Milk plays a vital role in the development of the human body and the same applies to plants! This might sound weird, but trust us, there are many important Milk Powder Uses in the Garden. Let’s have a look at them all!

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What is Milk Powder?

Milk powder is a milk product derived from taking out the water content from milk. In the US, you can buy a range of milk powders with different levels of protein content, fat, and water. For plants, you can buy mainly three types of milk powders:

  • Nonfat Dry Milk and Skim Milk Powder
  • Whole Milk Powder and Dry Whole Milk

Milk Powder Uses in the Garden

1. Grow Healthier and Bigger Tomatoes

Milk powder is a sure shot way to get rid of the blossom end rot in tomato plants, which will keep them safe and healthy, resulting in a much better and ample harvest.

Blossom end rot happens when the plant is not able to transfer enough calcium with the help of water to all of its parts. As milk and milk products contain 54.7% calcium, they work wonders for the plant’s overall growth.

For best results, use a nonsugar whole milk powder, mixed with water in a 1:2 ratio. Water the plant with this solution once in 3-4 weeks. If you don’t see positive results, increase it to once in 2-3 weeks.

Click here to know Epsom Salt Uses in growing Cucumbers!

2. Helps to Prevent Fungal and Bacterial Diseases on Roses

According to a study published at the Washington State University, milk and its products are an excellent way to reduce the transmission of leaf viruses, especially tobacco mosaic and other mosaic viruses.

The effectiveness of milk spray in reducing virus transmission probably improves with the concentration of the product used. Using a ratio of 1 part of milk powder with 4 parts of water is the most potent solution to keep fungal issues at bay, especially with rose plants.

The solution of milk powder and water may deactivate viruses chemically or isolate them physically. It may also prevent aphid attack, and thus preventing the transmission of aphid-borne viruses.

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3. Calcium Boost for Your Plants

Plants LOVE calcium and it can contribute to their healthy growth. If you are planning to grow plants like melons, apples, citrus broccoli, potato, pepper, brussels sprouts, lettuce cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, and celery then using milk powder for an additional boost of calcium will be a great idea!

According to the US Dairy Export Council, milk powders are high in soluble vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and can be used to fortify a wide range of products – just 100g of skimmed milk powder contains 1,300mg of calcium.

Watering the plants with a solution of milk powder and water in the ratio of 1:4 will greatly enhance their growth and fruit production.

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4. Makes the Soil Rich

The way milk is an essential part of the human body development at the early stages, it works in a similar way with the soil, as it is rich in amino acids, proteins, enzymes, and natural sugars.

David Wetzel, a Nebraska farmer, conducted his own study with the use of milk and milk powder in its farm. His study concluded that milk helped to enhance the soil’s ability to absorb more air and water.

The best way to enhance the quality of soil is to add milk powder and water solution to it in a ratio of 1:4. Add it once in 4-5 weeks to get the best results.

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5. Best Natural Remedy for Powdery Mildew

If you want to keep fungal diseases such as molds, rot, and powdery mildew at bay, then milk powder is an awesome and organic way to do it!

According to a study done at the University of Connecticut, milk spray significantly reduces the incidence of powdery mildew. Both organic and conventional growers could benefit from using milk in place of the fungicides.

Take a spray bottle and add milk powder and water in the ratio of 1:4. Shake well, and use it on the affected area once a week.

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6. As a Fertilizer

According to a study published by the Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, using milk and milk powder on plants can increase the yield, growth, and production by significantly increasing N, P, and K uptake by 45, 73, and 95%. It also increases the total chlorophyll by more than 22%.

Dilute one part of milk powder in two parts of water and add it to the growing medium.

Here’s a detailed guide by the University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program on the usage of milk and milk products for use in farms and plants.

Here are some amazing uses of milk in the garden

7. As a Foliar Spray

Milk powder and water solution is a great way to keep Cucurbit powdery mildew at bay, which attacks crops like pumpkin and squash.

A study done at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station states that milk powder and water foliar spray is 50% to 70% effective in reducing foliar symptoms and post-harvest fruit rot and 40% to 50% as effective in increasing marketable yield.

For best results, use 1 part of milk powder and 4 parts of water.

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8. Oatmeal and Milk Powder for Clean Hands

Rub your hands with a mixture of milk powder and oatmeal after a long day in the garden. The lactic acid in milk takes off dirt quickly, and oats leave your hands moisturized.

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