The large and metallic leaves of the Rex Begonia Vine can add a lot of appeal to your home. It is a striking houseplant that you can grow with ease, as long as you know how to maintain it right. Here is all the information on Cissus Discolor Care.

Have a look at the most beautiful types of rex begonias here

Propagating Rex Begonia Vine

The easiest way to propagate this plant is with cuttings. Snip away 6-8 inches of cutting from a healthy plant in early spring or late autumn and follow these steps.

  • Take away all the bottom foliage, dip the end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a good quality potting mix.
  • Water well, cover the cutting with a plastic sheet, make some holes for ventilation, and place the pot where it can get bright but indirect sunlight.
  • The cutting will form roots in 30-40 days.

Requirements for Growing Cissus Discolor


Rex Begonia Vine needs bright indirect light to thrive. For best color, it would be wise to keep it near an east-facing window, that’ll help the plant to get the mild morning sun, saving it from the harsh rays.  


These plants require rich, nutrient soil that is also well-draining. You can also DIY the same by mixing 50% regular potting mix, 40% perlite for extra drainage, and 10% peat moss for different nutrients. 


Water your plant daily throughout the growing season that is, during summer and spring. Never allow the soil to go completely dry, and always test the soil with your finger. If the leaves start to droop, then this can be a sign of overwatering. If this happens, then leave your plant alone and let the topsoil dry out.

Temperature and Humidity

During summers, the plant does best in the temperature range of 70–80° F (21-27°C). In colder months, keep it between 65–70°F (18–21°C). 

As Cissus discolor loves high humidity, mist often to keep it healthy. You can also keep its pot on a pebble tray filled with water or get a humidifier. 

Cissus Discolor Care


Feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer, once every 5-7 weeks, during summer and spring. Do refer to the label for dosage and instructions. Avoid fertilizing the plant in winters.


This rex begonia vine does not require any type of grooming. However, slight trimming every two months can assist in shaping the plant since it grows on trellises or in hanging baskets. This will create a fuller and bushier look.

Pests and Diseases

Any sort of tiny white eggs indicates whitefly infestation. Rub them away with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. If you see any brown spots or scalding, this can be due to bright direct sunlight, leading to burns. To avoid this, always keep your plant in an area that is shady and has diffused light.

Where to Keep Cissus Discolor?

It is one of the very few vines that offer fantastic shining foliage. You can train it around windows or also hang it in balconies or room in baskets.

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