and it thrives. We water it about once a week. Here are photos of just some of the colors it comes in.
- Reply
GREAT INFO! I was searching for heat-tolerant plants that can survive the brutal Houston, Texas climate. Any other suggestions out there from you H-Town folk>
- Kyle Goodman
- April 8, 2019 At 5:32 am
- Malbar spinach
- Reply
Try red Malva spinach
Malbar spinach
- Ice Plant. 2. Sedum — many flowering varieties (I especially like Sedum “Autumn Joy” and Monarch Butterflies go crazy over it). 3. Purslane (aka Portulaca oleracea). This is not the double-flowered variety with the needle like leaves on this list. It is the single-flowered variety with rounded leaves. I actually think it is prettier than the variety on this list, and it comes in a variety of vibrant colors. We have it in window boxes in full sun and horrible heat in southern Louisiana. Nothing else would do well in those window boxes, but we barely do anything at all to this purslane and it thrives. We water it about once a week. Here are photos of just some of the colors it comes in.
When I libed in Houston I had TONS of the light green leaded begonias. Of course i had them in full shade, but they really thrived in their pots. Red, pink and white. Unfortunately, someone came up the apartment stairs and stole them all!!!!
- Maggie Bartle
- September 30, 2019 At 6:55 pm
- Hi Be Yeo-Bradshaw,
- You were asking about websites with Australian HEAT tolerant plants. I found you some. Here they are
- › tubestockplants › fullsun
- › uses › full-sun
- › plant-guide-heat-tolerant-flowers-9454
- › plant-guide › plants-for-hot-overhead-sun
- › blogs › gardening › drought-tolerant-plants.
- I hope these help you find what you’re looking for. good luck and happy plant finding.
- Maggie
- Reply
- June 2, 2020 At 1:09 pm
- Maggie for the win
- Reply
Most of these plants are weeds here in Australia’s harsh climate. Can’t we have a website with Australian HEAT tolerant plants. Y is it always American plants that pop up?
- June 2, 2020 At 1:09 pm
- Maggie for the win
- Reply
Hi Be Yeo-Bradshaw, You were asking about websites with Australian HEAT tolerant plants. I found you some. Here they are › tubestockplants › fullsun › uses › full-sun › plant-guide-heat-tolerant-flowers-9454 › plant-guide › plants-for-hot-overhead-sun › blogs › gardening › drought-tolerant-plants. I hope these help you find what you’re looking for. good luck and happy plant finding. Maggie
Maggie for the win
I find the Bottlebrush plant looks like it is having a bad hair day.
We live on a brackish bayou on GuCoast MS, and bottlebrush thrives here, even when we flood with the saltwater….we do prune back after blooms…the only thing that did kill off 1 was a very hard freak freeze. ^ months of coastal heat, floods and storms have not killed off this beautiful shrub.
Thank you for the information you have shared with us.
I love gardening very much and i hooe to learn a lot from you.
However, my biggst challenge in Botswana, Africa, is the harsh climatic conditiins. Our summers are extremely hot. I wish i could plant a beautiful garden of flowering plants that can stand aot of heat.
Unfortunately our suppliers here only supply flowers tbat need intensive care.
Would you be in a position to supply the plants you have suggested to Africa?
Zombies are great. Love the heat. I live a little north if Houston and you can even plant the seeds in the blazing month if July. If you keep th watered they grow well. I have some beautiful Magellan zinnia hybrid only supposed to grow 2 feet tall but mine are 3 to 4 feet tall. Zinnias will fall over eventually in whatever direction they get the most sun.
Moon Flower (morning glory) is a terrible weed in Washington state. Be careful with that one.
Lavender is renowned for its healing properties; simply smelling this flower is said to calm one’s nerves. Lavender smells strong, but pleasant. I highly recommend adding this flower to your patio to learn about its benefits and pleasant scent. It needs full sun and well drained soil. Lavender thrives in zones 5-9, but from personal experience, it also thrives (as a perennial) in zone 4. Humidity is not a friend of lavender, but it can be grown in more humid climates. Keep in mind that it won’t grow as well in high humidity as it does in arid climates.
- Gwendolyn Floccari
- February 1, 2022 At 12:18 pm
- Zinnia are great for heat. It gets 100 to 115 here mid to late summer
- Reply
Since I moved to Texas, and am not great at gardening, I’ve done a ton of research and trial and error over the years…great flowers for Houston; Lantana, Verbena, Angelonia, Torenia, Cannas, knock-out roses, begonia of any kind, caladiums, vinca, pentas- all of these continue to flower in high heat and make excellent, low maintenance garden containers and beds. (Ferns, too! Especially Kimberly Fern, asparagus fern).
Zinnia are great for heat. It gets 100 to 115 here mid to late summer
Faleminderit për informacionin e dobishëm.Por mundë të na informonit,dhe si duhen uijtur.Faleminderit.
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