Since the Victorian Era, Hydrangeas have been believed to symbolize gratitude, love, peace, grace, harmony, and beauty. If you want to easily multiply them to have more in your garden or for gifting purposes, here’s everything you need to know about Growing Hydrangeas from Cuttings.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing Hydrangeas

Some Important Points to Consider Before Propagating Hydrangeas from Cuttings

  • Water the plant well one day before, from which you have decided to take the cuttings. Also, make sure that the plant hasn’t dried out two weeks prior to taking the cuttings.
  • Always take the cuttings in the early hours of the morning.
  • For hydrangeas, mid-spring to early summer is the best time to take the cuttings.
  • Always go for semi-hardwood cuttings. Avoid snipping away the too soft or too hard stems. Also, stay away from limping or dull stems and take a cutting from a branch that is not flowering.
  • Take several cuttings because if your success rate dips, at least one will survive.
  • The best time to propagate hardwood cuttings from hydrangea is late summer or fall. Remember, hardwood cuttings take more time to grow. The method, however, is the same.

Learn everything about pruning hydrangeas here

Best Growing Medium

You can use general potting soil that drains well. Using a mixture of 50% peat moss and 50% horticulture perlite or 50% sand will give the cutting a good headstart. If you don’t have peat moss, substitute it by adding cocopeat to the mixture.

Also, avoid using a rich potting soil that contains manure, pre-added fertilizer, or compost when growing plants from cuttings.

You can also go for a readymade propagation mix available in the market. We also have a detailed article on making potting mixes here. 

Growing Hydrangeas from Cuttings 

  • Make a cut right below the leaf node. The bottom of the cutting should start with a leaf node, this is where the roots will form. If you don’t know what a leaf node is–watch this tutorial video!
  • Strip away the bottom leaves, leaving the top ones intact. If there are very large leaves on the top, trim them in half. This is to save the cutting’s energy and to avoid the leaves from touching each other, which causes rot.
  • Dip the end, up to 2 inches deep, in a rooting hormone.
  • Before potting the cuttings, pre-wet the potting soil so that you don’t wash the rooting hormone on the cuttings.
  • Some people use a pen or pencil to make holes for cuttings in the pot; you can use your fingers and bury at least one set of the leaf node. Also, use plastic pots as they retain moisture well.
  • Once done, it’s better to mist water around the cuttings rather than pouring in the pot. Otherwise, water will disturb the cuttings. Also, don’t overwater just that much to keep the growing medium slightly moist always.
  • Cover the pot using a plastic tote (this is optional). It will take around 3-4 weeks for the roots to develop. You can also use a heating mat if you live in a cold climate.
  • Do not expose the cuttings to sudden temperature changes and harsh sunlight.

Very soon, your cuttings will start developing new leaves and once grown a bit, try to pull them gently. If the roots are formed and developed, you will feel some resistance. This is when you can relocate them to individual pots or garden beds.

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