If you want a bold and beautiful plant that makes a stunning statement in your living room, then this is it! Read on to learn How to Grow Ficus Benjamina Indoors!

Botanical Name: Ficus Benjamina

Common Names: Weeping Fig, Benjamin Fig, Ficus tree, and Ficus

Here are the best types of indoor Ficus you can grow

Weeping Fig Information

Ficus Benjamina grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Australia. Typically, to keep it as an indoor houseplant, it needs to be pruned to maintain a height between 3-7 feet.

People also braid its trunk to add to the aesthetic appeal indoors. Keep in mind that the sap of this charming tree is mildly toxic, so keep it out of reach of nibbling pets and playful children. 

Have a look at the best large indoor plants here

Best Ficus Benjamina Varieites 

‘Danielle,’ ‘Naomi,’ ‘Exotica,’ ‘Golden King,’ ‘Starlight,’ ‘Twilight,’ ‘Blackie,’ and ‘Too Little’ are the best varieties you can grow indoors.

Best Pot Size for Growing Ficus Benjamina

It depends on the size of the plant you’re buying from the garden center. Usually, you can start the plant in 8 to 12 inches pot. Ensure the container has enough drainage holes at the bottom. Later, you can transplant it in one size bigger container when it is time to re-pot.

Requirements to Grow Ficus Benjamina Indoors


In its native tropical environment, it loves to grow in semi-shade places with partial sunlight. Pick a bright corner with indirect sunlight in abundance. The plant wouldn’t mind 2-4 hours of direct sunlight. If you have an open room with big windows, this plant will grow happily.


Weeping figs are not demanding about the soil, but they thrive best in fast-draining soil, and they are not picky about the growing medium being high on organic matter or nutrients or low either. As long as you use a crumbly potting mix, the plant will do just fine.


It is best to water the plant when the growing medium grows dry. Keep the soil evenly moist but do not overwater by saturating the soil every now and then. Soggy soil for a long time encourages the plant to wilt, shed leaves, and die due to root rot.


Ficus Benjamina does best in a warm temperature range of 75-85 F (22-30 C) during the day and 65-70 F (18-21 C) during the night. Do not expose the plant to temperatures below 55 F (12 C).


Weeping Figs love high humidity as they are tropical plants. Low humidity levels can lead to dry and shriveled-up leaves, but this too doesn’t affect the plant that much. Using a humidifier can be a good idea. You can also mist the leaves once every once in a while. 

Ficus Benjamina Care


Use a balanced liquid fertilizer once in 4-5 weeks in Spring and Summer. Feed the plant once in 2 months for the rest of the year. Do follow the instruction on the label. Side dressing the plant with quality compost or manure once or twice a year is also a great idea.


Give the Ficus tree a good prune to control its shape, especially when the tree is actively growing in summer and spring. Regularly remove dead and diseased leaves and entangled or misdirected branches to maintain its shape and stop the spread of fungal infections and diseases.

Pests & Diseases

Sometimes the dropping of leaves can be due to pests infestation by mealybugs, scale, aphids, and spider mites. Spider mites infestation is one of the major issues, so keep an eye on them. Use an insecticidal soap or neem oil solution to take care of them.

Common Problems With Ficus Benjamina 

The most common trouble with the otherwise easy-to-care-for Weeping Fig is the dropping of leaves. The tree can also lose out on its leaves due to any stress, including:

  • Lack of nitrogen
  • Underwatering
  • Low light
  • Frequent temperature changes
  • Repotting
  • Frequent shifting of the plant to multiple locations
  • Overwatering

Propagating Ficus Benjamina

You can propagate the plant easily from cuttings in Spring. 

  • Take 4-6 inches long cutting from a healthy plant. Make sure it has at least two sets of leaves.
  • Remove the lower foliage, dip the end in a rooting hormone and plant it in a pot with quality potting mix.
  • Cover the pot using a big plastic bag. Ensure that the plastic is not in any contact with the cutting.
  • Water well and keep the pot in a bright spot that receives indirect sunlight.
  • It is best to mist the cutting every day to maintain the humidity levels.
  • The cutting will grow roots in 2-4 weeks.

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