Curly Spider Plant Care is easy as long as you know how to take the right care of it. Read ahead to know everything and more!

If you want a spider plant with curled-up foliage, then this is it. The plant looks great in hanging baskets and tabletops and makes quite an impressive impression with its leaves. Let’s have a look at Curly Spider Plant Care.

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum ‘Bonnie’

Have a look at the most stunning spider plant pictures here

Types of Spider Plants

Primarily there are three types of spider plant varieties–-Variegated, Green, and Curly!

  • The most common type of Spider plants is the variegated one. With its contrasting colors, it makes for a great indoor plant.
  • The green variety is scarce. Not many plant nurseries sell this one.
  • The Curly variety is a sight to see! With variegated leaves, this type flows into little curls at the end. This again is not easy to find, but it is just an internet search away!

Have a look at the best types of spider plants you can grow here

Curly Spider Plant Appearance

Requirements for Growing Curly Spider Plants Indoors


It is best to keep the plant where it can get filtered sunlight. Avoid keeping it near a south-facing window or where it’s sunny. Hang it anywhere where it can enjoy some morning sun and indirect light for the rest of the day.


A well-draining and loamy soil is best for its growth. You can go with your regular houseplant soil to plant it. Also, make sure the pot has drainage holes at the bottom. We also have a great article on making potting soil at home here. 


Keep the plant slightly on the moist side, never allowing the soil to go completely dry, especially if it’s growing in a hanging basket at a windy spot.

In case you’re keeping it at a low-light place, it’d be better to touch and feel the soil to see if it’s slightly dry before watering. Reduce watering from mid-fall up to winter.


The plant does best in the temperature range of 60-90 F (15 C-32 C), but usually, the average room temperature is perfect for this plant. Avoid exposing it to temperatures below 35 F (1.6 C) and above 100 F (38 C).

Curly Spider Plant Care


As the plant stores all the necessary nutrients in its tubers, you don’t have to feed it frequently. A weak dose of all-purpose liquid fertilizer, once every 5-8 weeks during the growing season, will be more than enough. Also, occasional foliar spray of Epsom salt will make this plant lush and green.


Trim its yellowing or damaged leaves regularly. If you notice too much foliage damage, then it can be due to any of the reasons listed in this article here.

Overfertilization, dry soil, low humidity, or a buildup of salt and minerals can cause brown leaf tips. Take proper care and address these areas to keep the plant thriving.

Pests and Diseases

You have to care about spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, and scales. You can handpick them manually or take care of them with a strong jet of water or apply insecticidal soap. To save it from root rot, avoid overwatering.

Curly Spider Plant Benefits

  • It absorbs VOCs like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene from the indoor air, making it a great addition to bedrooms.
  • The plant is completely non-toxic to children and pets.
  • To learn more about its benefits, click here.

Have a look at the most Fanciest Anthurium Types You Can Grow here

  • Penkauskiene Penkauskiene
  • April 28, 2021 At 2:31 pm
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