Gardenia is a subtropical shrub originated in Asia. Its large white rose-like blooms are one of the most fragrant flowers and together with its feathery green foliage, the gardenia plant looks magnificent. Keep reading this article to know about Growing Gardenias in Pots!

USDA Zones— 8 – 11

Other Names— Gardenia jasminoides, cape jasmine, danh-danh, gandhraj, jasmine rose, rose jasmine

What are Gardenias?

Growing gardenias in pots is possible, especially if you’re short of space or live in cool temperate climate. Gardenia grows fairly easy in USDA Zones 8 to 11, below these zones, you’ll need to grow it either as a houseplant or keep it indoors in winter.

Requirements for Growing Gardenias in Pots


Choose a location that is warm, bright, and sunny. One thing you need to care for when picking a spot for your gardenia shrub is that it needs good air circulation around it.

Maintain the airflow around it, also, be careful that you don’t place it in a location from where water will spill over its foliage every now and then as water droplets can lead a fungal growth on leaves.


For growing gardenias in pots, choose a quality potting soil that is light, well-drained, and rich in organic matter. You can also use gritty mix soil for it. Clay-rich, water-retaining soil must be avoided. Soil must be acidic and pH level around 4.8 – 6 is ideal.


Water the plant deeply but only when the top one inch surface of the soil dries out. To check this, poke your index finger into the soil. In any case, avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.


Ideal humidity level is around 70%. When watering avoid misting or wetting the foliage to increase the humidity as this may cause fungal infection. Instead, place your potted gardenia on a pebble filled tray that is filled with water to increase the humidity level and moisture.


The temperature around 70 F (20 C) is optimum for gardenias, at this temperature flower buds are formed. Fluctuation in temperature damages the flower buds or they may take more time to bloom.

The temperature around 60 F – 85 F (15 C – 30 C) is ideal for its growth. Below 20 F (- 7 C) the plant faces substantial damage. Also, exposure to harsh afternoon sun in tropics, especially in summer can burn the leaves.

Also Read: How to Make a Small Fragrant Garden

Gardenia Plant Care


Repot your gardenia plant every 2-3 years in late winter or early spring. While repotting, you don’t need to prune the roots as they are fine and shallow, and pruning them can cause root damage.


Generally, for gardenia, acidic fertilizers are used. You can find special fertilizer for gardenia in any garden store or online. You can also fertilize it with azalea fertilizer.

The application of Epsom salt once a month during the growing season is also essential for the proper growth of gardenia. Acidic soil is the key to growing gardenias successfully. If your soil is not acidic, add sulfur to change the pH level.

Also Read: How To Change Your Soil pH?

Pruning Gardenia

When the flowering period is over, prune your shrub slightly to maintain its beautiful compact design. Remove all the dead, damaged, or entangled branches that are crossing each other and thwarting the penetration of sun rays and airflow.


Remove spent flowers as soon as they wilt and fade. This will promote the emergence of new blooms.


Some gardenia varieties can tolerate temperatures down to 20 – 15 F (-6 to -10 C) but below this temperature, it is hard to save this beautiful flowering shrub. So, if you’re growing gardenia in a pot in the cooler climate it is better to keep the plant indoors near a South facing window during winter and provide it warmth and temperature above 50 F (10 C).

Pests and Diseases

To prevent diseases avoid overhead watering and excessive watering. The main pests that attack it are aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites.

A Few Additional Tips


  • Don’t change the location of your gardenia again and again too often.
  • A slightly root bound gardenia plant will bloom more prolifically.
  • Used coffee grounds or tea can be a good feed for your gardenia.
  • Proper ventilation is important.

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  • Maria Marshall
  • November 23, 2017 At 1:09 am
  • Thank you for this very useful info I have purchased my first gardena tree this weekend and was overwhelmed by the beautiful smell hopefully it will continue to flower :)
  • Reply
  • Frank
  • May 8, 2018 At 11:49 am
  • Should a gardenia “tree” be left in its pot since I don’t know how long its been growing in it? The tree I purchased from Sam’s Club is about 4.5′ tall in a 8″ plastic pot and lots of buds. It is in a 8″ round X 10″ high pot
  • Reply
  • Irene Wright
  • June 8, 2018 At 4:29 am
  • I just got a second gardenia plant and don’t want it to die. The first one I received as a Mother’s Day gift from my daughter and on the 3rd week the leaves started to droop and dry out. I don’t think I overwatered it and it was placed in indirect light. How do I make sure my second plant is properly taken care of?
  • Reply
  • Francisco Medel
  • April 17, 2019 At 6:20 am
  • My 5 th one, if it dies I’m done!,,
  • Reply
  • Ruthie Kelly
  • April 24, 2019 At 3:29 am
  • I bought another plant and repotted it the blooms are everywhere but the buds fall off before they open what am I doing wrong
  • Reply
  • Marianne J.
  • September 27, 2019 At 9:56 pm
  • I got my gardenia tree for Mother’s Day, and had no knowledge of how to care for it. It had a lot of blooms but they kept falling off. With a closer look I discovered it had tiny ants. We sprayed and got rid of the ants, but the blooms started falling off again. We then discovered that it was full of mealybugs. Once we sprayed for them, my tree started to bloom. A week or so later though, there were more mealybugs, and we had to spray again. I probably lost 30 blooms when I first received my tree, because I didn’t examine it thoroughly! Check for bugs, if they’re present, spray for them, but keep checking for more eggs to hatch!
  • Reply
  • What are the proportions? Thank you
  • February 21, 2020 At 11:39 pm
  • You mentioned adding Epson salt to the soil once during the growing season.What are the proportions? Thank you
  • Reply
  • Vilma Cepeda
  • June 6, 2021 At 4:58 am
  • 2 TVs epsom salt to 1 gallon of water
  • Reply
  • Maria
  • May 2, 2020 At 6:53 am
  • I bought a gardenia tree and bought acid fertilizer. But I have seen some yellow leaves. I do not know if I am overwatering it but I got my finger in the soil and it was almost dry. What else can I do??????
  • Reply
  • Awais
  • June 5, 2020 At 12:49 pm
  • I had the same problem, the most common cause for yellow leaves on the under-growth is over-watering or poor drainage. If the roots are sitting in water, the leaves will start turning yellow. Make sure your gardenia is not planted in a clay-based soil. I shifted my gardenia to an acidic soil mix and the results were immediate. The leaves stopped going yellow and the buds started blossoming. Also, the plant must not be put in direct sunlight.
  • Reply
  • Sally Parsons
  • May 18, 2020 At 5:48 pm
  • How much Epson salt do you apply n coffee grounds
  • Reply
  • Ed Campbell
  • May 19, 2020 At 10:08 pm
  • When pruning lower leaf growth, do I need to treat the pruned spot?
  • Reply
  • Awais
  • June 5, 2020 At 12:53 pm
  • For buds falling off, it is also a good idea to get rid of the smaller less healthy buds so that the bigger healthier ones have a better chance of blossoming.
  • Reply
  • Christy
  • December 23, 2020 At 11:18 am
  • I have a small Gardenia Bonsai that I’ve been carrying for since July. I brought her indoors for the winter. She’s been doing fine until 2 weeks ago. Her leaves have become very limp. They are turning yellow at a rapid pace. A lot of dry brown leaves too. She’s drop leaves like crazy (most are gone now). Even her green leaves. Where did I go wrong and do I have a chance to save her? Thank you.
  • Reply
  • Veronica Jaimes
  • March 30, 2021 At 12:43 am
  • Hello I am really excited for our new purchase of gardenia trees. I would like to repot these in a 24″ planter very tall) and add additional plants at the base at soil. My question is should I fill the entire pot with soil or should I first add rocks on the bottom of new planter to have better drainage then add soil over rocks? Or should the new planter only have soil?
  • Reply
  • Nora S. Cools
  • June 15, 2021 At 10:53 pm
  • Where can I buy gardenia in a pot to grow indoor with lots of grow lights.
  • Reply
  • Jane Kanter
  • August 6, 2021 At 4:30 am
  • I have 2 gardenias in pots and the Leaves are all turned yellow. Any suggestions on what to do.
  • Reply
  • Brenda Williams
  • May 14, 2022 At 11:01 pm
  • Thank you for your information. Received a gardenia tree for mother’s day gift and I want it thrive.
  • Reply
  • Anne Bauman
  • May 15, 2022 At 5:17 am
  • As mentioned in response to “what are proportions of Epsom salt to water?” What are “TV” s Thanks anyone!
  • Reply
  • Christina
  • May 21, 2022 At 11:31 pm
  • Maybe you watered it with your Tap Water. Water from inside the house can contain salt, chlorine and high PH. Buy a gallon of Distilled water or collect rainwater, and use a low PH fertilizer once every 3 months while its indoors. Ferlizer should not be strong, dilute tge fertilizer or use very little of it.
  • Make sure you put the pot near a window where it will get at least 3 hours of sun.
  • Either you watered it too much with House Tap Water or watered not frequently enough and should not use the house water.
  • Reply
  • Becky Graham
  • May 29, 2022 At 8:35 am
  • I was given a gardenia as a gift but it didn’t last long. That was a couple years ago and since then it’s been kept in a garage. If I repot it, fertilize it and pamper it, will it come back?
  • [email protected]
  • Reply
  • Thomas
  • June 29, 2022 At 2:29 am
  • Hello, I have successively grown many tropical plants, various types. Gardenias have been some of the most difficult. About 3 months ago, I bought a 3 foot Gardenia shrub, replanted it in a much larger pots with vermiculite, perlite, coffee grounds and potting soil. I fertilize about every 4 weeks. I’m in Colombia S. A. and grow the shrub on my balcony where it gets 4 – 5 hours of direct sun light per day. For the past few years, it seems there has been a lot of rain here with fewer sunny days. The plant originally had many buds but they wilted. I keep several shallow containers with water and stones below the plant to provide humidity. The plant is slightly elevated above balcony floor. I try not to move the plants position much. Any advice on growing a more healthy and productive plant?
  • Reply

Thank you for this very useful info I have purchased my first gardena tree this weekend and was overwhelmed by the beautiful smell hopefully it will continue to flower :)

Should a gardenia “tree” be left in its pot since I don’t know how long its been growing in it? The tree I purchased from Sam’s Club is about 4.5′ tall in a 8″ plastic pot and lots of buds. It is in a 8″ round X 10″ high pot

I just got a second gardenia plant and don’t want it to die. The first one I received as a Mother’s Day gift from my daughter and on the 3rd week the leaves started to droop and dry out. I don’t think I overwatered it and it was placed in indirect light. How do I make sure my second plant is properly taken care of?

My 5 th one, if it dies I’m done!,,

I bought another plant and repotted it the blooms are everywhere but the buds fall off before they open what am I doing wrong

I got my gardenia tree for Mother’s Day, and had no knowledge of how to care for it. It had a lot of blooms but they kept falling off. With a closer look I discovered it had tiny ants. We sprayed and got rid of the ants, but the blooms started falling off again. We then discovered that it was full of mealybugs. Once we sprayed for them, my tree started to bloom. A week or so later though, there were more mealybugs, and we had to spray again. I probably lost 30 blooms when I first received my tree, because I didn’t examine it thoroughly! Check for bugs, if they’re present, spray for them, but keep checking for more eggs to hatch!

  • Vilma Cepeda
  • June 6, 2021 At 4:58 am
  • 2 TVs epsom salt to 1 gallon of water
  • Reply

You mentioned adding Epson salt to the soil once during the growing season.What are the proportions? Thank you

2 TVs epsom salt to 1 gallon of water

  • Awais
  • June 5, 2020 At 12:49 pm
  • I had the same problem, the most common cause for yellow leaves on the under-growth is over-watering or poor drainage. If the roots are sitting in water, the leaves will start turning yellow. Make sure your gardenia is not planted in a clay-based soil. I shifted my gardenia to an acidic soil mix and the results were immediate. The leaves stopped going yellow and the buds started blossoming. Also, the plant must not be put in direct sunlight.
  • Reply

I bought a gardenia tree and bought acid fertilizer. But I have seen some yellow leaves. I do not know if I am overwatering it but I got my finger in the soil and it was almost dry. What else can I do??????

I had the same problem, the most common cause for yellow leaves on the under-growth is over-watering or poor drainage. If the roots are sitting in water, the leaves will start turning yellow. Make sure your gardenia is not planted in a clay-based soil. I shifted my gardenia to an acidic soil mix and the results were immediate. The leaves stopped going yellow and the buds started blossoming. Also, the plant must not be put in direct sunlight.

How much Epson salt do you apply n coffee grounds

When pruning lower leaf growth, do I need to treat the pruned spot?

For buds falling off, it is also a good idea to get rid of the smaller less healthy buds so that the bigger healthier ones have a better chance of blossoming.

I have a small Gardenia Bonsai that I’ve been carrying for since July. I brought her indoors for the winter. She’s been doing fine until 2 weeks ago. Her leaves have become very limp. They are turning yellow at a rapid pace. A lot of dry brown leaves too. She’s drop leaves like crazy (most are gone now). Even her green leaves. Where did I go wrong and do I have a chance to save her? Thank you.

Hello I am really excited for our new purchase of gardenia trees. I would like to repot these in a 24″ planter very tall) and add additional plants at the base at soil. My question is should I fill the entire pot with soil or should I first add rocks on the bottom of new planter to have better drainage then add soil over rocks? Or should the new planter only have soil?

Where can I buy gardenia in a pot to grow indoor with lots of grow lights.

I have 2 gardenias in pots and the Leaves are all turned yellow. Any suggestions on what to do.

Thank you for your information. Received a gardenia tree for mother’s day gift and I want it thrive.

As mentioned in response to “what are proportions of Epsom salt to water?” What are “TV” s Thanks anyone!

Maybe you watered it with your Tap Water. Water from inside the house can contain salt, chlorine and high PH. Buy a gallon of Distilled water or collect rainwater, and use a low PH fertilizer once every 3 months while its indoors. Ferlizer should not be strong, dilute tge fertilizer or use very little of it. Make sure you put the pot near a window where it will get at least 3 hours of sun. Either you watered it too much with House Tap Water or watered not frequently enough and should not use the house water.

I was given a gardenia as a gift but it didn’t last long. That was a couple years ago and since then it’s been kept in a garage. If I repot it, fertilize it and pamper it, will it come back? [email protected]

Hello, I have successively grown many tropical plants, various types. Gardenias have been some of the most difficult. About 3 months ago, I bought a 3 foot Gardenia shrub, replanted it in a much larger pots with vermiculite, perlite, coffee grounds and potting soil. I fertilize about every 4 weeks. I’m in Colombia S. A. and grow the shrub on my balcony where it gets 4 – 5 hours of direct sun light per day. For the past few years, it seems there has been a lot of rain here with fewer sunny days. The plant originally had many buds but they wilted. I keep several shallow containers with water and stones below the plant to provide humidity. The plant is slightly elevated above balcony floor. I try not to move the plants position much. Any advice on growing a more healthy and productive plant?

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