With a plethora of health benefits, cluster beans find their place in the staples of South Asian Countries, majorly India and Pakistan. Learn How to Grow Cluster Beans and include this tasty veggie in your organic vegetable garden!

Learn about Growing Garbanzo Beans here

Cluster Beans Plant Profile

Native to West Africa, Cluster beans or Guars was subdued in India, also considered as its origin. The country produces 80% of the world’s demand.

The cluster beans plant grows between 1-2m in height. It is an upright plant with oval-shaped leaves and fine branching. The plant develops a bunch of blue, pink, and white flowers before forming seedpods. It forms slimy and glossy seedpods of green color in clusters, hence the name.

Young seed pods are used as vegetables in curry recipes; they can also be used in place of French beans and long-yard beans. With a unique exotic flavor, cluster beans can improve soil health, like other legumes.

Botanical Name: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba

Other Names: Guar, Gavar, Guvar, Guar Beans, Guar Fali

USDA Hardiness Zones: 10-11, *can be grown in Zones 8 and 9 in summer as annual

Want to Grow Mung Beans in Pots? Click here

Propagating Cluster Beans

Growing cluster beans plant is somewhat similar to southern peas. You can buy its seeds online or from stores. They have a long taproot, which is why transplanting their seedlings is not a good idea; plant them directly at the desired spot in the garden or containers.

Sow seeds ½ to 1 inch deep in well-draining soil with plenty of compost and farm manure mixed in it. Cover with the medium and expose them to bright indirect sunlight. Seedlings will germinate in 15-20 days, thin out the healthiest of them 6 inches apart. Water well until the plants establish completely.

Check out the Best Bean Varieties here

Ideal Pot Size for Growing Cluster Beans

While you can grow cluster beans directly in the soil, propagating them in pots will help you create an ideal atmosphere, aiding their growth. Get a 10-12 inches deep pot with enough drainage holes at the bottom.

You can easily grow the plant in buckets, clay pots, milk jars, or grow bags.

Learn the Steps to Grow Brussels Sprouts in Pots here

Requirements for Growing Cluster Beans


Cluster beans need a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight. An extended period of shade will cease bud formation, hence no fruits. However, do not let the leaves scorch in the mid-day summer sun.


The plant will grow best in a well-draining nutrient-rich sandy loamy medium with a pH of 7.5-8. The best blend would be 50% good-quality garden soil, 30% sand, and 20% well-rotted manure with a handful of perlite for good drainage.


Cluster beans prefer to stay in a moist condition in their younger days. However, do not let it stand in a soggy medium. Keep an eye on the medium and water it whenever it feels dry to the touch.

Get the Nemesia Plant Care Guide here

Cluster Beans Care


Make sure to use a manure-rich medium at the time of planting. After a month, side-dress the plant with cow-dung manure or vermicompost to boost growth. You can also use single super phosphate fertilizer if your soil test indicates a lack of phosphorus in the soil.

Pests & Diseases

Leaf-hoppers and pod borers are the main pests that infect cluster beans; powdery mildew and leaf spot are other common diseases. Shower the plant with insecticidal soap or neem oil solution once a week to keep diseases at bay.

Also, avoid overwatering.


Weeding can be a challenge when growing cluster beans. Remove the weeds from time to time to reduce competition. Also, you may mulch the ground to suppress weed growth.

Find out some Edible Weeds here


Within 4-6 weeks after planting, flowers bloom, and seedpods will form. It will be ready to harvest in about 8-12 weeks, depending on the growing conditions.

If you’re growing it to use as a vegetable, harvest it young when seedpods remain slimy and soft in texture and green in color. If you’re growing it for seeds, allow the pods to dry on the plant.

Learn about Growing Carambolas here

  • Amita Reigle
  • April 29, 2019 At 12:03 am
  • Seeds of india. It is a online mail store.
  • Reply

Can you let me know where I can buy the seeds of clusterbean (Guar) in the USA

Seeds of india. It is a online mail store.

Hi when CAn I plant guvar beans for zone 10 bin USA

i need to be a mamber

Just planted my first seeds West Yorkshire, UK in good sunny position. I purchased my seeds online from M/s Gautam Global from India. Arrived today 2 weeks after placing order via airmail.

You can buy cluster beans (gawar) seeds from California Gardening’s seed catalog

Where to buy cluster bean seeds in Malaysia.

This helps me so much. I always wanted to grow my own food but never found out how. my daughter and her husband live on a farm and grow their own carrots, squash, corn, and beans but I never knew how to! This helps a lot.

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