With colorful leaves, this Croton is perfect to keep indoors, as a natural element. The deep red leaves take a silvery-green hue as they mature, rendering it a fantastic look. If you want to add it to your houseplant collection, then here’s everything you need to know about how to take Chinese Croton Care Indoors.

Botanical Name: Excoecaria cochinchinensis

Common Names: Chinese Croton, Excoecaria bicolor

Here are the best types of crotons you can grow

How to Grow Chinese Croton

Propagating Chinese Croton is quite easy through cuttings.

  • Snip off a 4-6 inches long cutting, with at least three sets of leaves, from a healthy plant.
  • Dip the ends in a rooting hormone and plant it in a pot filled with good quality potting mix.
  • Water well and keep it at a location where it can get 2-3 hours of morning sunlight.

Growing Requirements of Chinese Croton


For Chinese Croton, bright diffused light is the best. An east-facing window will give it all the light it needs for the vivid color of the foliage while keeping the plant safe from the harsh afternoon sun.


A regular watering schedule is important, especially when the topsoil dries out. In summer, the watering should be more frequent and during winter, less often. Just make sure you are not overwatering the plant.


The potting mix must be loose, aerated, and fertile. Since it is a tropical perennial, the soil must have a pH in the range of 4.5-5.5.


The ideal temperature for the plant’s growth is 60-80 F or 15-26 C. The plant likes warmer climates, and if temperatures drop below 50-55 F or 10-12 C, the leaves may start to turn brown.

Chinese Croton Care Indoors


A slow-release and balanced feed will give it all the boost it needs for proper growth. Apply it once in 4-6 weeks. For best results, do follow the instructions on the label.


Light pruning from time to time will help the plant get rid of the dead leaves. Early spring is the best time to prune the plant. For a denser, bushier look, prune to a point from where you would want the plant to start growing much thicker foliage. Avoid pruning in winters.


Put the pot on a pebble tray to maintain humidity levels. Misting the foliage regularly will also do the trick.

Pests and Diseases

The plant might get attacked by aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, thrips, or spider mites. You can either remove them by hand or a ball dipped in rubbing alcohol or vinegar to clean them away.


The milky sap of the plant can be toxic if ingested, causing irritation and excessive salivation. Keep the plant away from the reach of children and pets.

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