Not all plants are grown from seeds. Many propagate best through cuttings, which is very easy and takes far less time than growing from seeds. However, you should know a few key things when it comes to How To Grow Plants From Cuttings.

Check out our article on how to root indoor plant cuttings easily and quickly here

How to Grow Plants from Cuttings?

How to Take Cuttings

Snip the cutting, just below the node (node is a tiny bump on a stem), from the tip of any branch using a sharp tool or garden scissors; it should be 4-6 inches long. Keep in mind that you should take the cutting from a disease-free branch, having no flower. Prefer to take the cutting from a newly grown, fresh softwood branch.

Cutting must be done at a 45-degree angle instead of cutting straight across since cutting from an accurate angle helps the plant with better water intake by the stems. After that, carefully remove the leaves from the lower half without causing damage to the stem. Dip this cutting in a rooting hormone and plant it in either soil or water.

Best Time to Take Cuttings

You can not just take cuttings from plants at any time of the year and expect them to grow. Timing is different for every plant, and it also depends on the climate. So, if you want cuttings to root faster, you have to snip them at the right time.

Some cuttings might grow roots in summer or fall, while few in late spring. So, you must acquire a thorough knowledge about the best time for planting cuttings for the selected plant you wish to multiply.

Preparing the Container

Use a soilless potting mix for growing roots from stem cutting and fill a clean pot with the medium. Avoid using garden soil as it may contain pathogens that can harm the cutting before it begins to root. Similarly, don’t use a substrate that is rich in organic matter or contains pre-added fertilizer or compost.

Requirements for Rooting Plants from Cuttings


Some plants prefer full sun to grow, while some thrive in shady regions. The same goes for the cuttings; once planted, they prefer the same conditions as their parent plant. So, it would help if you placed the potted cuttings accordingly, i.e., indoor or outdoor. You can also create favorable temperatures by greenhouses or heated beds.

Tip: However, never expose the plant cuttings to direct sunlight. A location that is warm, bright, and receives filtered or indirect sunlight is suitable. Exposure to gentle morning sun is favorable. In a hot climate, it’s best to keep cuttings in a bright shade.


Just like climatic conditions, optimum moisture content and humidity also vary for various plants. Some cuttings will form roots well in moist soil with organic matter, while some, like succulents, prefer dry soil and less humidity. Also, you have to water the plants accordingly. Mulching should be done if plants prefer moisture-rich soil, as this will help the soil to retain wetness for long. To raise the humidity, you can keep them in a greenhouse or place them in a plastic tote.

Rooting Hormone

Rooting hormone is a root stimulating hormone, which helps in triggering root growth in plants. It decreases the chances of fungal infections and rot and expedites the rooting process in cuttings. You can use it to improve your success rate!

How to Use–Take the rooting hormone in a bowl and dip the end of cuttings an inch or so in the solution before planting. You can prepare the rooting hormone at home or buy a commercial one. We’ve some DIY recipes here.

Easy Plants to Grow from Cuttings

Growing Herbs From Cuttings

Herbs not only enhance the flavor of any food but also fill the atmosphere with a refreshing aroma. You can multiply many herbs from an existing plant and have an endless supply of them! Learn the names of 11 Herbs that Grow from Cuttings and start propagation.

Growing Bamboo From Cuttings


Bamboos are grown for their ornamental look and dense curtain-like foliage. They grow quickly in clumps, mostly as a privacy tree. Read How to Grow Bamboo From Cuttings for more information.

Growing Succulents From Cuttings

Succulents can be grown from stem cuttings or leaf cuttings, but it depends on the species. For example, Echeverias can be propagated from the individual leaf. On the other hand, Aeoniums grow best from stem cuttings. Then there are plants like the jade plant (crassula ovata) that can be produced from stem and leaf-cutting both. Always collect the information before proceeding about the type of succulents you’re propagating.

  • To take cuttings for propagation, just cut the leaf from the base by twisting and turning carefully, without damaging it.
  • After taking the cuttings, allow them to heal and dry out before propagation.
  • For more steps and useful information, read our article on propagating succulents from leaf cuttings.

Find out 4 basic ways to propagate succulents here

Growing Flowers from Stem Cuttings

You can multiply many flowering plants from stem cuttings of an existing plant. The plants are divided into four groups to make this more understandable:

Softwood cuttings belong to new, fresh growth in springs or early summers. Flowers that come in this category are Butterfly bush, Aster, Chrysanthemum, Hydrangea, Salvia, and Rose, though this classic plant also comes in the hardwood category.

Semi-hardwood/Semi Ripe cuttings are robust and mature; you can take them from midsummer to fall. You can grow Camellia, Azalea, and Honeysuckle as they root very well from semi-ripe cuttings.

Greenwood cuttings are also known as herbaceous cuttings, coming from plants that have non-woody stems. All annual plants are herbaceous since they are non-woody plants. Dahlia, Boxwood, and Gardenia are the best option to grow from cuttings.

Hardwood cuttings include deciduous shrubs, climbers, trees, and fruits. You can grow the angel’s trumpet as vines.

Other plants that can grow well from cuttings include the dianthus plant from the carnation family.

Growing Houseplants from Cuttings

Growing indoor plants from cuttings is as easy as other plants in this list, and because these plants usually come expensive–it’s the most inexpensive way to multiply them too. Some of the easiest houseplants to propagate from cuttings are listed here.

There are some plants like pothos, philodendron, and arrowhead vine that grow roots in water as well. Check out our article here for more such names.

  • Ampie
  • September 20, 2020 At 1:57 pm
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