Nitrogen deficiency in the soil brings noticeable signs in plants. Since it is the most essential component responsible for plant development, it is important that you always look out for Signs That Show Your Plants Need Nitrogen.

Have a look at some tips on increasing soil bacteria in the garden here

Why is Nitrogen Necessary for Plants?

Plants need nitrogen to make proteins, amino acids, and nucleic acids. It is also an essential part of their DNA structure. If the plant is not getting enough nitrogen, it won’t regenerate cells, leading to stunted growth and eventually death.

Signs That Show Your Plants Need Nitrogen

  • Since nitrogen is required for photosynthesis, the lack of it affects chlorophyll production, and as a result plant’s foliage becomes pale green to yellow-green, losing its vigor and shine.
  • This will start first with older and lower leaves and then be followed by younger leaves.
  • Premature defoliation and smaller, less robust leaves are also two of the nitrogen deficiency symptoms in plants.
  • The stems will become droopy, turning into a shade of purple or reddish, depending more on the cultivar.
  • Plants produce smaller than ordinary blossoms that may wilt and wither faster than expected.
  • Since the plant doesn’t support growth due to the lack of nitrogen, the resulting blooms and fruits may be less and of poor quality and flavor.
  • Without sufficient nitrogen in the soil, plant development will probably be delayed, showing stunted or no growth.

What Causes Nitrogen Deficiency?

  • Too much manganese, potassium, or zinc in the growing medium can be the culprit.
  • Low nitrogen content due to sandy soil.
  • Too much calcium or chloride in the water or soil.
  • High pH value in the soil.
  • Nitrogen being easily soluble, getting washed off from the growing medium due to heavy rain or watering.
  • Due to soil amended with organic matter that is not decomposed well.
  • In pots, not changing the soil for a long time and lack of fertilization can be the reason.

How To Correct Nitrogen Deficiency In Soil

If you observe the following symptoms, here are the ways to correct them:

  • The quickest way to deal with the situation is to use a fertilizer with high nitrogen content. You can also use a balanced fertlizer according to the instructions on the label.
  • Foliar feeding is also a quick way to boost nitrogen levels in plants.
  • Add well-rotted horse, cow, or chicken manure, blood, or alfalfa meal to the soil. But make sure whatever organic matter you apply, it should be decomposed well.
  • Using compost from time to time also ensures that the right nitrogen level is maintained in the soil.
  • You can also plant nitrogen-fixing plants like beans and peas.
  • Adding coffee grounds to the growing medium is also a good way to boost nitrogen.
  • Use fish emulsion, which has an NPK ratio of about 5:1:1 – ‘5’ being the nitrogen.
  • Add grass clippings as mulch and treat your soil with leaf mold.

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