Cantaloupes are a refreshing popular summer fruit that we all love and enjoy! But can you feed them to your pet lizard as well? If you are thinking can bearded dragon eat cantaloupe, then you are at the right place!

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What is a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are gentle, curious, and active reptiles that have a shield of spiny reptilian scales. The beard of spikes, below their chin, swells up depending on the mood of these reptiles. The famous common species to have as a pet is Pogona vitticeps.

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes are healthy and nutritional fruits, with a refreshing taste and musky fragrance. They are primarily consumed as a summer snack in desserts or drinks. The fruit is rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin A and C. Consuming cantaloupes in summer has several health benefits as the fruits have a high water content. But if you are having beardie as a pet, then you might be thinking–Can bearded dragon eat cantaloupes?

Well, the answer is–Yes! Your little pet reptile can have cantaloupes, occasionally, in small quantities! You can offer the fruit to them as a treat since the melons are packed with several essential nutrients like vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, vitamin C, and potassium.

However, as cantaloupes are high in sugar and water, they don’t match with the diet of a bearded dragon. Moreover, excessive sugar in cantaloupes can cause tooth decay, and high water content (approx 90%) can result in runny poo/diarrhea. Also, these fruits are very acidic, with a pH 4.5-6.9 that can create a digestive problem in bearded dragons.

Also, cantaloupes have high phosphorous content and their consumption suppresses calcium ions in the beardies, which may result in calcium deficiency.

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How Often to Feed Bearded Dragon with Cantaloupes

Though cantaloupes are not a healthy choice for bearded dragons, some reptile owners still feast their pets with these fruits. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Wash the fruit with warm water to eliminate bacteria or insects on the fruit skin and peel the entire green skin, which is more acidic and contains a high amount of phosphorus that can result in calcium-phosphorus imbalance.
  • Chop the peeled cantaloupes in small cubes; the size should not be bigger than that of a pea and give in small quantities so that your pet dragon can swallow them easily.
  • Keep the sliced cantaloupe in the open air or warm environment, to ooze off excess water before giving it to the beardie.
  • You can feed an adult beardie with 100gms to 500gms of sliced cantaloupe in a month.
  • Never give cantaloupes, as the main meal, to your pet dragon.

Note: If you observe any negative signs in your pet bearded dragon’s health, such as digestion problem or bloating, then visit the reptile vet immediately.

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