Grasses are just not limited to meadows anymore, some of them are prized for their aesthetics and grown in containers for their architectural appeal! Moreover, it’s becoming a trend to grow them indoors, which is why we’ve selected 9 Best Ornamental Indoor Grass varieties that you can grow as a houseplant.

Check out our article on Ornamental Grasses for homes & gardens here

Best Ornamental Indoor Grass

1. Fiber Optics Grass

Botanical Name: Scirpus cernuus

Height & Spread: 8-12 inches

This is one of the best low-growing ornamental grass with bright green foliage. This fine-textured specimen also grows small flowers! The plant is toxic if ingested.

Growing Tips

Keep it on a south or west-facing window or door that receives partial to full sun.

2. Umbrella Plant

Botanical Name: Cyperus alternifolius

Height & Spread: 12-24 inches

Not exactly a grass, but it does look like one. The tall stems of the plant grow attractive looking leaflets, which look like an open umbrella with pointy ends, giving it a grass-like appearance.

You can grow it in bright shade. Being a pond plant, it prefers constant moisture.

3. Japanese Sweet Flag

Botanical Name: Acorus gramineus

Height & Spread: 10-12 inches tall

This ornamental grass naturally grows in boggy, wet places in Japan, Korea, and other east Asian countries. It also gives off a very sweet smell, which intensifies when the plant is crushed.

Does well in full sun to full shade. Make sure not to let the soil dry out completely!

4. Blue Fescue Grass

Botanical Name: Festuca glauca

Height & Spread: 10-14 inches

The plant has gorgeous blue-gray foliage, which has a very fine texture. The porcupine-like blades make it one of the most striking ornamental grass you can grow indoors!

To keep the foliage in the best of its color, place it where the plant gets bright sunlight!

5. Corkscrew Rush

Botanical Name: Juncus effusus ‘Spiralis’

Height & Spread: 12-18 inches

Noted for its dark green foliage with upright, spire-like green stems, the plant looks quite striking in containers. It also grows yellow-green to pale brown flowers.

Avoid watering the foliage as it can cause leaf rot.

6. Baby Bamboo

Botanical Name: Pogonatherum paniceum

It definitely looks like a baby bamboo, and if you love bamboos and want to grow them in small pots, grow this one.

Pick a location where the plant can bask in the morning sun.

7. New Zealand Flax

Botanical Name: Phormium

Height & Spread: 18-24 inches

The sword-like foliage can be a focal point in containers as the plant looks quite charming with its narrow, upright, dark red-brown leaves.

Mix some perlite or pumice in the soil for the best growth.

8. Spider Plant

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Height & Spread: 12-36 inches

Not a grass by any means, but the leaves of the plant do resemble one! It is also a great air-purifying plant and offers several other benefits too!

Here’s all you need to know about growing Spider Plant

9. Orchard Grass

Botanical Name: Dactylis glomerata

Height & Spread: 4-6 inches

Though not exactly an ornamental grass, it can be a great addition in a small pot if you’re a cat owner as they love to nibble on it!

It will grow great in well-draining, moist soil!

  • Binita choudhary
  • September 19, 2020 At 8:43 am
  • Thanks u
  • Reply
  • Jo-cee Gordon
  • January 6, 2022 At 8:26 pm
  • What’s the name of the plant in the smaller pot, bottom half of photo of no 7 New Zealand Flax?
  • Reply

Thanks u

What’s the name of the plant in the smaller pot, bottom half of photo of no 7 New Zealand Flax?

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