For anyone who is interested in growing easy-to-care-for and fast-growing specimen that stays compact, Peperomia obtusifolia could be a great choice! Read on to know How to Grow Baby Rubber Plant and display it on a coffee table!

Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia

Common Names: Pepper Face Plant, Hanging Peperomia, American Rubber Tree, Baby Rubber Plant

Here are the top benefits of growing Rubber Plants indoors

Baby Rubber Plant Information

Originally, Peperomioa Obtusifolia comes from South America. This popular perennial flowering epiphyte usually grows up to a height of 10-12 inches and can even grow taller if it receives the right kind of growing conditions.

For indoors, it grows best when provided with ample indirect light.

Propagating Baby Rubber Plant

Baby Rubber plants can be propagated from stem or leaf cuttings. The best time to divide them is in the spring.

Take a 4-5 inches long cutting or healthy leaf from a plant. Keep it for 3-5 days to callus. Once done, plant them in a well-draining potting mix. Water well, cover with a plastic bag, and keep it at a location that gets bright but indirect light.

Do not forget to water the young plants till they show signs of new growth and develop new roots

Requirements for Growing a Baby Rubber Plant


This evergreen plant prefers indirect but bright light and can also thrive well in low light conditions. If provided with direct sunlight for long, the leaves may lose their glossiness.

Ideally, placing the container near any bright window indoors that filters dappled light to the plant will be the best spot.


It is best to grow this plant in a well-draining growing medium rich in organic matter. If you are using garden soil, add a bit of bark or perlite. Alternatively, succulent or cacti mix also works just fine for the plant. Do not forget to side-dress with compost.


Watering the plant once a week would be a good idea. If you live in a warm location, then keep an eye on the topsoil—let it go dry a bit before you water the plant again. Do not overwater the plant and ensure the soil never goes completely dry.


The plant does best in the temperature range of 65-80 F (18-26 C). So, the indoor temperature of the rooms would be fine for the plant. Do not expose it to a temperature below 50 F (10 C).


This evergreen plant loves humidity around 40-50 percent and if your home is on the drier side, place it in a bathroom or put the pot on a pebble tray filled with water. You can also use a humidifier.

Baby Rubber Plant Care


This compact plant has a small root system, and if you are using a good potting mix, then don’t worry much about feeding. To give it a boost in growth, use a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/4 of its strength, during spring and summer, once in 6-8 weeks.

Do not feed the plant in winters as they don’t actively grow during that period.

Pest and Diseases

These plants are usually trouble-free. Just keep an eye on mealybugs or spider mites—to keep them at bay, wipe the leaves with a mild soap solution.

To keep most of the potential diseases and fungal issues at bay, make sure not to overwater it. Keep it well ventilated by growing in a hanging pot with macrame planters near a window.

  • John william
  • January 29, 2022 At 4:36 pm
  • I really love the blog
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