Are you looking for the most purposeful houseplants to deck up your home? Check out the Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of Your House listed below!

Confused about which plant for which room? Find out here

Best Plants for Living Room

1. Weeping Fig

Ficus Benjamina brings tropical vibes to living rooms with glossy leaves. Grow it on a bright corner with indirect sunlight.

Read all about how to grow weeping figs here

2. Philodendron

The glossy, deep green foliage will add a lively appeal to your living space. Micans, Brasil, Green Heartleaf, Pink Princess, and Rojo Congo are the best varieties to go for.

Have a look at the best Philodendrons here

3. Pothos

This low-maintenance houseplant is an ideal choice for the living room. Grow it in pots, hanging baskets, or just dangle near the bookshelf.

Check out some stunning houseplants that look like pothos here

4. Fiddle Leaf Fig

This tall indoor plant, with big glossy green leaves, adds a bold impression to living rooms. It can grow up to 4-7 feet tall and thrives in bright, filtered sunlight.

Here are some awesome Fiddle Leaf Fig decor ideas

5. Ponytail Palm

This beautiful plant makes a statement with long and thin strappy leaves. Grow it in shallow pots in well-draining sandy soil.

Check out the best dwarf palms for homes here

Best Plants for Hallway and Entrance

6. Dracaena

Dracaena can survive in a range of conditions, they are easy to maintain and purify the air as well. Make sure it gets plenty of indirect light.

Choose your favorite variety from this list here

7. Kentia Palm

This popular palm from the Victorian era grows slowly and can reach up to 6-8 feet tall. Keep it at the entrance for that bold and beautiful look!

8. Ferns

Ferns are also a great option for decorating the entrance of your home. Either plant them in large pots or showcase them in hanging baskets, they will look eye-catching in any style.

Check out entrance decoration ideas with plants here

9. Bird of Paradise

This tropical beauty with long leathery foliage looks similar to the banana tree. Plant it in a wooden barrel or large pot for the best display.

Here are the best types of Bird of Paradise you can grow

10. Parlor Palm

This fine-textured palm adapts to low or artificial light settings. It grows up to 4-6 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide, which makes it perfect for the hallway.

Here are the best low light indoor palms to grow

Best Plants for Bedroom

11. Rubber Plant

This versatile plant not only looks elegant but also removes CO2 and other VOCs from your bedroom. It can withstand low light as well.

Check out the best types of Rubber Plants here

12. Gerbera Daisy

This beautiful plant emits oxygen at night and keeps the air clean, helping with a comfortable sleep. Gerbera daisies are available in salmon, yellow, white, and orange hues.

Read in detail about Gerbera Daisy care here

13. Snake Plant

Snake plants reduce CO2 at night, making them an apt choice for bedrooms. Read more snake plant benefits here. It is one of the Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of Your House.

Have a look at the best indoor snake plant varieties here

14. ZZ Plant

This sturdy, low-maintenance houseplant with broad, glossy, oval, green leaves can be a great addition to your bedroom. It also does well in its low-light.

Have a look at the best ZZ Plants here

15. Chrysanthemum

The gorgeous flowers and leaves remove air pollutants making your sleep more peaceful. Find a bright window to place them where they get plenty of indirect light.

Get the best tips to grow Chrysanthemum in pots here

16. Succulents

Colorful succulents can be a great addition to the bedroom as long as you can provide them with bright sunlight for 3-4 hours a day. They are also great CAM plants that take in carbon dioxide during night hours.

Best Plants for The Kitchen

17. Aloe Vera

This low-maintenance plant is an apt choice for the kitchen area. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties also make this plant a must-have for every household.

Check out some beautiful Aloe Vera indoor decor ideas here

18. Jasmine

The delicate white flowers look beautiful in any kitchen backdrop. It also delivers a subtle fragrance to your kitchen.

Have a look at the best indoor Jasmines here

19. Microgreens

Microgreens can be a healthy addition to your kitchen while lighting up the space with greenery. You will have a fresh supply right at your fingertips.

Learn the best-kept secrets of growing microgreens here

20. Herbs

Create a mini herb garden in the kitchen and have an uninterrupted supply of fresh herbs daily. Learn how to make a windowsill herb garden here.

Check out the best windowsill herbs here

21. Leafy Greens

Have an uninterrupted supply of homegrown leafy greens by growing them in your kitchen by a bright window. Choose your favorite from this list and grow in your kitchen.

22. Anthurium

The glossy, colorful bracts add an instant appeal to your kitchen. Place the plant in a well-lit location away from the direct harsh sun.

Read about Anthurium plant care here

Best Plants for Bathroom

23. Peace Lily

Peace lily can be an attractive addition to your bath space. It purifies air and flourishes in the damp surroundings of washrooms.

Learn some surprising benefits of Peace Lily here

24. Baby Rubber Plant

Baby rubber plant loves indirect light and humidity, typical in every bathroom. Avoid overwatering to keep it healthy and happy.

Get the best tips to grow a baby rubber plant here

25. Boston Fern

Boston fern thrives in high humidity, artificial light, and cool surroundings of the bathroom. Try to place it near a window with filtered light.

  1. Lucky Bamboo

This hydroponic plant can be grown solely in water without soil, which is suitable for windowless bathrooms. Do change the water once in 3-5 days.

Get the best tips to care for a lucky bamboo here

27. Arrowhead Plant

The arrowhead plant is an excellent choice for low-light bathrooms. It can be grown in a vase filled with fresh water. It is one of the Best Indoor Plants for Every Room of Your House.

Learn why should you grow an Arrowhead Plant here

Best Plants for The Home Office

28. African Violet

African violets bring joy to any space with their cheerful hue. Grow them where the plant receives bright to medium light.

Get the best care tips for an African Violet here

29. Cacti

Grow small cacti on a bookshelf or a desk. Large varieties are ideal for empty corners. They just need plenty of light and well-draining compost.

Find out the best types of cactus here

30. Cast Iron Plant

This indestructible plant with arching foliage in a deep green hue makes for a perfect houseplant. Grow it in a shady home office with ease.

Read about the Cast Iron plant care here

31. Monstera

Add tropical vibes to your home office with its perforated and heart-shaped leaves. It thrives best in warm temperatures with bright indirect light.

Read in detail about Monstera Adansonii care here

32. Spider Plant

Bring some charm to your home office by adding spider plants on a table or hanging baskets. It improves air quality, increases productivity, and reduces stress.

Learn all about How to Grow Philodendron Brasil here

  • Saumya
  • March 1, 2022 At 7:59 pm
  • Very beautiful
  • Reply
  • Jyoti Lokhande
  • March 2, 2022 At 7:14 pm
  • Good choices of plants …really
  • Reply
  • Vanishree Rajagopal
  • March 3, 2022 At 5:07 am
  • I like living room plants
  • Reply
  • Hanifa
  • March 3, 2022 At 10:01 pm
  • Wonderful plants, I have all these in my home, Thank you Almighty.
  • Reply
  • James
  • March 4, 2022 At 10:36 am
  • Really pleasant sight for homes
  • Reply
  • Raju james
  • March 4, 2022 At 10:39 am
  • Need more info about indoor plants please mail me the details of flowering indoor plants and not very costly
  • Reply
  • Sofia Kasim
  • March 4, 2022 At 6:47 pm
  • Beautiful
  • Reply

Very beautiful

Good choices of plants …really

I like living room plants

Wonderful plants, I have all these in my home, Thank you Almighty.

Really pleasant sight for homes

Need more info about indoor plants please mail me the details of flowering indoor plants and not very costly


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