USDA Zones — 3-9

Difficulty — Easy

Other names — Herd grass, Herd’s grass, Meadow cat’s-tail, Phleum pratense, Timothy, Timothy grass, Meadow cat’s-tail and common cat’s tail.

Timothy (Phleum pratense) is a perennial grass that grows of itself in some places, especially in the north, in the east and on the mountains. The leaves of timothy grass are quite pale green. Young leaves are rolled into the sleeve and then they grow in spirals. The base of the plant is often bulged and bulbous.

Timothy grass is generally used as hay to feed horses and that’s why is it also called Timothy hay. Apart from being used as hay it also produces a durable and attractive lawn. Growing timothy hay is relatively an easier task.

How to Grow Timothy Hay

Propagation and Planting Timothy Grass

  • Prepare a place to sow seeds. Remove all weeds from the planting site with a hoe.
  • Sprinkle the seeds on the planting site. The seeds must cover about one half of the total surface area of ​​the soil.
  • Rake to incorporate the planting site of the seeds in the soil. Sow the seeds no more than 1/2 inches deep.
  • Slowly moisten the soil and keep it moist until the seeds germinate.
  • For growing timothy hay, sow seeds in spring or late summer, you can also plant seeds in early fall.

Requirements for Growing Timothy Hay


Timothy hay growing should be done on a flat area that receives partial shade. This cool season grass is undemanding and doesn’t require any special care.


Timothy grass grows well in both sandy or clay rich soil. It tolerates the wet conditions and thrives in slightly dry state for a short time too.


Keep the soil moist all the time. For growing timothy hay, regular watering is required as the plant has shallow roots that are not able to provide water under the surface of the soil, so even a short drought period can be detrimental for plant.

Timothy Hay Care

The timothy hay field should not be trampled on during drought periods because the grass has very shallow and fine roots that are sensitive at these times.


Feed it with fertilizer rich in nitrogen in spring and again after harvesting. If you’re growing timothy hay with legumes, skip the nitrogen fertilizer. For accuracy in fertilization soil testing is recommended.


Timothy grass hay should be harvested at the right time for best quality. The ideal harvest time comes at the early flowering stage.

  • Ogunnusi Ismail Titilope
  • August 28, 2020 At 4:57 pm
  • Can I get Timothy grass seeds sent to me in Lagos?
  • Reply

Can I get Timothy grass seeds sent to me in Lagos?

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