Terrariums are extremely popular as they provide greenery and freshness indoors without occupying much space. These Best Plants for Terrariums are vibrant, unique, colorful, and eye-catching to uplift any space of your home in a fun way.
Check out the Best Terrariums Plants here
Best Small Terrarium Plants
1. Golden Clubmoss
Botanical Name: Selaginella kraussiana ‘Aurea’
The Golden Clubmoss is one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants since it needs little maintenance and is easy to grow. The moss can also be paired with other terrarium plants.
2. Aquamarine Pilea
Botanical Name: Pilea glauca
With long delicate stems with thick tear-shaped leaves, the Aquamarine Pilea is a great mini plant for terrariums.
3. Nerve Plant
Botanical Name: Fittonia albivenis
The Nerve Plant is a stunning mini terrarium plant with beautiful deep green-pink leaves and white-colored veins.
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4. Polka Dot Plant
Botanical Name: Hypoestes phyllostachys
The Polka Dot Plant is an extremely attractive terrarium plant with beautiful leaves that are covered in rose, lavender, and pink spots.
5. Black Mondo Grass
Botanical Name: Ophiopogon planiscapus
This simple yet captivating grass is one of the best mini choices with its thick, narrow, and black leaves.
6. Mother Fern
Botanical Name: Asplenium bulbiferum
An elegant and soft mini plant for terrariums, the Mother Fern is an excellent choice for an open terrarium.
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7. Strawberry Begonia
Botanical Name: Saxifraga stolonifera
The Strawberry Begonia has beautiful hairy green and violet leaves covered in white veins with pink-red edges that entice everyone, making it one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
8. Asparagus Fern
Botanical Name: Asparagus aethiopicus
The Asparagus Fern has thin stems with narrow needle-like leaves of bright green that make it look like a miniature tree.
9. Peacock Fern
Botanical Name: Selaginella uncinata
Another lovely fern, the Peacock Fern, is an easy-to-grow mini plant with beautiful and soft blue-green foliage.
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10. Creeping Fig
Botanical Name: Ficus pumila
With a miniature size and glossy heart-shaped leaves, the Creeping Fig is an amazing mini plant for terrariums that is also the perfect ground cover.
11. Vining Fern
Botanical Name: Humata heterophylla
The Vining Fern is a beautiful mini plant for terrariums with gorgeous light green leaves with a ridged texture.
12. English Ivy
Botanical Name: Hedera helix
The English Ivy is one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants with dark umbrella-shaped leaves and clustered light green blooms.
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13. Peacock Plant
Botanical Name: Calathea makoyana
Also called the Zebra plant, the Peacock plant has stunning patterned leaves that are green at the top and pink-red at the bottom.
14. Venus Flytrap
Botanical Name: Dionaea muscipula
With white flowers and stems leading up to tiny traps for insects, the Venus Flytrap is a unique mini plant for terrariums.
15. Maidenhair Vine
Botanical Name: Muehlenbeckia complexa
The Maidenhair vine is a delicate vine with a red-brown stem that bears glossy deep green leaves.
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16. String of Turtles
Botanical Name: Peperomia prostrata
The String of Turtles is another excellent choice for small terrarium plants with long fleshy leaves resembling turtle shells, earning the plant its name.
17. Variegated Spider Plant
Botanical Name: Chlorophytum Comosum
With a miniature size and narrow leaves of light green with a white-yellow stripe, the Variegated Spider Plant displays beautiful foliage that makes it one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
18. Cactus
Botanical Name: Cactaceae
Cacti are a great choice for small terrariums, and you can easily keep them on windowsills and coffee tables this way.
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19. Watermelon Dischidia
Botanical Name: Dischidia ovata
With dark green and white leaves, the Watermelon Dischidia is a great terrarium plant that also bears green-yellow blossoms.
20. Mood Moss
Botanical Name: Dicranum scoparium
A thick and rich foliage of bright green, the mood moss is the perfect mini plant for terrariums, one that complements others as well.
21. Miniature Orchid
Botanical Name: Epidendrum fimbriatum
A cute miniature orchid that looks just like its larger counterpart, the Miniature Orchid is definitely an eye-turner for terrariums. It is one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
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22. Baby’s Tears
Botanical Name: Soleirolia soleirolii
Baby’s Tears are one of the best small terrarium plants with dense tiny, and delicate leaves.
23. Weeping Fig Bonsai
Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina
An evergreen bonsai with glossy foliage, the Weeping Fig is a great closed terrarium plant that prefers the sun.
24. Golden Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum
Also called the Devil’s Ivy, the Golden Pothos is extremely attractive owing to its dual-toned green-golden leaves.
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25. Croton
Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum
The Croton is a beautiful bushy shrub of multi-colored leaves of red, violet, green, and yellow.
26. Prayer Plant
Botanical Name: Maranta Leuconeura
The Prayer Plant entices everyone who looks at your terrarium with its emerald leaves complemented with darker spots near the midrib.
27. Mini Asian Water Fern
Botanical Name: Bolbitis heteroclita ‘Difformis’
The Mini Asian Water Fern is another among the Best Small Terrarium Plants with its elegant, flowing green leaves.
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28. Sphagnum Moss
Botanical Name: Sphagnum capillifolium
The Sphagnum Moss is a brilliant mini plant with luscious, soft, and star-shaped green-yellow leaves.
29. Air Plant
Botanical Name: Tillandsia
A great mini plant for terrariums, the Air Plant is beautiful with its long, narrow, and fleshy leaves.
30. Fluffy Ruffles Sword Fern
Botanical Name: Nephrolepis Exaltata
With soft and ruffled foliage, the Fluffy Ruffles Sword Fern is a great choice for terrariums owing to its low maintenance and compact growth habit.
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31. Aluminum Plant
Botanical Name: Pilea Cadierei
Another plant for mini terrariums, the Aluminum Plant, is known for its vibrant leaves with silver spots along the leaves’ lateral veins.
32. Korean Rock Fern
Botanical Name: Polystichum Tsus-Simense
The Korean Rock Fern has attractive deep green fronds, making it a beautiful ground cover for terrariums.
33. Rainbow Marcgravia
Botanical Name: Marcgravia Sintenisii
With thick uniquely-shaped leaves of green and pink growing from pink stems, the Rainbow Marcgravia is worthy of its name and a beautiful terrarium plant.
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34. African Violet
Botanical Name: Saintpaulia
A cluster of fuzzy leaves and purple blooms, the African Violet is an alluring terrarium plant.
35. Moon Valley Friendship
Botanical Name: Pilea Involucrata
Also called the Friendship Plant, the Moon Valley Friendship has bright green-pink leaves with a soft texture that makes any terrarium attractive.
36. Baby Rubber Plant
Botanical Name: Peperomia Obtusifolia
Baby Rubber Plants have spoon-shaped thick leaves that entice everyone with their glossy appearance, making them one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
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37. Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag
Botanical Name: Acorus gramineus ‘Minimus Aureus’
A beautiful dense shrub of green and gold, the Dwarf Golden Sweet Flag is a gorgeous mini plant for terrariums with its long pointy leaves.
38. Flapjack
Botanical Name: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
With smooth leaves of light green and pink-red edges, the Flapjack is a unique beauty and one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
39. Zebra Plant
Botanical Name: Aphelandra squarrosa
With thick leaves covered in horizontal stripes like a zebra, the Zebra plant is an amazing terrarium addition.
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40. Hen and Chicks
Botanical Name: Echeveria Elegans
Also called House Leeks, Hens and Chicks are excellent mini terrarium plants with vibrant red, green, violet, and yellow foliage.
41. Jade Plant
Botanical Name: Crassula Ovata
The Jade Plant has thick, oval, and dark green leaves that allure everyone, earning the plant its place among the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
42. Mikado Plant
Botanical Name: Syngonanthus Chrysanthus
With delicate long stems and tiny white flowers, the Mikado is a minimalistic beauty for terrariums.
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43. Neoregelia Fireball
Botanical Name: Neoregelia Fireball
A slow grower with captivating purple blooms, the Neoregelia Fireball is one of the Best Small Terrarium Plants.
44. Mother of Pearl
Botanical Name: Graptopetalum Paraguayense
A low-maintenance succulent, the Mother of Pearl has a rose-like appearance, making it a great mini plant for terrariums.
45. Earth Star
Botanical Name: Cryptanthus Bivittatus
A stunning bloom of bright pink, the Earth Star catches everyone’s gaze and needs little maintenance.
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