Winter brings short days, fluctuating cold temperatures, low humidity, and limited sunlight, making it tough for indoor plants to grow. Here are some essential steps that you can take on to Keep Houseplants Alive in Winters.

Check out our article on indoor plant care routines here

How to Keep Houseplants Alive in Winters

1. Track Sunlight

Place your plants at the sunniest spot of your home. Also, rotate them periodically so that all sides get sun rays and grow evenly. Putting your houseplants on an east-facing window helps them to get bright yet gentle morning sun. Similarly, the south or west-facing window receives more sun; hence, you can also position your plants there.

Avoid keeping plants too close to the windows and maintain a sufficient distance from the glass. As windows get frosty in winter, plant leaves touching the cold windowpane may damage the plants.

2. Modify your Watering Schedule

Reduce watering in winter as plants don’t grow rapidly in low temperatures. Also, few plants go dormant completely, and excess water in a phase of dormancy can be very dangerous for the plants, causing root rot. Thus, follow an infrequent watering schedule to keep the plants well hydrated.

Check the watering needs of your plant by inserting a finger into the topsoil. If it feels dry to an inch or two beneath the surface, then it’s time to water the plant. Avoid using chilled or hot water, as it can shock the roots. Mildly lukewarm water is fine!

3. Raise Humidity

Humidity drops to around 10% in winter, whereas plants need around 40% to live well. You can maintain the humidity by the following measures:

  • Placing a humidifier close to your plants.
  • Put your plants in a bowl filled with water and pebbles.
  • Misting is also an option to maintain moisture, but this may not work that well.

Check out how to improve the humidity in homes here

4. Get Rid of Pests

Pests and bugs hibernate in winter and seek warmth and shelter indoors. The first preventive measure is to check the leaves, especially the undersides, and soil once a week.

If you notice the sticky spots on the foliage, then it’s an indication of a pest infestation. If you are looking for How to Keep Houseplants Alive in Winters, this is one of the best ways.

If all your home remedies to get rid of pests fail, then you use insecticidal soap or Neem oil.

Check out some natural ways to improve the growth of your indoor plants here! 

5. Skip Fertilizer

Winter is a resting period for many plants, as they go dormant and barely grow in colder climates. So, stop the use of fertilizer till early spring. Once you notice new growth, restart fertilizing to encourage them for the upcoming growing season.

Click here for exciting ideas on preparing your garden for spring!

6. Wiping the Foliage

Dust accumulates on the plant leaves in winter due to frequent, dry breezes, creating difficulty for them to photosynthesize. The process of photosynthesis gets slower, and indoor plants become weaker.

To keep the Houseplants Alive in Winter, make a schedule to wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth regularly. For small plants, spray water on their leaves and wipe them with a cotton cloth.

Moreover, it’s a year-round measure and one of the essential tips when it comes to Indoor plant care.

7. Maintain the Temperature

When you bring plants indoors in winter, try to provide warmth; above 50 F (10 C) is fine. The ideal daytime temperature for plants ranges between 65-75 F (18-23 C), and the night temperature of 55-65 F (13-18 C). Keep your plants safe from a temperature below 50 F (10 C) as it can be harmful to them.

Also, safeguard your plants from cold drafts. Keep in mind that constant fluctuation of temperature is fatal for plants, just like long exposure to cold and heat.

8. Provide Artificial Light

Add artificial light when it begins to get too dark. To keep your Houseplants Alive in Winters, expose plants to grow lights when you notice any sign of lack of light in winter, such as yellowing of leaves and wilting.

Placing them under growing lights will help them to survive well in winter.

9. Remove Plants from the Windowsill at Night

During the day, plants on the windowsill and shelves remain warm, but in the nighttime, the darkness of the dusk and cold draft can do the damage.

So if you live in a really cold climate, change the position of your indoor plants after the evening if they’re close to windows and doors.

10. Cover Pots in Bubble Wrap!

One of the cheapest and most potent ways to keep your plants safe from harsh winter is to cover them with a layer of bubble wrap!

The extra layer of plastic around the foliage, with the bubbles, will help in insulating the plants from the outside temperature, thereby helping them to keep warm.

Note: You can also use heat pads and heat lamps to keep the plants warm. However, do follow the instruction carefully in the manual before proceeding. 

  • Emmanuel
  • November 20, 2021 At 5:52 pm
  • Educative
  • Reply


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