1. Watering

Plants do better if watered in the early morning, especially in the summer. At this time, the sun starts to rise and the day remains cool, and water is absorbed into the soil pretty well without evaporation.

Plants that are hydrated are better equipped to withstand the midday sun, but if they’re watered in the hot midday sun, most of the water is lost through evaporation, which can also scorch the leaves.

One more benefit of early morning watering is that the leaves become dry until the night approaches, which means fewer diseases and insects.

2. Pesticide or Fertilizer Application

Never apply the pesticide or even the foliage fertilizer during the heat of the day, which means late morning or afternoon. The best time to use pesticides or fertilizer is in the evening or early morning until 8 am.

Both the time are perfect because the sun is not working during this time frame. It’s the same phenomenon as above. The plants absorb the applied liquid fertilizer or pesticide best in the early morning.

3. Weeding

When the soil remains moist and cool in the morning, weeding your garden becomes easy as the unwanted plants you don’t desire in your garden pull out quickly.

Also, the morning time can be very relaxing, and during a quick walk in your garden, you can remove the plants invading your space without any difficulty.

Don’t miss checking out these weeding tips for the garden here

4. Cut Flowers

Love to have vases full of fresh and colorful cut flowers? Early morning is actually the best time for you to pick cut flowers from your garden.

At this time, the stems are full of water, and they haven’t been dehydrated by the sun. So if you cut your flowers in the morning, they will have a longer vase life.

5. Harvesting

Whether you need to harvest a little or bountiful, the best harvesting time comes in the early morning. Just after the dew has cleared is a perfect time.

This is when the fruits and vegetables have the most water content. As a result, they taste better and have more shelf life. Here’s an interesting article to read, which informs you why harvesting in the morning is preferable.

This is also the best time to pick herbs as they have the most oil content in the morning.

6. Fill Birdbaths and Bird Feeders

Feeding the birds is one of the most joyous experiences that you can enjoy in your garden. Birds are the original early risers, and they like to eat early. So they come first to the place where they always find the food.

If you fill up your bird feeders in the early morning, birds will be more encouraged to come to your garden throughout the day. You may get to see some of them frolicking in the birdbath, too, if you have filled it as well.

7. Planting and Transplanting

The best planting or transplanting time is on a cool or cloudy day, either early in the morning or the evening.

This gives your transplants time to set and acclimate well. This also saves them from transplanting shock.

8. Take Cuttings for Propagation

The best time to take cuttings for propagation is early in the morning. According to Ann on garden.org— “The plants’ natural rooting hormones are highest up on the tips of the plants in the morning, so you stand a better chance of propagation by taking your cuttings as early as you can.”

Discover things you should do in your garden in the evening here


Except for winters, where working early is not possible unless you’re living in a frost-free region, you can continue this all year long. Doing these gardening tasks will also keep your body fit and supple for the whole day. In addition, your brain will produce more endorphins, which will keep you stress-free.

  • Nina Paul
  • January 11, 2022 At 5:21 pm
  • Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure this will help me in better feeding the birds in my area.
  • Reply

Thanks for sharing this. I’m sure this will help me in better feeding the birds in my area.

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