Also called the king of fruits, the mango tree grows in the warm tropical climate, not winter hardy, and dies in the temperature below 25 F (-3 C). Usually, it requires a lot of space to grow. But if you’re short of space or living in a colder climate, where growing a mango tree on the ground is impossible–Growing a mango tree in a container can be an option.

USDA Zones: 9b–11, can be grown in zone 8 with care Difficulty: Moderate Botanical Name: Mangifera Indica

Growing Habit

A Mango tree grown in its native place can grow huge. Some cultivars can grow up to 32+ meters (105+ feet) tall. And there are more than 500+ varieties of mangoes grown across the world. A typical mango tree, if cared for well, can live up to 100 years.

Mango Tree Propagation

Propagating a mango tree from seed is a bad idea because it may take up to 8 years to produce fruit, and even after that, there’s no guarantee that it’ll bear fruits or not and of which variety.

The smart idea is to buy a grafted plant. Many mango cultivars are available these days, so it’s best to ask at the local nursery or search online for the dwarf variety that does well in the container.

A grafted mango plant takes a minimum of 2 years to fruit. In its first 3 years, it grows larger and produces fewer flowers and fruits. More productive fruiting starts after the fifth year of planting.

Choosing a Right Variety

A dwarf mango tree grows up to 2 to 4.5 meters (6 to 15 feet) tall and can be tried in containers. There are some specific dwarf varieties of the mango trees that you can grow in a container:

  • Irwin
  • Nam Doc Mai
  • King Thai
  • Carrie
  • Cogshall
  • Glenn
  • Neelam
  • Amrapali
  • Palmer
  • Pickering
  • Mallika
  • Honeykiss
  • Dwarf Hawaiian
  • Julie
  • Fairchild
  • Icecream
  • Alampur Baneshan

Planting a Mango Tree

Select a planter according to the current size of the rootball of the plant and update the planter as the plant gets bigger in a year or two or whenever it’s required. You’ll need a large pot to accommodate a mango tree.

In the beginning, a two-size bigger planter than the rootball would be sufficient. If you grow a dwarf variety, your compact mango tree will fit well in a 30-40 gallon pot once it becomes mature. 

The Best Time for Planting

The best time for planting a mango tree is in spring. However, in their native habitat, like India, mangoes are planted before the beginning of the Monsoon (July, August) or after the rainy season.

Requirements for Growing Mango Trees in Containers


  • It needs light, well-drained soil that is very rich in organic matter.
  • The pH level around 5.5-7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral) is ideal.
  • Instead of using regular soil from the garden, use a high-quality potting mix.
  • Also, add 1/3 part of compost or aged manure in the soil mix at the time of planting.


A mango tree needs a lot of sun and heat to thrive. Almost 8-10 hours of exposure to the full, intense sun is required for optimum growth and productivity of the plant. Place the mango tree in a container in the South or West facing position of your garden.


Mango trees grown on the ground don’t require much watering, but container-grown plants are different. You’ll need to water your mango plant regularly in its first 2-3 years. Once the tree is established and mature enough to bear fruits, start to water moderately during the pre-flowering period.

Keep doing this until 40-50 percent of the tree is full of flowers and then water regularly from flowering stage to fruit formation, until a few weeks (or a month) left before harvesting the mangoes. During this time, start to water moderately again.

Mango Tree Care


Feed it with a balanced fertilizer when actively growing. At the beginning of the blooming season, decrease the amount of nitrogen and select a fertilizer with high potassium and phosphorus content. For plentiful fruits, go for citrus fertilizers like 8-3-9-2 mix available in the market.

Pinching and Pruning

Continuous pinching when your plant is young encourages bushier growth. The mango tree doesn’t require a lot of pruning every year. However, it’s necessary to remove dead, diseased, and entangled branches that are causing the lack of air circulation and penetration of sunlight to control its shape and health. The best time to prune is after the harvest!

Note: Heavy pruning can decrease the number of fruits in the following year.


Common pests that attack a mango tree are Hoppers, Mealybugs, Scale, and Spider Mites. They reduce the vigor of the tree, which causes fewer fruits. These must be controlled as early as possible using organic or chemical pesticides.

Growing a Mango Tree in Cold Climates

If you live in a colder region, use a dark-colored pot because the mango tree loves the warmth, and black color has a tendency to absorb heat. Make sure your pot has sufficient drainage holes because a mango tree doesn’t appreciate a moist, waterlogged growing medium.

Also, you’ll need to cover the pot with bubble wrap when the temperature starts to dip. In winter, moving your mango tree’s pot in a greenhouse or indoors is also a good idea if you’re not growing it in a frost-free area.

Place it in a room near a south-facing window, which receives at least some amount of direct sunlight during the day. Try to warm up the room using grow lights and special temperature-raising halogen lights. You can also cover up your plant to insulate it from cold.

Also Read: Drought Tolerant Fruit Trees

Harvesting a Mango Tree

After flowering, mango fruits start to ripe within the next 3-4 months. It all depends on the climate and the variety you’re growing. In hot and humid climates, fruits ripen fast. Pluck fruits when their scent becomes sweet and tempting.

You can harvest unripe fruits too. These are used in making sherbet, pickles, chutneys, and curries.

Also Read: Is Mango a Citrus Fruit or Stone Fruit

Pin it!

  • Linda Cameron

  • August 9, 2015 At 9:15 pm

  • I have a mango tree that the children in my class planted several years ago. I have since retired and taken it home with me. It is about 3′ high, seem healthy, but has never flowered. Do all mango trees flower? I can’t remember exactly when we planted it, but it was close to 7 or 8 years ago. Should I put it in a larger pot?

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • August 11, 2015 At 7:13 am

  • Your tree is old enough to bloom and produce fruit. There are several reasons why a mango tree in pot may not be flowering.

    1. It can be due to insufficient sunlight – calculate how much sun your potted mango plant is getting.
    1. Due to nutrient deficiency – Check the leaves to identify the sign of lack of nutrition and deficiency. This might be helpful.
    1. Root bound – Check if the plant is root bound. To check, dig top inch layer of soil and see if their are roots growing upwards or clutered. *If you’ve never pruned it before, try to prune it this will encourage blooms.
    1. A mango may not bloom due to bad quality seed – It was sowed from seed or you bought it from nursery? If it was grown from seed you can do grafting to it to increase its productivity.
  • Besides this, there could be many other reasons– pests and diseases, weather, fertilizer and overcast.

  • Reply

  • Paula

  • January 8, 2017 At 12:57 am

  • Hello Linda cameron in my experience yes you should transfer the tree to a 5gal bucket or so

  • Reply


  • February 21, 2021 At 4:04 am

  • The plant will definitely respond if you put it in a bigger pot. A seedling such as yours, even in the best conditions, usually will require at least 5 years to flower. The shortest I have ever gotten fruit from a mango seedling is 4 years. Most mangos will not yield fruit similar in quality to the seed that was planted. You can read about monoembryonic vs polyembryonic seeds. Ideally you will repot the tree for now and at some point in the future a fellow mango lover can graft a very desired scion onto your tree.

  • Reply

  • Graciela perez

  • October 10, 2015 At 8:19 pm

  • I Loved the mango tree

  • Reply

  • Fatima

  • October 25, 2015 At 4:38 pm

  • kindly advise i just threw a mango seed ,last year and a tree pop up next to my jazmin tree .how do i remove and replant, will it be a problem kindly advise . thank you

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • October 25, 2015 At 5:36 pm

  • Hello Fatima, most of the times the mango tree germinates from seed won’t grow healthy or true, besides this it takes lot of years to set fruits. If you really want to grow mango it is better to buy a grafted tree from nursery.

  • Reply

  • Jean Dahl

  • August 10, 2017 At 3:42 pm

  • Where can I get a tree at a reasonable price?

  • Reply

  • Chris

  • March 13, 2018 At 5:52 pm

  • Home Depot and Lowes carry them. If you have a local nursery and can find the cultivar Lemon Zest, it is the best mango I have ever had. I paid $30 a piece at the nursery for these two years ago and this is the first year to bloom. It will not make mangoes until the second year of bloom usually. But progress!

  • Reply

  • Mark Selleck

  • August 11, 2020 At 8:03 pm

  • I don’t understand why you would say that growing from seed would result in an unhealthy tree. Root stock for grafting is created by planting seeds. Most trees grown from seed will not produce fruit of the same type that the seed came from, and it won’t fruit as quickly as it would if a cutting from a producing, known-variety tree, was grafted onto the seed-grown root stock, but root stock developed using seeds from ‘inferior’ mango strains can result in very healthy trees, producing fruit of the grafted variety.

  • Reply

  • Russ North

  • November 12, 2015 At 1:26 am

  • Mango is a pretty good fruit, certainly kingly. I would avoid too much pinching for best results. Russ

  • Reply

  • Ashim

  • November 21, 2015 At 5:40 am

  • Very well described, will try mango in a container and look forward to receive your tips in future also.

  • Thanks

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • November 21, 2015 At 6:27 am

  • Hi Ashim, it’s wonderful you like this. Please follow us for more gardening info.

  • Reply

  • Marlene

  • October 10, 2021 At 1:24 am

  • I just planted 2mangoe tree in containers so far they are doing ok I look forward for some healthy trees that will bear plenty of fruits am following all the advice carefully so they will do well in florida

  • Reply

  • Michelle

  • November 27, 2015 At 11:06 pm

  • What does pinching mean/entail? What part of the plant are you pinching presumably to deter growth

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • November 29, 2015 At 7:17 am

  • Hi Michelle, Pinching is a kind of pruning that is done to encourage branching.

  • To pinch a plant, just pinch at the end of branch (tip) with your fingers or sharp scissor. This will stop the growth of that branch and make it produce new branches.

  • To learn more, read this.

  • Reply

  • Debbie

  • November 30, 2015 At 8:27 am

  • Hi I have a mango tree this is the 2 nd time it has flowers and fruit and within 3 weeks the fruit drys up and falls off can you tell me what I am doing wrong

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • December 4, 2015 At 8:19 am

  • Hi Debbie,

  • There can be a number of reasons of fruit drop in mango tree. Most commonly it is due to lack of nutrients, make sure you are applying right amount of fertilizer at correct time. Other causes might be temperature, diseases and under or over watering.

  • If you are “Growing Mango Tree in Pot”, also checkout that it isn’t root bound, which can be a reason too.

  • Reply

  • Lety

  • June 15, 2016 At 2:41 pm

  • I have the same problem. Our mango tree is in the grown I live in San Diego which the weather changes ofren. Out mango tree always gives flowers and fruit but it drys and falls out. I do see alot of spider webs I do water it not often since it’s never given fruit but lately I have been since I replanted an angles trumpet. I shop at home Depot what should I look for to nurture it? Oh one other thing our mango tree is 30yrs old and we have never been able to enjoy its fruit. Please help!! Thank you!!!! :)

  • Reply

  • Chris

  • March 13, 2018 At 5:47 pm

  • If you have lots of spider webs they may be spider mites. They are truely mites and are not affected by pesticides. The only thing that kills them is oil: I use Neem oil. Oil smothers them. I have had a hard time with them on my gardenias. I tried oil and dish soap mixed with water as others have recommended but it didn’t work. I use a foliar fertilizer that I use on my citrus tree and a specific fertilizer for mangoes that they have at home depot. Other than that, it sounds like it needs more moisture, especially after blooming and preferably months before. If none of these work, try planting another mango tree to use as pollination. I have two but they have just flowered this year and are in pots so could not produce the mangoes which is natural the first year of bloom. I am going to try either a bigger pot, although the ones they are in are huge or plant them in ground where I am afraid the coons wil eat them. Good luck. 30 years old is impressive.

  • Reply

  • P Davis

  • February 28, 2016 At 4:26 am

  • I got a Mango tree in a pot which as self rooted into the garden, Can you cut back the roots without damaging the tree groth or fruit bearing. Mywife seems to think it is not a dwaft type

  • Reply

  • trudie van rensburg

  • March 7, 2016 At 3:41 pm

  • Hi i bought a mango tree an it seemed like it died last year during winter but it started growing again below the garth will it ever bear fruit

  • Reply

  • Malcolm doutch

  • March 22, 2016 At 12:29 am

  • How long can I leave my mango tree in a pot before putting new soil in as mine has sunk in the pot

  • Reply

  • Chris

  • March 13, 2018 At 5:48 pm

  • Anytime, unless it is fruiting.

  • Reply

  • K.C. Abraham

  • April 20, 2016 At 2:46 pm

  • Really good and informative

  • Reply

  • S K Nair

  • May 24, 2016 At 3:42 am

  • Hi

  • Very useful topic and I’m planning to do the above method.

  • Can you please explain how to remove white fungus from hibiscus and tomato plant ?

  • S K Nair

  • Reply

  • Paul C. Dass

  • August 17, 2016 At 5:45 pm

  • Mr. Nair, for the fungus in hibiscus and tomato or on any other plant you can mix two teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) in three cups of water mix well and spray on your plants, it will keep those bugs out. You can also make a fine paste of few garlic cloves and mix it with the same water with baking soda and spray, this will keep most of the insects away.

  • Reply

  • farhan

  • June 17, 2016 At 9:35 pm

  • Kindly help me, my mango plant growing good before but starting monsoon is badly affect the plant. It’s new leaves are started shrinking….. water is filled around the plant is that is a problem? Tell me the suitable remedy pls

  • Reply

  • admin

  • June 18, 2016 At 8:42 am

  • Hi Farhan, If water is filled around the plant continuously, roots will rot. Common symptons includes wilting leaves with both new and old foliage drooping and dying. If the plant is in a pot, bring it to a place protected from rain and let the soil to dry out to one inch from top before you water it again. Another thing you can do is to repot the plant into sterile potting mix to prevent further fungal attacks on the root system.

  • Reply

  • roland

  • July 13, 2016 At 12:11 pm

  • In wich month can i transfer my mango tree to another and biger pot ?

  • Reply

  • Beatrice

  • July 22, 2016 At 2:16 pm

  • I grew planted a mango seed and it’s going very well but I’m worried it will never Produce fruit.

  • Reply

  • Tanjila Ahmed

  • July 27, 2016 At 3:43 am

  • Hi I planted pomegranate seeds about 8yrs ago. The plant is healthy, i trim & feed it on a regular basis. I bring it inside for winter months, it stays healthy & happy in my all glass sunroom but no fruit yet. Is there any thing I could do to encourage to produce, please advice. Best reguards.tanjila

  • Reply

  • Cheri

  • February 26, 2017 At 4:18 pm

  • Tanjila Ahmed, my grandfather always told me to have two different pomegranate plants for cross pollination. Perhaps this is your problem.

  • Reply

  • Sue

  • August 12, 2016 At 5:13 am

  • Hey,I really love your mango tree pictures and passage although I have never planted mango tree before because I live in Beijing where it is not suitable for mango growing.Can you recommend me some kinds of plants to grow in Beijing?谢谢(Thank you very much!)?

  • Reply

  • Manuel Rodriguez

  • August 21, 2016 At 12:52 pm

  • I’am in St cloud central fl. the oldest mango tree have survive 2 frost and came and survive now with the weather so warn it grown out of proportion and small amount of fruit the second one did the contrary a lot of fruits and very large just like the guavas tree it have so large crop that the branches are touching the ground i use compost most of time on all the plants,about 20 of them i share most of it with the neighbors.

  • Reply

  • Linda Mannix

  • November 15, 2016 At 4:26 am

  • I would like to try a dwarf variety that produces a fleshy mango. I don’t enjoy the hairy, stringy varieties. Can you suggest a suitable option for me?

  • Reply

  • Cg

  • December 24, 2016 At 6:37 am

  • Hi,

  • Where dan i buy dwaft mangoplant?

  • I,m in Suriname ,we don,t have this type of mangoes,

  • Please inform me,

  • with regards

  • Cg.

  • Reply

  • ChanHL

  • February 2, 2017 At 9:08 am

  • I had mango tree plant in indoor,the problem is Sunlight was not direct to tree, can grow but grow slow. How do improve plant grow or maintained it?

  • Reply

  • Aaron Bath

  • February 3, 2017 At 7:05 am

  • I once had an indian mango tree in my front yard. It was a lot of work maintaining it but it gave me and the neighborhood kids delicious afternoons when it was blooming. I had to remove it when I needed to renovate my home. Good times. Thanks for this!

  • Reply

  • shafan

  • February 16, 2017 At 2:41 am

  • Hi, sorry my question is not from this topic but it’s about mango tree… in my land i have a mango tree and its almost 60years old and is it safety if we build a house near to it or should we cut the tree. Thank you

  • Reply

  • Jonathan

  • February 27, 2017 At 4:30 pm

  • In ground……in spring…spread compost around tree and out underneath canopy…….muclch with lucerne or lupin……keep a circle of around 6 inches around the trunk free from both compost and mulch…….Dont water every day….sandy low fertile soil is the best for drainage………folar spray every two weeks when growing with a combination of fish emulsion/seaweed………dramatic results……..Try to shape the tree from a young age……when its 60 to 80 cm high….cut the top off……just above a brown collar……this will encourage it to grow shoots from around that collar……select 3 or 4 shoots…..forming a triangle …… one has three branches at the moment….when 30 to 40 cm long……cut down to just above collar….remove weaker branches or any growth facing inwards….try to create an open space in the centre of the tree to allow air/light into it……do the same all around the tree……you will create a large canopy with many branches and keep the height down…so its easy to reach the fruit…..compost and mulch …spring/autumn……..Dont water every day……..when they flower…..they will only grow what the plant can sustain……it will decide……….if you provide organics via the compost/mulch that will help…….when it flowers…..feed with a food similar to strawbs.tomatoes……..not high in nitrogen but more towards Phosphourous and potassium….this will encourage blooms and fruit…….Yates flower and fruit is good….Remove flowers on first attempt of tree to grow fruit…let it grow bigger ….Nitrogen is good at this time………The next year it will have a big strong canopy to support more fruit……Its best to remove all fruits the first time as it takes a lot of energy to grow fruit….get the roots and canopy strong before you let it fruit.

  • Reply

  • Charlotte Kristine Sørensen

  • April 11, 2017 At 5:15 pm

  • Love your tips.. Planted 5 mango seeds a few mounts ago.. And all of them is doing fine, they have grown much!! Dont know the type of mango tree… How can I tell witch kind it is….any link to that!? Thanks

  • Reply

  • Ann

  • June 14, 2017 At 9:33 am

  • Very good tip!! Planted 1 last yr on a slope San Gabriel mntn & grown a foot high. Idk what variety. Ok to fertilize with fish emulsion now or regular fert? Where can I buy pot variety here in So Cal? Thanks.

  • Reply

  • TinaC

  • August 7, 2017 At 5:11 am

  • Has anyone grown a Kennsington pride / bowen in a pot? I am north facing but due to surrounding trees get full sun all summer but sheltered to no sun in winter so cant put in the ground. I live in Sydney.

  • Reply

  • eric

  • November 17, 2017 At 1:00 pm

  • Im in perth and my tree (Kensington) is flowering in a very small pot should i feed it re-pot the tree or leave the tree alone.Its from bunnings and about a year old .

  • Reply

  • Jonathan Cox

  • January 23, 2021 At 10:06 pm

  • Leave it alone….repotting in the hot summer is not a good idea.

  • Reply

  • Helen Vanhouten

  • February 17, 2019 At 7:55 pm

  • How can we order a plant from you?

  • Reply

  • Urban Saplings

  • April 18, 2019 At 5:17 pm

  • If you love growing what you eat, try growing chilies in the easiest possible way. Chilly is the most common spice, found in almost every cuisine. And is as easy to grow as on your kitchen window sill. Give it a try.

  • I am sure there is nothing better then freshly harvested chilies.

  • Reply

  • FV Freddy

  • August 4, 2019 At 7:53 am

  • Hey everyone ,

  • Just wanted to let you know I found a great place for mango trees and other exotic fruit trees in El Monte ,Ca. It’s called Champa nursery . I live in Orange County Ca. and found this place about 1 1/2 years ago . By the way…….this is a great website !

  • Reply

  • Archna Parwani

  • October 30, 2019 At 6:39 pm

  • I repotted mango tree as it was not growing. Fees days after repotting I added NPK 20/20/20 in a little amount. But after 3 -4 weeks all the leaves became brown. I was told that NPK is not used in mango tree. Therefore I changed the soil. Since there were no leaves at the time of repotting ( 2nd time) will y plant survive or not,? And how will I know whether it will survive or not?

  • Reply

  • Kaitlyn

  • April 21, 2020 At 9:51 am

  • Hi,

  • My small pot mango is fruiting and growing several new branches at the same time. Should I trim the new branches to allow the tree to concentrate on the fruits?

  • Thanks

  • Reply

  • Safar G.

  • May 4, 2020 At 12:44 am

  • I recently planted a Mango tree on a hill side, I live in Southern California. I want to be a good neighbor and limit the growth of tree? Is that possible. How?

  • Reply

  • virgi

  • May 15, 2020 At 9:35 pm


  • Reply

  • Mangoman Brooklyn

  • July 7, 2020 At 10:41 pm

  • I have a mango tree in Brooklyn NY. It will not survive the winter. What do you need to do is, to get a greenhouse or something to cover it up in the winter. Also put some heat to it as our New York winters get very cold and keep it above 55 degrees

  • Reply

  • Gail

  • May 20, 2020 At 2:08 am

  • I bring my mangoes closer to the house for warmth when it gets down in the 40s. Young trees in pots can’t take too much of a chill. Your mango tree would not survive very long outside in the winter in NY. Find a warm, sunny place inside and consider investing in a grow lamp as well. As far as watering goes, pay attention to your tree. If the soil is dry or the tree seems wilty, water. If it’s damp do not water. Mangoes hate waterlogged roots. In the Florida sun, I water at least once a day in the summer (unless it’s rained for a good spell that day), once a week in the winter. If I see a big rain storm or multiple rainy days predicted in the cooler months, I move my mangoes under cover to avoid the deluge. Older trees don’t need too much care, but be sure to baby the young ones — they die quick in the wrong conditions.

  • Reply

  • Jamila

  • September 13, 2020 At 12:42 pm

  • Hi everyone

  • I was wondering if anyone has experience growing a mango tree in containers in ontario. Just bought a beautiful tree but the weather is starting to get cold. I purchased some grow lights just curious as to how I should proceed with placing the tree indoors for the winter. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Thanks

  • Reply

  • ileana

  • April 4, 2021 At 6:36 am

  • Hello! I live in north Florida. I bought several grafted mango trees from a nursery last year, and put them in a greenhouse at the beginning of winter. I was not aware that they also needed some source of heat. I did put a heater inside of the green house when I noticed that all the leaves had died. All the trees had apparently died but I noticed that the roots are still alive and some leaves are coming up in the surface. Since this trees were grafted, my best guess is that the plants growing up is from the original plant and the grafted plants have died . Should I throw these away and start over?

  • Reply

  • Rohini Aima

  • June 4, 2021 At 12:40 pm

  • How can we order the fast growing fruit trees??

  • Reply

  • Scott

  • June 4, 2021 At 7:26 pm

  • I have built a greenhouse in Georgia USA specifically to grow a mango tree. My Carrie just arrived. The greenhouse is 16 feet tall, wide and deep (a 16 foot cube). The greenhouse will be heated in the winter to whatever low temperatures I can get away with for the mango, even up to 60 degrees F if I have to. My question is about root temperatures. The average ground temp in Georgia is around 45-50 degrees F. I plan on planting the mango in the ground and digging out an area about 5’x5′ and 5′ deep to fill with proper soil for the tree. I have the ability to heat the ground with a water radiant loop. Is anyone aware of a ground temperature for places where the mangos like to grow naturally?

  • Reply

  • Cledir do vale

  • July 21, 2021 At 2:25 am

  • Hi someone advise me please? I have planted mango in a place very close to the house and would like to remove it to a pot, could this be possible? I live in Florida.

  • Reply

  • Mila Tirona

  • January 16, 2022 At 2:29 am

  • Do you thinking mangoes

  • Tree will survive in san

  • Francisco California

  • Reply

  • Sarah

  • January 26, 2022 At 8:13 pm

  • I am really hoping I can rescue my potted mango tree. It is about 10 inches tall and the leaves are light green with lots of browning and some black spots. I have not seen any past but wondering if it has some kind of mold/fungus? I have it indoors with a grow lamp and pulled back to watering it only once every 2 weeks now that it is winter. I gave it indoor plant fertilizer with no results, obviously not really sure what I’m doing. Any tips for rescuing them during winter? It is not dropping leaves but it’s not looking good.

  • Reply

  • Archna Parwani

  • August 31, 2022 At 8:08 pm

  • My Mango plant is almost 1 1/2 year old. It is in full sun( kept on terrace)In first year it gave some new leaves but now tips of the plant are getting black and side of the leaves are getting brown. Gradually all leaves are giving appearance of burn out leaves.

  • Kindly advise how to save this plant.

  • Reply

  • Tammy

  • December 1, 2022 At 6:58 am

  • I am new at all of this planting stuff. I thought now that I am retired, I would try it. I bought a mango and would like to plant the seed to see what I get. My question is: Can someone suggest the name of the best brand potting soil that already contains the compost mixed in with the soil?

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • August 11, 2015 At 7:13 am

  • Your tree is old enough to bloom and produce fruit. There are several reasons why a mango tree in pot may not be flowering.

    1. It can be due to insufficient sunlight – calculate how much sun your potted mango plant is getting.
    1. Due to nutrient deficiency – Check the leaves to identify the sign of lack of nutrition and deficiency. This might be helpful.
    1. Root bound – Check if the plant is root bound. To check, dig top inch layer of soil and see if their are roots growing upwards or clutered. *If you’ve never pruned it before, try to prune it this will encourage blooms.
    1. A mango may not bloom due to bad quality seed – It was sowed from seed or you bought it from nursery? If it was grown from seed you can do grafting to it to increase its productivity.
  • Besides this, there could be many other reasons– pests and diseases, weather, fertilizer and overcast.

  • Reply

  • Paula

  • January 8, 2017 At 12:57 am

  • Hello Linda cameron in my experience yes you should transfer the tree to a 5gal bucket or so

  • Reply


  • February 21, 2021 At 4:04 am

  • The plant will definitely respond if you put it in a bigger pot. A seedling such as yours, even in the best conditions, usually will require at least 5 years to flower. The shortest I have ever gotten fruit from a mango seedling is 4 years. Most mangos will not yield fruit similar in quality to the seed that was planted. You can read about monoembryonic vs polyembryonic seeds. Ideally you will repot the tree for now and at some point in the future a fellow mango lover can graft a very desired scion onto your tree.

  • Reply

I have a mango tree that the children in my class planted several years ago. I have since retired and taken it home with me. It is about 3′ high, seem healthy, but has never flowered. Do all mango trees flower? I can’t remember exactly when we planted it, but it was close to 7 or 8 years ago. Should I put it in a larger pot?

Your tree is old enough to bloom and produce fruit. There are several reasons why a mango tree in pot may not be flowering.

  1. It can be due to insufficient sunlight – calculate how much sun your potted mango plant is getting.
  2. Due to nutrient deficiency – Check the leaves to identify the sign of lack of nutrition and deficiency. This might be helpful.
  3. Root bound – Check if the plant is root bound. To check, dig top inch layer of soil and see if their are roots growing upwards or clutered. *If you’ve never pruned it before, try to prune it this will encourage blooms.
  4. A mango may not bloom due to bad quality seed – It was sowed from seed or you bought it from nursery? If it was grown from seed you can do grafting to it to increase its productivity.

Besides this, there could be many other reasons– pests and diseases, weather, fertilizer and overcast.

Hello Linda cameron in my experience yes you should transfer the tree to a 5gal bucket or so

The plant will definitely respond if you put it in a bigger pot. A seedling such as yours, even in the best conditions, usually will require at least 5 years to flower. The shortest I have ever gotten fruit from a mango seedling is 4 years. Most mangos will not yield fruit similar in quality to the seed that was planted. You can read about monoembryonic vs polyembryonic seeds. Ideally you will repot the tree for now and at some point in the future a fellow mango lover can graft a very desired scion onto your tree.

I Loved the mango tree

  • Team BGW
  • October 25, 2015 At 5:36 pm
  • Hello Fatima, most of the times the mango tree germinates from seed won’t grow healthy or true, besides this it takes lot of years to set fruits. If you really want to grow mango it is better to buy a grafted tree from nursery.
  • Reply
  • Jean Dahl
  • August 10, 2017 At 3:42 pm
  • Where can I get a tree at a reasonable price?
  • Reply
  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:52 pm
  • Home Depot and Lowes carry them. If you have a local nursery and can find the cultivar Lemon Zest, it is the best mango I have ever had. I paid $30 a piece at the nursery for these two years ago and this is the first year to bloom. It will not make mangoes until the second year of bloom usually. But progress!
  • Reply
  • Mark Selleck
  • August 11, 2020 At 8:03 pm
  • I don’t understand why you would say that growing from seed would result in an unhealthy tree. Root stock for grafting is created by planting seeds. Most trees grown from seed will not produce fruit of the same type that the seed came from, and it won’t fruit as quickly as it would if a cutting from a producing, known-variety tree, was grafted onto the seed-grown root stock, but root stock developed using seeds from ‘inferior’ mango strains can result in very healthy trees, producing fruit of the grafted variety.
  • Reply

kindly advise i just threw a mango seed ,last year and a tree pop up next to my jazmin tree .how do i remove and replant, will it be a problem kindly advise . thank you

  • Jean Dahl
  • August 10, 2017 At 3:42 pm
  • Where can I get a tree at a reasonable price?
  • Reply
  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:52 pm
  • Home Depot and Lowes carry them. If you have a local nursery and can find the cultivar Lemon Zest, it is the best mango I have ever had. I paid $30 a piece at the nursery for these two years ago and this is the first year to bloom. It will not make mangoes until the second year of bloom usually. But progress!
  • Reply
  • Mark Selleck
  • August 11, 2020 At 8:03 pm
  • I don’t understand why you would say that growing from seed would result in an unhealthy tree. Root stock for grafting is created by planting seeds. Most trees grown from seed will not produce fruit of the same type that the seed came from, and it won’t fruit as quickly as it would if a cutting from a producing, known-variety tree, was grafted onto the seed-grown root stock, but root stock developed using seeds from ‘inferior’ mango strains can result in very healthy trees, producing fruit of the grafted variety.
  • Reply

Hello Fatima, most of the times the mango tree germinates from seed won’t grow healthy or true, besides this it takes lot of years to set fruits. If you really want to grow mango it is better to buy a grafted tree from nursery.

  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:52 pm
  • Home Depot and Lowes carry them. If you have a local nursery and can find the cultivar Lemon Zest, it is the best mango I have ever had. I paid $30 a piece at the nursery for these two years ago and this is the first year to bloom. It will not make mangoes until the second year of bloom usually. But progress!
  • Reply

Where can I get a tree at a reasonable price?

Home Depot and Lowes carry them. If you have a local nursery and can find the cultivar Lemon Zest, it is the best mango I have ever had. I paid $30 a piece at the nursery for these two years ago and this is the first year to bloom. It will not make mangoes until the second year of bloom usually. But progress!

I don’t understand why you would say that growing from seed would result in an unhealthy tree. Root stock for grafting is created by planting seeds. Most trees grown from seed will not produce fruit of the same type that the seed came from, and it won’t fruit as quickly as it would if a cutting from a producing, known-variety tree, was grafted onto the seed-grown root stock, but root stock developed using seeds from ‘inferior’ mango strains can result in very healthy trees, producing fruit of the grafted variety.

Mango is a pretty good fruit, certainly kingly. I would avoid too much pinching for best results. Russ

  • Team BGW
  • November 21, 2015 At 6:27 am
  • Hi Ashim, it’s wonderful you like this. Please follow us for more gardening info.
  • Reply
  • Marlene
  • October 10, 2021 At 1:24 am
  • I just planted 2mangoe tree in containers so far they are doing ok I look forward for some healthy trees that will bear plenty of fruits am following all the advice carefully so they will do well in florida
  • Reply

Very well described, will try mango in a container and look forward to receive your tips in future also. Thanks

  • Marlene
  • October 10, 2021 At 1:24 am
  • I just planted 2mangoe tree in containers so far they are doing ok I look forward for some healthy trees that will bear plenty of fruits am following all the advice carefully so they will do well in florida
  • Reply

Hi Ashim, it’s wonderful you like this. Please follow us for more gardening info.

I just planted 2mangoe tree in containers so far they are doing ok I look forward for some healthy trees that will bear plenty of fruits am following all the advice carefully so they will do well in florida

  • Team BGW
  • November 29, 2015 At 7:17 am
  • Hi Michelle, Pinching is a kind of pruning that is done to encourage branching.
  • To pinch a plant, just pinch at the end of branch (tip) with your fingers or sharp scissor. This will stop the growth of that branch and make it produce new branches.
  • To learn more, read this.
  • Reply

What does pinching mean/entail? What part of the plant are you pinching presumably to deter growth

Hi Michelle, Pinching is a kind of pruning that is done to encourage branching.

To pinch a plant, just pinch at the end of branch (tip) with your fingers or sharp scissor. This will stop the growth of that branch and make it produce new branches.

To learn more, read this.

  • Team BGW
  • December 4, 2015 At 8:19 am
  • Hi Debbie,
  • There can be a number of reasons of fruit drop in mango tree. Most commonly it is due to lack of nutrients, make sure you are applying right amount of fertilizer at correct time. Other causes might be temperature, diseases and under or over watering.
  • If you are “Growing Mango Tree in Pot”, also checkout that it isn’t root bound, which can be a reason too.
  • Reply
  • Lety
  • June 15, 2016 At 2:41 pm
  • I have the same problem. Our mango tree is in the grown I live in San Diego which the weather changes ofren. Out mango tree always gives flowers and fruit but it drys and falls out. I do see alot of spider webs I do water it not often since it’s never given fruit but lately I have been since I replanted an angles trumpet. I shop at home Depot what should I look for to nurture it? Oh one other thing our mango tree is 30yrs old and we have never been able to enjoy its fruit. Please help!! Thank you!!!! :)
  • Reply
  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:47 pm
  • If you have lots of spider webs they may be spider mites. They are truely mites and are not affected by pesticides. The only thing that kills them is oil: I use Neem oil. Oil smothers them. I have had a hard time with them on my gardenias. I tried oil and dish soap mixed with water as others have recommended but it didn’t work. I use a foliar fertilizer that I use on my citrus tree and a specific fertilizer for mangoes that they have at home depot. Other than that, it sounds like it needs more moisture, especially after blooming and preferably months before. If none of these work, try planting another mango tree to use as pollination. I have two but they have just flowered this year and are in pots so could not produce the mangoes which is natural the first year of bloom. I am going to try either a bigger pot, although the ones they are in are huge or plant them in ground where I am afraid the coons wil eat them. Good luck. 30 years old is impressive.
  • Reply

Hi I have a mango tree this is the 2 nd time it has flowers and fruit and within 3 weeks the fruit drys up and falls off can you tell me what I am doing wrong

  • Lety
  • June 15, 2016 At 2:41 pm
  • I have the same problem. Our mango tree is in the grown I live in San Diego which the weather changes ofren. Out mango tree always gives flowers and fruit but it drys and falls out. I do see alot of spider webs I do water it not often since it’s never given fruit but lately I have been since I replanted an angles trumpet. I shop at home Depot what should I look for to nurture it? Oh one other thing our mango tree is 30yrs old and we have never been able to enjoy its fruit. Please help!! Thank you!!!! :)
  • Reply
  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:47 pm
  • If you have lots of spider webs they may be spider mites. They are truely mites and are not affected by pesticides. The only thing that kills them is oil: I use Neem oil. Oil smothers them. I have had a hard time with them on my gardenias. I tried oil and dish soap mixed with water as others have recommended but it didn’t work. I use a foliar fertilizer that I use on my citrus tree and a specific fertilizer for mangoes that they have at home depot. Other than that, it sounds like it needs more moisture, especially after blooming and preferably months before. If none of these work, try planting another mango tree to use as pollination. I have two but they have just flowered this year and are in pots so could not produce the mangoes which is natural the first year of bloom. I am going to try either a bigger pot, although the ones they are in are huge or plant them in ground where I am afraid the coons wil eat them. Good luck. 30 years old is impressive.
  • Reply

Hi Debbie, There can be a number of reasons of fruit drop in mango tree. Most commonly it is due to lack of nutrients, make sure you are applying right amount of fertilizer at correct time. Other causes might be temperature, diseases and under or over watering.

If you are “Growing Mango Tree in Pot”, also checkout that it isn’t root bound, which can be a reason too.

  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:47 pm
  • If you have lots of spider webs they may be spider mites. They are truely mites and are not affected by pesticides. The only thing that kills them is oil: I use Neem oil. Oil smothers them. I have had a hard time with them on my gardenias. I tried oil and dish soap mixed with water as others have recommended but it didn’t work. I use a foliar fertilizer that I use on my citrus tree and a specific fertilizer for mangoes that they have at home depot. Other than that, it sounds like it needs more moisture, especially after blooming and preferably months before. If none of these work, try planting another mango tree to use as pollination. I have two but they have just flowered this year and are in pots so could not produce the mangoes which is natural the first year of bloom. I am going to try either a bigger pot, although the ones they are in are huge or plant them in ground where I am afraid the coons wil eat them. Good luck. 30 years old is impressive.
  • Reply

I have the same problem. Our mango tree is in the grown I live in San Diego which the weather changes ofren. Out mango tree always gives flowers and fruit but it drys and falls out. I do see alot of spider webs I do water it not often since it’s never given fruit but lately I have been since I replanted an angles trumpet. I shop at home Depot what should I look for to nurture it? Oh one other thing our mango tree is 30yrs old and we have never been able to enjoy its fruit. Please help!! Thank you!!!! :)

If you have lots of spider webs they may be spider mites. They are truely mites and are not affected by pesticides. The only thing that kills them is oil: I use Neem oil. Oil smothers them. I have had a hard time with them on my gardenias. I tried oil and dish soap mixed with water as others have recommended but it didn’t work. I use a foliar fertilizer that I use on my citrus tree and a specific fertilizer for mangoes that they have at home depot. Other than that, it sounds like it needs more moisture, especially after blooming and preferably months before. If none of these work, try planting another mango tree to use as pollination. I have two but they have just flowered this year and are in pots so could not produce the mangoes which is natural the first year of bloom. I am going to try either a bigger pot, although the ones they are in are huge or plant them in ground where I am afraid the coons wil eat them. Good luck. 30 years old is impressive.

I got a Mango tree in a pot which as self rooted into the garden, Can you cut back the roots without damaging the tree groth or fruit bearing. Mywife seems to think it is not a dwaft type

Hi i bought a mango tree an it seemed like it died last year during winter but it started growing again below the garth will it ever bear fruit

  • Chris
  • March 13, 2018 At 5:48 pm
  • Anytime, unless it is fruiting.
  • Reply

How long can I leave my mango tree in a pot before putting new soil in as mine has sunk in the pot

Anytime, unless it is fruiting.

Really good and informative

  • Paul C. Dass
  • August 17, 2016 At 5:45 pm
  • Mr. Nair, for the fungus in hibiscus and tomato or on any other plant you can mix two teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) in three cups of water mix well and spray on your plants, it will keep those bugs out. You can also make a fine paste of few garlic cloves and mix it with the same water with baking soda and spray, this will keep most of the insects away.
  • Reply

Hi Very useful topic and I’m planning to do the above method.

Can you please explain how to remove white fungus from hibiscus and tomato plant ?

S K Nair

Mr. Nair, for the fungus in hibiscus and tomato or on any other plant you can mix two teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) in three cups of water mix well and spray on your plants, it will keep those bugs out. You can also make a fine paste of few garlic cloves and mix it with the same water with baking soda and spray, this will keep most of the insects away.

  • admin
  • June 18, 2016 At 8:42 am
  • Hi Farhan, If water is filled around the plant continuously, roots will rot. Common symptons includes wilting leaves with both new and old foliage drooping and dying. If the plant is in a pot, bring it to a place protected from rain and let the soil to dry out to one inch from top before you water it again. Another thing you can do is to repot the plant into sterile potting mix to prevent further fungal attacks on the root system.
  • Reply

Kindly help me, my mango plant growing good before but starting monsoon is badly affect the plant. It’s new leaves are started shrinking….. water is filled around the plant is that is a problem? Tell me the suitable remedy pls

Hi Farhan, If water is filled around the plant continuously, roots will rot. Common symptons includes wilting leaves with both new and old foliage drooping and dying. If the plant is in a pot, bring it to a place protected from rain and let the soil to dry out to one inch from top before you water it again. Another thing you can do is to repot the plant into sterile potting mix to prevent further fungal attacks on the root system.

In wich month can i transfer my mango tree to another and biger pot ?

I grew planted a mango seed and it’s going very well but I’m worried it will never Produce fruit.

  • Cheri
  • February 26, 2017 At 4:18 pm
  • Tanjila Ahmed, my grandfather always told me to have two different pomegranate plants for cross pollination. Perhaps this is your problem.
  • Reply

Hi I planted pomegranate seeds about 8yrs ago. The plant is healthy, i trim & feed it on a regular basis. I bring it inside for winter months, it stays healthy & happy in my all glass sunroom but no fruit yet. Is there any thing I could do to encourage to produce, please advice. Best reguards.tanjila

Tanjila Ahmed, my grandfather always told me to have two different pomegranate plants for cross pollination. Perhaps this is your problem.

Hey,I really love your mango tree pictures and passage although I have never planted mango tree before because I live in Beijing where it is not suitable for mango growing.Can you recommend me some kinds of plants to grow in Beijing?谢谢(Thank you very much!)?

I’am in St cloud central fl. the oldest mango tree have survive 2 frost and came and survive now with the weather so warn it grown out of proportion and small amount of fruit the second one did the contrary a lot of fruits and very large just like the guavas tree it have so large crop that the branches are touching the ground i use compost most of time on all the plants,about 20 of them i share most of it with the neighbors.

I would like to try a dwarf variety that produces a fleshy mango. I don’t enjoy the hairy, stringy varieties. Can you suggest a suitable option for me?

Hi, Where dan i buy dwaft mangoplant? I,m in Suriname ,we don,t have this type of mangoes, Please inform me,

with regards Cg.

I had mango tree plant in indoor,the problem is Sunlight was not direct to tree, can grow but grow slow. How do improve plant grow or maintained it?

I once had an indian mango tree in my front yard. It was a lot of work maintaining it but it gave me and the neighborhood kids delicious afternoons when it was blooming. I had to remove it when I needed to renovate my home. Good times. Thanks for this!

Hi, sorry my question is not from this topic but it’s about mango tree… in my land i have a mango tree and its almost 60years old and is it safety if we build a house near to it or should we cut the tree. Thank you

In ground……in spring…spread compost around tree and out underneath canopy…….muclch with lucerne or lupin……keep a circle of around 6 inches around the trunk free from both compost and mulch…….Dont water every day….sandy low fertile soil is the best for drainage………folar spray every two weeks when growing with a combination of fish emulsion/seaweed………dramatic results……..Try to shape the tree from a young age……when its 60 to 80 cm high….cut the top off……just above a brown collar……this will encourage it to grow shoots from around that collar……select 3 or 4 shoots…..forming a triangle …… one has three branches at the moment….when 30 to 40 cm long……cut down to just above collar….remove weaker branches or any growth facing inwards….try to create an open space in the centre of the tree to allow air/light into it……do the same all around the tree……you will create a large canopy with many branches and keep the height down…so its easy to reach the fruit…..compost and mulch …spring/autumn……..Dont water every day……..when they flower…..they will only grow what the plant can sustain……it will decide……….if you provide organics via the compost/mulch that will help…….when it flowers…..feed with a food similar to strawbs.tomatoes……..not high in nitrogen but more towards Phosphourous and potassium….this will encourage blooms and fruit…….Yates flower and fruit is good….Remove flowers on first attempt of tree to grow fruit…let it grow bigger ….Nitrogen is good at this time………The next year it will have a big strong canopy to support more fruit……Its best to remove all fruits the first time as it takes a lot of energy to grow fruit….get the roots and canopy strong before you let it fruit.

Love your tips.. Planted 5 mango seeds a few mounts ago.. And all of them is doing fine, they have grown much!! Dont know the type of mango tree… How can I tell witch kind it is….any link to that!? Thanks

Very good tip!! Planted 1 last yr on a slope San Gabriel mntn & grown a foot high. Idk what variety. Ok to fertilize with fish emulsion now or regular fert? Where can I buy pot variety here in So Cal? Thanks.

Has anyone grown a Kennsington pride / bowen in a pot? I am north facing but due to surrounding trees get full sun all summer but sheltered to no sun in winter so cant put in the ground. I live in Sydney.

  • Jonathan Cox
  • January 23, 2021 At 10:06 pm
  • Leave it alone….repotting in the hot summer is not a good idea.
  • Reply

Im in perth and my tree (Kensington) is flowering in a very small pot should i feed it re-pot the tree or leave the tree alone.Its from bunnings and about a year old .

Leave it alone….repotting in the hot summer is not a good idea.

How can we order a plant from you?

If you love growing what you eat, try growing chilies in the easiest possible way. Chilly is the most common spice, found in almost every cuisine. And is as easy to grow as on your kitchen window sill. Give it a try. I am sure there is nothing better then freshly harvested chilies.

Hey everyone , Just wanted to let you know I found a great place for mango trees and other exotic fruit trees in El Monte ,Ca. It’s called Champa nursery . I live in Orange County Ca. and found this place about 1 1/2 years ago . By the way…….this is a great website !

I repotted mango tree as it was not growing. Fees days after repotting I added NPK 20/20/20 in a little amount. But after 3 -4 weeks all the leaves became brown. I was told that NPK is not used in mango tree. Therefore I changed the soil. Since there were no leaves at the time of repotting ( 2nd time) will y plant survive or not,? And how will I know whether it will survive or not?

Hi, My small pot mango is fruiting and growing several new branches at the same time. Should I trim the new branches to allow the tree to concentrate on the fruits? Thanks

I recently planted a Mango tree on a hill side, I live in Southern California. I want to be a good neighbor and limit the growth of tree? Is that possible. How?

  • Mangoman Brooklyn
  • July 7, 2020 At 10:41 pm
  • I have a mango tree in Brooklyn NY. It will not survive the winter. What do you need to do is, to get a greenhouse or something to cover it up in the winter. Also put some heat to it as our New York winters get very cold and keep it above 55 degrees
  • Reply


I have a mango tree in Brooklyn NY. It will not survive the winter. What do you need to do is, to get a greenhouse or something to cover it up in the winter. Also put some heat to it as our New York winters get very cold and keep it above 55 degrees

I bring my mangoes closer to the house for warmth when it gets down in the 40s. Young trees in pots can’t take too much of a chill. Your mango tree would not survive very long outside in the winter in NY. Find a warm, sunny place inside and consider investing in a grow lamp as well. As far as watering goes, pay attention to your tree. If the soil is dry or the tree seems wilty, water. If it’s damp do not water. Mangoes hate waterlogged roots. In the Florida sun, I water at least once a day in the summer (unless it’s rained for a good spell that day), once a week in the winter. If I see a big rain storm or multiple rainy days predicted in the cooler months, I move my mangoes under cover to avoid the deluge. Older trees don’t need too much care, but be sure to baby the young ones — they die quick in the wrong conditions.

Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone has experience growing a mango tree in containers in ontario. Just bought a beautiful tree but the weather is starting to get cold. I purchased some grow lights just curious as to how I should proceed with placing the tree indoors for the winter. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Hello! I live in north Florida. I bought several grafted mango trees from a nursery last year, and put them in a greenhouse at the beginning of winter. I was not aware that they also needed some source of heat. I did put a heater inside of the green house when I noticed that all the leaves had died. All the trees had apparently died but I noticed that the roots are still alive and some leaves are coming up in the surface. Since this trees were grafted, my best guess is that the plants growing up is from the original plant and the grafted plants have died . Should I throw these away and start over?

How can we order the fast growing fruit trees??

I have built a greenhouse in Georgia USA specifically to grow a mango tree. My Carrie just arrived. The greenhouse is 16 feet tall, wide and deep (a 16 foot cube). The greenhouse will be heated in the winter to whatever low temperatures I can get away with for the mango, even up to 60 degrees F if I have to. My question is about root temperatures. The average ground temp in Georgia is around 45-50 degrees F. I plan on planting the mango in the ground and digging out an area about 5’x5′ and 5′ deep to fill with proper soil for the tree. I have the ability to heat the ground with a water radiant loop. Is anyone aware of a ground temperature for places where the mangos like to grow naturally?

Hi someone advise me please? I have planted mango in a place very close to the house and would like to remove it to a pot, could this be possible? I live in Florida.

Do you thinking mangoes Tree will survive in san Francisco California

I am really hoping I can rescue my potted mango tree. It is about 10 inches tall and the leaves are light green with lots of browning and some black spots. I have not seen any past but wondering if it has some kind of mold/fungus? I have it indoors with a grow lamp and pulled back to watering it only once every 2 weeks now that it is winter. I gave it indoor plant fertilizer with no results, obviously not really sure what I’m doing. Any tips for rescuing them during winter? It is not dropping leaves but it’s not looking good.

My Mango plant is almost 1 1/2 year old. It is in full sun( kept on terrace)In first year it gave some new leaves but now tips of the plant are getting black and side of the leaves are getting brown. Gradually all leaves are giving appearance of burn out leaves. Kindly advise how to save this plant.

I am new at all of this planting stuff. I thought now that I am retired, I would try it. I bought a mango and would like to plant the seed to see what I get. My question is: Can someone suggest the name of the best brand potting soil that already contains the compost mixed in with the soil?

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