Look at some of the best Flowers that Start with ‘N’ from around the world! Each looks spectacular with distinct features!
Look at 8 most beautiful flowers that start with ‘M’ here
Flowers that Start with ‘N’
1. Narcissus
Botanical Name: Narcissus
Type: Perennial
Blooming Period: Late Winter to Late Spring
Several white flowers bloom at the top of each narcissus stem and are strongly scented. The white petals around tiny yellow center give a striking contrast to the dark green stalks.
Find out the list of flowers starting with ‘H’ here
2. Nasturtiums
Botanical Name: Tropaeolum
Blooming Period: Late Summer to Fall
Tropaeolum, commonly known as nasturtium, has edible flowers and leaves that taste peppery, similar to watercress. The orange-yellow flowers look spectacular on the lush foliage.
3. Nemesia
Botanical Name: Nemesia
Type: Perennial
Blooming Period: Spring to Summer
Nemesia is a versatile plant that can be used as a ground cover along the borders or edges of the garden. The flowers come in yellow, orange, pink, red, cream, brown, blue, and bicolor shades.
4. Nettle Leaved Bellflower
Botanical Name: Campanula trachelium
Blooming Period: Late Summer
Campanula trachelium, commonly called nettle-leaved bellflower, is a setose, bushy, upright herbaceous perennial which grows to 3′ tall, bearing coarse, bristly-pubescent, nettle-like, deeply-toothed leaves and bell-shaped purple-blue flowers.
Check out the flowers that start with ‘D’ here
5. New York Ironweed
Botanical Name: Vernonia noveboracensis
Blooming Period: Summer to Early Fall
Vernonia noveboracensis, commonly called ironweed or New York ironweed, is a tall, coarse, upright perennial that typically occurs in the wild in moist thickets, low areas, and along streambanks from Massachusetts to Mississippi.
6. Nicotiana
Botanical Name: Nicotiana
Blooming Period: Summer and Fall
Nicotiana is the most widely grown commercial non-food plant in the world and is indigenous to America, Australia, Southwest Africa, and the South Pacific. Various Nicotiana species, commonly referred to as tobacco plants, are cultivated as ornamental garden plants.
7. Nigella
Botanical Name: Nigella
Type: Annual
Blooming Period: Spring to Early Summer
Nigella belongs to the family of Ranunculaceae, native to Southern Europe, North Africa, South Asia, Southwest Asia, and the Middle East. The dreamy blue flowers are commonly found in the swampy and marshy lands of the states.
8. Nodding Wakerobin
Botanical Name: Trillium flexipes
Blooming Period: Early to Late Spring
Trillium flexipes, a beautiful spring-flowering specimen, is pretty popular in the midwestern United States and features stunning white flowers on huge green foliage.
Find out the list of flowers that start with ‘A’ here
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