When stepping into a new year, everything sounds and seems new. From the chirp of the birds to the growling of a cat, everything seems to have a touch of fresh start altogether. It is as if even nature itself in its own way cherishes the new beginning of a kind.


So be it anything, like from engraving down new resolutions to buying some fancy new things. The start of the new year always seems to be like the best time to have a brand and fresh start for whatever you do or at least plan to do.

And very similarly, if you are planning to come up with something new for your beloved garden. Then your search is quite over. Today, we have listed out some of the best and latest garden trends, which could help turn your Garden into a complete green masterpiece.

1. The Tech Garden

If you are both a nature-loving person and a techie. Then this is just the perfect thing for you. It is the ideal garden where you will find both the elements of nature as well as components of technology.

So how you can go about turning your backyard garden into a full spec sci-fi lushly garden. Well, the solutions and results are quite pleasing, to be honest. Recently, a huge number of gardeners have taken up an unusual approach where they are turning the everyday garden equipment into some really customized self-reliant and automatic piece of machinery.

Like for instance, one couple decided to turn their land rower into an automatic smart rowing machine equipped with a strong microprocessor and some really sleek sensors which know the difference between lawn grass and other necessary plants.

Then there is the automatic moist sensor and sprinkler machine that senses the moisture level of your garden soil and based on that spill in water across your garden when and where needed. These are just some of the simple examples of how you can use technology and science to turn your garden into a self-reliant and self-maintaining piece of art.

2. The Oxygen Garden

If you are a person who is all yogi and into meditation and yoga, then we have the perfect little garden idea for you. This is the garden where everything you put in gives you something back. What I mean to say is that whatever plants you plant into this garden of yours will always have something to give you in return. And by return, I mean a lot and a lot of oxygen. So, if you are that person who really takes their yoga and meditation practices seriously, then you just cannot skip a garden as such.

What do you need to do?

It’s actually quite simple. All you need to do is get hold of really rich oxygen producing plants and start planting them all around your garden in whichever way you desire. The only thing, however, which you need to keep in mind is keep a little place for your self in the middle depending upon the size of your garden where you can sit and carry out your exercises and meditation practices without constraints of any kind.

Also Read: DIY Sensible Garden Hacks

The Recycling Garden

Just as the name suggests, this garden is all about recycling. Just think of your backyard garden as a very wide canvas and start putting your own idea into place. For example, you have some obsolete tires. Simply shove it into the ground serially to create a kind of square box and similarly create a number of such square sections where you categorize and plant your plants accordingly according to their types or species.

Also Read: 60+ Recycled Garden Ideas

Similarly, with anything you think you can recycle, you could just add up to your garden. Be it glass, plastics, rubber or anything you find useful to your garden; you can add it all up to make it pretty and systematic.

The Bonsai Tree Garden

When you speak of Bonsai, it is all about patience and love for trees. And by trees, I don’t really mean big old trees. But simply miniature trees, which can fit into your background or simply sit at your drawing room and stare back at you. Bonsais too can be seen as a source of meditation and patience. Whenever you decide to grow a Bonsai, you need to be very patient and systematic of what you come up with or cherish. Bonsai to be very honest is all about patience and care. Hence, if you need to be patient and meditate at the same time, then, a Bonsai garden is just the perfect thing for you. Or you can find an Alternative at Top Ten Alternatives.

Also Read: Best Bonsai Plants

The Veggies

If you are a vegan, then this is the perfect Garden for you. This is a garden that has to do all with Veggies and Greens. So, the only thing you need to do to get a Veggie Garden for yourself is just plant seeds or seedlings of your favorite everyday veggies and harvest them from your garden whenever needed. Thus, in short, this Garden is something that will provide you with your veggies though put the year. So my advice goes on with a veggie garden for yourself whenever you have the chance.

Also Read: How to Start a Container Vegetable Garden

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