The African Milk Tree Cactus never fails to make a solid impression both in home and gardens with its towering height and lush green look. Not a true cactus, the plant grows very vigorously and is also quite easy to maintain. Let’s have a look at How to Grow African Milk Tree Cactus!

Botanical Name: Euphorbia trigona

Common Names: Friendship Cactus, Cathedral Cactus, Candelabra Cactus, Good Luck Plant.

Here are the most amazing tall cactus you can grow

African Milk Tree Cactus Information

African Milk Tree Cactus stays green and lush throughout its growing season. If you want to add drama to your garden, then you should choose to grow the Royal Red cultivar or Rubra, most known for the bright red accents.

This tree can reach up to 6-8 feet tall on maturity. Indoors, it can grow up to 3-4 feet tall.

Propagating African Milk Tree Cactus

Wear protective gloves while dividing and wash your hands immediately in case you come in contact with any milky sap from the plant.

  • Using a pair of sharp and clean scissors, cut off one of the arms of the plant from the base.
  • Wash the end with water. Make sure it stops oozing out milky sap.
  • Once done, keep it at a dry location for 5-7 days to let it callus.
  • After the end forms a callus, plant it in a pot with cacti mix, 1-2 inches deep. Add more growing medium on top to ensure the cutting stays in place.
  • Keep the pot at a spot where it gets bright but indirect sun.
  • The cutting will form roots in 50-60 days. At this stage, you can transplant the plant in a slightly bigger, 6-8 inches wide pot.
  • If you are growing the cutting in the garden, then choose a spot that gets bright, but indirect light.

Requirements for Growing African Milk Tree Cactus


This succulent loves bright but indirect sunlight. Find an eastern spot in the garden where the plant will get mild morning sun for 1-2 hours. While growing it indoors, make sure you are not exposing it to harsh afternoon sun for long hours.


This plant is not too picky about soil requirements and does really well in a well-draining growing medium. Sandy and loamy soils are the best choices. For more details on the best soil for cactus, follow ur article here. 


As the African Milk Tree is succulent, it does not require much watering. Avoid overwatering the plant at all costs to save it from rot. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering session and water only when the topsoil feels a bit dry to touch.


The plant loves arid or dry climates and can thrive well in warmer temperatures. Usually, it does not do well if the temperatures drop below 50-55°F or 10-12°C.

African Milk Tree Cactus Care


The plant requires occasional fertilization as it helps in restoring nutrients it absorbs from the soil. The best fertilizers to go for are 10-10-10 or 5-10-10 blends. Dilute them to quarter or half-strength before feeding the plant.

As it goes into dormancy during winter, avoid using any fertilizer as it will make the plant weak.


If you love tall plants, then you will never have to prune this cactus, ever! However, as it has a shallow root system, all that height and weight can make them topple indoors.

To control the height, prune them using a sharp and clean knife. Don’t overdo it and give the plant a nice shape so that it looks balanced.

Pests and Diseases

The plant is pretty much safe from potential pest problems. However, watch out for mealybugs. To save it from diseases, make sure never to overwater it.

Where You Can Grow It?

For indoors, keep it in a living room where it will make a bold statement with its height. Do make sure that the plant gets a lot of bright but indirect light—an east facing window will be the best bet.

For the garden, you can either keep it potted or directly on the ground. Make sure to select a location that keeps it safe from exposure to the harsh, afternoon sun for long hours.

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