What makes Starfish Sansevieria stand out from the other houseplants is the distinct shape of its cylindrical leaves that spread in the shape of hands! This quirky little plant is a must-have indoors!

Botanical Name: Sansevieria cylindrica var. Patula Boncel

Common Name: Spear Orchid, Boncel snake plant, African spear plant, Skyline plant

Learn all about propagating Sansevieria here

Starfish Sansevieria Information

Starfish Sansevieria is an evergreen perennial from Angola and gets its name due to its lovely fan-shaped light-green, thick, striped leaves in a shape of a fan from its base. It does not grow tall like other snake plants but has a distinct hand-like spread.

This snake plant is fat and short, grows slowly, and reaches 8-12 inches tall. Its foliage points upward from one central rosette. In favorable conditions, starfish sansevieria can also grow a long cluster of white blooms.

Have a look at the trendiest snake plants here

How To Propagate Starfish Sansevieria?

Starfish snake plant produces rhizomes or small pups. The simplest planting technique is to cut one of them from the mother plant and propagate them in a new container.

You can also propagate the plant by cutting a leaf at the base. Allow it to dry, and plant it in well-draining soil. Mist well and keep it where it gets plenty of bright and indirect light. The roots will emerge after 2-3 weeks.

Here are the best dwarf snake plant varieties 

Requirement for Growing Starfish Sansevieria


This succulent appreciates bright indirect light. For best growth, expose it to direct sunlight for 2-3 hours daily. Avoid keeping it in the dark spot, and do not keep it near a south-facing window where it can get scorched in the harsh afternoon sunlight.


Use a well-draining and loose, succulent mix for growing starfish sansevieria. If you are using regular garden soil, amend it with sand, coco peat, and some organic matter.


Being a succulent, the starfish sansevieria hates being overwatered. Water the plant only when the topsoil feels slightly dry to the touch. Do not water this succulent daily.


The starfish sansevieria grows well in hot, humid weather. Mist the foliage many times a week to imitate their native habitat. You can also keep its pot on a tray of pebbles and water.

Learn the tricks to make snake plants bloom here

Starfish Sansevieria Care


Feed the plant with diluted liquid fertilizer once in 3-4 weeks during its growing period, which is spring and summer. As it is a slow grower, avoid feeding it frequently.


While repotting, go for a 1 size bigger pot than the old one. Always use a fresh growing medium while transplanting.

Pests and Diseases

While growing starfish sansevieria, be careful of vine weevils. You can easily identify this problem when the margins of the foliage look eaten away. In such a case, spraying the plant with an insecticidal soap solution will keep the issue away.

Avoid overwatering to keep root rot at bay.

Learn how to save snake plant’s leaves from curling here

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