Hardy, beautiful and adaptable, ferns are great houseplants that add a lot of appeal indoors. Here’s all you need to know on How to Keep your Ferns Lush and Beautiful!

Check out our article on the right fern plant care here

How to Keep your Ferns Lush and Beautiful

1. Choose a Right Spot

For keeping ferns lush and green, planting location also plays an integral role. Keep the plant away from full sun exposure as it can wither foliage and result in scorched leaves.

The best position for placing ferns is an area with partial sunlight. For indoors, grow ferns on a bathroom or kitchen window that gets dappled sunlight. These areas also have apt humidity and temperature.

2. Humidity is Crucial

Humidity plays an important role in keeping ferns lush and beautiful. Follow these tricks for creating humid surroundings.

  • Place the container over a tray or saucer filled with small pebbles and water is an excellent way to boost humidity. Ensure to keep the water level below the top surface of pebbles.
  • A humidifier is another best way to increase humidity for plants. It is not expensive as well. Check these best ways for increasing humidity for houseplants here.

3. Schedule Watering

Ferns cherish moist soil. However, don’t get confused with oversaturated and soggy soil. Never allow the soil to become entirely dry and always water after checking the topsoil’s moisture level.

4. Use Epsom Salt

Epsom salt contains 10 percent Magnesium and 13 percent Sulfur. They help in chlorophyll production, healthy plant growth, and resistance to diseases and pests. All this contributes to green and lush ferns! We have a great article on using Epsom salt for ferns here.

Also, feed the ferns with a 10-10-10 fertilizer once every 4-5 weeks to keep the foliage green. For dosage, check the label. If you live in a cold climate, avoid fertilizing the plant in winters.

5. Pruning

Regular and light pruning is good for ferns. Trim damaged and dead fronds during any time of the year, except winters in cold climates. You can remove pest-infested or diseased parts whenever you notice them.

For shaping, eliminate unsightly and older fronds during early spring.

6. Keep the Plant in Constant Warm Temperature

All ferns are not tropical, but the majority of them are. They need warm temperatures for optimum growth. The plants thrive in 60 to 80 degrees F (15-25 C).

Here are the best types of ferns you can grow

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