The French have mastered the art of cooking. Their choice of herbs is no less than a culinary adventure, be it the delightful cèpes or a simple preparation, the French herbs can truly make your tastebuds go into a frenzy! If you want to recreate the taste of their delightful dishes at home, you must know How to Grow French Herb Garden!

Check out our article on growing an Italian herb garden here

1. Tarragon

Often referred to as the King of Herbs by the Frech chefs, it is one of the finest herbs used in classic French cooking. With its mint-anise taste, it pairs really well with Remoulade and béarnaise, in French dressing, and proudly has a spot in Herbes de Provence.

Uses: In Escalopes de Veau a l’Estragon, and Soupe de Poisson aux Croûtons et sa Rouille à l’Estragon

2. Parsley

You’ll find parsley behind a lot of French menus. It has an earthly peppery taste, that pairs it really well with Crème de Butternut et Jus de Persil Plat, which is extensively flavored by the juice of parsley.

Uses: In Cuisses de Grenouilles à l’Ail Doux et son Persil Frisé, Friture d’Encornets, Persil Plat Et Citron and Poêlée de Ris de Veau en Persillade

3. Chives

Chives take one of the top spots in the French spice group, Les Fines Herbes. It has a delicate taste like an onion with hints of garlic. The famed French cooking is incomplete without the use of chives!

Uses: In Carpaccio de Thon à l’Huile d’Olive et Ciboulette, Cassolette De Moules À La Crème De Ciboulette Et Aux Poireaux Gratinées Au Parmesan and Escalope De Saumon Crème Et Ciboulette sur Rapés de Pommes De Terre, Salade Verte 

4. Chervil

Also called as the French Parsley, it is not as strong as the parsley and having a hint of liquorice or aniseed. You’ll find it in most of the classical French dishes and it is also a part of the d Les Herbes de Provence.

Uses: In Dos de Saint Pierre Grillé Beurre et Cerfeuil, Entrecôte Grillée Sauce Béarnaise, and Gazpacho de Tomates Jaunes, Huile d’Olive Extra Vierge et Cerfeuil

5. Marjoram

Marjoram has a fresh citrusy flavor with a touch of oregano and thyme. French prefer the use of marjoram far more than oregano in their traditional cuisines.

Uses: In Bouillon de Volaille Marjolaine, Filet de Turbot à la Marjolaine and Longe de Veau Rôtie, Châtaignes et Topinambours, Jus Corsé À La Marjolaine

6. Thyme

You’ll mosty find wild thyme as serpolet in French menus. Fresh thyme is an absolute necessity in Frech dishes thanks to its earthly lemon scent and flavor.

Uses: In Carpaccio de Thon à l’Huile de Farigoule, La Cuisse de Canard Confite a la Fleur de Serpolet and Pièce de Veau aux Légumes de Saison, Jus au Thym

7. Rosemary

Rosemary has been a part of the French culinary traditions from ages. The French chefs love to use it fresh to make the most of its lemon-pine flavor in their cusines.

Uses: In Carré d’Agneau Rôti au Thym et au Romarin, Compote de Mangues au Romarin and Mignon de Veau à la Fondue d’Oignon, Jus de Viande au Romarin 

8. French Sorrel

With a sharp, lemony flavor the French sorrel finds home in many French food preparations. Howeveer, it tastes best in soups.

Uses: In Soupe de poisson à la rouille, Salade Aveyronnaise and Purée Crécy

How to Grow French Herb Garden?

  • You can grow your own French Herb Garden indoors as well near a bright window.
  • Pick a location that receives 6 hours of sunlight per day for optimum growth.
  • Some herbs are perennial and some are annual. Choose herbs in such a manner that you have them throughout the year.
  • Each herb has slightly different growing requirements. Research in detail before growing.
  • Water herbs according to their individual needs and mostly, only when the soil gets dry.
  • Keep pruning the growth in order to keep your herbs healthy.

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