You might have never seen a snake plant flower as it’s quite rare. However, it is possible for you to experience it if you follow the right steps. Let’s have a look at some tricks on How to Get a Snake Plant to Bloom!

Here’s everything you need to know about growing Snake Plants 

Do Snake Plants Flower?

The straight answer to the question is, Yes! They do! This happens once annually, usually during spring or summer, if the conditions meet. However, it is still extremely uncommon but possible. You also have to bear the fact in mind that if you have grown Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii,’ then it won’t bloom, no matter what.

Snake Plant Flower Appearance

Snake plant flowers grow around tall spikes or stalks. The stalks grow up to several inches or feet tall and are full of small, lily, or honeysuckle-like, tubular, cream, green, or white narrow-petaled clusters of blooms–all this depends on the type of snake plant.

According to the variety, some cultivars have white with a hint of mauve or lavender. Some species show off bright red blossoms. Some varieties of mother-in-law’s tongue do not have a flower stalk, and they directly blossom from the base in huge clusters.

Snake Plant Flower Smell

The snake plant flowers are highly fragrant and emit a spicy vanilla-like scent that you can’t compare with anything. The blooms also produce sweet-scented nectar, so much in fact that it can drip down the stalk!

Flowers close in the daytime and open up during the night. The fragrance becomes very strong after it gets dark.

How Long Do Snake Plant Blooms Last?

The flowers can last for a couple of weeks to a month. Make sure to prune the flower stalks from the base when they die back to preserve energy and display a neat appearance.

Do Snake Plants Die After Flowering?

No. The plants will keep on thriving once they have bloomed. The flowers will turn into orange berries and the stalks will die eventually.

How to Get a Snake Plant to Bloom?

There’s no guarantee that the snake plant you have will bloom. However, there are certain factors that might help it flower. 

  • The best way to make snake plants bloom is to keep them in a root-bound stage and expose them to a lot of sunlight. Most people keep this in extremely low light or shade, which will prevent the plant from flowering.
  • Keeping them outdoors or near a window that receives some direct light can induce flowering.
  • When the plant is watered less and is kept in good light, it grows quickly, thereby filling up the pot in no time. When the roots have no more space to grow and the pot gets filled with them, the plant flowers to propagate itself.
  • Generally, new and young snake plants do not flower. You will have more chances of flowering with an aged specimen, so get a mature one.
  • Keeping the plant in a slightly stressed state, along with low fertilization, can also trick it into blooming flowers.
  • Avoid keeping the plant in shade for a longer duration of time. Always make sure that the plant gets a minimum of 3-4 hours of direct sun each day. The best bet is to keep it near an east-facing window.
  • Do not overwater the plant in any case.
  • Avoid keeping the plant near an AC or heating vent. Make sure it is not exposed to sudden temperature changes. Also, take the plant outdoors only when the danger of frost has passed away.
  • It is best to use a growing medium designed specifically for cacti and succulents.

The Bottom Line

These pointers will certainly help it bloom, but these serve no surety that doing this will make every snake plant flower! It seems certain conditions force this amazing houseplant to bloom, or you can say these plants have a mind of their own when it comes to blooming.

  • Jayne
  • November 30, 2021 At 8:30 pm
  • Thank you for this information.. I have had this plant many times and never knew that it produced a flower. Guess what I’m going to try!
  • Reply
  • Barbara Callahan
  • December 1, 2021 At 6:30 pm
  • Awesome information
  • Reply
  • Lanie l. Dano
  • December 2, 2021 At 1:18 pm
  • Thank you for the informations.
  • Reply
  • Debajit Saikia
  • February 22, 2022 At 9:17 pm
  • I want this plant
  • Reply
  • Debajit Saikia
  • February 22, 2022 At 9:18 pm
  • please delivered me
  • Reply
  • Carol Brubeck
  • February 23, 2022 At 3:52 am
  • My snake plant blooms ever year and it is beautiful.
  • I have asked several people if they have seen them and not very many of them had.
  • I put my plant out as soon as my gazebo is put up ands that’s the end of April and I don’t bring it back in till October.
  • And so far he seems to like it.
  • Reply
  • Mesha
  • February 25, 2022 At 2:18 pm
  • Carol Brubeck where do you live?
  • Here is South Africa Winter starts in April
  • Reply
  • Julie Gawley
  • April 4, 2022 At 2:22 am
  • I have had many snake plants over the years and none have ever bloomed. This year, I have 4 identical plants in the same location and one of them is growing a flower. I can’t wait to smell it once it opens!! I believe it is probably root bound. Thanks for the info
  • Reply
  • Mary D
  • May 19, 2022 At 12:23 pm
  • Yes, they do bloom beautifully and mine did it because it was root bound. When this happens do Not repot the plant until the bloom has dried and gone. I was told it would die if it bloomed and this is not so. Thanks for sharing the information, it is helpful. Mary
  • Reply
  • Nancy B
  • June 1, 2022 At 12:01 am
  • I was given a sansevieria (snake / mother-in-law’s tongue) plant as a gift just over a year ago & it has grown so much. We just noticed last week this hard, clumpy, thick stalk, which is so unlike the leaves, that we assumed it was some type of bloom – so off to the internet I went to seek out information. All of the pictures of blooms are the thin, stalk type pictured above in the article, but I was so GLAD it mentions the cluster type! I am very EXCITED to see mine fully bloom now since it seems much less common! :) I wish we could post pictures here, I would come back & submit one of my plant once the bloom opens up.
  • Reply
  • Sheryl
  • June 5, 2022 At 8:13 pm
  • I feel so stupid!! I thought the flowers were some type of weed or disease and I’ve been cutting them off!! Yikes!! I will let them grow now….. my plant is about 15 years old and it is beautiful and lush and healthy….and now it’s gifting me flowers!!
  • Reply
  • Adie Abdullah
  • June 7, 2022 At 4:24 pm
  • Hi….i had mine blooming.
  • Reply
  • Barbaria Langford
  • June 13, 2022 At 8:06 pm
  • Thank you for the info. Mine is blooming and I’m excited.
  • Reply
  • Judith Price
  • June 17, 2022 At 6:14 am
  • Mine bloomed for the first time this year!I’ve got it in my bathroom with lots of light!
  • Reply
  • Denise
  • June 20, 2022 At 3:46 am
  • Geez… Now I have to go buy a mature one 😂😂.
  • Thanks for the information.
  • Reply
  • Kelly Joiner
  • June 21, 2022 At 6:04 am
  • I just got mine last year as a cutting. I had repotted it and put it outside this spring. It took off like crazy! I noticed this little cluster of balls and was talking to a friend and we Gogled if Snake Plants flowered. Low and behold, they do! I’m 57 years old and have never seen or heard of one blooming. I can’t wait to see it!!
  • Reply
  • Patty Panning
  • July 11, 2022 At 11:42 pm
  • I enjoyed your post as I never knew of snake plants blooming even though one of my plants has been happy in my sunroom for years accompanied by a variety of about 100 other plants. My largest snake is about as tall as I am (5’3”) and very healthy. I decided to dig a little deeper into my plant and oh my gosh, I DO have a stalk of white blooms. What a fun finding today!
  • Reply
  • Christy
  • July 15, 2022 At 1:00 pm
  • I put a young one in my son’s room and it is blooming. I had no idea it did that as I have a big one in my room that has never bloomed. Can’t wait to smell it!
  • Reply
  • Sheryl
  • July 16, 2022 At 12:38 am
  • I have a snake plant that has bloomed two summers in a row. I was told when I got it that the more you ignore it the better it grows. So true.
  • Reply
  • Bev
  • July 24, 2022 At 12:07 am
  • Mine bloomed this year. It was quite a surprise!
  • Reply
  • Dixie Bernett
  • July 27, 2022 At 11:01 am
  • I have had my snake plant for years and it actually sat in a vase of water for a few years (after cutting it off the mother plant and rooting it) before I planted it in soil 2 years ago. We moved and I stuck it in my south facing kitchen window a year ago and I’m getting blooms, I didn’t even know that they bloomed!?! 🌱🌾
  • Reply
  • Ann king
  • August 7, 2022 At 8:16 am
  • I’m 80 years old and only found out 1 week ago these plants bloomed! I’m so excited I’m going to purchase another one and hope for blooms!!
  • Reply
  • Margaret
  • August 9, 2022 At 4:30 am
  • Thanks for the article. Yes, the fragrance is really a beautiful one! My snake plant had only 2 stalks, but they lasted about 2 months. Even after the flowers dried and died, the fragrance remained for awhile. Can’t wait to encourage the other snake plants to blossom! By the way, all the photos seem to be of the ‘Laurentii’ variety. Would love to see what blooms on other types look like!
  • Reply
  • Joan
  • August 26, 2022 At 7:57 am
  • Many years ago I had a Sanseveria and it bloomed. Unfortunately I had to give it away because I was relocating.
  • Bought this one in the spring and now it’s Aug. and blooming. No sunshine only light.
  • Love it.
  • Reply
  • Brenda Sampson
  • September 17, 2022 At 6:32 pm
  • hi my plant is in my bedroom window and I was greatly surprised as it bloomed now and this almost as I God said Ayear aill be ago you did not think you would still be alive after Covid, here is a bloom to tell you nohting is impossible” Thanks for your info very helpful.
  • Reply
  • Lori
  • December 13, 2022 At 8:45 pm
  • Or, just set it on the front steps, west facing, in Cincinnati, OH and ignore it. Yes! I did this one summer and it bloomed! I didn’t know they bloomed.
  • Reply
  • Carolyn
  • December 22, 2022 At 3:56 am
  • I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for staking. My snake plant is growing so tall it wants to lean. I have to lean it against the wall.
  • Reply
  • Cindy Stevens
  • January 4, 2023 At 4:16 am
  • I purchased one in the supermarket because it had flowered and I had never seen it it’s in the house it’s January and it’s still flowering in my dining room I hope it continues to flower thanks for the info
  • Reply

Thank you for this information.. I have had this plant many times and never knew that it produced a flower. Guess what I’m going to try!

Awesome information

Thank you for the informations.

I want this plant

please delivered me

My snake plant blooms ever year and it is beautiful. I have asked several people if they have seen them and not very many of them had. I put my plant out as soon as my gazebo is put up ands that’s the end of April and I don’t bring it back in till October. And so far he seems to like it.

Carol Brubeck where do you live? Here is South Africa Winter starts in April

I have had many snake plants over the years and none have ever bloomed. This year, I have 4 identical plants in the same location and one of them is growing a flower. I can’t wait to smell it once it opens!! I believe it is probably root bound. Thanks for the info

Yes, they do bloom beautifully and mine did it because it was root bound. When this happens do Not repot the plant until the bloom has dried and gone. I was told it would die if it bloomed and this is not so. Thanks for sharing the information, it is helpful. Mary

I was given a sansevieria (snake / mother-in-law’s tongue) plant as a gift just over a year ago & it has grown so much. We just noticed last week this hard, clumpy, thick stalk, which is so unlike the leaves, that we assumed it was some type of bloom – so off to the internet I went to seek out information. All of the pictures of blooms are the thin, stalk type pictured above in the article, but I was so GLAD it mentions the cluster type! I am very EXCITED to see mine fully bloom now since it seems much less common! :) I wish we could post pictures here, I would come back & submit one of my plant once the bloom opens up.

I feel so stupid!! I thought the flowers were some type of weed or disease and I’ve been cutting them off!! Yikes!! I will let them grow now….. my plant is about 15 years old and it is beautiful and lush and healthy….and now it’s gifting me flowers!!

Hi….i had mine blooming.

Thank you for the info. Mine is blooming and I’m excited.

Mine bloomed for the first time this year!I’ve got it in my bathroom with lots of light!

Geez… Now I have to go buy a mature one 😂😂. Thanks for the information.

I just got mine last year as a cutting. I had repotted it and put it outside this spring. It took off like crazy! I noticed this little cluster of balls and was talking to a friend and we Gogled if Snake Plants flowered. Low and behold, they do! I’m 57 years old and have never seen or heard of one blooming. I can’t wait to see it!!

I enjoyed your post as I never knew of snake plants blooming even though one of my plants has been happy in my sunroom for years accompanied by a variety of about 100 other plants. My largest snake is about as tall as I am (5’3”) and very healthy. I decided to dig a little deeper into my plant and oh my gosh, I DO have a stalk of white blooms. What a fun finding today!

I put a young one in my son’s room and it is blooming. I had no idea it did that as I have a big one in my room that has never bloomed. Can’t wait to smell it!

I have a snake plant that has bloomed two summers in a row. I was told when I got it that the more you ignore it the better it grows. So true.

Mine bloomed this year. It was quite a surprise!

I have had my snake plant for years and it actually sat in a vase of water for a few years (after cutting it off the mother plant and rooting it) before I planted it in soil 2 years ago. We moved and I stuck it in my south facing kitchen window a year ago and I’m getting blooms, I didn’t even know that they bloomed!?! 🌱🌾

I’m 80 years old and only found out 1 week ago these plants bloomed! I’m so excited I’m going to purchase another one and hope for blooms!!

Thanks for the article. Yes, the fragrance is really a beautiful one! My snake plant had only 2 stalks, but they lasted about 2 months. Even after the flowers dried and died, the fragrance remained for awhile. Can’t wait to encourage the other snake plants to blossom! By the way, all the photos seem to be of the ‘Laurentii’ variety. Would love to see what blooms on other types look like!

Many years ago I had a Sanseveria and it bloomed. Unfortunately I had to give it away because I was relocating. Bought this one in the spring and now it’s Aug. and blooming. No sunshine only light. Love it.

hi my plant is in my bedroom window and I was greatly surprised as it bloomed now and this almost as I God said Ayear aill be ago you did not think you would still be alive after Covid, here is a bloom to tell you nohting is impossible” Thanks for your info very helpful.

Or, just set it on the front steps, west facing, in Cincinnati, OH and ignore it. Yes! I did this one summer and it bloomed! I didn’t know they bloomed.

I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for staking. My snake plant is growing so tall it wants to lean. I have to lean it against the wall.

I purchased one in the supermarket because it had flowered and I had never seen it it’s in the house it’s January and it’s still flowering in my dining room I hope it continues to flower thanks for the info

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