Hawaiian Shampoo Plant is a fragrant perennial popular for its ornamental, culinary, and medicinal uses. It is also known as the Shampoo Ginger Lily, and here’s all you need to know on how to grow it.

Have a look at the best types of Ginger Plants here

Hawaiian Shampoo Plant Information

The Hawaiian Shampoo plant is also called Shampoo Ginger Lily because of its inflorescence, which is found in the shape of pine cones. When you squeeze these pine cones, it produces an aromatic milky-white clear substance. As the name suggests, this substance can be used as a hair conditioner or shampoo. 

The Zingiber zerumbet is from the tropical lands of Asia and belongs to the Ginger family partially. The green foliage can usually grow up to 3-5 feet. The rhizomes are similar to those of turmeric and ginger and are also edible. It is often used to treat digestive issues, intestinal worms, and diarrhea

Propagating Hawaiian Shampoo Plant

The best way to propagate Hawaiian Shampoo Plant is through rhizome division. Carefully pull the plant from the container and cut off the rhizome into individual pieces using a clean, sharp knife. 

Place these rhizomes in a dry, dark place for 3-6 days and wait for them to form calluses. Then, place each rhizome in separate, individual containers filled with well-draining, suitable potting mix. Keep the containers in a spot that is bright and sunny. Water them thoroughly. 

Learn some mind-blowing gardening tips here

Requirements for Growing Hawaiian Shampoo Plant


The Hawaiian Shampoo plant needs plenty of bright sunlight to thrive best. Choose a location with a minimum of 5-6 hours of full sun. Avoid keeping the plant in the shade, as it will result in leggy growth.

Tip: Avoid exposing the plant to the harsh afternoon summer sun for a long duration.


Hawaiian Shampoo plant loves nutrient-rich, moist, airy, and well-draining soil. Make your ideal mix by adding coco peat, orchid bark, and perlite in equal parts. 


It prefers evenly and consistently moist growing medium but hates waterlogged or soggy soil. Whenever you notice the top 2-3 inches of the soil feels dry to touch, water the plant. 

Temperature And Humidity

Hawaiian Shampoo plant requires a hot and humid environment to grow like any other tropical plant. Always make sure that the temperature is above 32°F or 0°C. The best temperature range for the plant is 70-77°F or 21-25°C. 

Check out the most fragrant flowers for the garden here

Hawaiian Shampoo Plant Care


You must fertilize the plant every 30-45 days in summer and spring using a well-balanced fertilizer diluted to half its concentration or organic manure.

Stop feeding the plant in winter, as it can cause root burns. 


Pruning should be done 1-2 times a year, depending on the plant’s growth and spread. Trim off dead, old, diseased, and decaying leaves to promote new growth. 

Pests and Diseases

Usually, some common pests that attack this plant are spider mites and mealybugs. Spray the plant using a water hose to get rid of these bugs. You can also use insecticidal soap or neem oil to clean the foliage. 

Avoid overwatering as it can cause fungal infections like root rot. 

Find out the best homemade shampoo recipes from your garden here

Using it as a Shampoo

It is popular as a shampoo plant because it can do wonders for your hair. When the flowers take a deep red hue, you can simply squeeze them to collect the thick white liquid, which you can use to wash your hair.

Apply it on the tresses and scalp, leave for 15-20 minutes and wash with warm water.

Find out the best money-saving gardening tips here

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