Do you want to grow lemons, but a shortage of space is stopping you? If this is your plight, then growing lemon tree pots is a smart idea. Plant it on a patio, terrace, or even indoors, and you will be bestowed by its scented flowers and soft yellow citrus fruits. You can grow it on the balcony too! Let’s have a look at How to Grow a Lemon Tree in Pot easily!

Follow some awesome tips to grow bountiful lemons here

Best Lemon Tree Varieties to Grow in Pots

Growing a lemon tree from seeds is a bad idea because it can take up to 4-5 years to produce fruits. Instead, ask local nurseries for dwarf varieties that can do well in containers.

Varieties that are most suitable for containers are Improved Meyer, Lisbon Lemon, and Dwarf Eureka. However, a lemon tree doesn’t grow too big, which means you can grow almost any variety in the pot.

Buy a healthy lemon plant that is at least 2-3 years old so that you don’t have to wait for it to start blooming and fruiting.

How to Grow a Lemon Tree in Pot

Choose a pot that is 25% bigger than the root ball of the plant. A clay pot is ideal because, unlike plastic, it is porous and evaporates water from the sides. This helps the lemon tree to grow well as it dislikes being waterlogged.

The quality and type of potting soil is an essential factor, as well. For growing high-yielding plants, use a well-draining potting mix with a lot of organic matter and aged manure.

If you’re growing a lemon tree in a balcony or any other small space, take care of its thorns, keep the plant in a corner.

Requirements for Growing Lemon Tree in a Pot


All plants in the citrus family love full sun, around 7 to 8 hours of sunlight is essential. If growing a lemon tree indoors, position the pot near a window with ample sunlight. You can also substitute the lack of direct light with artificial grow lights.


Lemon does best in well-draining soil. The pH level of soil should be around 5.5 to 7 as this plant prefers slightly acidic soil to neutral soil. You can also use equal parts of garden soil, cocopeat, and compost.


The lemon tree requires consistent watering to produce healthy fruits. Giving it too much or too little water can lead to blossom and fruit drop, and sometimes the plant may die too. Check the top 2-inch layer of soil for dryness before watering. On windy and hot days, it requires more frequent watering and slightly moist soil.


If you are growing a lemon tree indoors, it requires a certain humidity level to thrive: 50% is ideal. You can maintain humidity by placing it on a pebble tray or using a humidifier.


Re-pot your lemon tree every couple of years or so at the beginning of spring (in warm climates, winter is the best season). Your pot size should be according to the scale of your tree. Avoid too large or small planters; keep in mind to use a container that is one size bigger than your previously used pot.

Lemon Tree Care

While growing a lemon tree in a pot in USDA Zones 9 to 11, you don’t need to care for cold that much, but below these zones, special care is needed in harsh winters. Temperature below 30°F (-1 C) is life-threatening for the lemon tree, except ‘Meyer’ lemon variety, which tolerates some cold till 24°F (-4 C).

Freezing temperatures kill citrus plants. The optimum temperature is around 50°F to 82°F (10°C to 28°C). To overwinter it, keep your potted plant indoors or in a greenhouse when the temperature falls below 35°F (2°C).

Pruning and Pinching Lemon Tree

Pinching encourages bushier growth — pinch growing tip when a branch is about 5-6 inches long. Pruning of a lemon tree is best carried out when new growth starts in spring (February-March). You can also do this in fall or late winter in frost-free regions.

Be careful before pruning it, only prune diseased or dead branches or the ones that are reducing airflow. Because lemon stores excess food in its leaves, and too much pruning can result in inferior fruits. Also, keep looking for suckers and prune them immediately if found one.

Fertilizer for Growing Lemon Tree in a Pot

All plants of the citrus family are heavy feeders. Lemon requires fertilizer to produce juicy fruits, lush foliage, and fragrant blooms. Use special-purpose citrus fertilizers for every citrus species plant; if unavailable, use slow-release fertilizer with NPK 12-6-6 or 20-20-20.

Look for a fertilizer that contains micronutrients, especially iron, manganese, and zinc. If you’re not using slow-release fertilizer, give a boost to your lemon tree by applying a water-soluble fertilizer once a month in the growing season. Occasionally, side-dress your plant with compost or well-rotted manure.

Tip: This may sound absurd, but you can pour a cup or two of plain yogurt (without added colorant or flavor) once in 4-6 weeks around the base of a lemon tree to observe the stronger growth.

Pests and Diseases 

Pests like mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, and scales occasionally attract toward it. Keep an eye on them. If you see the infestation, apply insecticidal soap, neem oil, or pesticides. To get rid of them organically, read this article.


Harvesting time depends on the type of lemon variety you are growing and your weather conditions. The citrus fruits stop ripening once they are off the tree. To determine if the fruit is ripened, see if the fruit is heavy, soft, and yellow.

Additional Tips for Growing Lemon Tree in Pot

  • Keep your lemon tree in a less windy spot as it dislikes strong winds and drafts. However, you’ll need to provide good airflow.

  • If moving indoors for winter or outside for summer, acclimatize it slowly to avoid shock.

  • You can also do grafting to get two or more varieties from a single tree.

  • Avoid wetting the foliage to save the plant from potential diseases.

  • Sandy Sledge

  • May 27, 2015 At 6:23 pm

  • I started mine from the seeds of a lemon last year. It took about 3 months before they ever popped up out of the soil…I had given up on it. its still in the same pot that I put the seeds in, and seems to be doing well – growing good. Oh well if it takes 4 years or more to grow lemons – its been fun watching it grow.

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • May 28, 2015 At 2:59 am

  • It can take up to 4 years to produce fruits, but you can do grafting for quick results.

  • Reply

  • Nora D

  • March 8, 2017 At 1:42 am

  • How do you do the grafting? I planted lemon from the seeds , I have 2 that grew from it, they’re still small but doing good. it’s been 2 years, and my goodness I have to wait for 2-3 more years for the lemon to come.

  • Reply

  • Bruno F Racine

  • February 26, 2019 At 10:58 am

  • same here but iy grows fast. in two years it grew4 feet tall,I just started pruning it.

  • I’m debating if I should transplant it in a smaller clay pot as it is in a huge outdoor resin pot where I have a collection of other plants I grow in there?

  • Reply

  • Jj kladesco

  • November 24, 2016 At 12:34 am

  • I recently also planted from seeds. But i followed a youtubers video and it took about two weeks to see the little green sprouts popping up through the soil. Sedds from a lemon will germinate quicker when you peel the skin off of the seed. Theyre very slippery. Take a seed and use a paper towel to dry it . Start peeling the pointy tip of the seed with your finger nail. Its not that easy but you can do it. Until the whole seed is exposed. Wet a paper towel put the seeds in it fold paper towel over the seeds and stick in a zip lock freezer bag put someplace dry for about 2weeks then they should be sprouting little tiny sprouts. Now plant them in your growing container pointy side down . In about two weeks youll see them popping up. Im haveing fun with mine.jj

  • Reply

  • Beatrice Harris

  • September 15, 2017 At 9:56 pm

  • I started mine from seeds also. It is doing good. I enjoy seeing the growth.

  • Reply

  • Saradha

  • May 28, 2015 At 7:57 pm

  • I have four growing in pots and this info is useful. Thanks. In a year or two i may be able to share photos of the plant with fruits

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • May 29, 2015 At 5:41 pm

  • That’s great to know. We’ll look forward for pictures, share them with us on social networks.

  • Reply

  • Delia

  • January 7, 2016 At 5:55 pm

  • I have had my Meyers Lemon tree for years and it usually produces 6 to 7. This last time around it was infected by these little critters that looked like tiny marshmallow so it didn’t do as well.

  • Look forward to trying out all the information so that possibly my tree will sprout even more lemons.

  • Reply

  • Beverly

  • December 23, 2017 At 10:23 pm

  • I got a Meyer last spring. It was supported by a stick but the trunk of the tree hasn’t got thicker or stronger. What should I do?

  • Reply

  • Steven S.

  • January 21, 2018 At 12:25 am

  • Remove the stick. Trees grow thicker in response to stress; no stress, no strength.

  • Be careful how much fruit you let it produce until it thickens up.

  • Reply

  • angela stewart

  • January 16, 2016 At 11:18 pm

  • I have 2 lime trees and a lemon in pot they were doing well all summer but in Nov. it got cold and I brung them in.. now the leaves are falling off can someone tell me whats going on and are my babies dying HELP

  • Reply

  • bobbi williams

  • May 28, 2016 At 9:09 pm

  • Remember one thing in the winter plants do not need much watering. Let the soil get real dry and than put enough water to soak up the soil. Another thing keep it away from heaters, they need natural temperature so expose them to sun light as much as possible as they love the sun. Do not fertilize your plant in the winter. Wait 3 months and when spring comes, than use slow release fertilizer. Good luck!!

  • Reply

  • Bea

  • December 6, 2017 At 3:37 pm

  • They went into shock you need to take them out and in. Just until they get used to being inside make sure you have plenty of light on them when they go inside it’s a different atmosphere inside. Also if they’re growing with other plants that they used to being around keep them together it’s like separating them from their friends and they’re lonely lemon trees are very delicate and spoiled at least mine are how to take very good care of them they are my babies and they’re humongous and they are two years old and I have other ones that are smaller but no lemons yet. Good luck with yours

  • Reply

  • Bea

  • December 6, 2017 At 3:40 pm

  • This comment is for Angela Stewart

  • Reply

  • Susan Zaragoza

  • February 4, 2016 At 12:35 am

  • I bought a grafted Mayer Lemon tree, 1st year it gives me 21 fruits now it’s my 3rd year still giving fruits, my secret is I changed the dirt every year using organic potting soil with mixture of blood meal and bone meal . I’m in NJ before frost time I move my tree in my family room with enough sunlight

  • Reply

  • Docgary

  • October 12, 2017 At 4:37 pm

  • I’m in matawan NJ

  • Purchased potted Meyer lemon tree may 2017

  • Started with 3-4 fruit… now 10 nice lemons

  • I’m planning to Bring the pot indoors in nov

  • Questions:

  • I have 1-2 lemons about 50% yellow

  • When do I pull off fruit?

  • I have the tree in same pot

  • Should I wait until spring to change to bigger?

  • What’s the best way to provide light indoors.

  • Thx. Docgary

  • Reply

  • Rashedi

  • February 4, 2016 At 2:25 am

  • I have it in a pot..the tree reached around 2ft.. I cracked opened the base of the pot and plant them outdoor.. It has been a year outside, the growth seems very slow and the leaves yellowish and spotted, looks un healthy.. Is there something wrong? Wish smbody cld help.. I appreciate it..

  • Reply

  • Steph

  • March 25, 2016 At 2:38 am

  • Yellowing leaves is either lack of soil nutrients and/or they need water in a consistent matter. Water only until moist the same day(s) every week. Hope this helps!

  • Reply

  • Sodding Toronto

  • October 6, 2016 At 8:17 am

  • Great Article. Lemon Trees need optimal conditions for them to grow in nicely. Good Read. Enjoyed it

  • Reply

  • Dot

  • December 15, 2016 At 6:12 pm

  • I must add to the post from Steph, yellowing leaves can also be from too much watering. I nearly lost my lemon tree last year. When I saw the yellow leaves I thought it needed more water, so not true. I watered it more and lost even more leaves. Then I moved it outside this summer as I always do and forgot about it. The mist from the sprinklers was great, I didn’t water it at first, let it completely dry out. Then only watered about once every two weeks and not too much at a time. Drying out and only the mist from the sprinkler was the saving grace for my Meyer lemon tree. It’s now producing fruit again, although I did lose about 7 started fruits when I stressed it out. I’ve learned my lesson. Good luck!

  • Reply

  • Abhinaya

  • April 2, 2016 At 10:05 am

  • Lovely post!

  • I tossed a couple of lemon seeds in a pot around a month ago and now I have 10 tiny plants (2 inches high). When should I repot them separately? I live in India and the climate is quite hot.

  • Reply

  • admin

  • April 2, 2016 At 2:40 pm

  • Hi Abhinaya, Our sincere advice for you and all our readers– Always avoid growing fruit trees from grocery store seeds or seeds you get from fruit pulps because they may not come true and may produce bad and lesser quality fruits, the future plant will not remain healthy too. The best option is to buy a grafted lemon tree from a local nursery or online.

  • You should avoid repotting plants in hot and scorching Indian summers as they may die if it is too hot. But if they are extremely root bound to pass the summer, try to repot them on a cool, cloudy day and place them indoors in indirect light after repotting. Also, mist them a few times a day to keep them cool.

  • Reply

  • Bea

  • December 6, 2017 At 3:55 pm

  • They went into shock you need to take them out and in. Just until they get used to being inside make sure you have plenty of light on them when they go inside it’s a different atmosphere inside. Also if they’re growing with other plants that they used to being around keep them together it’s like separating them from their friends and they’re lonely lemon trees are very delicate and spoiled at least mine are how to take very good care of them they are my babies and they’re humongous and they are two years old and I have other ones that are smaller but no lemons yet. Good luck with yours

  • Reply

  • Chris

  • April 3, 2016 At 2:21 pm

  • I have a lemon grown from seed I have had for over 15 years.

  • It has never bloomed. I give it plenty of sun in summer, I have pruned it to shape, looked terrific but no blooms. It is in a 5 gallon pot, and must be 6′ tall plus. I wintered it in my home in Ohio zone 5 in a kitchen corner where there is light on 2 sides. Very bright and cool. I keep it watered , our home is somewhat dry, so this year I am wintering it in a greenhouse. Any suggestions besides it is time to fertilize it again?

  • Reply

  • Gigi

  • January 7, 2017 At 3:08 am

  • Try repotting it. I started mine from a seed as well. It took 7 years. I tried every fertilizer and researched about it. Brought it outside in the spring until fall. I finally discovered Bu dynamic compost tea last summer and I really believe this did the trick. I was very surprised to see flowers and fruits finally last year. You might want to give it a try. You can buy this stuff at Lemons love plenty of sun too:)

  • Reply

  • Linda Tucker

  • June 5, 2016 At 6:12 pm

  • i started my lemon tree from seed, it is very healthy looking, green floiage, new growth, i have had it in a pot for at least 21/2 yrs, and it has not bloomed,, i keep it outside daily from early spring to frost, it gets plenty of sun, and water, i fertlize it every three months, but i have never yet to see a bloom,, what am i doing wrong?? i have been told i need two for pollination, and have been told bees will pollinate it outside, but no blooms, please tell me what is wrong// thank you

  • Reply

  • TrudieB

  • June 11, 2017 At 8:56 pm

  • Years back, the Pro’s advice was to fertilize potted Citrus from Spring thru early Fall (Bay Area, California) once a month at half strength. He may have been referring to liquid fertilizer, that you were meant to make a solution diluted by twice the water, and because it was weaker it was used more often. This was an Old-Timer who was “Old” 30 years ago (!) so he more than likely was referring to Miracle Gro or similar. In those days they were looking for immediate results, not necessarily focusing on fruits, but Commercial Nursery Beauty, where the healthy looking plant was what sold. The Old Timer was a very successful owner of a Garden Center chain, and I have to admit his advice did get results. Then the Organic Movement had to go ruin it all by educating us on how we could be hurting ourselves and our children with all the poisons we are taking into our systems because of what we fed our plants and what we sprayed on them that killed the baddies right along with the good guys.

  • Anyway, they do have some organic ferts specifically for citrus, and you should probably research more but my gut tells me a healthy tree doesn’t want too much nitrogen (promotes green growth at possible expense of fruits). The idea of repotting with new organic bagged potting soil, mentioned above, sounds lie the best idea here so-far. My poor little Meyer is putting out several fruits in spite of how I treat her, and I haven’t fertilized her in at least 4 yrs, the length of time in the pot.

  • Reply

  • lakefever2

  • June 7, 2016 At 6:45 pm

  • Linda, I was planting them like crazy straight from a lemon. I have beautiful plants but saw a video on YouTube and realized from the guy that it won’t actually produce fruit. You have to peel the shell from the actual seed inside. I’m trying that now. I’m in the process of growing roots right now, then I will plant them. Though BGW says you can’t do this, the guy on YouTube has had success and is actually growing fruit! However, I’m not sure how long it has taken him but it didn’t sound very long. I’m anxious to try.

  • =)

  • Reply

  • Annette

  • May 9, 2017 At 4:15 pm

  • I have 3 lemon trees that I started from store brought lemons and peeled out the seed from shell, wrapped in moist paper towel and put it inside plastic baggies in cool dry place till sprouted, I believe it took 3 yrs for my plant to produce fruit. Have reported once with new soil, use organic spray to kill those white mites, bring it indoors winder and leave always fall off but returns once taken back out doors. Will fertilizer more this yr to see if get a higher yield of fruit. I did buy one myer lemon and left it outdoors this past winter, covered pot with 4″ mulch and cloth during nights. Looks healthy still.

  • Reply

  • Dianne Fowler

  • June 25, 2016 At 9:23 pm

  • I have fed, watered and repotted and my lemon tree is still yellow. What am I doing wrong?

  • Reply

  • Teresa

  • July 15, 2017 At 12:05 pm

  • Your lemon tree must be too wet! Invest in a moisture/light meter which you insert deep in the pot. Water your lemon only if the meter shows dry on the display.

  • I hope this helps.

  • Reply

  • saad

  • August 21, 2016 At 6:30 pm

  • [email protected]

  • Excellent articles on how to grow plants .

  • One suggestion is to write where we can find the seeds .Seeds are not easy to get ,please put seeds distributors in major cities in the world where I can write to the nearest to get the seeds

  • Also whom to resort to in case we need to be touch with a person who can give us advise

  • Please add these two .This will make the benefit complete

  • Reply

  • Afroditi

  • September 7, 2016 At 1:37 am

  • Hi I have a lemon tree for8 years it only had lemons one time … I was hoping this year to Bloom so I can see same lemons .. But not again ? Is three years now and nothing . If you don’t mine can you help me with this ? Thank you . ?

  • Reply

  • sbrady

  • February 14, 2017 At 3:54 pm

  • I bought citrus fertilizer spikes from Wal-Mart for my lemon tree last spring and ended up with twice as many fruits! You might want to give these a try – they are the Jobe’s brand. They are just pushed down into the soil around the plant. Mine is grown in a large pot but if yours is in the ground they recommend using a hammer to drive in the spikes. These worked well for me.

  • Reply

  • Christine M.Horan Sr.

  • September 20, 2016 At 3:15 pm

  • I hear from many places that trees grown from seed may Never bloom or fruit no matter what you do. I hear the only real way to grow fruit for sure is to buy grafted trees. I guess that’s the buisness to be in these days. I bought a bonsai grafted ( very small tree) it came with a few strand for roots. I’ve been using mycorizza every week as advised by the mycorizza seller but I don’t think , after4 months , don’t think I’m growing much roots. Very frustrating. I’m scared to take out of pot after all summer being in sun most of 8 hrs.a day for fear what roots I do have will die being exposed to air even for a few minutes. The pot feels heavier but I think it’s mostly pot & water combo. Seller told( of tree) it can grow to a full sized tree. After all this time I think I’m ready to check the Root growth. It’s cloudy day after a full day & night of rain, it should be safer than a hot sunny day. Wish me luck. I’ll keep all posted ! Don’t give up hope that tree may fruit. I never drempt I’d have children after 6 long yrs. of 2 different FertilityDr. I find myself with 4 grown children. 2 boys & 2 girls. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE❤️??❤️

  • Reply

  • Christine M.Horan Sr.

  • September 20, 2016 At 3:32 pm

  • I got a very small grafted treeMeyer lemon tree. It may have had 3 short thin roots. At 8″ tall I pinched top leaves.It took a while but it did split into two branches.Ive been adding mycorizza weekly as seller told me to do from end of may2017 until almost end of Sept.I haven’t checked but it’s rained for 24 hrs. & still cloudy so I may check them today. Wish me luck.ive had a lot of suckers today I’ll know if mycorizza grew any roots. It must have grown some since it kept growing after pinching leaves at about 8″ tall. Wish me luck & I’ll be praying for all you seed growers.

  • Reply

  • vanshita

  • September 27, 2016 At 11:31 am

  • Comment:hiii….i put sime lemon seeds last month in pot but still waiting to pop-up seeds…..anybody can tell how much time it will take to popup..

  • Reply

  • shirley Johnson

  • October 5, 2016 At 3:48 pm

  • I have grown lemon trees from seeds. You must use organic lemons. I Have several right now on my window sill. They are a vibrant green and so healthy . I use one organic lemon and have six trees started. Very little water and lots of sunshine.

  • Reply

  • Randy

  • November 19, 2016 At 10:00 pm

  • How do i identify suckers?

  • Reply

  • Ken Butler

  • November 27, 2016 At 10:48 pm

  • My lemon tree is still a stick,how do I get it to spread folage.

  • Reply

  • Christine Horan

  • December 15, 2016 At 4:10 pm

  • Well mycorizza did grow full roots .by end of summer I checked my roots & they look great .Its under 1yr.dec.col brought it indoors & I have small fruit & more blooms .to keep fruit do I pinch off new blooms to keep 3tiny lemons? Any help would be appreciated?

  • Reply

  • Heather Mele

  • March 20, 2017 At 4:16 pm

  • Thank you for this great post! I am going to do this, finally, this year!

  • Reply

  • Diana

  • May 2, 2017 At 12:46 am

  • Hi, I have a eureka lemon tree. I purchased it 4 years ago. It gave me one lemon last year but that is it. I used to fertilize 3 times a year spring, summer and fall. Based on what I am reading I should be feeding my plant more often during the growing season. I am hoping to get some lemons soon. I also just purchase a meyer lemon. I am hoping to have better luck with this one. E

  • Reply

  • Erin

  • July 7, 2017 At 6:59 pm

  • I started a meyer lemon by seed in a small 4 x 4 pot. Unfortunately it had a bit of a growth spurt and got very tall and leggy. I have since re-potted in a larger pot but I am wondering, if I plant the main stem down into the soil will it root outwards such as tomatoes do? I know the success of this varies on the type of plant, i.e. peppers will rot if the main stem is planted down and will not root out. I have the plant under a grow light in my basement on a heat mat and it has done very well. I hope to adjust it to natural light and eventually outdoors during the summertime once I think it’s ready :) The tree has branched out by itself about 12″ above the soil and is now budding. Thanks!

  • Reply

  • Ray

  • September 22, 2017 At 6:51 pm

  • Enjoyed your article. Think I will try it.

  • Reply

  • Anand

  • October 3, 2017 At 6:51 am

  • I am looking to purchase Meyer Lemon plant for delivery in India.

  • Can any one please tell me from where I can get it ?

  • Reply

  • Richa

  • September 20, 2019 At 5:28 pm

  • Try

  • Reply

  • Trent

  • December 5, 2017 At 1:07 am

  • I purchased a lemon tree this spring, it did well and produced two lemons (its about 1.5 ft tall). Its started to drop leaves and is setting out a whole bunch of blooms. should I let it set fruit again ? pinch the blooms so it concentrates on leaf production? I am just worried it doesn’t have enough leaves to produce fruit.

  • Reply

  • Alex

  • December 9, 2017 At 11:57 am

  • Hello!

  • There seems to be lots of info on growing and caring for lemon trees but I can’t seem to find specific info on early care/strategies for pruning young, indoor lemon trees grown from seed.

  • I have three indoor lemon trees that I have grown from seed that are around a meter tall. They are about three years old and no pruning or pinching has been done yet. I plan to keep them indoors (outdoors in the summer) and I am curious as to when to start manipulating height and shape.

  • Should I be pinching back the central stem at some point/height? What should I do with the branches? Should I Be promoting bushier growth now? Or let the trees keep doing their thing for awhile longer? Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

  • Alex

  • Reply

  • Vicky Turner

  • March 26, 2020 At 6:35 am

  • Too bad no one ever answered you. I had the same questions. Alot about starting seeds but..?

  • Reply

  • Karen Hilton

  • April 19, 2020 At 6:49 pm

  • Me too! I have 10 trees grown from seeds and want to fertilize but don’t want to kill my trees. I’m afraid to use spikes.

  • When they were very young, I took them outside I. The spring/summer and they did not like the high heat in southern Virginia. Had to bring them back inside. It’s been a fun learning experience.

  • Reply

  • Diandra

  • January 11, 2018 At 7:02 am

  • i started to plant lemon tree from seed and 5 half of the year has passed and now I’m soo happy seeing my baby growing healthy and it start to grow few branches.

  • Reply

  • Keith Eric

  • April 26, 2018 At 1:41 am

  • I started for fun last August 2017 from seed a lemon seed I ate and thought nice orange so I put it in ground sure enof it started to Grow nice and green it’s April Here so I have it in a 2l pop bottle it’s looks nice I only water it when it’s the plant and pot feel light then I give it a 24 hrs in water then let it dry out again as I know it shall taken 3 to 5 years before it shall bare fruit like I said I growing it cause it’s a nice plant for indoors here in Quebec Canada I use Schultz 10-15-10 I water it then I put a full dropper at the stem I don’t water again until 24hrs I let them sit in water I pierce holes in the 2l at the bottom of 2l pop bottle and sit them in a pan of water my tree looks good for 8 months old it’s just under a half foot with seven leafs no full branches yet

  • Reply

  • Keith Eric

  • April 26, 2018 At 1:42 am

  • I started both a lemond and a orange tree

  • Reply

  • Dianne Pfifer

  • May 5, 2018 At 10:52 pm

  • I have several lemons on my tree how long does it take to ripen

  • Reply

  • Sandy

  • July 9, 2018 At 2:59 am

  • Our potted lemon tree had all its leaves blown off in major winter rains and has a few small fruits on bare branches.Is this tree dead or drowned??Should i wait and see if new leaves appear in spring?

  • Reply

  • Abhilasha Singh

  • September 7, 2018 At 10:58 am

  • I threw a couple of lemon seeds from lemon that I brought with me to India from Naxos (Greece). The plants grew tall in no time. They are healthy but it’s been 4 years now and I have yet to see any flower or bud on it. I use water-soluble NPK fertilizer in all my pots every 2-3 months. Is there anything special that the plant needs to bloom? Same with my orange tree that grew from seed too.

  • Reply

  • Jolly Green Giant

  • September 21, 2018 At 10:58 pm

  • The Lemon trees can take up to another 2 years to sprout, and the oranges can take up to 6+ years before they will produce if they were not from a grafted tree and came from a seedling. Grafted trees will produce fruit faster because they have already completed the waiting period before producing fruit. And that’s why trees from your local nursery will grow fruit faster and rather quickly. When it comes to seedlings we will have to wait the gestation period our before we will be rewarded with fruit. You can try to speed up mother nature but when you do it is like grabbing the bull from the horns. You kind of just don’t do it, But rather just be patient. Anyways for those who wait will be blessed with bountiful fruits. Now it is a Waiting game.

  • Reply

  • Bonnie

  • October 8, 2018 At 11:00 am

  • I have a Myer lemon tree in a large pot for 10 yrs. I live in Florida near Sarasota. First few yrs I had a large about of delicious lemons. Last year the tree bloomed early like in Jan. & again in Feb. We got a very a few very cold nights. All blooms died & had about 7 lemons that never ripened. Leaves are wilted, curled & turning yellow. I was furtilizing every month & changing soil each year. What do I do?🤔

  • Reply

  • Shirley

  • October 9, 2018 At 4:02 pm

  • I have 7 lemon trees in pots on my window sill which I brought in from a small greenhouse two weeks ago as the autumn can bring frost in England early, they are all doing well about 6 inches tall and dark green leaves the eighth one is about 2 inches tall green plenty of leaves but so small although healthy why would this be ? they all came from one lemon which fell from the tree in front of me in Cyprus in May, I call them my living memories and have not a clue how to care for them but must be doing something right.

  • Reply

  • Diana Steelman

  • May 1, 2019 At 12:26 am

  • My big beautiful bearing lemon tree has Mexican Petunias growing in the pot also. Will these damage the tree?

  • Reply

  • Jennifer Mcdermid

  • May 11, 2019 At 10:39 pm

  • I started mine from seed also its a year old now and I love watching the froth it just recently started to have thorns that I didn’t know these trees had 😃

  • Reply

  • Jane Ellen Davis

  • June 15, 2019 At 12:39 am

  • I grew mine from lemon seed about through yrs ago and . Many, almost all leaves appear to hug the limb!! Help!!

  • Thank you,

  • Jane Ellen

  • Reply

  • Archna Parwani

  • June 23, 2019 At 4:55 pm

  • My lemon tree in container was giving good amount of fruit but then it was attacked by pests. Gradually it revived. But now there are only leaves no flowers. What should I do?

  • Reply

  • Deluno

  • June 30, 2019 At 11:55 pm

  • I started my lemon tree outside in a pot. I buried a slice of lemon with the seeds . This produced 10 plants. Kep moist. Great success.

  • Reply

  • Gert Jaap van Klinken

  • July 14, 2019 At 8:34 pm

  • Hii there,

  • Just my small bit of wisdom. Almost all fruit trees are grafted. The stock, “base” part is a vigorous growing, often wild variety. Onto it is grafted a twig of a more delicate variety that produces excellent fruits. These fruits often contain no seeds, or inferior seed. The same for mandarin, orange and lemon trees. So, although fun, growing a lemon tree from seed is not producing good lemon trees. This is only done by taking a twig from a good variety and grafting it on a good strong stock plant, of which then all its own branches are removed, leaving only the grafted twig to grow.

  • Reply

  • Carol moore

  • August 26, 2019 At 5:55 pm

  • I bought a Meyers lemon tree. It’s about 4 foot tall it had blooms in it when I bought it they felll off I have one lemon it is not turning yellow I did plant it in a pot and plan on bringing it inside. How can I get it to bloom I did fertilize it with fertilizer for citrus plants what an I doing wrong.

  • Reply

  • rohit aggarwal

  • December 19, 2019 At 2:54 pm

  • thank you balconygardenweb for giving me wonderful information

  • Reply

  • rusty hardiman

  • July 12, 2020 At 7:37 pm

  • I have a lemon tree grown from seed- over 20 years old- it has been pruned- had attacks of scale- raised in western new york state- bring it outside in may every year- and gets full sun .

  • I intend to move it to a clay pot and feed it plain yogurt as you recommend.

  • I did give it coffee grounds and it went crazy doubling the leaves and had a dozen blossoms.

  • We had a week long stretch of 90 degree temps and most of the blossoms fell off and the leaves are curled in spots.

  • Curling leaves are my main concern- it gets plenty of water and sits in a plastic tray.

  • Was the heat too much? Or not enough water? Help!

  • Rusty

  • Reply

  • Gloria Webber

  • January 25, 2021 At 1:51 am

  • I have grown grapefruit seeds and the plants have reached heights of 2 feet! they have spikes on the stems which make it very unusual and interesting!

  • Reply

  • Lyn Millar

  • March 21, 2021 At 7:52 pm

  • I bought 2 x lemon trees from Lidl in Scotland and you can’t eat the lemons on it as they have been sprayed but after that it is okay, I put them outside around May and bring them in in Sept/Oct I feed them with citrus seaweed fertilizer and they are doing great.

  • Reply

  • Deb S

  • April 30, 2021 At 8:34 pm

  • I have a lemon tree I grew from a seed that is approximately 10 years old that has never produced any blooms or fruit. It’s otherwise healthy and lives indoors most of the year. What should I do?

  • Reply

  • Mark Woodard

  • June 19, 2021 At 8:40 pm

  • Repot with new soil and add blood meal and bone meal to your soil mix 😉

  • Reply

  • Ted Herr

  • June 13, 2021 At 8:55 am

  • We planted an improved Meyer lemon tree in February and its doing fine. It gets really hot in Austin in the summer and often doesn’t cool down at night. I am concerned about how hot the soil in the pot will get.

  • Should I bring it out of the direct sunlight? Should I bring it indoors? I’ve even considered digging a hole to put the pot in in order to keep the soil temperature lower. Thank you in advance for any suggestions…

  • Reply

  • Kimberly Felt

  • November 6, 2021 At 9:17 pm

  • I have 4 6 – 8 inch lemon trees I grew from lemon seeds. One of the trees is healthy looking but only 3 inches tall and round/full with tiny leaves. Strange. The other three are taller, bigger leaves, not dense but only one of them has thorns just starting to appear but the other don’t have thorns. They’re inside for the winter and I love watching their slow but fascinating progress!

  • Reply

  • Kimberly Felt

  • November 6, 2021 At 9:19 pm

  • I meant to say that I have four 6-8 inch lemon trees. Not 46 trees.

  • Reply

  • Thomas Declan Galvin

  • January 12, 2022 At 3:16 am

  • Dear sir / madam,

  • I am interested in fruit trees.

  • I am thanking you kindly.

  • THIS Message was sent by Thomas Declan Galvin.

  • Athlone, County Westmeath, Republic of Ireland.

  • Reply

  • Loretta Rombold

  • February 26, 2022 At 5:46 pm

  • I have a lemon tree that I bought a year ago. It has dozens of buds, I’m excited for lemons. However, I hate the shape of it. It has a tall trunk (still very thin) with all foliage at the top. The branches are very long. I look at pics in your article and they’re much bushier. When can I trim back my long branches to have a better shape. I live in The Tampa area of Florida. The tree is always outside. Pls advise!!

  • Reply

  • Cynthia kressin

  • March 11, 2022 At 7:03 am

  • I had to bring my tree inside for the winter it is very “leggy” and only has leaves on the very top of the branches. I’m very tempted to prune it off to the bottom three inches of tree. Good idea or bad idea?

  • Reply

  • Terri Bolander

  • August 4, 2022 At 3:30 am

  • We live in Florida. My son went in a field trip many years ago to Busch Gardens in Tampa. He bought an orange tree in a box. He grew it in a pot and when we moved to our home in 2003 it was about 2 feet high. Now that little orange tree never bloomed and old neighbor said beat the trunk with a stick. We did that several times and now for the past 10 years we get over 100 lemons each Fall. They are the best lemons ever. Our friends are all growing their own trees from our lemons. I have ten little plants that are two years old and ready to plant outside. I still can’t believe we have a beautiful lemon tree from a box, that was sold as a souvenir.

  • Reply

  • bob nmeet

  • October 25, 2022 At 12:05 am

  • I bought a lemon-lime bush from in late spring. It arrived with a broken root ball and FGT was kind enough to send another which also arrived with a broken root ball (sigh). I put them in pots with a mix of 50-50 peat moss and vermiculite. I fertilized them with Jobe’s citrus spikes. I also have a calamondin tree from FGT.

  • The lemon-lime bushes started to produce fruit but several fell off. We also had terribly hot July and August in New England and these plants suffered on my south-facing deck. Each pot had one very weak plant because of the root ball damage. I have no idea if it is the lemon or lime because the remaining fruits are green.

  • I’ve gone through phases of dropping leaves, curled leaves, and now some plant die-back on the smaller bushes. I just brought them inside after a few cold (30’s) nights and the leaves are falling off like crazy. I used a soil test kit to find that I had plenty of nitrogen but insufficient Phosphorous and potassium. PH was about 6.0.

  • After reading through this page, I might put them back out on warm sunny days and bring them in at night. The window is huge south-southwest facing and it get’s plenty f sunlight.

  • Basically, I find that I obsess over their every nuance – flowering, curling leaves, wavy leaves, falling leaves and it makes me think I can’t do anything right to help them flourish. Very frustrating. They are too small to “beat with a stick” like Terri suggests. Besides, that just seems cruel.

  • Reply

  • Team BGW

  • May 28, 2015 At 2:59 am

  • It can take up to 4 years to produce fruits, but you can do grafting for quick results.

  • Reply

  • Nora D

  • March 8, 2017 At 1:42 am

  • How do you do the grafting? I planted lemon from the seeds , I have 2 that grew from it, they’re still small but doing good. it’s been 2 years, and my goodness I have to wait for 2-3 more years for the lemon to come.

  • Reply

  • Bruno F Racine

  • February 26, 2019 At 10:58 am

  • same here but iy grows fast. in two years it grew4 feet tall,I just started pruning it.

  • I’m debating if I should transplant it in a smaller clay pot as it is in a huge outdoor resin pot where I have a collection of other plants I grow in there?

  • Reply

  • Jj kladesco

  • November 24, 2016 At 12:34 am

  • I recently also planted from seeds. But i followed a youtubers video and it took about two weeks to see the little green sprouts popping up through the soil. Sedds from a lemon will germinate quicker when you peel the skin off of the seed. Theyre very slippery. Take a seed and use a paper towel to dry it . Start peeling the pointy tip of the seed with your finger nail. Its not that easy but you can do it. Until the whole seed is exposed. Wet a paper towel put the seeds in it fold paper towel over the seeds and stick in a zip lock freezer bag put someplace dry for about 2weeks then they should be sprouting little tiny sprouts. Now plant them in your growing container pointy side down . In about two weeks youll see them popping up. Im haveing fun with mine.jj

  • Reply

  • Beatrice Harris

  • September 15, 2017 At 9:56 pm

  • I started mine from seeds also. It is doing good. I enjoy seeing the growth.

  • Reply

I started mine from the seeds of a lemon last year. It took about 3 months before they ever popped up out of the soil…I had given up on it. its still in the same pot that I put the seeds in, and seems to be doing well – growing good. Oh well if it takes 4 years or more to grow lemons – its been fun watching it grow.

  • Nora D
  • March 8, 2017 At 1:42 am
  • How do you do the grafting? I planted lemon from the seeds , I have 2 that grew from it, they’re still small but doing good. it’s been 2 years, and my goodness I have to wait for 2-3 more years for the lemon to come.
  • Reply
  • Bruno F Racine
  • February 26, 2019 At 10:58 am
  • same here but iy grows fast. in two years it grew4 feet tall,I just started pruning it.
  • I’m debating if I should transplant it in a smaller clay pot as it is in a huge outdoor resin pot where I have a collection of other plants I grow in there?
  • Reply

It can take up to 4 years to produce fruits, but you can do grafting for quick results.

How do you do the grafting? I planted lemon from the seeds , I have 2 that grew from it, they’re still small but doing good. it’s been 2 years, and my goodness I have to wait for 2-3 more years for the lemon to come.

same here but iy grows fast. in two years it grew4 feet tall,I just started pruning it. I’m debating if I should transplant it in a smaller clay pot as it is in a huge outdoor resin pot where I have a collection of other plants I grow in there?

I recently also planted from seeds. But i followed a youtubers video and it took about two weeks to see the little green sprouts popping up through the soil. Sedds from a lemon will germinate quicker when you peel the skin off of the seed. Theyre very slippery. Take a seed and use a paper towel to dry it . Start peeling the pointy tip of the seed with your finger nail. Its not that easy but you can do it. Until the whole seed is exposed. Wet a paper towel put the seeds in it fold paper towel over the seeds and stick in a zip lock freezer bag put someplace dry for about 2weeks then they should be sprouting little tiny sprouts. Now plant them in your growing container pointy side down . In about two weeks youll see them popping up. Im haveing fun with mine.jj

I started mine from seeds also. It is doing good. I enjoy seeing the growth.

  • Team BGW
  • May 29, 2015 At 5:41 pm
  • That’s great to know. We’ll look forward for pictures, share them with us on social networks.
  • Reply

I have four growing in pots and this info is useful. Thanks. In a year or two i may be able to share photos of the plant with fruits

That’s great to know. We’ll look forward for pictures, share them with us on social networks.

  • Beverly
  • December 23, 2017 At 10:23 pm
  • I got a Meyer last spring. It was supported by a stick but the trunk of the tree hasn’t got thicker or stronger. What should I do?
  • Reply
  • Steven S.
  • January 21, 2018 At 12:25 am
  • Remove the stick. Trees grow thicker in response to stress; no stress, no strength.
  • Be careful how much fruit you let it produce until it thickens up.
  • Reply

I have had my Meyers Lemon tree for years and it usually produces 6 to 7. This last time around it was infected by these little critters that looked like tiny marshmallow so it didn’t do as well. Look forward to trying out all the information so that possibly my tree will sprout even more lemons.

  • Steven S.
  • January 21, 2018 At 12:25 am
  • Remove the stick. Trees grow thicker in response to stress; no stress, no strength.
  • Be careful how much fruit you let it produce until it thickens up.
  • Reply

I got a Meyer last spring. It was supported by a stick but the trunk of the tree hasn’t got thicker or stronger. What should I do?

Remove the stick. Trees grow thicker in response to stress; no stress, no strength. Be careful how much fruit you let it produce until it thickens up.

  • bobbi williams
  • May 28, 2016 At 9:09 pm
  • Remember one thing in the winter plants do not need much watering. Let the soil get real dry and than put enough water to soak up the soil. Another thing keep it away from heaters, they need natural temperature so expose them to sun light as much as possible as they love the sun. Do not fertilize your plant in the winter. Wait 3 months and when spring comes, than use slow release fertilizer. Good luck!!
  • Reply
  • Bea
  • December 6, 2017 At 3:37 pm
  • They went into shock you need to take them out and in. Just until they get used to being inside make sure you have plenty of light on them when they go inside it’s a different atmosphere inside. Also if they’re growing with other plants that they used to being around keep them together it’s like separating them from their friends and they’re lonely lemon trees are very delicate and spoiled at least mine are how to take very good care of them they are my babies and they’re humongous and they are two years old and I have other ones that are smaller but no lemons yet. Good luck with yours
  • Reply
  • Bea
  • December 6, 2017 At 3:40 pm
  • This comment is for Angela Stewart
  • Reply

I have 2 lime trees and a lemon in pot they were doing well all summer but in Nov. it got cold and I brung them in.. now the leaves are falling off can someone tell me whats going on and are my babies dying HELP

Remember one thing in the winter plants do not need much watering. Let the soil get real dry and than put enough water to soak up the soil. Another thing keep it away from heaters, they need natural temperature so expose them to sun light as much as possible as they love the sun. Do not fertilize your plant in the winter. Wait 3 months and when spring comes, than use slow release fertilizer. Good luck!!

  • Bea
  • December 6, 2017 At 3:40 pm
  • This comment is for Angela Stewart
  • Reply

They went into shock you need to take them out and in. Just until they get used to being inside make sure you have plenty of light on them when they go inside it’s a different atmosphere inside. Also if they’re growing with other plants that they used to being around keep them together it’s like separating them from their friends and they’re lonely lemon trees are very delicate and spoiled at least mine are how to take very good care of them they are my babies and they’re humongous and they are two years old and I have other ones that are smaller but no lemons yet. Good luck with yours

This comment is for Angela Stewart

  • Docgary
  • October 12, 2017 At 4:37 pm
  • I’m in matawan NJ
  • Purchased potted Meyer lemon tree may 2017
  • Started with 3-4 fruit… now 10 nice lemons
  • I’m planning to Bring the pot indoors in nov
  • Questions:
  • I have 1-2 lemons about 50% yellow
  • When do I pull off fruit?
  • I have the tree in same pot
  • Should I wait until spring to change to bigger?
  • What’s the best way to provide light indoors.
  • Thx. Docgary
  • Reply

I bought a grafted Mayer Lemon tree, 1st year it gives me 21 fruits now it’s my 3rd year still giving fruits, my secret is I changed the dirt every year using organic potting soil with mixture of blood meal and bone meal . I’m in NJ before frost time I move my tree in my family room with enough sunlight

I’m in matawan NJ

Purchased potted Meyer lemon tree may 2017 Started with 3-4 fruit… now 10 nice lemons

I’m planning to Bring the pot indoors in nov


I have 1-2 lemons about 50% yellow When do I pull off fruit?

I have the tree in same pot Should I wait until spring to change to bigger?

What’s the best way to provide light indoors.

Thx. Docgary

  • Steph
  • March 25, 2016 At 2:38 am
  • Yellowing leaves is either lack of soil nutrients and/or they need water in a consistent matter. Water only until moist the same day(s) every week. Hope this helps!
  • Reply
  • Sodding Toronto
  • October 6, 2016 At 8:17 am
  • Great Article. Lemon Trees need optimal conditions for them to grow in nicely. Good Read. Enjoyed it
  • Reply
  • Dot
  • December 15, 2016 At 6:12 pm
  • I must add to the post from Steph, yellowing leaves can also be from too much watering. I nearly lost my lemon tree last year. When I saw the yellow leaves I thought it needed more water, so not true. I watered it more and lost even more leaves. Then I moved it outside this summer as I always do and forgot about it. The mist from the sprinklers was great, I didn’t water it at first, let it completely dry out. Then only watered about once every two weeks and not too much at a time. Drying out and only the mist from the sprinkler was the saving grace for my Meyer lemon tree. It’s now producing fruit again, although I did lose about 7 started fruits when I stressed it out. I’ve learned my lesson. Good luck!
  • Reply

I have it in a pot..the tree reached around 2ft.. I cracked opened the base of the pot and plant them outdoor.. It has been a year outside, the growth seems very slow and the leaves yellowish and spotted, looks un healthy.. Is there something wrong? Wish smbody cld help.. I appreciate it..

Yellowing leaves is either lack of soil nutrients and/or they need water in a consistent matter. Water only until moist the same day(s) every week. Hope this helps!

Great Article. Lemon Trees need optimal conditions for them to grow in nicely. Good Read. Enjoyed it

I must add to the post from Steph, yellowing leaves can also be from too much watering. I nearly lost my lemon tree last year. When I saw the yellow leaves I thought it needed more water, so not true. I watered it more and lost even more leaves. Then I moved it outside this summer as I always do and forgot about it. The mist from the sprinklers was great, I didn’t water it at first, let it completely dry out. Then only watered about once every two weeks and not too much at a time. Drying out and only the mist from the sprinkler was the saving grace for my Meyer lemon tree. It’s now producing fruit again, although I did lose about 7 started fruits when I stressed it out. I’ve learned my lesson. Good luck!

  • admin
  • April 2, 2016 At 2:40 pm
  • Hi Abhinaya, Our sincere advice for you and all our readers– Always avoid growing fruit trees from grocery store seeds or seeds you get from fruit pulps because they may not come true and may produce bad and lesser quality fruits, the future plant will not remain healthy too. The best option is to buy a grafted lemon tree from a local nursery or online.
  • You should avoid repotting plants in hot and scorching Indian summers as they may die if it is too hot. But if they are extremely root bound to pass the summer, try to repot them on a cool, cloudy day and place them indoors in indirect light after repotting. Also, mist them a few times a day to keep them cool.
  • Reply
  • Bea
  • December 6, 2017 At 3:55 pm
  • They went into shock you need to take them out and in. Just until they get used to being inside make sure you have plenty of light on them when they go inside it’s a different atmosphere inside. Also if they’re growing with other plants that they used to being around keep them together it’s like separating them from their friends and they’re lonely lemon trees are very delicate and spoiled at least mine are how to take very good care of them they are my babies and they’re humongous and they are two years old and I have other ones that are smaller but no lemons yet. Good luck with yours
  • Reply

Lovely post! I tossed a couple of lemon seeds in a pot around a month ago and now I have 10 tiny plants (2 inches high). When should I repot them separately? I live in India and the climate is quite hot.

Hi Abhinaya, Our sincere advice for you and all our readers– Always avoid growing fruit trees from grocery store seeds or seeds you get from fruit pulps because they may not come true and may produce bad and lesser quality fruits, the future plant will not remain healthy too. The best option is to buy a grafted lemon tree from a local nursery or online.

You should avoid repotting plants in hot and scorching Indian summers as they may die if it is too hot. But if they are extremely root bound to pass the summer, try to repot them on a cool, cloudy day and place them indoors in indirect light after repotting. Also, mist them a few times a day to keep them cool.

  • Gigi
  • January 7, 2017 At 3:08 am
  • Try repotting it. I started mine from a seed as well. It took 7 years. I tried every fertilizer and researched about it. Brought it outside in the spring until fall. I finally discovered Bu dynamic compost tea last summer and I really believe this did the trick. I was very surprised to see flowers and fruits finally last year. You might want to give it a try. You can buy this stuff at Lemons love plenty of sun too:)
  • Reply

I have a lemon grown from seed I have had for over 15 years. It has never bloomed. I give it plenty of sun in summer, I have pruned it to shape, looked terrific but no blooms. It is in a 5 gallon pot, and must be 6′ tall plus. I wintered it in my home in Ohio zone 5 in a kitchen corner where there is light on 2 sides. Very bright and cool. I keep it watered , our home is somewhat dry, so this year I am wintering it in a greenhouse. Any suggestions besides it is time to fertilize it again?

Try repotting it. I started mine from a seed as well. It took 7 years. I tried every fertilizer and researched about it. Brought it outside in the spring until fall. I finally discovered Bu dynamic compost tea last summer and I really believe this did the trick. I was very surprised to see flowers and fruits finally last year. You might want to give it a try. You can buy this stuff at Lemons love plenty of sun too:)

  • TrudieB
  • June 11, 2017 At 8:56 pm
  • Years back, the Pro’s advice was to fertilize potted Citrus from Spring thru early Fall (Bay Area, California) once a month at half strength. He may have been referring to liquid fertilizer, that you were meant to make a solution diluted by twice the water, and because it was weaker it was used more often. This was an Old-Timer who was “Old” 30 years ago (!) so he more than likely was referring to Miracle Gro or similar. In those days they were looking for immediate results, not necessarily focusing on fruits, but Commercial Nursery Beauty, where the healthy looking plant was what sold. The Old Timer was a very successful owner of a Garden Center chain, and I have to admit his advice did get results. Then the Organic Movement had to go ruin it all by educating us on how we could be hurting ourselves and our children with all the poisons we are taking into our systems because of what we fed our plants and what we sprayed on them that killed the baddies right along with the good guys.
  • Anyway, they do have some organic ferts specifically for citrus, and you should probably research more but my gut tells me a healthy tree doesn’t want too much nitrogen (promotes green growth at possible expense of fruits). The idea of repotting with new organic bagged potting soil, mentioned above, sounds lie the best idea here so-far. My poor little Meyer is putting out several fruits in spite of how I treat her, and I haven’t fertilized her in at least 4 yrs, the length of time in the pot.
  • Reply

i started my lemon tree from seed, it is very healthy looking, green floiage, new growth, i have had it in a pot for at least 21/2 yrs, and it has not bloomed,, i keep it outside daily from early spring to frost, it gets plenty of sun, and water, i fertlize it every three months, but i have never yet to see a bloom,, what am i doing wrong?? i have been told i need two for pollination, and have been told bees will pollinate it outside, but no blooms, please tell me what is wrong// thank you

Years back, the Pro’s advice was to fertilize potted Citrus from Spring thru early Fall (Bay Area, California) once a month at half strength. He may have been referring to liquid fertilizer, that you were meant to make a solution diluted by twice the water, and because it was weaker it was used more often. This was an Old-Timer who was “Old” 30 years ago (!) so he more than likely was referring to Miracle Gro or similar. In those days they were looking for immediate results, not necessarily focusing on fruits, but Commercial Nursery Beauty, where the healthy looking plant was what sold. The Old Timer was a very successful owner of a Garden Center chain, and I have to admit his advice did get results. Then the Organic Movement had to go ruin it all by educating us on how we could be hurting ourselves and our children with all the poisons we are taking into our systems because of what we fed our plants and what we sprayed on them that killed the baddies right along with the good guys. Anyway, they do have some organic ferts specifically for citrus, and you should probably research more but my gut tells me a healthy tree doesn’t want too much nitrogen (promotes green growth at possible expense of fruits). The idea of repotting with new organic bagged potting soil, mentioned above, sounds lie the best idea here so-far. My poor little Meyer is putting out several fruits in spite of how I treat her, and I haven’t fertilized her in at least 4 yrs, the length of time in the pot.

  • Annette
  • May 9, 2017 At 4:15 pm
  • I have 3 lemon trees that I started from store brought lemons and peeled out the seed from shell, wrapped in moist paper towel and put it inside plastic baggies in cool dry place till sprouted, I believe it took 3 yrs for my plant to produce fruit. Have reported once with new soil, use organic spray to kill those white mites, bring it indoors winder and leave always fall off but returns once taken back out doors. Will fertilizer more this yr to see if get a higher yield of fruit. I did buy one myer lemon and left it outdoors this past winter, covered pot with 4″ mulch and cloth during nights. Looks healthy still.
  • Reply

Linda, I was planting them like crazy straight from a lemon. I have beautiful plants but saw a video on YouTube and realized from the guy that it won’t actually produce fruit. You have to peel the shell from the actual seed inside. I’m trying that now. I’m in the process of growing roots right now, then I will plant them. Though BGW says you can’t do this, the guy on YouTube has had success and is actually growing fruit! However, I’m not sure how long it has taken him but it didn’t sound very long. I’m anxious to try.


I have 3 lemon trees that I started from store brought lemons and peeled out the seed from shell, wrapped in moist paper towel and put it inside plastic baggies in cool dry place till sprouted, I believe it took 3 yrs for my plant to produce fruit. Have reported once with new soil, use organic spray to kill those white mites, bring it indoors winder and leave always fall off but returns once taken back out doors. Will fertilizer more this yr to see if get a higher yield of fruit. I did buy one myer lemon and left it outdoors this past winter, covered pot with 4″ mulch and cloth during nights. Looks healthy still.

  • Teresa
  • July 15, 2017 At 12:05 pm
  • Your lemon tree must be too wet! Invest in a moisture/light meter which you insert deep in the pot. Water your lemon only if the meter shows dry on the display.
  • I hope this helps.
  • Reply

I have fed, watered and repotted and my lemon tree is still yellow. What am I doing wrong?

Your lemon tree must be too wet! Invest in a moisture/light meter which you insert deep in the pot. Water your lemon only if the meter shows dry on the display. I hope this helps.

[email protected]

Excellent articles on how to grow plants .

One suggestion is to write where we can find the seeds .Seeds are not easy to get ,please put seeds distributors in major cities in the world where I can write to the nearest to get the seeds

Also whom to resort to in case we need to be touch with a person who can give us advise

Please add these two .This will make the benefit complete

  • sbrady
  • February 14, 2017 At 3:54 pm
  • I bought citrus fertilizer spikes from Wal-Mart for my lemon tree last spring and ended up with twice as many fruits! You might want to give these a try – they are the Jobe’s brand. They are just pushed down into the soil around the plant. Mine is grown in a large pot but if yours is in the ground they recommend using a hammer to drive in the spikes. These worked well for me.
  • Reply

Hi I have a lemon tree for8 years it only had lemons one time … I was hoping this year to Bloom so I can see same lemons .. But not again ? Is three years now and nothing . If you don’t mine can you help me with this ? Thank you . ?

I bought citrus fertilizer spikes from Wal-Mart for my lemon tree last spring and ended up with twice as many fruits! You might want to give these a try – they are the Jobe’s brand. They are just pushed down into the soil around the plant. Mine is grown in a large pot but if yours is in the ground they recommend using a hammer to drive in the spikes. These worked well for me.

I hear from many places that trees grown from seed may Never bloom or fruit no matter what you do. I hear the only real way to grow fruit for sure is to buy grafted trees. I guess that’s the buisness to be in these days. I bought a bonsai grafted ( very small tree) it came with a few strand for roots. I’ve been using mycorizza every week as advised by the mycorizza seller but I don’t think , after4 months , don’t think I’m growing much roots. Very frustrating. I’m scared to take out of pot after all summer being in sun most of 8 hrs.a day for fear what roots I do have will die being exposed to air even for a few minutes. The pot feels heavier but I think it’s mostly pot & water combo. Seller told( of tree) it can grow to a full sized tree. After all this time I think I’m ready to check the Root growth. It’s cloudy day after a full day & night of rain, it should be safer than a hot sunny day. Wish me luck. I’ll keep all posted ! Don’t give up hope that tree may fruit. I never drempt I’d have children after 6 long yrs. of 2 different FertilityDr. I find myself with 4 grown children. 2 boys & 2 girls. NEVER GIVE UP HOPE❤️??❤️

I got a very small grafted treeMeyer lemon tree. It may have had 3 short thin roots. At 8″ tall I pinched top leaves.It took a while but it did split into two branches.Ive been adding mycorizza weekly as seller told me to do from end of may2017 until almost end of Sept.I haven’t checked but it’s rained for 24 hrs. & still cloudy so I may check them today. Wish me luck.ive had a lot of suckers today I’ll know if mycorizza grew any roots. It must have grown some since it kept growing after pinching leaves at about 8″ tall. Wish me luck & I’ll be praying for all you seed growers.

Comment:hiii….i put sime lemon seeds last month in pot but still waiting to pop-up seeds…..anybody can tell how much time it will take to popup..

I have grown lemon trees from seeds. You must use organic lemons. I Have several right now on my window sill. They are a vibrant green and so healthy . I use one organic lemon and have six trees started. Very little water and lots of sunshine.

How do i identify suckers?

My lemon tree is still a stick,how do I get it to spread folage.

Well mycorizza did grow full roots .by end of summer I checked my roots & they look great .Its under 1yr.dec.col brought it indoors & I have small fruit & more blooms .to keep fruit do I pinch off new blooms to keep 3tiny lemons? Any help would be appreciated?

Thank you for this great post! I am going to do this, finally, this year!

Hi, I have a eureka lemon tree. I purchased it 4 years ago. It gave me one lemon last year but that is it. I used to fertilize 3 times a year spring, summer and fall. Based on what I am reading I should be feeding my plant more often during the growing season. I am hoping to get some lemons soon. I also just purchase a meyer lemon. I am hoping to have better luck with this one. E

I started a meyer lemon by seed in a small 4 x 4 pot. Unfortunately it had a bit of a growth spurt and got very tall and leggy. I have since re-potted in a larger pot but I am wondering, if I plant the main stem down into the soil will it root outwards such as tomatoes do? I know the success of this varies on the type of plant, i.e. peppers will rot if the main stem is planted down and will not root out. I have the plant under a grow light in my basement on a heat mat and it has done very well. I hope to adjust it to natural light and eventually outdoors during the summertime once I think it’s ready :) The tree has branched out by itself about 12″ above the soil and is now budding. Thanks!

Enjoyed your article. Think I will try it.

  • Richa
  • September 20, 2019 At 5:28 pm
  • Try
  • Reply

I am looking to purchase Meyer Lemon plant for delivery in India. Can any one please tell me from where I can get it ?


I purchased a lemon tree this spring, it did well and produced two lemons (its about 1.5 ft tall). Its started to drop leaves and is setting out a whole bunch of blooms. should I let it set fruit again ? pinch the blooms so it concentrates on leaf production? I am just worried it doesn’t have enough leaves to produce fruit.

  • Vicky Turner
  • March 26, 2020 At 6:35 am
  • Too bad no one ever answered you. I had the same questions. Alot about starting seeds but..?
  • Reply
  • Karen Hilton
  • April 19, 2020 At 6:49 pm
  • Me too! I have 10 trees grown from seeds and want to fertilize but don’t want to kill my trees. I’m afraid to use spikes.
  • When they were very young, I took them outside I. The spring/summer and they did not like the high heat in southern Virginia. Had to bring them back inside. It’s been a fun learning experience.
  • Reply


There seems to be lots of info on growing and caring for lemon trees but I can’t seem to find specific info on early care/strategies for pruning young, indoor lemon trees grown from seed.

I have three indoor lemon trees that I have grown from seed that are around a meter tall. They are about three years old and no pruning or pinching has been done yet. I plan to keep them indoors (outdoors in the summer) and I am curious as to when to start manipulating height and shape.

Should I be pinching back the central stem at some point/height? What should I do with the branches? Should I Be promoting bushier growth now? Or let the trees keep doing their thing for awhile longer? Thanks in advance for any help and advice! Alex

  • Karen Hilton
  • April 19, 2020 At 6:49 pm
  • Me too! I have 10 trees grown from seeds and want to fertilize but don’t want to kill my trees. I’m afraid to use spikes.
  • When they were very young, I took them outside I. The spring/summer and they did not like the high heat in southern Virginia. Had to bring them back inside. It’s been a fun learning experience.
  • Reply

Too bad no one ever answered you. I had the same questions. Alot about starting seeds but..?

Me too! I have 10 trees grown from seeds and want to fertilize but don’t want to kill my trees. I’m afraid to use spikes. When they were very young, I took them outside I. The spring/summer and they did not like the high heat in southern Virginia. Had to bring them back inside. It’s been a fun learning experience.

i started to plant lemon tree from seed and 5 half of the year has passed and now I’m soo happy seeing my baby growing healthy and it start to grow few branches.

I started for fun last August 2017 from seed a lemon seed I ate and thought nice orange so I put it in ground sure enof it started to Grow nice and green it’s April Here so I have it in a 2l pop bottle it’s looks nice I only water it when it’s the plant and pot feel light then I give it a 24 hrs in water then let it dry out again as I know it shall taken 3 to 5 years before it shall bare fruit like I said I growing it cause it’s a nice plant for indoors here in Quebec Canada I use Schultz 10-15-10 I water it then I put a full dropper at the stem I don’t water again until 24hrs I let them sit in water I pierce holes in the 2l at the bottom of 2l pop bottle and sit them in a pan of water my tree looks good for 8 months old it’s just under a half foot with seven leafs no full branches yet

I started both a lemond and a orange tree

I have several lemons on my tree how long does it take to ripen

Our potted lemon tree had all its leaves blown off in major winter rains and has a few small fruits on bare branches.Is this tree dead or drowned??Should i wait and see if new leaves appear in spring?

  • Jolly Green Giant
  • September 21, 2018 At 10:58 pm
  • The Lemon trees can take up to another 2 years to sprout, and the oranges can take up to 6+ years before they will produce if they were not from a grafted tree and came from a seedling. Grafted trees will produce fruit faster because they have already completed the waiting period before producing fruit. And that’s why trees from your local nursery will grow fruit faster and rather quickly. When it comes to seedlings we will have to wait the gestation period our before we will be rewarded with fruit. You can try to speed up mother nature but when you do it is like grabbing the bull from the horns. You kind of just don’t do it, But rather just be patient. Anyways for those who wait will be blessed with bountiful fruits. Now it is a Waiting game.
  • Reply

I threw a couple of lemon seeds from lemon that I brought with me to India from Naxos (Greece). The plants grew tall in no time. They are healthy but it’s been 4 years now and I have yet to see any flower or bud on it. I use water-soluble NPK fertilizer in all my pots every 2-3 months. Is there anything special that the plant needs to bloom? Same with my orange tree that grew from seed too.

The Lemon trees can take up to another 2 years to sprout, and the oranges can take up to 6+ years before they will produce if they were not from a grafted tree and came from a seedling. Grafted trees will produce fruit faster because they have already completed the waiting period before producing fruit. And that’s why trees from your local nursery will grow fruit faster and rather quickly. When it comes to seedlings we will have to wait the gestation period our before we will be rewarded with fruit. You can try to speed up mother nature but when you do it is like grabbing the bull from the horns. You kind of just don’t do it, But rather just be patient. Anyways for those who wait will be blessed with bountiful fruits. Now it is a Waiting game.

I have a Myer lemon tree in a large pot for 10 yrs. I live in Florida near Sarasota. First few yrs I had a large about of delicious lemons. Last year the tree bloomed early like in Jan. & again in Feb. We got a very a few very cold nights. All blooms died & had about 7 lemons that never ripened. Leaves are wilted, curled & turning yellow. I was furtilizing every month & changing soil each year. What do I do?🤔

I have 7 lemon trees in pots on my window sill which I brought in from a small greenhouse two weeks ago as the autumn can bring frost in England early, they are all doing well about 6 inches tall and dark green leaves the eighth one is about 2 inches tall green plenty of leaves but so small although healthy why would this be ? they all came from one lemon which fell from the tree in front of me in Cyprus in May, I call them my living memories and have not a clue how to care for them but must be doing something right.

My big beautiful bearing lemon tree has Mexican Petunias growing in the pot also. Will these damage the tree?

I started mine from seed also its a year old now and I love watching the froth it just recently started to have thorns that I didn’t know these trees had 😃

I grew mine from lemon seed about through yrs ago and . Many, almost all leaves appear to hug the limb!! Help!! Thank you, Jane Ellen

My lemon tree in container was giving good amount of fruit but then it was attacked by pests. Gradually it revived. But now there are only leaves no flowers. What should I do?

I started my lemon tree outside in a pot. I buried a slice of lemon with the seeds . This produced 10 plants. Kep moist. Great success.

Hii there, Just my small bit of wisdom. Almost all fruit trees are grafted. The stock, “base” part is a vigorous growing, often wild variety. Onto it is grafted a twig of a more delicate variety that produces excellent fruits. These fruits often contain no seeds, or inferior seed. The same for mandarin, orange and lemon trees. So, although fun, growing a lemon tree from seed is not producing good lemon trees. This is only done by taking a twig from a good variety and grafting it on a good strong stock plant, of which then all its own branches are removed, leaving only the grafted twig to grow.

I bought a Meyers lemon tree. It’s about 4 foot tall it had blooms in it when I bought it they felll off I have one lemon it is not turning yellow I did plant it in a pot and plan on bringing it inside. How can I get it to bloom I did fertilize it with fertilizer for citrus plants what an I doing wrong.

thank you balconygardenweb for giving me wonderful information

I have a lemon tree grown from seed- over 20 years old- it has been pruned- had attacks of scale- raised in western new york state- bring it outside in may every year- and gets full sun . I intend to move it to a clay pot and feed it plain yogurt as you recommend. I did give it coffee grounds and it went crazy doubling the leaves and had a dozen blossoms. We had a week long stretch of 90 degree temps and most of the blossoms fell off and the leaves are curled in spots. Curling leaves are my main concern- it gets plenty of water and sits in a plastic tray. Was the heat too much? Or not enough water? Help! Rusty

I have grown grapefruit seeds and the plants have reached heights of 2 feet! they have spikes on the stems which make it very unusual and interesting!

I bought 2 x lemon trees from Lidl in Scotland and you can’t eat the lemons on it as they have been sprayed but after that it is okay, I put them outside around May and bring them in in Sept/Oct I feed them with citrus seaweed fertilizer and they are doing great.

  • Mark Woodard
  • June 19, 2021 At 8:40 pm
  • Repot with new soil and add blood meal and bone meal to your soil mix 😉
  • Reply

I have a lemon tree I grew from a seed that is approximately 10 years old that has never produced any blooms or fruit. It’s otherwise healthy and lives indoors most of the year. What should I do?

Repot with new soil and add blood meal and bone meal to your soil mix 😉

We planted an improved Meyer lemon tree in February and its doing fine. It gets really hot in Austin in the summer and often doesn’t cool down at night. I am concerned about how hot the soil in the pot will get.

Should I bring it out of the direct sunlight? Should I bring it indoors? I’ve even considered digging a hole to put the pot in in order to keep the soil temperature lower. Thank you in advance for any suggestions…

I have 4 6 – 8 inch lemon trees I grew from lemon seeds. One of the trees is healthy looking but only 3 inches tall and round/full with tiny leaves. Strange. The other three are taller, bigger leaves, not dense but only one of them has thorns just starting to appear but the other don’t have thorns. They’re inside for the winter and I love watching their slow but fascinating progress!

I meant to say that I have four 6-8 inch lemon trees. Not 46 trees.

Dear sir / madam,

I am interested in fruit trees.

I am thanking you kindly.

THIS Message was sent by Thomas Declan Galvin.

Athlone, County Westmeath, Republic of Ireland.

I have a lemon tree that I bought a year ago. It has dozens of buds, I’m excited for lemons. However, I hate the shape of it. It has a tall trunk (still very thin) with all foliage at the top. The branches are very long. I look at pics in your article and they’re much bushier. When can I trim back my long branches to have a better shape. I live in The Tampa area of Florida. The tree is always outside. Pls advise!!

I had to bring my tree inside for the winter it is very “leggy” and only has leaves on the very top of the branches. I’m very tempted to prune it off to the bottom three inches of tree. Good idea or bad idea?

We live in Florida. My son went in a field trip many years ago to Busch Gardens in Tampa. He bought an orange tree in a box. He grew it in a pot and when we moved to our home in 2003 it was about 2 feet high. Now that little orange tree never bloomed and old neighbor said beat the trunk with a stick. We did that several times and now for the past 10 years we get over 100 lemons each Fall. They are the best lemons ever. Our friends are all growing their own trees from our lemons. I have ten little plants that are two years old and ready to plant outside. I still can’t believe we have a beautiful lemon tree from a box, that was sold as a souvenir.

I bought a lemon-lime bush from in late spring. It arrived with a broken root ball and FGT was kind enough to send another which also arrived with a broken root ball (sigh). I put them in pots with a mix of 50-50 peat moss and vermiculite. I fertilized them with Jobe’s citrus spikes. I also have a calamondin tree from FGT. The lemon-lime bushes started to produce fruit but several fell off. We also had terribly hot July and August in New England and these plants suffered on my south-facing deck. Each pot had one very weak plant because of the root ball damage. I have no idea if it is the lemon or lime because the remaining fruits are green. I’ve gone through phases of dropping leaves, curled leaves, and now some plant die-back on the smaller bushes. I just brought them inside after a few cold (30’s) nights and the leaves are falling off like crazy. I used a soil test kit to find that I had plenty of nitrogen but insufficient Phosphorous and potassium. PH was about 6.0. After reading through this page, I might put them back out on warm sunny days and bring them in at night. The window is huge south-southwest facing and it get’s plenty f sunlight. Basically, I find that I obsess over their every nuance – flowering, curling leaves, wavy leaves, falling leaves and it makes me think I can’t do anything right to help them flourish. Very frustrating. They are too small to “beat with a stick” like Terri suggests. Besides, that just seems cruel.

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